The prettiest art dump so far
Man, it's been a hot minute, hasn't it? Over two weeks! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, with school and two hours of every single day wasted out of my life traveling back and forth made me have way less time to draw than before!
I'll try to update more frequently tho, still gathering up twenty pictures! The next one might not come for a bit though, since I'm gonna focus on designing the egg adopts-
Anyway! I hate my school- how has your day been?
The title's pretty true to this art dump, most of these drawings are so pretty that they make my heart melt, aaaa! Hopefully they'll trigger the same reaction out of you guys too! So enough rambling, lemme get started! The order's gonna be weird-
Let's start with some really wholesome things! How about something specific, shipart!
This first one I decided to start with is technically a redraw of a drawing I made on my phone ages ago! I can't show it because of the limit, but I'm sure some of you can remember!
It's Clorian, aaaaaa! I love them so much!
Their heads look a little squished but it's okay! Florian still doesn't look like he's actually kissing his cheek, so I didn't improve on that, haha-
I got a little lazy so I decided to draw Clover in his casual outfit instead of the guard uniform in the original! Plus I think it just makes this seem more cozy quq
I just love these two, I hope I can do more with them in the future!
Moving onto more ships, this time something more...kinky =v= Specifically for Addxiety-
I guess I'll give a warning right now, just-
There's some suggestive stuff in here so if you're sensitive, you can skip! This is the only drawing, so quq
Of course it's a crackship, of course! I tagged Add specifically because it has their OC, Cox in it!
You can't see Zander's thickness that well but oh trust me, it's there :>
I honestly just wanted to draw more poly shipart since I do them so rarely, and I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a little, so this was born! Do I regret it? N a h
Another one with Add's character in it,
It's best bois! >u< It's Gaiu!
Gosh they look so cozy and comfy on that bed, I wish I could cuddle somebodyyy-
Anyway! After I redesigned Gamma I just really wanted to draw one of my favorite shipkid ships of all time quq
Oooo, speaking of the Data family which Liu is now technically apart of! One more thing that features Add's character, this time it's Esp since they recently redesigned him!
I originally wanted to do a family photo, but that's so many characters, maybe later in the future quq For now tho, this idea was too cute and wholesome not to draw!
Lookit them with their cat faces! I will admit Beta looks really awkward in this drawing, it wasn't intentional, I mostly focused on Esp quq;;
I changed the style of Cursed Demons' halos, by the way, now they're light colored! Obviously this happened after I drew the Gaiu shipart, oops-
Man why is a family full of a bunch of serial killers so pure and wholesome?
Going along with the wholesome train, this one's actually a drawing I did on my phone! School's so boring and uneventful most of the time that I gather enough time to make fully fleshed out drawings! Even on the bus and metro I finish em! So, I might get back into it again after a long break, altho I still don't really enjoy it!
Anyway, I was out of ideas mostly and wanted to draw something simple, so I went through my OC book and found a cat boi I haven't drawn in forever!
It's Shell with a pretty fish in a bubble! I had so much friggin fun with this, you have no idea quq Struggled a lot too, but it was definitely worth it!
I was on the bus so I couldn't see well from the light, but I ended up making the background blue lighter than it originally was and I kinda regret it, it looks a little too much? But anyway! Ibis definitely has its limits but I had fun with this nonetheless!
Oh, speaking of pets and animals, this is a pretty good segue! I never really did much with the pet-owner reverse AU I made, only drew a couple characters humanized, and I wanted to change that! So I picked out three that I really really like and haven't really drawn much, and boom!
It's a bunch of cute bois! I went with the Birbun Kiwi that Zander has, Deni who Topaz loves more than anything, and Amulette, Serein's pet!
I feel like I could've done a bit better but for a start it was good, and I had fun too! Hopefully I'll get around to doing some of the other pets one day!
There's no more clever segues, Imma just show random ideas I drew for not a whole lot of reasons! Jackie suggested a personality swap back when I had zero ideas and I went with it! Picked two of my favorite OCs of all time, I'm sure you can assume who, haha-
It's these two! Or, how I named this file, Bander and Zeta-
Not really sure how to feel about them but I think they're pretty good! Love the stripes on Zander quq And of course I gave him a collar, c'mon- He's still the prince of Fairies, so you can imagine how fucked the Lair is to have a serial killer as its ruler-
And then Beta's just super gay!
More random shit, for this one Imma ask you to not judge me
I've been binge watching a lot of pony redesign speedpaints and I kinda got in the mood to see what my pony style would be like today! I drew ponies for a buncha years and my style always changed, it was always super cutesy and cartoony tho quq
I wanted to do OCs, but felt too limited so instead did...something else!
It's my persona as a pony! Didn't expect Lils to be this pastel but I really didn't wanna use brown, so!
Oh lookit that, Add's persona ended up there, huh! :0 If you can't already tell I just picked three to showcase the three types of ponies quq
And then that dark blue pony is Jaid, the dude I snuck into Happy Tears! Not sure how to feel about his design-
I just wanted to experiment a little, that's all! I applaud all the people who design ponies, it's much harder than it looks, turns out-
And now we move onto something completely different, a redraw! I guess, the second for today? But this is a proper one so I'll show the original!
While looking through my first art book I found this, a gift I made for an IRL classmate for Easter, I think? And uh, it was really eye-catching and I kinda love the concept?
So I decided to redraw it to see what would be different! Also haven't done lineless art for a bit so I put that in it as well!
I'm really happy with this quq Not proud, but definitely satisfied! I played around with the settings and blending modes a lot for this one, I'm sure it's easy to tell!
The hands look stupid as always, I don't think I'll ever draw them good on shoulders-
Who's this random girl, you may ask? I actually...have no clue- I guess she was my representation of humanity?
Up next is something similar to a redraw, only this time it's a redesign! A BIG one, the difference will be almost too much-
I was never satisfied with...these two-
I dunno, there was just nothing here? The colors seemed too random and I wasn't a fan of the clothing either- there's a lot I could nitpick about here but I won't get into it! The point is, I just really don't like these designs-
So, naturally, I decided to redo them! Originally I planned on keeping some aspects, but uhhh- they look like completely new people now ovo
Aaaaaa, lookit themmmm! I had so much friggin fun with these guys uqq
The hair was a little random but I did plan it ahead, just kinda played around with it when it came to actually drawing it- but I do like it, and the hairpins!
Both have blue and purple, obviously, just switched, kinda like what I did with Voice and Illusion before but somehow better! I put black into their designs more than white because they just look so cool with it!
I'm definitely happier with them now!
Time to show an even prettier drawing, we're now completely on the CotS topic, specifically, more new characters! Yes, even more, more OC chapters to write :DD
This guy admittedly doesn't have much alluding to his theme design-wise, but h o l y shit-
I gave in when I had no more pajama ideas left and pulled out the big guns- the onesie
Did a deer onesie because I felt like that would be adorable and my GOSH I was right! I even gave him additional limbs I love him so much! I love everything about this guy, his colors, his traits, his h a i r-
And he's super gay too, trust me- at this point it'd be a gay up sin if I didn't pair this guy up with somebody (or some people-) man-
So if you have any ship ideas, lemme know, I'm open!
Here's another new character for the world, I can't help but make more, they're so much fun to design and boost my creativity and imagination so much! Not to mention there are so many themes related to space!
I'm not really too proud of her design, I'm pretty happy with it! Could've done better colors but oh well, the point was to ironically make her look like actual light, so I went with light, warm colors and made her glow! Put motion blur on her wings and rings since she'd be the faster Star Child out there-
Still, I think she turned out adorable! More ship opportunities, again, I'm open for anything gay ovo
And the last new CotS character for now, one that actually has a lot of meaning in the story!
I got this guy from Add because they're such a lovely bean, and with some minor changes, I decided to do what I thought I wouldn't be able to and put him in this world out of any! ovo
I don't actually believe I've ever had a card themed OC so my gosh was I stoked!
His name- or well, nickname, is BlackJack! I won't give away what he represents just yet, for now, you can theorize if you'd like uvu
This isn't really gonna be his reference drawing because uh- I put a lot of lighting and shape overlays on this to make it more dramatic since, if you couldn't tell already, he's gonna be the main villain the story!
Cards don't have much to do with space, yes, but what they do have related to space is the variety. By that I mean he's a pretty powerful villain, he has a card for basically every theme, and he can use them to have a fragment of the power of that specific theme at that moment- for example right there he's holding the black hole card, so he'd literally be able to have that power for a while if he used it-
He likes to cause chaos, let's just leave it there-
Thank you Add for this wonderful bean, I can't wait to write their chapter quq
Still continuing with the new OCs I got, this time I adopted this awesome boi from the lovely Gmrsugarart! Thank you so much, Jackie!
I loved his design the moment I saw it so I just had to draw him right away! You should check out Jackie's adopt book to see the original!
This lil' guy is Gale! He's Blizzard's adopted little brother so he's also a big literature geek, even more than his older brother! He doesn't actually have powers related to the stars or anything, rather hurricanes, hence his name and such quq
I'm probably gonna make him ace and demi- but I love his design so friggin much, it's so fun and simple to draw! I adore the colors, aaaa! I only changed a few minor things because I fell in love with his design!
Oh yeah, he's a pretty rare Elementaling too, he has wings!
We're still going with the characters, only this time they're not really original ones! Some of you read the drabble I wrote based on the world Add and I created out of the Starset band and all 38 of their songs!
...Now obviously I can't design and draw 38 characters, not even half of that number, so I just did a couple that I really wanted to do! All four of these dudes were first sketched on paper, so they might look funky quq;;;
I started with the two lovebirds, Perfect Machine and Telescope!
Those colors, man, fuck quq Mach's might be a little too vibrant but I absolutely love it!
Blending modes saved me SO much with these guys, specifically Mach- the original coloring I did looked nothing like this quq
But anyway, I'm super happy with both, I think they're super pretty and mostly fit their songs!
And then the other two, which I'm even more proud of- Everglow and Gravity Of You, two songs I really fucking adore as well!
They're so damn pretty! Again, blending modes saved me with Everglow, he does look a little too virbant but he totally looks better than the original coloring! He's a glowy boi, I love him so much quq
And then Gravity, oh boi I'm in love with his design and colors! Admittedly he was the one I was most hesitant about because I lacked ideas, but for some reason the ones I have the most trouble with turn out the best! I absolutely adore him, doesn't matter how strict he is quq
Would you guys wanna see me do some other Starset songs as well? I'm curious for your feedback, I'd be willing to do a couple more that I really like!
And now, some cursed stuff! Well, I take that back, bottom Springtrap is the most blessed view out there
Um, anyway, have friendly furry thicc version of my favorite animatronic
Lookit that, thicc smol rabbit boi with a giant tail and ears ovo I'm not kidding, Nightmare's like four times his size-
I actually enjoyed coloring this soft outline! I might do it more often, it was soothing quq
He will always be my favorite, doesn't matter if he has a dead corpse in him or not-
And oh wow, we've basically reached the end of this art dump! Now the final thing to do is the thing you already predicted a mile away, that's right; shitpost time!
I drew this on my phone and got lazy, forgive me-
Can you guess who's tormenting Nicole? >:3
A little backstory on this- Add has a chicken toy like this at home and its squeak makes my will to live go up by a landslide, I fucking LOVE IT- We ended up calling it a 'cheekn'! Nicole's not like me tho, I guess she hates the sound of utter purity :>
Well that was an unnecessary amount of words, I feel like I'm gonna pass out any moment now so I think Imma go to bed, hope you guys enjoyed!
Random emoji of the day;
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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