Cliffhangers Annoy The Shit Out Of Y'all™ (Chapter fourteen)
~Third Person P.O.V~
Izuku quickly scrambled out of bed at the blaring sound of his alarm clock going off, only to be met with a very annoyed Uraraka.
"I'm not even surprised that you're here- ugh, what the hell did I do now?" Izuku asked tiredly, taking notice of her clearly pissed off mood.
"Um...hello!? It's almost six Izuku- my engagement party starts in less than two hours and your ass is still in bed!" Uraraka half whined half yelled, stomping her foot on the ground childishly.
The green-haired boy's eyes widened, sprinting to his closet he pulls out the outfit Katsuki helped him put together the previous night. It was a dark gray vest, light gray tie, a dress shirt, and pants, with tan loafers to go with it.
"Go! Let me get dressed, I'll be out as quick as I can- do you think you can get the hair gel out of the bathroom for me please?" Uraraka was already out the door, finding all the supplies he needed for his hair.
Sure, it may not have been her wedding day...but she was still nervous as hell. The entire process of getting married was stressful enough as it is, honestly- she just wanted everything to be perfect.
Izuku came bounding out of the bedroom in less than five minutes, mentally cursing himself for not setting his alarm clock as early as he had meant for it to be. His vest was unbuttoned, and his tie hung loosely around his neck when he came out.
Uraraka sighed, walking over to him and buttoning it up, as well as tying the tie securely. "You're lucky I love you and need you to be there in one piece- or I'd kick the shit out of you for waking up late." She muttered, applying the gel to his messy array of curls.
"Sorry about're you feeling?" Izuku asked, looking at the evident dark circles under her eyes.
"Like shit. I'm just- I'm just nervous...ya know? This is all so scary, yet fun and exciting at the same time!" Uraraka admitted, leaving two strands of green fall forward at the front of his hair- the rest was slicked back with a shiny coat of gel.
"That's to be expected Ura, this entire process is going to feel like a rollercoaster- least I think it will." He said sheepishly, jogging into the kitchen to get a granola bar. "Come on, let's get you to one of the girls so they can do your makeup or whatever."
The reception hall was relatively large, a plethora of flower bouquets adorning each and every table beautifully. There was still a good thirty minutes before the party began, people were already walking in- filling the room with buzzed chatter.
Uraraka was currently getting her makeup and hair done by Tsuyu and Momo, Jirou with Kaminari setting up the DJ booth- while Kirishima and Sero helped set up the food tables.
"You clean up nicely." Izuku shivered as Katsuki's husky voice whispered in his ear, his warm breath fanning over his neck.
He turned around, almost going into cardiac arrest at the sight before him. Katsuki Bakugo...was in a tuxedo. Sure he's seen him in them before, but it felt different this time- he looked different, like an adult honestly. His hair was still spiked in all kinds of different directions, that just may never change, and he didn't wear a tie. The tux was a traditional kind, still- it looked amazing on him just the same. But the sweet scent of nitroglycerin and cinnamon never failed to top everything off.
"I could say the same about you, Kacchan." Izuku chuckled, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from blushing.
"You don't have to tell me, I know I look fucking amazing!" Katsuki boasted walking around in a grand fashion, prompting Izuku to roll his eyes at him.
"Just can't take the compliment and roll with it, can you?" He chuckled, playfully punching Katsuki in the shoulder.
"Oh, you know me," Katsuki smirked, "I can never just 'Take a compliment'. You might as well get used to it."
"Bakubabe, Midoriya- there you two are!" Ashido sighed, bounding over to the two men in a hurry. "I know this is all on short notice- but can you guys make a speech tonight?" She pleaded, giving them both her best puppy dog eyes.
"No way in-"
"Sure!" Izuku cut in, shooting Katsuki a stern look.
The pink-haired woman smiled with relief, placing quick kisses on their cheeks before bustling over to Jirou and Kaminari.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Katsuki asked in an annoyed tone, grasping onto his hair in exasperation.
"A lot of things Kacchan, you'll have to be more specific than that." Izuku teased, fully knowing what Katsuki meant- he just wanted to vex him a bit.
The blond glared, muttering angrily under his breath. "We can not do a speech tonight- I haven't even had time to fucking prepare!" He growled.
It wasn't that he didn't have time to prepare, he just didn't want to ruin the speech or stumble on his words really. This was a big day for Ashido, and he knew it. He wouldn't admit it but...he wanted really wanted everything to be perfect for his 'Little sister'.
"You'll be fine Kacchan," Izuku whispered, cupping the boys face in attempts to ease him. "Besides, you're amazing at everything you do, right?" He asked, knowing it would spike Katsuki's confidence- and ego.
"Damn right!" Katsuki beamed, pumping his fist up in the air.
And so, everything did actually go well- Izuku managed to get through his speech almost perfectly. There were a lot of laughs from their former classmates when Izuku mentioned the time when he scared Uraraka and she floated him to the ceiling- only to drop him onto the floor a second later.
"I really am sorry about that!" Uraraka apologized once he came down off the stage, joining the rest at one of the tables.
"Ah, it's okay Ura." Izuku chuckled, taking a small sip of his champagne.
Katsuki got up, everybody chanting and hollering as he made his way upstage- encouraging him to go forward with it.
"Well damn," Katsuki smirked, "this is quite the turn out you guys have here, huh?... You know, I remember when Ash came to me and told me she and Pink Cheeks were dating. I honestly didn't care," a few people laughed at how nonchalant the blond sounded when he said it. "But you know me...the next day I had the whole 'Big brother' talk with Uraraka- you know, the basics. I threatened to push her down ten flights of fucking stairs is she ever hurt Ashido and all that good stuff."
By now everyone was howling with laughter, Uraraka nodding her head as tears began to form in her eyes from laughing so hard.
"But at the end of the day...I knew Pink Cheeks wouldn't hurt her- at least not intentionally. I could see the way she looked at Ashido like she was her entire world... I knew Pinky was in good hands. And now they're getting married! I couldn't be fucking happier for them either... so uh- to Pink Cheeks and Ashido!" He cheered, raising his champagne glass along with everyone else.
The blond went bounding down the steps of the stage a few seconds later, not wanting to be up there for more than he had to.
He took a seat next to Izuku, everyone at the table commenting about how sweet he was with his speech- much to his embarrassment.
"Alright I get it- I can be fucking sweet I guess..." He grumbled, tracing circles on the table with his fingernail.
"See? I told you that you'd be amazing, didn't I?" Izuku smiled, ruffling Katsuki's hair before getting up and walking away- most likely to the bathroom they guessed.
"So," Sero smirked, clapping his hands together. "Since when are you and Midoriya a thing?"
Everyone busted up laughing but still remained curious as to what the blond's answer would be.
"We're not fucking dating Soy Sauce Face!" Katsuki defended, crossing his arms.
Uraraka and Ashido shared a knowing look, Todoroki shaking his head at Katsuki's reply to the comment.
"Really!? I kind of always assumed you guys were dating... like ever since U.A!" Shinso piped up.
This sparked Katsuki's attention just a bit. "And what made you think that Insomniac?" He asked, taking a long drink of his champagne.
"How about the obvious sexual tension," Kaminari muttered, just loud enough for everyone to hear- causing them all to shout and laugh in agreement.
"Okay, but seriously Bakubabe... you like him- don't you?" Ashido smiled warmly, all of them watching in amusement as Katsuki heavily blushed.
"Yeah... I like him." Katsuki mumbled.
"What was that- I don't think we heard you correctly man!" Kirishima taunted.
"I like him- I like Deku! Happy now?" Katsuki growled, averting eye contact with everyone.
The table froze, making Katsuki look up in confusion as to what they were all looking at.
"What're you-"
"W-what did you say, Kacchan?"
Howdy Fuckers!!
You're gonna love me next chapter...that's all I have to say.
Until we meet again!!!
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