Everyone turns out hot, help-
Look at that! Almost exactly a month later I'm back with a new art dump, one I'm particularly proud of!
I'm sure you're questioning what the heck the title is all about, and um- Well, you'll see, I won't spoil
For once I don't have a ton of random stuff to talk about to bore you with! Um, I guess I got a new laptop, which is always nice, and Christmas is coming up, so hopefully I'll get something out for it in time! We're nearing a hundred chapters, which is pretty cool!
Let's start off with the usual - things for people. I had the honor of celebrating (one not in person, sadly) two birthdays this month!
One of them was for my sister, who technically wasn't born this month, but on the 31st. I dunno if any of you remember, but a while back I showed a picture of two battle geared ladies with animal masks on that my sister colored for her friend's birthday!
Well, I decided to bring that back and make it badass looking, which I failed and succeeded at simultaneously? I dunno how to explain it
Ta-da! She liked it, even got a chuckle out of her, which is always good
Don't give me any credit for that pose - references are your friends, guys! I am pretty happy with the wing, though. I kept everything the same since I'd feel too bad if I changed what she spent so much time on
I will say, drawing this does kinda put me in the mood to draw the HEROS gang again, though that'd be a lot of work-
And the second person is an IRL friend of mine, who does have Wattpad and has had it for years now - R! Or FeliciaisanAngelR
She honored me by sending me all my uh...less than stellar artwork from years back, and I picked one of the most iconic ones I drew for her!
Ah yes, this wonderful...thing. I can't believe I took a picture of the screen instead of at least screenshotting it- It's not bad by any means, I actually think it has more effort put into it than other drawings I made back then, but the colors are just a little wack and the outfit is interesting for the world Felicia was supposed to be in
So, I gave her a redesign! I didn't exactly discuss things with R, I just kinda winged it and did whatever looked right and I'm pretty happy with the end result!
You might be wondering what that little gnome thing on her shoulder is, and that's based on a real plushie thing! It looks pretty much identical to this one, only, of course, red and white to fit the Christmas vibes. I took a picture of it sitting on her shoulder one time in class and it became a recurring gag
I made it orange to hint at her fox theme, even though it's literally in her name xD I dunno where the gem idea came from, I just thought it'd fit her! And I friggin adore the eyes-
And! She liked it, so that's always a bonus, right? I'm kidding, I'm really happy she likes it, the whole reason I draw these things for my friends is to make them feel special, because they are!
Anyhoo, all this talk about real life and friends kinda segues nicely to this next drawing, it's-
Look, it's another meet the artist thing. It was done on my phone, it doesn't have too much effort, the bio's shit, I didn't make it nearly as cool or detailed as other artists normally do, I just...drew myself, put a filter on it, bam, MTA
This is the most accurate picture I've ever drawn of myself though .w. The outfit will most likely become outdated in the future, but I do have those clothes! I really like how the hoodie says "chaos" but it's upside down and reversed
And I like my shoes, they're just really odd? Fits my personality, doesn't it? ...Plus they don't get wet-
Anyway! Yes, my hair is that floofy uvu
I don't wanna drag this out since it really serves no purpose besides just talking about me, which nobody wants-
I don't really have a segue here, I'm just showing all the random drawings before I set a path for the rest!
FNaF- I guess it does relate to me, considering it's my favorite game franchise of all time- not that I know many
There's no explanation for this, it's all self-content, I wanted to draw Teal/Toy Bonnie and Red/Withered Bonnie being pretty and adorable
They're also redesigns! I'm sure you can tell, considering...well, neither of them have this much clothing in-game. But I wanted to give them vests. I mean, Springbonnie and Glitchtrap have vests, so why not have all the bunnies wear em?
I thought a dark blue hue would look good on Teal, and I just changed a few things up, added a star theme, I'm pretty happy with it!
Now Red, I'm sorry Teal but Red here just looks friggin awesome. I put a music pattern on his vest and I think the white with the red and dark purple look amazing, he's so friggin pretty!
I'll stop geeking out about trivial things now- But I have more bunnies to show!
If you thought the last picture was the epitome of two cute bunnies hanging out (I mean why even would you) then you clearly haven't seen what I'm capable of uvu
Introducing Luchor!
Yeah...yeah I had to do it- I gave Echor away, Add ended up getting him, things escalated, now they're dating. Can you blame us? I mean look how adorable they are!
He's supposed to be kissing Luz's shoulder but it doesn't really look like it, so bear with me here- I gave them bunny noses and paws, they're official! Luz no longer has a human nose and hands. I felt like the rabbit part of their species was laking, plus they look way cuter now- Who am I kidding, most of my characters are cute, I can't help it-
Am I gonna do more with this ship? You bet- Am I gonna do it soon? ...Probably not, I'll be honest-
Now, this may be random, but during the autumn break, a new album came out. Specifically, from my favorite band- So, naturally...
I've been more than obsessed with it, okay? I can't stop it, I can't stop thinking about it and coming up with stuff, I had to draw at least one song personified!
And it happens to be my favorite from the album!
Anyone remember some older Starset songs I personified a good amount of time ago? Well, it's back baby! I plan to do a couple more after this guy, hopefully it'll all work out!
I...love them, I love them so much. Add helped me, he drew the species features and colored some of them. I'm more than happy with how they came out! Especially the hair!
Dare I say, they look hot. This is what happens with me making character designs, I make them attractive and then I die over it- That's the point of this chapter's title, somebody please help I dunno how to stop-
But don't, because I'm enjoying this uvu So, Wicked here has their eyes closed all the time until they finally show their true nature, which is when their eyes open, one of them having their logo in it. Yes, I made them a villain, I'm getting those vibes from the song itself
And then the blue eyes are for when they're redeemed... I thought a lot about this world, don't judge me .w.
Speaking of character designs and uh, hot characters! I have another one my gay heart was basically dying over
I adopted a character from PumpkingxAngel. I have a lot of characters already, I know, but I really want to flesh Rewritten Destiny out more, and for that, I needed more puppets to play around with. Is that a creepy way to phrase it?
I digress, meet Tartarus!
Now, I did change some things from the original design, but lemme tell ya, this is a far cry from whatever I did early on when I colored them. They were yellow and purple, and while I did like how it looked, it was way too different from what they were supposed to be: a stereotypical demon
I won't get into their story, but it is an interesting one. Just know they're in the friend group of Veece, Bú, and Youth! They're the fatherly figure of Bú, she calls them poptart qwq
I gotta say, I absolutely love the hair, I think I'm getting better at drawing them! I gave them a cross tail and some golden jewelry, I just wanted to incorporate a lot of demon stereotypes into their design. I struggled a lot with the clothing colors, but I like the end result!
The "God Hates You" being crossed over with a heart was a last-minute detail, but for some reason, it's one of my favorite parts. And the third eye!
Oh! I even added a little band on their arm with their friends' signatures! Ain't that cute?
And if you thought they were already edgy enough, boy do I have a surprise for you...
Haha! I did a thing! I think it looks pretty badass
I'm actually really hyped to flesh out this character more and write about them in the future. I'm positive I won't leave them in the dust! Thank you again Arthur for the amazing design you made me!
Now that we're on the topic of Rewritten Destiny, it's only right if I follow this drawing up with another character's redesign, right?
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Insomniak's design. I just wanted to update it! Plus the pajamas were...not gonna lie, a little uninspired. I swore to myself that I'd keep his new design simple, and...
I failed. I'm sorry! I just love adding and drawing details! He was always supposed to be a simple character, and that was where most of his charm came from. But I wanted to give him more, and I really like how he turned out in the end, complicated or not!
He has a makeshift sleeping-mask goggle hybrid on his head he probably uses for his work. I based his clothes off of real pajamas I saw and they're friggin adorable
I put fish on his socks! Little. tiny. glowy. fish. I adore them. And I couldn't forget his teddy bear form!
All in all, I like it. He's always been special to me, so I wanted to make him look that way too!
Continuing with the redesign theme of wholesome boys, anyone want some cookies?
Autumn's got some! I wasn't planning on making this lineless, but it was refreshing!
Though I'm sorry, I guess he's baking muffins here. My bad! I thought he would only bake cookies, given how addicted he is to them xD Even though I said it's a redesign, I barely changed anything. In fact, all I really changed was his apron and his hair color. The whole reason I wanted to draw him again was to make his hair less yellow and blonder!
Just look at him, isn't he precious?
Now, his prince outfit, from when he's a villain... That is in dying need of a redesign. Maybe I'll fix it someday! But for now, enjoy happy redeemed boy, baking to his heart's delight. And everyone's delight, honestly
We're still not done with the redesigns! You know who's related to Autumn? Topaz. And who's related to Topaz? Zander. And who's related to Zander? His brothers.
Which brother? Well...
This one. After redesigning Eden, I realized how bad Xander's design was. He looks like copy-pasted Zander in a different outfit and a scar. I mean they're twins, but really? Same hairstyle and everything?
Naturally, I had to fix things up! Oh and I drew Zander in the process, I miss the guy
Here they are! Ah, I love them. I didn't change Zander pretty much at all, just his boots and gemstone. Why he's had an Aqua-colored gemstone this whole time, I have no idea. He was supposed to have Lime, changing your House changes your gemstone too, past me!
Now, let's focus on the star of this drawing. He has a ponytail! Ahhhhh dammit, he's hot too! I kept his signature bandana, it was too iconic to get rid of. And I just altered his clothing to look more like something someone hunting in the wild would wear!
To tell you the truth, I almost forgot his scar- That was the whole reason they looked different at all! xD
Now uh, you thought I was proud of these drawings? Well, compared to how I feel about the next ones, these are nothin-
Let's talk lore! That's always a fun topic, right? We had shipart, redesigns, gifts, now something that gets your brains going!
A loooong time ago, I drew some parents for my characters. I drew Sunburst's dads, you've already seen them redesigned. But what about Nala's? What happened to Nahvi and Crescent?
I can't show the original drawing, but holy shit, I forgot Nahvi's friggin tears. They were the whole point! They were supposed to show how Nala and Z-ro got their permanent tears!
If you read my drabble book, you may know I recently wrote a semi-depressing drabble about the story of these two parents, how they died, and how Z-ro was separated from Nala. This drawing shows how they were before the incident
Yeah...she was pregnant. Pretty depressing, huh? That fetus never saw the light of day. I'm sure the kid would've been named Luna or something, it fits with Nala and Nulla, and it has a mood theme like Crescent
This got really sad real quick- anyway, look at them! They look genuinely happy here. They loved each other so much qq And little toddler Z-ro with Nala as an infant in his hands is more than precious! Ah, I love this drawing so much!
I gave the parents a slight redesign while I was at it, their old clothing was too simple for my tastes. And I finally added Nahvi's tears!
Speaking of...kids, I guess? We all know I love making shipkids. I mean, thinking of new generations is pretty fun! And I'm sure you're all more than familiar with the Data shipkids, Gamma, Esp, Omi! And, while not their kid per se, Liu's related to the family as well!
Add and I were having a voice chat one day, and we brainstormed about what these four would look like as adults... And needless to say, I ended up liking the idea so much, I threw away whatever else I had planned for this art dump and drew it!
Four characters in one picture with complicated as fuck outfits. It wasn't an easy and quick task, that was for sure! But, and I'm completely honest here, it wasn't tedious! It was actually really fun and enjoyable, refreshing even!
So...here you go!
Man, I'm so proud of it. They look friggin amazing here. Let's go from left to right!
We have Omi, who you might remember from their recent redesign. I wanted Omi to be a sports player in the future, juggling at least two different sports as a hobby. They don't do it for the awards or races, they just genuinely enjoy it! So, naturally, uh...
They're pretty ripped. Which is pretty nuts, considering they're about eighteen here, way younger than the other three. Add suggested a letterman jacket, and it was such a good idea!
For some reason, I just imagined Omi looking like a jock and bad boy. You know, piercings, tattoos, captain of a sport or something, stuff like that! But they're still genuinely a sweet person with the biggest heart, they're precious and kindhearted and nothing like their parents. And you know what, I kinda love that for them
Next we have Esp, whose design I'm probably the least satisfied with. I just feel like it's missing something? Anyway, I do adore him here! He has really cute glasses and a beanie with pins! Add specified that he'd play guitar in the future, which I found the coolest thing ever. So, I put guitar pins in his design! Granted, they're not super obvious or recognizable
Esp has Dawn's...interesting hands. They're black like his with sharp claws. I wanted to show them here, so I gave him fingerless gloves instead of what he'd probably wear to cover them. And the trans sticker! We imagined he'd probably fully and physically transition in the future, so it's a nice touch
Next is Gamma and...oh boi. If I thought Omi was attractive, Gamma takes the cake. We knew from the beginning he'd be shirtless, I mean, c'mon. He ended up getting a punk theme, and it suits him! The chains, the jacket, the choker, the fishnets-
Cute little detail, his old scarf is tugged under his belt. I dunno how comfortable that would be in reality, but I feel like he wouldn't want to go anywhere without it, which is cute! And I also gave him some makeup! And the hair, wow, his hair grew long- And the whiskers stayed!
And, last but definitely not least, Liu! Boy, he changed a heck of a whole lot. I gave him a punk-goth hybrid style, some makeup to go with it, and look! His antlers grew! I kept his collar from Gamma because...if you haven't already noticed from how sensually they stare at each other, they horny
I put his old jacket around his waist, given he'd probably grow out of it. I put the toxic logo on his t-shirt as a small reference to his old turtleneck! I feel like, judging by his new choice of outfit, he got a lot more confidence over the years. Good for him!
Gosh, I talked a lot about this drawing. Sorry about that! Let's continue with the final three pictures, all comics!
Yep, you read that right, all of them are comics. Of course, the last one is a shitpost, the other two though... Well, let's get into it!
For the first one, we need to jump back into Rewritten Destiny. I guess I've been doing a lot with that world!
Add redesigned 'Tycho' for me, the king of the world, and he did a phenomenal job! His new name is Eurydome and he has an arachnophobia and nyctophobia theme. (the latter being fear of the dark)
Veece got a small redesign too! Nothing too drastic though, I adored it already. But he bursts into the castle, interrupting Eurydome's interaction with Sirius and his friends. He's just glaring at the king, who recognizes his face, but he doesn't know from where
And then- Veece kinda attacks the castle. That's all I'll say for now uvu
The background's kinda meh, but I do like this drawing!
Though this second comic would put it to shame, I'm so friggin proud of it
Does this ring a bell to any of you?
The leader of genocide, one arm replaced by a gun, batshit crazy. Also Mitch. Just in the future :D
If you don't remember Walking Wings, you're probably confused. Mitch is a sweet guy, a Christian musician with some problems, like the four roommates he lives with (kidding, he loves them). Him in the future, though, let's just say he's abandoned all his faith in God and decided to entertain himself by...causing bloodshed .w.
Lovely, right? Well, I miss WW lore. I found this drawing - took me forever - and I thought hey, why don't I portray what he's like in a comic?
And so, this was born
I'm really, REALLY proud of this. Granted, it has its flaws, I kinda rushed the shading and such, but I'm more than happy with how this turned out. Hopefully it's easy to read- And hopefully the events I tried to show are obvious!
More people wanna know what happened to him, what made him the way he is, murderous, killing people not on his side in cold blood, they wonder if the leader had anything to do with it. And Mitch, well, he's fed up with their questions, assumptions, and gossip. He's finally had enough
Side note, I love how the background turned out. I'm not good at perspective, never claimed to be, but it's good to practice! And the shadow he's casting on those two gentlemen looks weird and I didn't look at references, I know, I know
But! I'm still genuinely happy with it, have I said that enough? Probably too much, honestly. Still! It's not revolutionary or insanely creative, but it's still well above what I expected, so I'm satisfied!
And, how can I not mention this...future Mitch is hot
And now that we've made it to the end, let's close the art dump with a shitpost!
Present Mitch confronting his future self. My, they're like fire and water
Welp, I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of events! I certainly had fun uvu
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
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