One Hell of a Ride!
I dunno how to title anymore-
Damn, chapter 30 already? Things are going well! Hah, for now-
Anyhoo, I'm back to show you what stuff I drew! And it's all random, just to warn you!
But before we jump into all the happy-go-lucky stuff uh, have this thing
I'm better now, no worries! I just feel really insecure about the way I write. Talking with Force for hours really did help me a lot-
I actually hate how much time I spent on this now that I think about it... =^=
MOVING ON! Things for people!
My part of the art trade with jellybeanmoon27 that I almost forgot about, haha!
But here you go! Conveniently enough, on my computer, it did show all the pictures! It just didn't on my phone for some reason-
I picked phase 2 and I hope that's okay ^^;;;
Aaaaand this other one is another prize! For Orangesidez (or LoafMerriweather)
Here ya go! I hope I didn't mess anything up!
Only one prize is left (which is Dino's), so yay! That'll come in the next art dump!
Now let's move onto some animals I got from people! (my gosh there are a lot)
Just a heads up, I am deciding to keep the aqua adoptable I made, simply because I didn't get any offers that sparked my interest ^^;;;
But, these three I got from the awesome NightChaosCat! Again, thank you so much!
Here's one of them;
I believe "foglia" means "leaf" in one language, I just forgot which-
As you may've read, I made her Rohw's guardian, which is why the heart on her chest is his eye color now!
Here's the second;
"Voda" meant water in...multiple languages, I believe-
This bean is Gem's guardian uvu Yanno, that lil' eleven-year-old kid who's a Landwalker Nectarite?
And finally, this dood!
(I did put some markings on him, I hope that's okay quq)
Unity is gonna be Sever's buddy! Since I feel like he needs some company and all!
I adore these guys quq
I also got one from Snowpearl43! And my gosh I couldn't be more grateful-
I love this bean so friggin' much! I don't feel like I drew them well, tho!
I felt like the name Cinnamon would fit him well!
He's gonna be Glitch's buddy cuz' poor bean needs some cuteness in his life—
My gosh, this is great practice for drawing animals! I feel a lot more confident about drawing them now!
Now some fanart time, I guess?
So, I remember rewatching GTLive's playthrough on BATIM not long ago, and in it, Mat mentioned how it's really convenient how in this game, there is a character who created an important thing in the story, called Henry
Much like another game we know of, eh?
So uh, neither of them get shown in the games, so I took my time to draw them out the way I imagined them, meeting! I know I've drawn FNaF's Henry before, but I kinda updated him!
I kinda like it? Then again I still feel bad for not drawing the background myself-
Ahahaaa, I've never drawn fanart for BATIM before and boy do I feel like I've been missing out! Messing around with its color palette is so much fun!
Also uh, Henry Emily (by the books, ha) is such a weird I the only one who thinks that? I mean it does rhyme, but compared to "William Afton" it's...kinda lame xD
Don't ask how FNaF's Henry got teleported in BATIM's world, because I have zero clue myself-
Anyhoo! Moving on! Technically this is fanart, though I'd much rather categorize it as a redraw more than anything-
So uh...the first-ever FNaF fan storybook I created on paper that I actually FINISHED, was The Puppet Master
I showed it to you before, I'm not showing it again, plus it's three or so years old
And I planned it to be a three-book series, although I've never gotten around to making the second one or finishing the third one, lel
But I do have the third one! It was called "Alone"
Here is the original, prepare to cringe your eyes out and get some bleach!
Then, maybe a year or so later, I redrew it! And here is that one! (still sucks)
It actually came out blurry, but hey, that's a good thing! You don't have to cringe as much!
Fewer fan characters, which is great, but why the heck are the end of their legs so w i d e ?
The anatomy is also way off-
But! I redrew it again, yesterday! And I have to say, drawing traditionally after a month or so of drawing digitally is really refreshing and nice!
But anyway, I LOVE how this turned out! Granted I didn't spend much time on it-
I'm proud of their poses aaaaa!
What do you guys think?
Okay, next up, some characters!
Remember how I commented how Gary isn't really an accurate representation of Hungary? Well, this is why;
Everyone welcome...Hun
Fun fact, I used the exact same color palette for him as for Gary, no additional colors, I just desaturated it!
So, you can see his bio there but, lemme quickly explain why there are two "versions" of Hungary
Before WW1 even happened, Hungary was kinda all over the place. He thought logically but also listened to his feelings. He was conflicted about his religion, homosexuality, and his borders. Everyone just called him simply Hungary
Actually, when he was dating Austria, Tria was actually the happy one! Hungary was just um, distant, I guess?
But it all changed after WW1 and the break-up
Hungary was split into two because his left and right brain were at a conflict. Hun and Gary were born, both imperfect with disagreements, but after a while, Hun disappeared, leaving Gary there to handle everything by himself
So, after that, Hungary was just known as Gary, nobody understood why his personality and appearance changed so...quickly
But don't worry, now in 2019, Hun comes back and everyone except for Gary is confused xD
Hun isn't all of Hungary's flaws, don't worry! He's actually crucial to be...well, Hungary!
He's the one of the two who will go;
Random person: Hungary? Ohhhhhhhh like the evil people from Mulan? :00
Hun: We👏Are👏Not👏Related👏To👏The👏Huns
Okay, now that all that explanation is out of the way;
Hey, looooook I drew Caramel wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Remember this old drawing of him where I showed what he was like?
Well, and I don't get why I didn't realize this, Caramel isn't really...sarcastic. The first-ever time I drew him he was wearing a huge smile, and then later I developed his personality
He was always supposed to be this two-faced kinda person, complimenting everyone with a huge smile before taking it all back once they leave!
So, I drew just that!
Ah, I love him xD
Now hey! Remember (I'm testing your memory a lot today, lmao-) when I said I'd give Sunburst a boyfriend who she could spoil later? Yeah well, I delivered-
Here's the brattiest guy I could think of xD
Not all LightBlue Fairies are royal, collected and elegant, certainly not this guy!
Can I just say I love his wings aaaAAAAAA-
I love him tho! He's so rude and bratty xD
I need to draw Solar and Sunburst together hhhhh-
And last but not least...
I was talking with Lex the other day, and the topic was the old characters they made for me to be partners of some of my OCs! And that reminded me of uhh...two Fairies I have completely forgotten about;
(ew these are terrible-)
Yep, the cousins, Amber and Sapphire! Who aren't even called that anymore!
Now I just wanna say, before I show their redesigns, most of the ideas came from Lex, and I can't be more appreciative of it because they were SO good!
So, here you go! Two royal blacksmiths (mostly one than the other) and librarians!
AaaAaAAaaaAaAAaaAaaaa I love them so much!
Fun fact, those bandaids, and tapes were put on Ammil by Ci since he's such a dork and loves childish things xD And, since his cousin doesn't care about his appearance, he allows it-
Sometimes, around strangers or basically, people who aren't Ammil, Topaz or Zander, Ci wears fake glasses to seem more innocent. Cuz' obviously these two aren't special snowflakes like Autumn and Zands, and they do have the natural manipulation and deceit that Fairies are pretty much born to have
Am can handle the heat and cold, Ci can't, and will whine about it :>
Topaz used to work with them in the RB, he was the other person doing the blacksmith duties (lel) and basically helping Ammil while Ci was dealing with the library section of the building, but after he left to the Fairy castle since...yanno... he got married and all, Ci had to fill in his spot as well since he never really worked much-
And there ya go, more Fairy lore! I think it's pretty obvious by now that Fairies are my favorite species in L.R., huh?
ANYHOO, man, this took some time! But I hope you guys enjoyed it! ^^
I still need to finish some other stuff I've been meaning to, but that'll be in the next art dump!
Fairy puns!
And all over the world, Fairies slowly died-
--If you want to use my drawings, for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please let me know first so I know about it (unless I already know you're gonna use one or you requested it) and please credit me!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: OPEN
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