Underwhelming Dump of Art
Welp-- guys honestly the only title I'll ever be proud of is the title of this hecking book-
Well hello hello! You can tell I'm running out of unique ways to start off these 'intros' :'D All creativity has left me-- maybe that's why I got rid of my persona being that-
Anyways! Ahm, I got accepted into the school I wanted so, I guess that's nice? That's literally all the news I have-- hopefully, your weeks are going better than mine quq;;
This art dump's kinda smol, there's definitely a lot less content in this one compared to the last couple chapters-- To be honest, I've just had less and less time to draw, and I've had zero motivation, inspiration or ideas either qnq So I threw together this disappointing one, probably-- and hopefully we'll do better next time!
I'll just get on with it, this chapter's gonna be short anyway-
I don't have any drawings for anyone or any specific thing honestly-- I'm planning on making gifts for people but I'll save that for the next chapter quq
In the meantime, if anyone has some art challenges or something that I could do, lemme know!
So I'll start with some redesigns, I guess! The order's gonna be all over the place-
Anybody remember... this hot garbage?
Y e p- how old can this be-
'tis a character I completely forgot to put in my OC book even tho he's pretty damn important! :D So I'll make a chapter for him later-
But I absolutely hate his design-- he looks like a generic-looking Nightwing, not even close to a royal scientist ._. I swear if this was still what he'd look like, Zander would've thrown him out the castle man-
I guess maybe this could be passed off as a younger Elixir? When he's like in his early 20's? Probably nowhere near a scientist yet?
I dunno man-- But I really, really wanted to redesign him! And I must say, I had so much fun with it-
If there's one good thing about online Zoom/Meet classes, it's that I can draw during it uvu
Okay, I maaaaay've gone a little overboard on his design-- the class was boring, man!
He looks more like a prince but at least he looks royal, right? ...Right? quq
At least you could kinda expect him to be into potions-
Don't ask what's happening with his shoes quq
In case anybody's wondering, that moon pattern on the gold part of his outfit? Copy pasted completely-- But I regret not drawing it myself cuz' it took SO LONG to copy-paste them all in and then position it correctly-- definitely hand-drawing it next time-
But yeah! I'm actually really happy with this!
Alright, now for the other more lackluster redesign I did!
I just... don't like Tempest's design anymore-
I dunno, I just don't like his hair, or his clothes-- or the fluff on it-
I wanted him to be floofy but it doesn't look good with a proper prince outfit qnq
But ye, this was the quick redesign I did and I immediately like it better!
First, I gave him curly hair! Well, sort of-- this is the kinda curly hair I wish I had instead of the kind I have ;^;
Second, I went with more of an aqua-indigo color scheme this time! I just thought it'd be cool to add more colors instead of going full aqua! Plus I mean it looks good-
I gave him a little bandage on his nose! Aaaaaa now he's just like his mom! Zander's proud but worried quq
Don't worry it's not permanent damage like for Zander, he just broke his nose- I just thought it'd be cute if I added that touch!
I gave him the fluff as his belt cuz' I mean... I can't get rid of the floof entirely-
And yeah! You can tell I've been obsessed with this flower tool I downloaded, not only did I splatter the background with it, I also put it on his wings-
I just realized I didn't make his gemstone or crown glow... oh well! :'D
Welp, that's it for the redesigns! Now I'm just moving onto... plain ol' characters-
I'm sure you guys remember...these guys, right?
(Honestly, the only reason I'm putting these pictures here is cuz' I have a buncha space for em >:D)
Yeah, while I didn't wanna at all update either of em, since I still like their designs, I just thought I'd draw them again?
I mean it's been a hot minute since I've drawn... many of my FoD OCs, honestly! But I really wanted to draw these two again since one, I love them, and two, I got Choly from forceRayz and I'd hate for him to just collect dust quq
Ooo, this is also lineless art! Cuz I've been getting more and more obsessed with it lately-- it's just too much fun!
Plus I wanted to find out what fur would look like in the style-
The only thing I added was the freckles for Choly since they make him look even cuter-- I do realize I forgot his scars, ahm... maybe he doesn't have any on that arm? quq;;;
The fur turned out pretty nice! I was just experimenting so I didn't go overboard
But ye, I'm happy with how this came out! I think I'm gonna do lineless art for all my art dumps now-
If Echor didn't have a fecking crush on the person whose shadow he is (*cough* Luz), they'd even make a cute couple-
Alright, now moving onto... new characters! Yep, first for L.R.- Yep, I have a problem-
But skdjrlkjdflkjdklfj my classmate sent me this song and it immediately spiraled down to me having more character ideas! quq
Lemme make this clear, I've had the idea of a Fairy/Flurr couple for ages now-- the fact the two species are so against each other just fueled my want to ship a Fairy with a Flurr quq
But I don't have many Flurr OCs or single Fairy OCs! Sooo this song came in handy-
Yep, more fire-themed characters-- like one wasn't enough, now there's three!
Ahhh, I love em so much qquqq They're such teenage beans-
So everyone meet Pyro and Ember! More fire names, great-
I will say I first designed Pyro on Gacha, but basically the only things I kept from it were the hair and the jacket-
Pyro's a Gold Fairy! But he doesn't have healing powers :0
Ember's a Flurr! But he has warm colors somehow :0
As you can see, they're both unordinary exceptions from their species, and that's basically how they became friends! As little kids! They both grew up in the same Flurr hometown that exceptionally accepts Fairies-
But kdjdlkfjd I just love them so much already, they're a team and they call themselves Fire Fighters cuz' they fight with fire, ahhhh they're such dorks-
Definitely gonna make shipart uvu Teenager love is important too!
I'll see how I can tie them into the main gang or main storyline-
And now, more characters! I actually... dunno what world to put them in... FoD? Maybe Rewritten Destiny?
No clue, honestly, I just finally wanted to make some lamia OCs for myself! Huge kudos to forceRayz for being a sweet creative bean as always and helping me with them quq
Their theme is two types of flowers!
Lookit these bois-- yes they're males, I hope no one assumed >:0
Lami was based on the lamia flower! Didn't even know it was a thing but it's really pretty! They have a nice smell and are usually connected with happiness so, bubbly bean it is!
And Eric is based on the flower erica, or heath! Apparently associated with (at least in the Japanese culture, I think?) with sadness and/or death so, he's the saddo one-
I really, really love how their tales turned out, my goodness-
Oh also! This was Force's idea, they're a flower shop couple! They sell flowers together so yes, they are dating, somewhere in the future, at least-
They have snek tongues that I forgot to draw and at night their pupils turn into sharp lines uvu
Please love my snek bois quq
Alright! Now let's move onto some psycho killer stuff again-
_Shipping_Addict_ and I made a third Data shipkid, this time this is an OC we share! We decided I'd draw them since it was just convenient at the time quq
So we came up with the design, personality, and just full character!
The only thing I did have to change while coloring was the color of the hair quq Originally they were supposed to have black hair that fades into a faded blood red, but it just didn't look right quq
So here's Omi! Going along with the greek alphabet theme, they're Omicron! Or Omikron, honestly I found both spellings so I don't even know anymore-
So! They're like 7 or 8, probably still in their own land- also non-binary!
They have some sort of skin disease that I tried to show as best as I could quq They like hearts and smileys so we put them into their clothing-
We agreed that they'd have one dull eye- Oh also! The cat plushie they're holding that's covered in blood? That's Whiskers, their favorite plush! They love hugging it and bring it everywhere-
Omi's basically just a little kid, really, insanely innocent! They follow what their family does (AKA kill people) but they don't know it's a bad thing! So if anyone were to call them a psycho, they'd be confused and sad qnq
Don't worry tho, when they're older they become completely insane too-
They're a yandere for the bean Tofu! So, since Tofu gets bullied in school so much, I wonder why those bullies disappeared >:3
I love this kid so much-- aaaaaa I wanna make shipart of teen Omi x Tofu now-
Aight! Enough with the characters, now an AU idea I've had in mind for a while!
What if... Beta got redeemed and Pascal remained a villain but--yanno, a real one this time?
I'm kinda happy with this, actually! And it's an interesting concept :0
Pascal's pinks turned to reds, I'm sure you can guess by now, the more he embraces his love for pink, the more redeemed he is--so he just yeeted the color out the window!
His clothing's torn, didn't get rid of the floof tho uvu
And now redeemed!Beta! A total bean, oversized pastel bright clothing for the win, no more hoodies, no more bags under his eyes, catface, tapes-
Oh yeah! His whiskers are no longer scars he carved into his skin, these ones are just done with a permanent marker quq
Ahhh I love them both-- Now I want them to meet the original two-
And now! The final bit for today! Yanno the drill-
Awful shitpost! >:D Something's wrong with me-
Just... just take it, I have nothing more to say-
Beta's asking for trouble if he calls Nini that-
Nicole's on drugs-
And of course, we needed Pascal's opinion on this whole thing xD His input is always necessary for a shitpost-
And I'm also done here so Imma just go to bed now! Peace!
Random emoji of the day;
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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