I Have Escaped Death, Again... (Chapter One)
~Third Person P.O.V~
White specks floated and stretched across his vision, faint sounds of beeping and talking trying to breakthrough his eardrums. His body ached, head pounding as if someone was hitting it with a hammer. Before he could register anything a blurry face came into view, blocking the dots that were once there.
"...ku...Izu- Izuku, can you hear me?" The face cleared, revealing his best friend, Ochaco Uraraka.
He stiffly nodded, the words were there- they just wouldn't come out, his throat closing up when he opened it to talk.
"Yeah, the doctor said it would hurt to talk the first few minutes of you being up." She said softly, running her hand through his hair gently- Uraraka was like a big sister to him more than anything.
Cautiously, he sat up wincing at the pulling and stinging pain that radiated from his lower abdomen. He went to lift his arms, seeing that his right one was in a cast, bruising aligning said arm as well as the other. Looking under the hospital gown he notices a few new scars running along his stomach, stitches holding together the fresh pink marks.
He swallowed thickly, flickering his gaze back onto the brunette he watched as a bittersweet smile formulated on her lips.
"The doctor said you got lucky enough to survive the attack- what the hell were you thinking?!" Uraraka asked, her jaw clenching.
"I- I wasn't." His voice was hoarse, cracking a few times as he spoke. "It was either face Shigaraki or let hundreds of- of civilians die. What was I supposed to do?" He defended, letting his eyes narrow into slits.
"Wait. For. Backup. We were only a few minutes away!" She huffed, sleepily rubbing the dark circles under her eyes.
"And how many people would have died in those few minutes Uraraka?" Izuku retorted.
She sighed, he was right. He was always right, there's just no use in arguing with him- because he's just going to keep doing it again and again. Izuku is the number one hero after all. An idea rose to mind, it was fairly terrible...but it seemed like the only option.
"Look," Uraraka started, lightly grabbing his free hand into hers, "I get it, a lot of people could have gotten hurt- and thanks to you they didn't."
"But?" Izuku raised.
"But, just because you're a pro doesn't mean you go headfirst into danger- especially with a wanted villain, without some type of backup! So...I think you need a partner." She cringed back at the end, knowing he wasn't going to like the idea in the slightest bit.
He let out a high pitched scoff, observing his friend as she had gone mad. "No. No way in hell am I gonna get a partner. I work better alone!" He protested, his expression hardening.
"Yeah, because you're clearly doing just fine on your own!" The brunette scoffed, motioning towards his injured body.
Izuku groaned, knowing she was right- but wasn't willing to accept it, he didn't see what the big issue was. He had been on the brink of death countless times- what is so different from the other times to make her say this?
Her gaze softened as her teeth gnawed on the bottom on her lip in deep thought. "Look, you know I wouldn't suggest this if I wasn't genuinely worried. You know that." She said. "I'll talk it over with Lida and Todoroki, have them look at all the pros reports and paperwork- try and find someone who's in need of a partner like you. Okay?"
He nodded, putting on a smile to try and ease her nerves.
"Okay...you should try and get some rest- I'll go get the doctor for you." She smiled back, patting the blanket and walking away.
'I just hope my 'partner' is laid back.'
Katsuki groaned, the blaring alarm clock on his nightstand rudely awakening him from his sleep. He rolled out of bed, slipping on a pair of sweatpants, roaming drowsily to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee.
He has a shift in about an hour, patrolling around the city has really been throwing off his sleep schedule. It was nearing night when he had woke up, that's how it's been for the past few years or so- wake up sometime around night and sleep throughout the day. It was utterly exhausting.
But that's what you have to go through as the number two hero.
Number two.
Teen him most likely would have been pissed off about him being number two- but he's slightly calmed over the years. Not too much. But he's definitely lost the superiority complex...kind of.
He's learned to live with not being number one.
At least he is a pro, he makes good money doing what he loves- helping people. Of course, most people don't know that that's the real reason behind his career choice, and it was going to stay that way. He still has enough pride not to let others know.
After he was caffeinated he commenced his 'Morning Routine', taking a quick shower, straightening up the house, and slipping into his hero costume.
He was currently on top of a building, scoping around the area with boredom. His district is usually rowdier than it is at the moment, there's always something for him to do on patrols- but tonight? Dead silence.
Soft footsteps echo behind him, he sets off a few light pops from his hands whipping around to meet the person in the back of him.
"Relax Blasty, it's just me." Mina Ashido, or Pinky, says smoothly from the shadows.
"Fucking hell Raccoon Eyes! You scared the shit out of me!" He huffs, turning his attention back onto the streets below.
She lets a fit of giggle erupt from her, finally stepping out into the glow of the streetlight. Leaning her forearms against the ledge next to him she bites the inside of her cheek. Contemplating on whether or not she should tell him.
"Did you hear about Deku?" She asks in a nonchalant tone.
"What about him?"
"There was a villain attack yesterday, he almost died saving a bunch of civilians." Her face twisted somewhere in between a smile of respect for the green-haired hero, and a look of uncertainty.
He gnawed on his bottom lip, not exactly knowing how to respond. "So, basically the same thing as always?" Katsuki jokes, taking a sip from his water bottle.
The pink-haired hero lets out a hybrid scoff and snort, nodding her head with an amused smile never leaving her lips. "Yeah- basically."
Taking in an audible gulp, she looks the blond dead in the eye- mentally cursing at her girlfriend, Uraraka, for making her break the news to Katsuki.
"You know, they're making him have a partner until further notice- or at least until he learns some form of self-care. And um...well they found a partner for him-"
"Why are you telling me all this?" He cuts in, starting to get a tad bit irritated.
"Because...his partner is you." She said, cringing back at the end.
It was quiet for a while, his face hardening then relaxing every now and then as he retained eye contact with her. Debating on how to react.
"I'm his fucking what now?"
Howdy fuckers!!
Thank you so much for choosing this story! For those of you who are new to my work, hello! You may call me Lay or Cricket! (Preferably Cricket but the choice is up to you!)
This chapter was somewhat short, I promise to try and make them longer as we go on! If you like it and want to see more content from me, don't be shy to shoot me a follow and a message on here! I love talking with you all.
To my O.G followers, I told ya I was making a BakuDeku- and I keep my promises!
Until we meet again.
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