First Night Patrolling...Please Don't Kill Me (Chapter three)
~Third Person P.O.V~
*Little Time Skip, Just A Week*
Izuku hasn't really heard much from Katsuki, just a simple text he received a few days ago on when his shift started and when it ends for the entire month. Which, the freckled hero had to admit, he was more than excited to be getting an extra hour of sleep in.
When he woke up he felt less tired than usual, so that's a plus. His arm was still slightly sore, but he's been through a hell of a lot worse to pay any mind to it.
Swiftly dressing into his costume he bolts out of the apartment he lives in, activating his quirk and speeding down the quiet streets of his neighborhood. His heart was pounding in his chest, threatening to break out any second now.
He didn't know exactly why he was so nervous- but he definitely had a good idea about it.
After about ten minutes he was at their designated building where they planned on meeting, Katsuki wasn't there yet. Thankfully for Izuku. It gave the young hero a few moments to himself to try and ease his spiking apprehension about the current situation.
He mentally scolded himself for being so nervous, he's an adult- a hero, for a fucks sake. (So, I wrote the first part of this at 2:00 A.M. and then fell asleep. I apologize for my slight crackhead energy.)
Izuku's been through a lot, mentally, physically, emotionally. Why should this make him feel the way he does now? He shouldn't be getting so nervous over it- or at least that's what he thought.
Sighing, he scans his surroundings, so far not seeing anything out of the ordinary- it was quiet. This, however, concerned him. From what he's heard about this district, there's always something going on with it. So why isn't there?
Katsuki's dragging footsteps knocked him out of his little daze, his eyes flickering to his left where Katsuki now stood.
Neither said anything for a while, the silence between them was clearly awkward- but they didn't have the courage to break it. This went on for a good twenty minutes, that's when Izuku grew impatient.
"Are we seriously just going to sit here and not talk?" Izuku complained, never averting his gaze on the streets below.
"Damn, I was wondering how long it would take you to crack." Katsuki snickered.
"Oh, hush- but I'm being serious you know?" Izuku mumbled, turning to look at the blond.
Katsuki groaned, going up to sit on the ledge of the building. "Look, nerd, we're stuck with each other- I don't wanna be here just as much as you don't. So how about we just stay out of each other's fucking way, yeah?" Katsuki huffed, squinting his eyes when someone caught his attention.
"Well, I know-"
Izuku was cut off when Katsuki shushed him, pointing to the corner a few yards away from where they were. It was a suspicious-looking guy, a ski mask covering walking towards a nearby store- his hand kept flicking towards his waistband every few seconds.
"Awe crap." Izuku muttered under his breath.
They waited, it's not like they could really do anything at the moment. Sure, the guy looked sketchy- and he was most likely about to rob a store, but unless they caught him in the would be futile.
Sketchy guy did a few glances behind him, securing the mask the adorned his face before he began picking at the lock.
Izuku went down first, much to Katsuki's protests.
"Why hello there." Izuku said casually, leaning against the brick wall next to the guy. He jumped, being startled by the emerald-haired hero's sudden appearance.
"Fucking hell! Oh- I see I was just-" The guy stuttered out, only to be interrupted by Izuku.
"You were just about to rob this store? Yeah- I know, that's kind of why I'm you don't do that." Izuku said in a matter-of-fact kind of tone.
The guys put the flats of his hands up in surrender but slowly began to back away. "Look, man, I wouldn't do this if I were you- I have a quirk you know?" He weakly threatened.
"No, really? I never would have guessed, seeing as though most of the population does and all." Izuku shot back sarcastically, activating one for all.
Just as the guy was going to make a run for it Katsuki shot off warning explosions near the guy's feet. "I wouldn't try running if I were you." The blond cautioned, his voice sounding more raspier than normal.
Before Katsuki could grab him the man disappeared, only to end up behind Izuku- his arm wrapping around the smaller male's throat.
"Told you I had a quirk." Sketchy man said, starting to feel quite accomplished with himself.
"Holy shit, teleportation? That's so cool!" Izuku gushed, his inner 'Fanboy' coming out to play.
What? He couldn't help it. And besides...being able to teleport is kind of cool.
"Seriously Deku? We're supposed to be catching the guy- not getting all excited over his fucking quirk!" Katsuki scolded, an idea popped up in his head.
It was a long shot, and it was most likely going to cause some minor property damage. But it's the only one he's got.
Setting off a few more explosions he aims for the street lamps around them, clouds covered the moon, so now the entire street was pitch black. Can't teleport if you can't see where you want to go.
Thankfully, he was right.
Izuku seemed to catch on, reaching behind him he grabbed the man, hauling him over his shoulder and onto the cement. Knocking him out cold.
"You know that was incredibly fucking stupid, right?!" Uraraka shouted, pacing back and forth in the room.
"Not only did you cause damage to the lights-" Ashido started, pointing an accusing finger at Katsuki.
"Izuku you could have been hurt!" The smaller woman finished, huffing a bit at the end.
Izuku sighed, rolling his eyes a tad bit sassily at his friend. "No duh Ura! I'm a hero, remember? Or did that little detail not cross your mind? I'm always going to almost get hurt you know!" He argued, twisting his eyes into a glower.
He didn't know what the big deal was. Uraraka is a pro as well, he just couldn't grasp why she was getting so bent out of shape about it.
"You don't see me and Todoroki almost getting hurt every time we go out on patrol!" She snarled, matching his glare.
"Exactly, almost. I don't get hurt every time- I don't even know why I'm arguing with you about this. Not only am I a pro, but I'm also an adult by the way." Izuku scoffed, walking away.
The brow-eyed women lout out a shriek of frustration, following after Izuku in a maddened haze.
It was quiet in the room for a moment, Katsuki looked up at his friend- an amused smirk on his face. "You gonna yell at me too?" He asked, genuinely curious about her answer.
She sat down, shaking her head 'No'. Over the years since U.A Ashido and Katsuki have grown close, maybe even closer than he is with Kirishima and Kaminari. Ashido was like an annoying little sister to him, much like Uraraka was an annoying big sister to Izuku.
"You do realize you're gonna be paying for the shit you destroyed though, right?" She laughed.
Howdy fuckers!!
I know I used to start my little Author Notes by saying 'Hey guys!!'...but I decided to switch it up.
Anywho, I really like the dynamic between Mina and Katsuki as well as Uraraka and Izuku- you might see more of this in later fanfic I might make!
That's all I guess.
Until we meet again!!!
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