Shipart? More like SHITart-
I am... so sorry for that title--
But eyy, hello I'm back! It's been one hell of a week, man! Today was prelim time, both the math and language one and uh-
I thought it went well?? But then later I checked the correct answers on the internet and realized just how much I fucked up and started crying, nobigdeal! :'D
No seriously, I'm fine--My mom helped a lot! Plus I know for a fact I'm not the only one in my class that went "FUCKING DAMMIT WHY DIDN'T I WRITE THAT???" when checking the answers-
I don't really wanna think about it--So for now, have some art to ignore the pain--
I didn't update last week since I didn't have much to show, but this time I do! Hopefully-
Let's start off with probably the most interesting thing outta the bunch, a GIF! Yeahh um, anybody besides DG remember this crappy crossover?
I redid it because why the fuck not! And so, this was born!
Um, enjoy? Surprisingly this didn't take me as long as I expected--I guess this is also kind of a redesign of the FNaF characters
I told myself I'd celebrate the day I could draw a person fixing their glasses-
Still can't do it-
I didn't dare try to draw his logo :'>
Admittedly I don't like how Freddy turned out, I like his logo tho quq
If you're wondering why Virgil changed to Salvage instead of both Salv and Golden Freddy, I decided to change things--
Golden Freddy is now Deceit (because of the yellow theme and also the Freddy-Golden Freddy parallel) and Glitchtrap is the Duke
You're welcome for that :>
Ah yes, and then the devil who started all of this-
On the topic of redrawing! Um, I did more of that-
To be honest it's not even to see how much I've improved at this point! It's just that I look back to what I've drawn in the past frequently and always go "Oh man that was so fun to draw, I wanna do it again!" so I--do it again? Does that make sense?
Oh well, here was the original that I was really proud of back then!
Based on my favorite Set It Off song, The Haunting (which is no longer my favorite song of all time since I don't care by Apocalyptica stole my friggin' heart-)
I changed some things in the story, once Raven gets backstabbed he gets filled with hate, the color black symbolizes it. And he just kinda goes corrupt :>
And I really like this?? I can finally draw poses from different perspectives and actually draw hoodies???
I didn't nail the expressions in this as well as in the last one but hey, that's fine! Also, the text is pretty unreadable on purpose-
That's the last redraw for today, promise! Well, now come the redesigns :>
I never liked how the full Aqua family looked, I've actually been planning on redesigning Eden for a while now!
So here ya go fam! You'll see the old design to compare them in my OC book, Imma update it soon too :>
Not gonna lie, he looks less emo and more goth now--also those boots took me FOREVRRRRR-
But I like it definitely better than the old one! Oo, I also drew this on my phone! It took ages-
Clover's redesign I did on the computer to not torture myself too much :D
Ehhh admittedly I could've done better but I still like it!
I'm really inconsistent with how I draw feet-
Lookit this doooooood-- I love 'im :> I didn't make the Aqua version this time since it's just literally his wing, gemstone, and eye color being aqua instead of gold-
I'm finally happy with the Aqua family!
On the topic of Fairies! Here's a fun fact! Rainbow Fairies actually exist!
But it's not a House, it's just a disease you're born with? Where instead of being one color, the kid ends up being a mix of multiple or even all the House colors- They're dubbed the "Rainbow Fairies"
This dude right here was also born with this rare disease :>
Florian's a royal history teacher and...yea-
I dunno what to do with him yet but I'll think of something unique! xD
Aight, now we move onto a gift I made! For _Shipping_Addict_!
Please for the love of Life--don't die on me! ;U;
Dadpaz being proud of his one and only adopted daughter! Lookit her new form, aaa Milu's so cute quq
I need to draw a whole family picture-
But ye! Hope you like it, Add!
Now, an idea I got from Emmathecandystealer and then some shipping stuff!
She made her plushies into actual characters and I--wanted to do that--so, yea-
I donated most my old plushies to a child Christmas factory so, I only have three now but I'm happy either way!
Probably one of my oldest bear plushies is this guy, Géza!
The stuffing inside his upper legs kinda--mushed together or something? Because he's super skinny there, I had to have him sit up to show him off better-
Then the new guy! Bean, who I got for Xmas!
He's such a giant puffball and I love hugging him-
And then this guy, who I never really gave much attention to? I didn't even give him a name! Maybe because he's not a bear xD
My mom put the rainbow headband on his head so now I refuse to take it off-
Aaaand here they are as actual characters!
I know Géza's eyes are actually brown but I didn't realize when I colored this ;v;
Lookit these guys, I wanna hug themmm!
And yes, GM does, in fact, stand for 'Gay Monkey' :>
I kinda ship them a little bit... oops?
And now! Imma end this chapter off with some shipart shizz! Just so the title of this chapter makes somewhat sense-
I realized I've never really drawn any proper shipart for Zander x Sever (which still needs a shipname btw-) since I don't count the shitty sunset one, and I just wanted to draw them as total goofballs, the way they always act with each other!
Just imagine a karaoke night, everything goes smoothly up until Zander and Sever (two guys who can't sing to save their lives) take the stage and all hell breaks loose :>
Yes they're wearing matching outfits, I regret nothing! They're the GangSTARS!
They're total dorks-
Imma end this chaos off with an idea dump I've had, as y'all should know by now I am a huge multishipper and when I find something cute, I ship it!
Which is why there are tons of non-canon ships I adore in some of my worlds, mostly L.R.! And I decided to draw some of them!
These sketches SUCK but hey, I tried! I only kinda like the kissing one-
Top left, Dale x Rohw came from the old Aubry x Rohw ship I had back when Dale wasn't even a character, and I kinda went with it when I replaced her :> They're total enemies and rivals, which is why I kinda adore it-
Top right, the kinda ship I'm a total sucker for, villain x hero with villain Autumn and crazy Zander :> I actually shipped it a LOT back before I created Topaz
And finally, probably the one least expected? The perfect example of a relationship full of a buncha switches! No, Ci and Ammil wouldn't date each other, they're cousins! But I hecking adore the idea of both dating Topaz--
Since they excepted Topaz to be working at their library-blacksmith hybrid place and since they spent most their time with each other in the same building before Zander became the prince, I started shipping it-
But anyway, enough of me rambling! You guys have an awesome day or night, peace out! I'm too tired to do puns today-
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
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