Art On Paper
Man, I've really given up on titles-
I'm here and full of salt, so don't expect me to have the happy go lucky attitude I usually have because life decided to punch me in the face with some awesome depression for the day :)
Anyhoo, art! Right, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter because it's gonna be the last one for... quite some time, honestly! Since school's gonna start in a bit, I'm definitely gonna be drawing less frequently, so you guys have fun with this one and yOU BETTER NOT FORGET ME ;v;
No more art trades and the next time you can expect an art contest from me will be next summer, probably-
I'm wasting time here--most of the art in this chapter is gonna be traditional not only because drawing digitally for such a long period of time has been bad for my mental and physical health (i.e. frustration during lag and headaches, a lot of headaches and eyestrain), but also because that redraw I did of a book cover recently really got me into the mood to draw things on full papers instead of just doodling!
But before we get into that, here are some other stuff-
My part of the art trade I did with HEADMASSTER-!
Here ya go! It succ-
Aaaaand finally, FINALLY the very last prize of the art contest I made! Took me a month but they're finally done!
It's of course for EnderLoverGirl and Dino I swear, next time you join I'm banning you from becoming first place again because your prizes are legit the hardest things for me to draw xD
But hereeeee have the siblingssss, I was gonna add dialogue but then didn't-
Now that that's done, let's move onto all the traditional art!
And by that I mean basically all the shipart you could ever see in your entire existence because there are loads of them- (let's play a game, take a shot--I mean, do something weird every time I say the word 'shipart'!)
Like this gift I made for my wonderful friendo PumpkingxAngel!
Since you drew me such awesome things I couldn't help but do something for you in return quq
Spoiler alert tho, it's simple and horrible, so there's that-
I guess this was kinda a warm-up to do some art on paper so maybe that's why it's so sucky?
Also just a heads up, the paper isn't dirty, it's just how it is in the sketchbook-
Next up, more shipart cuz' I have a friggin' problem!
So this is the first legitimate full-page drawing I did, which is why it has so many flaws compared to the other ones coming up (and yes I'm posting these in the order I drew them in)
Like I messed up the hair, didn't add shine on their wings, things like that-
Okay, now more shipart! Some fantasy themes-
I have no clue why I got in the mood to draw these two, to be honest, I just saw the first drawing I made of them and went NOPE
I like this one! In fact, I like the ones after this as well-
Now what I do need to work on is perspective. Their heads are way too small and their hands are way too big, and that's not something I noticed on first glance while drawing, because I wasn't looking at it from the top-
Can zombies blush? I dunno man, I just like to draw cute gay stuff-
Taking a small break from all the shipart, look, I drew the angry bean!
Fun fact, I have no clue how to make things glow on paper!
I changed his backstory by the way, tho I don't think anybody cares so let's just move on :D
...To more shipart because clearly, you haven't seen enough-
On the subject of Xander, uh-here are his parents! Since they're basically the only (normal) straight ship I REALLY adore, plus this song reminded me a lot of them so, concept art!
(I sing this song on a daily basis now-)
Lookit how cute they are together! Just a note, I forgot to add all the dirt on Axel's clothes like an idiot-
Although my mom said they look like monkeys from a side view, wHICH IS NOT TRUE! M-maybe...okay fine they do-
I'm trying here! Side views aren't my thing! ;v;
Technically this next one counts as shipart, although it's more of a historical thing
That's right, more country history! But this one's obvious, I just drew the Austro-Hungary Monarchy that split up after WW1
And yanno, in my world, when two countries "fuse" like that, it counts as them dating, so yeah, these two dated :D
You can see how different they were back then-
Also, I totally butchered both of their crests, especially Austria's with the crows/birds xD
I was inspired by Lex's drawing of them!
And the last shipart for today, (or is it?) was born from a Discord conversation!
I believe I asked a couple friends on Discord to pick a number from a ship prompt list and Lex chose death, and Bea x Mae I believe?
And, I realized I've NEVER drawn them together before! What the heck, me?? Did I just completely forget about my two awesome lesbians?
Oh yeah, this is angst :D
What happened? I dunno, you can decide for yourself! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If there's one thing I'm proud of in my traditional art, besides the shading, ig, it definitely has to be the blood :p
And now! One thing I finally finished and totally rushed so it looks really bad! I admit, I still have to draw the rest of Sarcasm's gang, but since I promised FeliciaisanAngelR to finish these guys since they were solely based on her ideas, I decided to color this sketch I've had in my folder for two weeks now!
Naivety is genderless, Arrogance is trans, ftm :>
I don't really have much else to say about this one, but I really dig Arro's design!
All of the gang has one color theme, these guys are pink and indigo, the last two were blue and purple, the next ones are gonna be green, yellow, orange
And the final thing to show for today...
Is something that took me eight hours so, yay?
But I'm really proud of it! Heck, this might be the first time I drew a background and environment in a picture that I'm really satisfied with but yeah, this took a while!
If you're wondering where the idea of this came from, I have no clue! It literally just popped into my head the other day and two seconds later I went "yeah, let's make that a thing!" so here it is!
I guess Sci-Fi imagination took over? It's really just my persona Lili reimagined as a robot xP
I definitely like the eyelids! And the bunny logo xD
I'm just generally really proud of this, so that's something! I did use google space images though, so don't give me full credit for the patters!
It's something new and different! So, what do you guys think? I'm contemplating on making it my pfp for some time even tho I adore the drawing Ash drew me quq
Before I go, here's another thing I've noticed. I've been developing the Fairy kingdom and species as a whole in L.R., to the point there's...not much I can do with it anymore. It's still my favorite species, but I feel like I'm done with developing it for now! I need to move onto the other species so this world can finally be completely thought out!
So, I'm wondering, out of all these species, minus the Fairy one, obviously, which one do you guys want me to start developing on? Meaning to make more characters for it, establish the rules of their home, powers, species, types, stuff like that?
I'm curious! I'm leaning towards starting on the Butterflies, but feedback is always welcome! :>
And that's all! And it's gonna be all for some time, folks--! I'm not gonna lie, I am gonna miss drawing almost daily, but school's important and I can't slack off! You're gonna see a lot fewer updates from me though, but no worries! I'm still gonna be replying to everything!
So that being said, I'll see ya beans around! Toodles!
No puns for today, I'm really exhausted and sad ;v;
--If you want to use my drawings, for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please let me know first so I know about it (unless I already know you're gonna use one or you requested it) and please credit me!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: CLOSED
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