Requests and shizz
So, ya girl's birthday is in like, what, five days?
Yaaaaaayy one year closer to adulthood! :D
Anyways, I have a lot to show you!
So, (otherthanwatchingDanPlanallday-) I was making aesthetics and finishing up three of the five...six...(?) PFP requests I've gotten!
Imma start with those, the first one is for m'bud --RxalTxxthlxss--!
Sorry for making you wait! I hope it looks okay...?
I swear I'm getting worse at drawing Toothless-
The next one is made for Sakuraba-!
Here you gooooo!
And the third and final one, for now, is for AnaAndXander!
It took some time, but I think it turned out okay!
Moving on! I'll show you the aesthetics I made real quick-
I'm just having too much fun with them xD
It's starting to get a little easier to find pictures for them even!
So this first one I did was a Pride-themed one, even if Pride Month's over! Cuz' that doesn't mean anything, we should still shine with pride and make our voices heard! ❤
I also found this hilarious picture while making it xD
I'm a graight person-
So I did a thing, I decided to make an aesthetic for the WW gays-I MEAN guys!
This one's Ryan's
My favorite is the "fuck social media" one because it's SO him xD
Also, peeps, that top left picture is *important*
Next is Hero's, and I gotta say...his is the weirdest one-
Yeahh it's just all nonsense, to be honest-
The compliment and hearts are probably meant for himself xD
Next it Mitch's!
I don't have much to say about this, but him flipping off the word "feelings" is so relatable-
Next is, you probably guessed it, Jack's-
Ah yes, all the black and red along with the swear words, guns and affection, classic Jack
And lastly (don't worry we're almost at the end of this) Corie's! The one I probably like the most!
If anyone can't read the word one, it says "The extraordinary sense upon meeting someone, that you will one day fall in love."
That's all the aesthetics, yaaaaay! :D
There's this...thing I've been trying to put in Life's Rebirth, which is animals. But, in this continent, they're abnormal hybrids, like the one Zander has!
Meet Herceg! Which just means "prince" in Hungarian x)
Oh, yeah I also drew Zands on him cuz' why not?
He's kind of a prince since he lives with the royal family and his job is to protect Zands
I don't really have much else to say, I'm not that proud of his design tho :')
And lastly, something creepy I wanted to draw!
Here's the mystery guy again, cuz' I want to keep teasing you xD
Not the friendliest fella, then again what can you expect from a guy who's been dubbed "The Leader of Genocide" all around the world?
And that's it, I'll stop annoying you now-
LGBT+ puns!
--If you want to use my drawings, for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please let me know first so I know about it (unless I already know you're gonna use one or you requested it) and please credit me!--
Requests and art trades: CLOSED
PFP requests: OPEN
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