Prideful Art Dump
You'll see what I mean uvu
Heyoooo, I'm back! Ahm, don't really have much to say? I've been having fewer and fewer ideas for art and drawing's the only thing that makes me calm besides music quq But I'll think of something, no worries!
Lemme ask, how've you been, you beautiful beans? Hope you had a better Sunday night than me, I had to stay up until 3-4 in the morning to read a shitty book quq
But enough of my personal problems, let's get to the art!
I'll start off with the usual, things for people! But this time, contests again! ...Cuz' I have a problem, clearly-
Starting off with another one of PumpkingxAngel's contests!
I did a story again uvu But this time, thankfully it was fluff! So no more angsty killing stuff for me! ...For now, probably-
The theme was mermaids and you all know ya boi can't skip drawing mertails-
It's a two-parter again... although I will say, the second picture doesn't look good even tho I tried my hardest quq
So, a little background for this-
I didn't wanna go with a sailor/human x merperson since I've seen those so many times quq In this odd fantasy world I created specifically for this contest, under the water, I created two species, both classified under "mer"
There's the species that rules most of the Can I call it that? And over a thousand years, they created a strong kingdom and developed, progressed over time
The other species is the forgotten one, the ones left behind. The developed mers never really cared for the forgotten, abandoned ones and continued building their rich economy. The other species was left so broken and underdeveloped, they ended up becoming the minority
Eventually, the developed mers built a strong glass wall that keeps the other species out of their kingdom. So over time, that closed off space became more and more rotten, eventually filling up with bombs everywhere
The abandoned mers mostly look the same, they all have green-blueish tails and fins. And although they look bland, their skin and scales are worth a ton. The developed ones can be any color quq
Sounds angsty at first, right?
That was a lot of exposition quq So here we have Mitch and Zander, I'm sure you can tell which one's which!
This is a shipart thing uvu No it's not love at first sight, they're just clearly interested in each other-- The rest is up to your imagination!
I did kinda base it off of the Romeo and Juliet thing I guess, they will eventually fall in love and get the two species to form peace!
...Is that fluffy enough? I'm sorry if it isn't!
But ye, hope you like it, Lex quq
And the second one, for Gmrsugarart's next contest!
I'm not gonna lie, I was really looking forward to this one-
Imma stop wasting time and show ye!
Lots of things to say about this!
Since this is a redesign contest, I put the original design in the top corner uvu Just for reference!
My whole theme and idea for this redesign was asymmetry, something I don't do often but like playing around with!
His sleeves, wings, eyes, and pants (a little) are all asymmetrical! He has one boot on with socks, this boi doesn't like to wear his socks fully on quq And he has one glove too!
It wasn't easy to balance out the harsher rainbow colors but I think I succeeded? I think it's up to personal taste at this point quq I kept the wings, just changed the colors and added a halo to make him look like an angel, I guess? I put softer, smaller highlights in his hair quq
The butterfly symbol was a last-minute touch but I kinda like it! Oh yes, and I changed the quote-- It's no longer "Im so gey", I turned it into "Gayness at its finest" >:D
Yes, this guy does like walking around with one single boot and glove on- I just hope the "feel" of his character is still there and I didn't change too much quq
Bio time! I'll keep it simple since this is only the 2nd picture, plus I'm better at drawing than writing-
His name is Prism, he's a male, white, 32 years old, he's some kind of angelic bird hybrid, he was born with a condition that made one of his wings shorter than the other, so he can't fly straight (hah) and loses balance in the sky quickly
I wanted to make him the clumsy, crazy, and fun-loving type. The kind of guy who's super messy and all over the place, the kind of guy who breaks every important item of anybody or anything, but nobody can really yell at him for it because he's such a sweetheart with a heart of gold. Gets away with a lot, he never really learns- He likes thinking positively and throws all negativity out the window! He's the kinda friend you can tell anything to, and he probably says way too many dad jokes
If I were to keep him, I'd put him into Rewritten Destiny and pair him up with Tycho, the gay space king! R.D. has a rule, so I can only assume Prism (called something completely different) in his past human life was either extremely homophobic or hated bright colors and asymmetry. Dunno which one works. The whole point of the world is that their power in their second life is the thing they hated most in their life. I think Prism's power would be colors, so maybe as a human, he was a goth/emo who only wore black, white and grey and never really talked to anyone
Maybe he was misunderstood by his parents and family, maybe he was the less-loved son. Maybe his death wasn't an accident, and rather something else...
Geez, that's dark-
That's pretty much it? Dunno what else to add
That was again, a lot of info! Hope you like it, Jackie quq
Aight! Since there was some traditional artwork last time, here's some again! I'm trying to get back into it
Altho this one's probably not interesting at all if you don't care about my L.R. species quq
I decided to update them! There's a lotta text, so if you can read my shitty handwriting, g o d b l e s s y o u
I didn't change the Fairies or Dragons quq I changed the Butterflies, though! Noe there are three types, I just haven't drawn any characters for the others since... they're kinda rare-
Slight update for the Arthropods! Now all of em have tails, but only Insects can have additional limbs
The Flyers always had types, I just never got around to drawing all the armbands quq
Oh yeah! And I'm officially getting rid of the Silhouettes. There are gonna be 14 species in total. I think Imma just scrap the concept of Silhouettes altogether, it was way to convoluted and half the time, even I didn't understand the rules I made for them
Angels and Colorings didn't at all change! I just updated the horns so they look a tiny bit different
The Demons now have tattoos that represent what Type they are, so it's not just a weapon thing
Duplics now can be animated, passive, or aggressive! This depicts the kind of lifestyle they live. Most of them are animated
Achers have two types, haven't really figured them out yet- the Nebules have roles, stats! Represented by the star on their heads
Azures now have classes, Lights are the most common, that's what A-Z is! Nobody knows anything about the Darks. Flurrs... I didn't really try on quq Had no ideas, I know the names for em sound unserious-
Now let's move onto, characters! Specifically ones I haven't drawn in a while and wanted to practice
Despite drawing ponies for 2000 years, I suck at horse anatomy .w. So what better way to improve than to keep drawing it!
I obviously used a reference-
This isn't a redesign or anything, drawing horses in different poses is just a lot of fun to me quq And since I suck at the heads, centaurs! And I only have one centaur OC so far-
The second OC I drew again during class!
My buddy VIRUS, one of the villains! I'm sure you guys remember the awful, AWFUL glitch "animation" I tried to make for him-
Didn't even realize there are websites dedicated to making glitch effects!
Which one do you like better?
And now, more characters! Two new(?) ones!
I never really got attached to Bryn from the North group, everyone else I liked just fine! Bryn was just always boring to me quq
So luckily, Lex came to the rescue! And together we made a backstory that actually impacts quite a lot in the universe!
Here you go
Prince Rainer, the older twin of princess Crystal, the ex of prince Lyre, who three years ago disappeared into thin air, nobody able to find him
The princess accused prince Lyre of murdering her brother, but there was never any concrete proof
I'm sure you can guess, Rainer is "Bryn" uvu The prince who ran away and abandoned his kingdom because he wanted his sister to rule, and he wanted to live like a normal citizen
He looks different here! He dyed his hair darker and let it grow, and obviously he changed his clothes quq Everything else was the same! But nobody could recognize him since his... demeanor and attitude also changed
That's all I'm saying :>
And now, even more lore!
Before I continue with that though, here's an actual drawing of Delta, Beta's little brother, as a kid, he was about this age before Beta started doing some terrible and fucked up things to him
Beta's theme is kitties, Delta's is bunnies! I think it's a good combo, he looks adorable!
Too bad, he... yanno, died-
But what if I told you... Beta's little brother, the one he tortured for years upon years before killing off... isn't actually dead?
Well, he did die, don't get me wrong-- But something brought him back to life... years later... as an adult maybe?
I'm not explaining how,'s true
And you can theorize all you want about it uvu
Okay but... I actually love his design quq Have the light version so I can talk about it
Keeping the bunny theme! He's no longer all pastel like his kid self, he has a bunny hoodie!
More floating ponytails!
But really, I'm super happy with this quq I'm so gonna draw him more often!
Whether what'll happen between Beta and him and what views Delta will up for me to make content of
Alright, next theme, redraws! ...Again
Look I have a problem with this too quq It's just too much fun to do!
I'll start with the smaller project, a redraw of this horrendous garbage!
This picture does hold a special place in my heart, the "Offer" storyline where Autumn gives his royal position to Zander is still one I'm super proud of quq
So I decided, why not update it a little! ...By remaking the whole thing
I'm really happy with this quq From the pose to the lighting to the background, I actually put some effort into this! After the last redraw I did of Doper which was really unsatisfying to me, this was refreshing!
And... now the other redraw! The BIG project, this took me TWO DAYS-
I redrew...this!
Hence the title of this chapter uvu
There are just so many things wrong with this, Rohw looks like garbage, this was before I redesigned him, the sexualities are slightly changed, A-Z and Mae went through some redesigning too, plus... some of the poses are awkward?
So, I went ahead and redrew it! Again, it took me two whole days, so this was definitely one of my bigger projects
It took so long because I ended up doing actual clear lineart instead of keeping the sketch! I wanted it to look crisp
Lookit the beans!
Okay so, I'm sure you can tell their designs are different-- focusing on the hearts! I decided to put the ace-homoromantic pride flag for Sever! ...Don't know why I didn't put it for him in the old one?
I put the gay flag for Rohw in addition since sexual orientation is just as important as gender identity! For Zander, that weirdly colored flag is the polyamorous one! I wish the colors were a little better but anyway!
I'm aware Rohw and Sever are also polyamorous, I just figured it's the most apparent for Zands quq
And now Glitch is polysexual! I can't keep him questioning forever!
Yes, people, there's a difference between polysexual and polyamorous
I'm aware not all sexualities and identities are included! Not straight-ally (who I think I would've made Solar or Sun), not non-binary, genderfluid, etcetera! But just know I believe pride is for everyone!
Straight people are neat too uvu I know like, what, 24 as my classmates? And all my teachers? My mom, some of my online friends, yeah I know a lot of allies-
But yeah, I think I've improved!
Now, a big announcement, I guess!
This is all thanks to Addxiety uvu
Tover is now officially a thing! Tover, AKA Topaz x Sever!
I've always had the idea on my mind, I just never knew if I wanted to do it! But Add's passion about the ship made me adore it a bit more quq
So yes, it's canon! They're the most switch gay couple ever. Probably the most realistic I've ever done-
They will get a shipkid-
The two were in denial for a long while, I dunno how they confessed quq
I've been thinking about making Micah x Maple canon too but that's for another time!
So yes, the gay poly ship is... even more complicated now... you're welcome!
And now, the last bit for today, ending it off with exactly 20 pictures...
A shitpost! Hey, where did my sanity go-
I'm surprised I didn't put a Lenny Face for Topaz this time-
Oblivious mom quq
Honestly, Tech is one of the most unintentionally hilarious parents out there-- and the chemistry between her and Axel is a gem quq
I kinda like this simple blushing style, I might keep it for shitposts-
Aaaand that's it, peeps! Hope you enjoyed another trainwreck of mine! I'm heading to bed, probably!
Random emoji of the day;
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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