Traditional art!
If you haven't read the new chapter in my randomness book, I'm back from the trip!
The road was a little long, eight hours with a few breaks, so I had a buncha time to draw!
But first, Imma start with the drawings I made during the teaching xD
Hey, don't blame me! The classes were three hours every time, I got bored!
So this first one is a lil' sketch of outfits that...might become important in the future ;>
Next up! A sketch of someone...familiar...who I also drew traditionally before...
I wanna see if anybody figures it out >:D
Okay! Next up, I (finally) decided to draw a bean I got from AnaAndXander I'm pretty sure?
She's a fox girl, and since she's a hybrid, I'm putting her in FoD, and that meant I had to change her clothes a little, so, sorry about that!
Moving on! Remember the shipkids? Yeah well, I drew one of them x)
I drew my boi Xeon! Who...used to be Neo-
Lookit the happy prince!
I was gonna draw his brother Tempest, but I had nooooo idea what design to give him–
Moving on to the drawings I made on the bus!
Since I drew them on a road with a buncha bumps and such, the lines are kinda bad and ragged, soooooo prepare for that!
This first one I'm showing is a redraw of a drawing I made for R a long time ago! It was digital, but we were going through the "Csenge drawings" folder she had on the bus and I picked this one to redraw xD
It's a fox necklace, I'm pretty sure!
This second one is random and was made completely out of boredom, I was practicing the same clothes again-
And now we move on to the new characters!
So, I had this idea some time ago, to create characters without eyes, but literally anything else, eyebrows, mouths, everything!
I've also been wanting to call an OC Sarcasm, and this was the chance!
So behold! FeliciaisanAngelR and I created a buncha humanized versions of things like Sarcasm for example!
R was great, she really helped me with the designs, and even came up with a couple of them herself! I was planning to create two new OCs, but that turned into six!
A gay, a lesbian, and a straight couple uvu
So here's this dude!
Not gonna lie to you, he's my favorite—
He's kind of a douche, but not as much as his boyfriend!
But first, here's his brother!
He's the complete opposite of Sarcasm, really considerate, caring, protective and generous!
THIS guy is Sarcasm's boyfriend :>
Well yes true, cynicism is kind of a...bad trait to have, so he's not exactly a nice guy, but he is really funny! And tall-
Now we move onto the girls!
This first lady is Sacrifice's girlfriend!
Her name is kinda long, so everyone refers to her as S.C., which is great cuz it kinda sounds like "Essie"
She's an independent woman ùvú
The second girl here is a pleasant one!
I dunno about you, but I find irony both hilarious and fun! Sure, sometimes it can be negative, but it's like sarcasm! It's good in my book!
She's a country girl! Likes nature-
Aaaaand here's her goth/emo girlfriend!
Hypocrisy doesn't make you wrong, but it does make you look stupid-
She's not tho! She's smart, but cold and silent most times
It was hard to get her hair right-
I'm gonna digitalize all of them soon! But now, Imma get going!
Sarcasm puns!
--If you want to use my drawings, for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please let me know first so I know about it (unless I already know you're gonna use one or you requested it) and please credit me!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: OPEN
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