Contest results?
By the way, this is chapter 91. The hell am I gonna do once I reach a hundred? Will I even reach it? It's probably gonna take me nine more months .w. Ah, remember back when I got a chapter out in like, a few weeks without problem? Wish I could get that back, honestly
Anyway, school is starting soon, just thought I'd give an update. I'm probably gonna get even slower unless the schools close down over here. I don't get it, every other country is on lockdown and we wanna wait for the pope or some shit??
But uh, the contest ended! It ended a couple days ago, actually. It's funny, I was pretty proud of this one's theme compared to the last ones, but everyone was busy this time around, which I get. I'm not really making new friends here like I used to since I already have some close friends, and the people following me have grown up over the years with me. The older you are, the less time you have for joining contests or dicking around, I get that!
Three people joined. Ultimately, it made my job easier, and I don't have to feel bad about some people not getting a prize! Oh, and if I somehow missed one, I never got it in my DMs, so really sorry! Oh! And Add's my co-judge this time, I'll include his thoughts about each entry too!
Let's go from third place to first place, shall we?
And keep in mind; I feel like I have to say this each time I judge entries, I loved all of them! I felt more comfortable judging them this time since the three people that joined are close friends though! Each of them was unique and amazing in its own way and I'll cherish them!
Let's go from third place to first place, shall we?
3rd place; PolychromePositivity
My thoughts;
Lemme start off by saying I absolutely adore the idea behind this. I love how you went out of your way to do full backgrounds and some pretty shading even though you didn't have to, and the results are stunning! But, of course, I don't judge based on quality, so let's talk about the creativity aspects!
I love the comfort theme. It's portrayed very soothingly, calmly, almost looks like it could be in a child's book, if that makes sense? I adore the expressions and the idea that in a relationship, sometimes one is usually the comforting type and they rarely switch. However, and I dunno if you were aware of this, but Nala's usually the comforting type. He's an optimistic, genuine sweetheart who anyone can vent to, and boy, does Shae vent a lot!
I appreciated how you explained that Todd had a nightmare about his awful dad, I just would've liked if you came up with something for Shae. I get they're not your characters and sometimes it's hard to take risks with ideas, but I would've loved to see what you came up with!
I also feel like the two pictures are a little redundant? Maybe it would've been cool if one couple was drawn in a different environment, like in public, to contrast the privacy of the other couple? I just felt like it lacked some thought!
Ooo, I'd love to know what's written on Nala's shirt ovo
Add's thoughts;
Jackie, Jackie, this is so fucking cute??? It's so visually (I forgot how to spell a word that starts with 'a', help-) soft and pleasing to the eyes- aesthetically! That's the word, aesthetically pleasing to the eyes! It's so soft, cozy-looking, the lighting and details put into it make it look it it's a room you'd never wanna physically get away from, plus the window view! It looks like the perfect place and time to stargaze, that perfect 11-almost midnight when the sun had just set and the stars are beginning to shine through qq
And then the characters themselves, they're some of my favorite ships, Shala and..I- I don't know the ToddxMavis shipname, but point is, both are adorable! In the Shala one it just gives me the vibe that Nala woke up to Shae in the middle of the night trying to contain his crying to not wake his boyfriend up, and without a word Nala pulled him into a soft hug, softly ruffling his hair our his face before giving him a small, soft kiss to calm him down.
And the ToddxMavis one, I can totally see Todd tossing and turning in his sleep, almost scared about his nightmare involving his dad, and maybe Mavis would softly shake him awake out of worry. I feel like they'd cuddle, Mavis soothing him back to sleep, assuring him it's ok and it's just a nightmare, he's safe in the comfort of his own house, and she won't leave his side.
2nd place; PumpkingxAngel
My thoughts;
Ooh, this one! I really like the theme here, It's also technically about emotional support and comforting, but this time it has like, a mini-theme? A theme inside a theme! And it's gender dysphoria stereotypes, how it's a mental illness. I appreciate you tackling such a serious subject and you did a good job! I really like the contrast between the dark, gloomy, and the colorful, sunny backgrounds and the third panel is adorable! The dialogue/text is very sweet and simple and I'm sure it would brighten anyone's day! And they're flipping everybody off, which is award-worthy! xD
I do feel like...something's missing though? I think it could've been brought a little further. The backgrounds don't really reflect much, I feel like Paris' internalized transphobia could've been portrayed a lot more With maybe broken glass, cracks, the hateful messages could've been put around her, engulfing her mind, things like that! This is just me nitpicking though!
This is also a nitpick I don't blame you for, but...Rohw's this .w. I don't remember if you read the Test of Revenge chapter, but if you did, in there you could see how reckless and stubborn he really is. He's very emotional, yes, but he also doesn't know how to deal with them, let alone help others. It took him so long to warm up to anyone in his team, he doesn't think before he acts, makes terrible mistakes, goodness, he's barely an adult! I understand you picked him because he's trans, but I have other trans characters, some more kindhearted! I didn't really take off points for that though, his character isn't obvious!
Add's thoughts;
This one is so cute, especially the last panel with Rohw and Paris hugging? It just looks really colourful yet soft, then there's a major contrast between the light-hearted panels with Rohw beginning to comfort her compared to the internal self-doubt and transphobia in the first panel! Transphobia is a very heavy topic, it can really destroy a person's mental health and cause them to spiral down into depths that they struggle to get out of. Support from others, especially other trans people who've been through the exact same thing can help them escape that spiral, then recover, and this shows that!
I know it's hard to tell from the character bio, but I feel like Rohw wouldn't have been the type to try and comfort others and would rather slowly back away, maybe out of anxiety or nervousness. But, it's totally fine, I get nothing can be 100% accurate, plus it's really cute to see a more supportive and sweet side of the reckless and (I think) kinda closed off Rohw, especially with a precious bean like Paris!
1st place; DastiveArt
My thoughts;
...Oh man. I um- Listen, this didn't get first place because it's a comic. It got first place for many reasons, mainly, GODDAMN THE EFFORT! I love this. You drew both characters so much I would've died if I did this. The middle hug drawing is friggin adorable, the way you basically told a small story, it just feels so...real! It feels like I'm there with them, I can hear the rain, the mood lighting, Quarry's's so cozy and warm!
The fact you gave me my own story- I'm definitely gonna write something similar to this for her (and maybe Rainer's) childhood! Quarry's colors (besides the hair-) are kind of outdated but I don't blame you, her chapter is outdated itself, I need to work on that! I adore the Mavis plushie easter egg, the looming shadow of the Queen in the corner, the chemistry between...well, you and Quarry, little details like that!
It fits the theme really well, though I'm not sure I would've said what you said in your might get fired xD Oh, and a little nitpick, Quarry looks a little older in the last panel, but it's hard to say, I suck at drawing ages-
Also...that poor Mavis plushie in the hugging picture...IT'S SQUISHED! OH NO-
Add's thoughts;
Dastive...I- I'm just...I'm just totally friggin blown away! I mean it looks like this can be a fully professional comic strip! I love the take on the Daywing-Nightwing conflict in the L.R. lore. Then there's also your persona, it doesn't feel like a major push, like how a lot of people make their oc or persona the star of the show and in the center of everything, then feels like your persona feels like a character that's important to Quarry's story, but not the star of the show that has all the attention, she'd most likely support Quarry with a lot of things she'd want, making her happy, yanno.
Then Quarry, she's so goddamn cute, yet this shows the flaws of a child. Sadly a lot, and I mean a lot a lot of children suffer from stress, negative thoughts, and other things, the parents can really crush a child's health. I love how your persona is being the aunty to young Quarry and taking care of her, it's just so damn sweet!
Then all the panels themselves all convey different emotions so well, and the quote at the end- This entire thing has so much effort and thought put into it, it's so good!
All of the entries have so much thought, effort, and love put into it, god job everyone! ♡♡♡
Now that we've given our (very subjective) opinions, feel free to tell me what you'd like for your prizes, you three! But be warned, they're probably gonna take forever .w.;;; And thank you for joining! Huge shoutout to these three beans!
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