Chapter 69, let's go bois-
[Insert clever introduction here], ey peeps! I'm back once more, lots of stuff is happening, so before I get to the point of this chapter, lemme just say-
》 5 or 4 more days until I celebrate my existing day, cool-
》I go to English and (future) German lessons now, so don't expect me to be on much
》Emotionally drained and nervous about prizes, as always-
But I don't think there's anything else that's noteworthy and should be mentioned, soooo! quq
I won't even drag this on for so long this time, let's just get to the point!
I just want all of you to know that my co-judge (forceRayz) and I loved each and every single one of your entries equally. The last thing we wanted to do was to cherry-pick, to value one entry over another, nothing like that! This contest is merely a way for you guys to have fun, an outlet for me to give some feedback (whether it be praise or criticism), and for all of you to improve your skills and just, practice! Because even if it is a contest, I don't want it to be a race, I don't want it to be competitive quq
You all did phenomenally. Just wanna say that. And if anyone genuinely has a problem with their entry, or are upset, my PMs are always open ♡
Force and I spent 2 hours judging and making the places, and an additional hour writing our final thoughts about each entry. But I just wanna say, thank you, all 11 of you, for joining!
So, let's get to it, shall we?
9th place
Your art style is super adorable, I could stare at it for ages! I don't see those line eyes very often and it makes your art more distinct and unique, I'm definitely a fan! I do wonder where Sira and Andell's wings are, although they could be folded under the desk somehow-- not the point! This is a super cute entry and I really, really like it quq
However, it really...didn't fit anything my contest was going for. The way I envisioned this one is that it would be chaotic, wacky, colorful, stuff like that! But they're just kinda...sitting there in a grey room with one table, playing Uno, when that's not really something that you'd only do after losing your mind from quarantine .w.
I appreciate the fact you acknowledged that, though! And I wish you had more time to do a new entry, really! I see so much potential here, so please don't think getting last place is bad!
Force's final thoughts:
Whew, what can I say? I really love your art style, I find it really adorable! Although for the most part the expressions are sorta the same for everyone? There's not really much going on though, and since the theme of this contest was meant to be as wacky as possible It just didn't really scream that for me?
When it came to judging this piece something that had popped into my head was the possibility of drawing the characters fighting after getting pissed at one another, because trust me, UNO gets very violent! Needless to say I loved the overall idea you had in mind! It gave me hilarious scenarios, like Sira holding a rubber chicken and attacking your oc/persona(?), just everyone throwing random stuff, because UNO is chaotic honestly!
8th place
I know you're most likely going through a lot right now, and I wholeheartedly understand it, your hiatus, everything, I'm here to give the most support I can! I've loved your art from the beginning two years ago and I still do! Even if this is messy and you rushed it, it still deserves to be here and well, I love the outcome a lot, no matter how sloppy it is!
The nerf gun idea is a bit better than just playing Uno, at least there you most likely have to play it in the summer. There's just so much more that could've been done with it, yanno? I don't even know where these characters are located, are they outside, inside? And ahm, I did say if people don't draw my OC in the drawing, they'd get 1 point, and that's unfortunate quq
Force's final thoughts:
NERF or nothing! Anyone remember that commercial? No? Don't worry I'll take my leave soon, anyhoo! I really love your entry, the expressions, your art style, and the fact that it reminds me of Manga!
Although there's not much going on, and a few things are left out, I still appreciate the time and effort you put in this! I know you had mentioned a few things before the judging, but either way I just want you to know that I appreciate your art-piece just as much as everyone else!
7th place
It's cute! The idea is adorable, I can't lie. And the fact Nala's just pouring water over Shae nonchalantly is a little hilarious to me, haha-
I do wish the characters could've been more distinct though, I almost couldn't tell who was who. I know you can do so much better, I've seen you do so! I don't know if it was your limitations with colored pencils, but I see so much potential here that wasn't worked further. The idea is simple, still not what I imagined for quarantine, I also can't really tell what the background is? But it is very, very cute and- considering the situations you were in, I'm proud of you ♡
Force's final thoughts:
I'll start off by saying this much, I adore how cute this looks! I'd say one of my favorite things was Shae just hiding in the water, his head just popping out slightly, haha! I will admit that at first I thought they were taking a shower but later realized that wasn't the case! They all are just having fun at the tiny pool, because honestly who can even afford a big pool? If you say you can then you're rich in my eyes!
Other than that there's not much going on, which doesn't really scream wacky for me just them hanging out! Either way your piece was absolutely lovely and I adore your art style! I really appreciate your time and effort, not to mention making me smile over a vine I remembered while looking at your art piece!
"Four bros, chilling in a tiny pool because they're not g-"
6th place
Would it be bad for me to admit the last part with Sever is what sold it for me? Nah but seriously, this is good! The details are phenomenal, I just kinda wish you didn't use real-life pictures and just referenced them heavily instead quq The pride theme is awesome though!
Still, I like it a lot! Topaz's hand motion made me crack up, I won't lie, and your character in the back is super cool too! And again, I just...appreciate the Sever bit, haha-
Paintball isn't really fitting for my contest either, but hey! I do realize my standards were kinda unexplained in the original chapter, so;;;
Force's final thoughts:
When it came to judging your piece I was really attentive to the details you put in! The lighting, shading, expressions, colors, not to mention the paintballs were rainbow-themed! I love that you mixed in Pride Month into your entry, and I really appreciate your explanation as to what is going on!
Topaz is rocking the sunglasses, although he better watch his back if he doesn't want to be covered in paint, haha! Other than that, their little interaction is lovely! Although it's something that doesn't scream out wacky for me, paintball is sorta common? I still adore your entry either way, and every bit of detail that was added in!
5th place (tie)
It's fun, it's pretty wacky, it's colorful, I mean what more can I say? I like the characters' expressions and the cat looks super funny to me for some reason- And heck, the "2m apart waterpark" idea is really fun!
I don't get why they're outside in quarantine, I first thought this was a garden quq And to me the Crash Bandicoot cosplay on Nala is just...random for the sake of being random? I don't see why he'd actually do that in quarantine, haha. At first I thought the cat was playing Crash on its laptop but- wait you can't even play it on a laptop, what am I even saying-
The point is, I love this, so much. But there's just so much more you could've done with it. Maybe they could've built their own DIY waterpark as a parody of quarantine and called it the 2m apart thing, instead of it just being a pool quq But maybe that's just me!
Force's final thoughts:
I honestly have no words for this! I really loved the details you added in, along with your explanation of this! The colors look amazing, and the expressions are great! I like the way Nala is reacting towards your oc/persona(?) sliding down on the pool! I also appreciate how you added the "2m apart" due to the restrictions!
There isn't much going on with Nala though, and I would've liked it if they were doing something together in their water park? Your work is still lovely though! I appreciate how much effort you put into this!
You and K got the exact same amount of points, ending in a tie! I don't know how to properly express how much I love this, but I do!
It's really colorful and all-over-the-place and just- plain ol' fun! I love Reboot at the side, posing like crazy, while your character's in the trashcan (If that's a metaphor I'll-)
A-Z looks so funky and I'm living for it. My only problem would be the fact that, yanno, I really appreciate how Asteroid's holding up a chicken as if he's in the Lion King! And that seems really fun to me, but I wish there could've been more with it! Maybe the other characters being the animals, or Scar, something or another! It just seems like an opportunity that never got finished quq
Force's final thoughts:
When I first looked at your piece it really had this special attraction to me! I really loved your work, the colors, and the chaos going around! I noticed the effort, and looking at your piece again it really makes me smile!
I love the silly little things happening, especially the chicken being Simba! I appreciate that you took the time to explain what is happening, although I would've really liked a story behind this! Although the characters are doing their own thing and not really something together? I wish they would've had some type of interaction instead, but I still love your piece either way! It all looks lovely and I look forward to seeing what else you could come up with if you ever decide to join more contests like these!
4th place
My gosh, the aesthetic of this is so beautiful, I like to just stare at it every now and then quq The motion lines and blurs, the colors, their expressions, they look like they're having so much fun and I wish I was there!
They look so happy and cheerful, and this piece is lovely, really! But I do feel like there could've been so much more quq The stairs look more like a slide, and I liked Force's idea of the two actually being really small!
Not gonna lie, I read it as "Star boarding" first, and that made me more excited. So there could've been something to play off of that since they are space bois? I dunno, I just see so much potential and so many more unique ideas in this!
Force's final thoughts:
Jeez, your art is just splendid! The amount of detail added makes this look spectacular! I really love the expressions, it makes them look like they're having the time of their lives while stair boarding!
One thing I will mention though is that I noticed the stair handle thingy looks a bit wider than usual? Which made me think of a little story behind this, like them shrinking, thus explaining the sudden wide-ness! Nevertheless, I really love your entry and hope you had an absolute blast drawing this just like the beans showed in this lovely drawing!
3rd place (tie)
As if things couldn't get cuter, my gosh-
I just love what you did with this in general, Jackie! It's so friggin adorable and I just adore it so damn much. The idea of this chaotic machine that turns the kiddos into ponies or switches species is really creative, and I'm a fan!
I love the expressions too, your persona just pointing at them proudly while mine is just...questioning life- got a good laugh outta me!
I just wish they did more than just stand there, looking at each other quq Doesn't look as chaotic to me but, the creativity sold it for sure! Don't really know how they even turned into little kids who needed to be babysat by us, but yanno, details, details-
Still, I like the background, and the little additional touches like how Mavis' tail isn't normal colored or shaped, and Nala's lil hands!
Force's final thoughts:
I really love your story behind this! The interactions between the characters and the amount of detail you put into their expressions is lovely!
I noticed how Nala is crossing his arms and that's something that really stood out to me due to his personality! I really believe you captured that perfectly! One thing I did note down was, "Who would be babysitting in quarantine?" Due to the restrictions and all!
I do think that it would've been really cool if you drew someone making the machine and someone else making the babies go through it! Although I still love your idea and drawing, this is more like an idea I had after seeing what you had made!
I just... love it, haha- I love it maybe more than I should- but still! I'm proud of you, Add, I really am! I love the story behind this, the fact that the two misogynist gay killers themselves; Beta and Dawn are so sick of having to deal with Nicole while in quarantine (I would probably kill a bitch too-) that they friggin tie her up and just leave her there-
And then Pas' reaction is just literal gold, I can't get the image of his face outta my head-
There's just so much space on the wall beside her, though. I do wish you could've filled that space, maybe to hint at who the killers are instead of relying completely on the story- like a heart with "B + D" inside it or mean comments about Nicole to make her look bad, all written in blood! Maybe a cat face too, I dunno-
But still, I friggin adore this!
Force's final thoughts:
You don't know how happy I am when I say I love your story behind this! Not to mention that it matches the characters' views/things they do and how exactly it lead to this outcome! The details added are amazing, the effort put into this Is outstanding, and I really appreciate how much time you put into your entry!
The only thing I will say is that I wish there was a bit more of an interaction with the characters! I know Pascal is reacting to Nicole being wrapped up in the ceiling, but I would've liked if we could've seen the culprits tie up Nicole! I still adore your entry, and your lovely artwork!
2nd place
Oh boi, buckle up kids, this one's a doozy-
Firstly, I want us to take a moment to appreciate that these are only two drawings out of the five Dino drew. I- I feel spoiled, I really do- So if you're interested, just, check her book out, please, it needs more attention!
Just...where do I start. The colors, the effort, the text, the interactions, the damn details everywhere- I swear, every single time I look back at these drawings, I discover something new. The crew hosting a gay gameshow and different groups of our OCs handling different aspects and things
There are so. many. characters. How did you- I will probably never understand how you managed to one, come up with all this, and two, draw it???
The villains fighting, the others reacting to the fiasco- I just do wish it would've been a bit easier to read? This is one time I'd say you went maybe a bit too convoluted, my simple mind could barely follow, haha- And I just wish I could've seen some actual fighting action between Keci and Beta, not just the aftermath but, maybe I'm nitpicking-
Either way, you never fail to amaze me, Dino!
Force's final thoughts:
I absolutely love the detail put into this, it's just outstanding! The amount of time and effort put into this is clearly shown and you followed everything pretty well!
Although on the second drawing there's a bit too much going on, in one of the panels I couldn't really tell what was going on before I read your text! I really love the scenarios you came up with for this nonetheless, and I just love your entry! I wonder who ended up winning the game-show though, haha!
1st place
When an entry has a whole story drabble dedicated to it, ya know it's gonna be good.
And indeed it was! I love the backstory, this small crew going out in the rain from the house after being trapped and bored to death from quarantine so much, after Buck falls asleep, and they go to the cemetery to have some fun!
They have a fruitfight! Basically throwing food left and right and hitting them with bats, all while Dale and Maple are rooting for their own teams on the ground!
I mean, what can I say? The attention to detail is blowing my mind. The gravestones, one belonging to Zander and another to Archie (I'm glad they're not actually dead-), the gravestones in the background, spelling out gay boi, the watermelon with the "UwU" face written on it, how it's heading towards Nala, there's so much happening here! Even the fruit flying around and being on their clothes adds so much to this!
This is the chaotic stuff I was looking for, and I love it a lot! I don't even know what else to say, I'm just...awestruck quq
You Lex, Dino, Add and Jackie's points ended up being close calls, they were really similar!
Force's final thoughts:
I'm just going to straight-up be honest and say that you absolutely outdid yourself! The Drabble you wrote for this, basically the story behind this, is magnificent! This is something that I was absolutely looking for when it comes to creativity! Your entry screamed out exactly what I was looking for when it came to "Wacky!" It's something I'd see people do when they lost their minds with this quarantine!
This piece has everything I was looking for, from detail, interactions, effort, accuracy, and creativity! The detail and creativity specifically was something that really attracted me to your piece and I can't wait to see what else you come up with when you join future art contests! I look forward to seeing your future works and I'd love to see your creativity explode!
~ •《♡》• ~
So, all my talented beans who didn't make it into the top three, lemme know what you'd like for your semi-colored sketch artworks of one of your OCs!
Gmrsugarart and Addxiety, feel free to tell me what you want for your sketch artwork of one character, and your flat-colored artwork of one character, along with the 500-word drabble!
MotherlyDino-, lemme know what you'd like for your flat-colored artwork of one character, and fully shaded drawing of one character as well! Oh, and the 700-word drabble!
PumpkingxAngel, feel free to tell me what you'd like for your two fully shaded drawings of at most two characters each, and the 1200-word drabble as well!
And well, that's it, folks! That's the delayed results we were looking for! Hopefully, no one's disappointed and in the end, everyone had fun! I think I did? Haha-
I just wanna say a quick thank you to Force for being such a good sport and taking your time out of your day to do this with me, I couldn't have done it without you! ♡
This chapter's suuuuper long but, I hope it was worth it, and maybe whoever read the whole thing (besides me, twice, as proofreading-) will get a cookie!
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