It's a royal pain
-to come up with proper or creative titles :')
Hi hello ciao guten Tag privet hola bonjour sziasztok! That's a lotta languages-
I am back! With another update--I wasn't sure if I could pull off another chapter? Haha-
I'm also aware that Valentine's day's coming soon, and I do have something planned for it! (if my hand and mood will let me draw it-) Although it'll most likely be late unless I draw it on Friday and make a Valentine's special chapter or something?
Actually I might just do that-
Plans aside, Imma stop rambling and get to the artwork!
I'll start off with something that I made for a certain special somebody! :>
_Shipping_Addict_ asked me to design her character Noka for her (I am so honored-) and I tried my best based on the small descriptions!
I just hope you like this quq
I'm personally proud of the design but you can change anything you want, Add!
Love you ♡
Alright, moving on!
These were done last minute cuz' I felt like making more content, plus I wanted to draw my boi Insomniak again!
Yanno, the sleep-deprived OC of mine whose name most people probably can't spell? quq
Yeah him-
His iconic line from his theme song, this is pretty much him in a nutshell-
He never sleeps :>
Not even in teddy bear form! (which I'll totally be drawing one day, just you wait-)
Don't worry though, his boyfriend's working on making him be able to sleep! Which, Insomniak doesn't want him to and constantly tells him to stop wasting his time quq
I made a mood board for the moody dood too-
Surprisingly it didn't take me much time, and I kinda like it too! Lots of people can probably relate to him-
Which is why I made Insomniak! I didn't want all my characters to have completely normal and happy lives, I guess?
Anyways, moving on! To some animals!
Remember when I said I wanted to turn some of the L.R. pets into humans after I turned Zander into a cat?
Well, that's what I did :>
With two of them out of the...however many *cough*
Art takes time, okay?
They're such close buds-
Arguably there's a lot bigger size difference between the two but I didn't want to make Herceg too big as a human xD Just pretend Trix is standing on a stool or something-
But yeah! I could've done better in hindsight but I tried--And I dunno what's up with me and giving princes longer hair???
Will I do this with all the pets? Probably, if I find the time! I definitely wanna do Solstice, Cinnamon, Unity--
I've basically made this into a canon alternate universe :D
WHICH by the way I REALLY wanna write these human pets meeting their pets...but they're also humanoid!
I wanna write or draw this Herceg meeting Zander! Etc!
I feel like it'd be fun-
On the pets topic! I decided to draw some since it's been a while since I've drawn any of them quq
Honestly, I just wanted to show off the character difference between some of them, even as animals!
Lookit Sol, she's so full of herself and all her beauty xD And Cinnamon's a precious boi who shall be protected because he's too pure for this world, I can't wait to turn him and Solstice into humans quq
I feel like I'm getting a little better at drawing animals? Maybe just cats, wolves and foxes tho-
Moving away from characters for a second, umm--
I'm terribly late but I recently watched Gloom's coming out video quq
And I dunno if I'm the only one, but Gloom was one of the first-ever Youtubers I consistently watched
I just loved her random content, she's a genuinely lovely and funny person!
I was surprised--but at the same time I agree with everything said in this video
I may not know what or who I am as of now but I don't think sexuality matters either
We're all humans, we all deserve love ♡
It just inspired me so, I wanted to draw something for it quq
I had to look in her most recent videos to check what her hair was like xD She's one Youtuber whose hairstyle changes by the year-
No matter what happens, I'll keep supporting Kassie in what she does and who she is!
Motivational stuff aside, I drew more OC stuff-
I actually redesigned a character of mine who some of you guys seem to enjoy?
Y'all remember this douche-
Yeah I...really hate this design xD
So, I redesigned him! And I'm kinda happy with how this turned out!
Took me six hours on my phone, I'm not dead inside at all, ahahahaha-
Yes ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, he now has a mohawk :>
He's starting to look like Stephen but I won't think about that cuz' Imma start crying-
I gave him more colors, kept the x theme for some reason--I just wanted him to look more different from Nala, I guess?
But all in all, I'm pretty happy with it!
Now back to more OCs-
You guys remember Solar's backstory, right? How he got umm--I don't really wanna remind you, he has an ex-girlfriend who did some pretty shitty stuff to him qnq
And I went "Hey I should probably draw her since she's pretty important!"
...And I accidentally made her really pretty
F u c k
Like--legit, if she wasn't evil and fucked up, I'd want to date her, man quq
She's half-royal, the typical Light Blue Fairy, she's pretty sucky and manipulative-
Obviously she fooled Solar and then...did...some him-
But yea, answer me this, guys--between Sun and Talia, who's prettier for you? :>
Oooh on that note! I just couldn't leave it here and had to draw some shipart of these lovebirds-
Solar and his lovey-dovey girlfriend :>
I mostly did this for the cute fluff and also to draw them in completely different clothing styles! These two are so different yet so perfect for each other!
Solar says he doesn't like all the cutesy things Sun does to him but don't worry, he's bluushinggg :>
And now! We've come to the finale!
Last time I ended it off with a thing with Beta, this time I'm ending it off with a thing with both of them!
I am
Super proud of this-
If only I had time to shade it, then it would've looked even cooler quq
What happened to Pascal is up to your imagination...for now :>
Hey! Serial killer buds gotta look out for each other, yanno? Beta's also strong as fucc-
Whoever did that to Pascal in their fight, they dun' goofed because now Beta's mad-
I dunno if you can see it in this version, but Beta's colors are gone
Here, have the lighter picture so you can see-
Those vibrant blues are no more :>
I wanted to introduce this trait about Beta, he basically has two moods--his usual happy-go-lucky insane one is when he's all bright and vibrant!
When he suddenly loses those colors visually? He changes mentally too
And he gets pissed
I also feel bad for my boi Pascal, he's my bean, kay? Kay quq
All that aside, I'm honestly really happy with how this drawing turned out, I'll probably go back and shade it later just because I love it so much??? And I was scared it was gonna turn out bad-
This is definitely a drawing I'll probably be redrawing months later, I can already see it xP
And well, that's all, peeps!
I got a question before I go; what do you guys wanna see from me in the future? Which characters, what kinda art? I'm curious! Slowly running out of ideas, haha-
Imma go now, peace doods!
N i c e-
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: CLOSED
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