More Angst...IG™ (Chapter thirteen)
~Third Person P.O.V~
(I have discovered the '™' and I intend to use it religiously from now on XD)
Izuku stretched in the fabric of his hero costume, feeling quite happy to be back in it again after a few weeks. Much to everyone's protests, he decided to go on patrol with Katsuki tonight- his ankle had pretty much healed (aside from small spouts of pain every now and then). And the bruising in his ribs were completely gone.
Besides, he was practically itching to go on patrol one again.
Activating a small percentage of One For All, he zooms past the quiet streets of his neighborhood- eventually making it to the top of a random building. Izuku smiled contently as he looked over the horizon. The sun was setting, a myriad of colors melting together to form the perfect sunset- the moon barely licking the surface on the other side, waiting to reveal itself.
Carefully, Izuku stood on the ledge of the building- enjoying the cool breeze the fondled with his curls.
Back when he was much younger, standing on the ledge of a building probably would have scared the crap out of him. Alas, he got over his silly fear of heights...well- it's not like he had a choice but he still conquered it!
Before he could continue to enjoy the wind through his hair any longer, strong arms wrapped around him- hurling back onto the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Katsuki growled, startling Izuku as he stared up at his partner with wide eyes.
"Ka- Kacchan what're you-"
"Don't you ever do some shit like that again- understand me?!" Katsuki interrupted, his eye swelling with tears.
It annoyed him to wit's end, he felt as if he had been crying a lot lately- way to ruin his reputation tears!
Izuku sat up, quickly wiping away tears that managed to escape. "Kacchan," He whispered softly, "will you please tell me what's been going on with you lately? This isn't normal behavior for you." he weakly chuckled at the end.
"It- It's just..." Katsuki gnawed on his lower lip, letting out a frustrated sigh when he drew a bit of blood from it. "If I tell you...promise me- promise me you won't make fun of me?" He asked in a whisper, balling up his fists- tiny sparks popping off a little bit.
"Why would I-"
"Just... promise me, Izuku." Katsuki said, looking him dead in the eyes.
Izuku nodded, urging him to go forward.
"Remember, back at U.A when I got kidnapped?" Izuku gave a silent nod, "Well... most people don't know this but- I had a hard time adjusting to being back when I got rescued. I was jumpy as hell, any loud noise, or a simple touch scared the fuck out of me for a long time. Hell, I almost didn't want to use my quirk because of loud it is." Katsuki let out a humorless chuckle, knuckles whitening even more than before. "Then I started getting nightmares, they came on strong too, I couldn't sleep, barely wanted to eat... then we went on break for the holidays. My old hag, she uh- she knew something was up, so she took me to the doctor, and they...."
Izuku bit his lip, lifting Katsuki head up to make eye contact with him. "It's okay can tell me." He cooed, cupping the sides of the blond heroes face.
"They diagnosed me with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Katsuki finished, leaving Izuku to fill in most of the blanks.
"Oh. Oh. That actually explains a lot...why would think I'd make fun of you for that? We're heroes Kacchan, nobody ever said we would have it easy- I get that much. But why were you so freaked out when I stood on the ledge?" Izuku asked, looking behind Katsuki to the now moonlit sky.
Katsuki let out a reluctant breath, fiddling with his gauntlets a bit. "Guilt. I have so much fucking guilt... I put you through hell, I told you to kill yourself. I-" He could feel the need to let out a sob at that point, so he stopped- allowing his head and hands to drop.
Izuku felt a bittersweet smile twist onto his face as he stared at his childhood friend, "Kacchan... it's okay." he spoke quietly.
Quickly, he clasped his hand over Katsuki's mouth, keeping him from saying any objections he has. "We were kids. Were you an asshole to me? Yeah...but I never blamed you for any of it- I still don't. Because once upon a time you and were no matter what kind of hell you put me through, all I could see was you Kacchan. My best friend. My hero." Izuku smiled, his own face now drowning in tears.
The blond let out a shaky laugh, pulling Izuku into a bone-crushing hug. Izuku melted into the touch, nestling himself a plethora of warmth Katsuki provided.
"As much as I like hugs Kacchan, don't you think we should be know...for bad guys!" Izuku giggled sniffing a bit at the end.
"Alright, fine." Katsuki laughed, sliding right back into his normal mindset fairly quickly. "If you tell anyone I cried in front of you, twice, you're dead meat!" Katsuki joked, his mouth morphing into a teeth showing grin.
"I wouldn't dream of it, Kacchan." Izuku mumbled, letting a small smile slip onto his face.
"Okay, but seriously? I need help!" Izuku snorted.
They had finished their shift a little over an hour ago, but neither of them wanted to part ways with each other yet. So they decided to just walk around, nowhere in particular, just walking and talking in the dead of night.
"How is it after all these years you still need help with your taste in fucking fashion?!" Katsuki chuckled, looking at some of the pictures Izuku screenshotted of the potential outfits for Uraraka and Ashido's engagement party the next day.
"Not all of us grew up in the fashion industry Kacchan!" Izuku shot back, linking his arm with Katsuki's as he looked down at his phone.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, letting his signature smirk adorn his features. "It's not even about that- I could have grown up with clowns for parents and still have better taste in clothing than you!" He scoffed.
Well, Katsuki got him there. Izuku knew it was true, he never was one for putting together outfits. Hell, most of his closet consists of hoodies, sweats, a few button ups and like five pairs of pants. When they were younger Katsuki would always come over to Izuku's house over the weekend to help pick out clothes for the upcoming week.
Izuku smiled at the memory, leaning the side of his head on his partner's shoulder.
"Hey Kacchan?" Izuku smirked, already activating a little bit of One For All.
"Isn't that the park we used to play at as kids?" Izuku asked, pointing to the playset a few yards away.
"Yeah...why?" Katsuki began to notice the green spots of electricity by that point.
"Last one to the swing set is a crappy villain!" Izuku shouted, bolting off for the swings- Katsuki hot on his trail. Loud explosions seeping from his palms, probably waking half of the block.
Katsuki made it first, Izuku coming just a second too late. "Looks like I always!" Katsuki said smugly, picking up speed on the swing he sat on.
"Yeah, yeah." Izuku mumbled, "One of these days I'm gonna beat you!"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Katsuki taunted playfully, ruffling Izuku's hair.
It was silent. But, for the first time in awhile their silence wasn't uncomfortable- it was soothing. The only sound was the gentle chirps of the crickets nearby (AKA my family) and the creaking of the swing's chains rocking back and forth.
"Kacchan?" Izuku murmured, just loud enough for the red-eyed male to hear.
"Yes?" Katsuki hummed.
"Thank you,"
"For what?" Katsuki tilted his head to the side.
Howdy fuckers!!
Raise your hand if you think I'm done with putting Katsuki in angsty positions?.........
If you raised your hand you're all wrong!
Anywho, I'm just trying to speed up the process for this book so I can work on 'Pushing Limits'. But honestly, I'm in love with this book so fucking much guys you don't even understand! I anticipate this will be finished by the end of April- so fairly soon.
Apparently I have started a cult now, and I'm a goddess! So ummmmm, idek!
Until we meet again!!!
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