Happy Crislers
I am SO not sorry for that title xD
But ye! Sorry for it being so late! This year's group picture took two days (both of their halves just me drawing non-stop) and my back and neck hurt from sitting at my computer so much ahahahaha-
Heck, I was even planning on doing some doodles in my new sketchbook but I just didn't have the time! I was gonna do "How the Life's Rebirth gang celebrates Christmas" which, spoiler alert, they don't since they have no clue what it is xD
But these are all I've got for now!
So let's start off with the other stuff and then I'll get to the Xmas group picture!
Sooo mood boards!
By now I'm obsessed with them honestly, and I decided to make some for my favorite bands! One of them is my background even-
Here's one for Set It Off, admittedly the one I had more trouble with when it came to pictures-
I think it turned out okay!
And the STARSET one, which I'm really happy with! Yanno how much I love space-
I friggin love these pictures--I should've put this on my shirt instead xD
On the topic of STARSET! I um, planned to design a character for some of their most emotional songs (Perfect Machine, Ricochet, Diving Bell, Starlight, etc) buuut, for now, I only have the first one done!
He does kinda look like, Kadin (aka this guy)
Which I'm not surprised about since I designed Kadin after this song, but... I really hate his design now compared to PM's character's design :')
What do you guys think?
Now moving onto a redraw! Again-
I had to go through my old artbook's early chapter (asking for death, I know) to look for some old characters (you'll see why) and I found this... gem...
I believe this was drawn for one of my FNaF stories and yuck, it sucks-
So here's the 2019 (almost 2020) version :>
They kinda look like pandas now that I look at it, but I guess that's just how I draw bear animatronics now? xD But I'm pretty happy with this and how I draw robots!
I tried to make them look different and used different colors, (technically) OG Gold has more greyish and golden colors while Heaven!Gold (or whatever-) has more orange hues in his fur
Dunno but I like it-
Okay, so just a warning, this one ain't simple!
So as I mentioned, I was looking for some old characters because DemonGirlfromHell and I back in the day made a buncha FNaF shipkids! And because we're both kinda over that, we decided to redesign them and reuse them, I guess? Just like I did with my own FNaF OCs and FoD!
I'm not gonna explain the premise of this world yet but here were two characters, who were dating-
Them with their mirrored counterparts, who I probably won't draw since they look pretty similar to the "originals"
But here's Navy and Star, redesigned!
And I gotta say I love emmmm!
I strayed away a little from the descriptions DG gave me, I hope that's okay friendo! Star is a phoenix, Navy's an angel, obviously, I mean they pretty much act like one (woah, is that me using the correct pronouns for a genderfluid character? Whaaa!)
So, of course, they have to be a pastel boi who gets bullied a lot ;v;
But yea! Can't wait to draw the other...four shipkids? Damn, there were a lot-
Anyhoo, I'm pretty proud of their designs!
I'll just... leave this guy here and let you guess who exactly he might be :>
I'm pretty happy with this for being drawn on phone, also I can't draw braided hair for shi-
Also have-
Have this hot garbage-
You can peek into what the heck Force and I do when we voice chat for a whole day xD
These look like two completely different people, I can't draw with my right hand-
I'm sure she'll post her side too, altho I can already tell you hers was much better than mine :>
Now for some Christmas stuff!
This is what I drew for my mom since this was what she asked for;
I'm not exactly happy with this but hey, she liked it! Her only nitpick was that I made her eyes blue instead of green
iF yOu'Re GoNnA gIvE mE a CoLoR pAlEtTe WiTh nO gReEn In iT, wHaT dO yOu ExPeCt Me tO dO?
And this was drawn for my sister! I like this one-
And she liked it too so yay? ;v;
Altho I don't like how I made that pencil float in the air-
Using watercolors is a pain in the arse, I'll admit
I think I'm getting better at drawing faces??
For the grand finale! The group picture that I worked my ass off for and mostly rushed by the end so please don't kill me if there are any mistakes!
If I didn't add you, I'm truly sorry, seriously if I could add every single one of you, I would! But, this was fourteen characters this time (last year it was ten) and I didn't even add myself this time! (to not torture myself with squishing Lili in somewhere) but-
I hope nobody feels bad for not being in it-! I love you all equally and wish you all a wonderful Christmas, even if you don't celebrate it or something else, just have a wonderful winter break!
I am aware that you guys are most likely not gonna see it well so, let's zoom in, shall we?
Two wonderful beans that I put on this... thing, don't ask what it is, I just didn't know how to make this work xD
Left: FluffyRuby, a wonderful new friend of mine
Right: PumpkingxAngel Fate/Lex, the most cre(g)a(y)tive person I know!
Lookit these cool guys!
Left corner: _Shipping_Addict_ as Milu eating chocolate, I friggin love you my bean!
Upside down: Gmrsugarart as Jackie, no clue if I got your persona right but you mean a lot to me as well!
Pulling the tree or smthng: _CJ_51, Kado! You probably didn't expect to be in this but I couldn't leave you out uvu Also I would say you're the only guy with a buncha girls but there are two(?) genderfluid kiddos here too, so!
Ah, can't forget these dorks xD
Just pretend I'm somewhere in the back if it really bothers you that I'm not in it-
They're probably building a pillow fort
Left: MidnightSpider87 and her Golden Gaytime flavored...hot chocolate? xD
Right: forceRayz and her adorable smile :>
A big group of people since I couldn't crop it any better!
Upside down: PolychromePositivity and her awesomely butchered persona, I am so sorry for being so lazy on it quq
I guess pulling the tree as well: Kaitouu, your hands are w e i r d and I'm sorry for that qvq
Dying on the floor for some reason: EnderLoverGirl, lookit that smile! xP
Flying: JuneNimueOwO as Querub, a real angel!
At the door, completely confused: DemonGirlfromHell or DG, m'dood, ya should've expected chaos!
These two hiding behind the tree, I guess? x)
Left: Emmathecandystealer, glad ta have you here!
Right: xX__Emliy_Gay__Xx, I am so sorry for completely butchering your persona as well quq
All in all, I hope this was a good enough gift for all of you! Don't forget that I appreciate every single one of you being here, doesn't matter if you comment or not, and I equally am grateful for all you guys, even if I didn't draw some of you in this picture!
Love y'all <3
Ooo! Before I go! I got a feeling that I'm gonna get pretty bored, so-
Pick a dress and an OC of mine (girl or guy, huehue), who you think can rock that dress :>
If I get a lot of suggestions I'll pick the ones I like best, just please gimme ideas, I don't care how many qquqq
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: CLOSED
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