Art Dump of Randomness!
The title says it all, beans!
Imma show you the art I've made this week, and I also have some questions to ask at the end qwq
Since the end of the school year is basically one week away for me, I'll have much more time to draw and write, hopefully!
So, first of all, I got my VERY first commission-
PolychromePositivity was so sweet and commissioned me over on DA and aaaaaaaa I feel accomplished TvT
Here's the boi I drew for her, she already saw it!
Bee is such an adorable boi UwU
Anyways, next up, an entry for Gmrsugarart's summer contest!
I hope I'm not late!
I chose FNaF VR since it just came out and it's so funny, and I picked your OC Todd! He's a total bean-
And I put him in the world along with one of my sonas, Mimic x)
I had two scenarios in mind but I couldn't choose which one to do, so I drew both! I hope you like it!
Alright, next, some IRL doodles from school!
Here's a (possible) future adopt I doodled! I didn't finish the coloring, tho–
This next one is just an example of how bored En and I get in English class xD
Just...talked and friggin' wrote song lyrics–
Okay next! I doodled some eyes out of boredom!
And then...
The left eye is how J draws eyes, the right one was her attempt at drawing it the way I do xD
I'm impressed ùwú
And last but not least... I guess this is kinda spoilers? For WW, then again it's spoilers for the second book, AKA the sequel
I'm not giving away anything!
Moving on from traditional art and back to digital!
So, forceRayz put up art tutorials she found on Pinterest and I decided to try some!
Meh, the clouds look bad-
This one looks the worst since FireAlpaca didn't have the right tool that was used in the tutorial, or at least I didn't find it qwq
Pretty ironic since the program has FIRE in its name-
And last but not least, a tree branch!
I rushed this one-
That's all the practices! Next up are some characters!
Remember the goat boi I adopted from Force? Well, here he is!
I love him so muchhhhhhh :>
The second one is a new dude! Although I've had him in mind for a while!
He's one of the characters I didn't redesign from my FNaF OCs
So, he looks like a hybrid, but his species is actually a shadow
The way shadows work in this world, is the first person they meet in their childhood (since they're born from the dark and moonlight, so they don't have parents or family members) is who they form themselves after!
That's why Echor looks so much like Luz x)
I actually based him off of my version of Shadow Bonnie from one of my FNaF worlds, TPM. If you remember, in there, Luz used to be a girl and looked totally different
I gave Shadow Bonnie green eyes and shipped him with Luz, they were childhood best friends. Well, lemme just say, while Echor and Luz never get together, when they meet again after all those years, they're happy to be friends again!
His original name was gonna be Fogelle, Fog for short, but I found those words on Pinterest and so, made it his second name! Although a few people do call him those instead of Echor
And lastly, have this shite!
Yes, those are song lyrics :>
Anyone remember Glitch? More importantly VIRUS? Been a while since I've drawn either!
Well, when I found this song through an Eddsworld animatic, I immediately fell in love with the melody and everything! So I made this!
Okay, now onto the questions! And it's still pretty early, so I will be able to reply to comments!
I'm wondering; since summer's here and I'll probably run out of ideas quickly,
What kind of art do you want to see from me?
What would you want me to draw? I know I'm most likely boring you with my constant worlds and OCs, but I've always wondered
I wanna get you guys involved, I wanna make you engaged! So please, lemme know what you want to see from me! Fandoms? Crossovers? Comics? Angst? Seductive art? (I doubt the last one-)
Lemme know!
Second question is a lil' different, ummm...
I wanna get back into writing books for certain fandoms. I mean, I'm definitely not getting back into writing stuff for FNaF xD
But I've wondered, maybe I can meet more people that way? It sounds like I'm begging for attention, but I'm really not trying to! I just wanna get my writing out there, besides, I doubt many of you care about my original worlds
I've wanted to do Eddsworld, but I'm scared of what kinda people that'll attract 0-0 Obviously there are some wonderful people in the fandom! (*cough* -unoriginality *cough*) I'm just almost 100% sure if I make like, an EW one-shot book, it'll get into the algorithm and I'm gonna get nervous-
I've been thinking about Ace Attorney as well, I love that game! It's just so much fun, and I think it'd be cool to make my own characters for it! Or maybe Sally Face, that one's a nice one too!
So just...
Should I?
I think because school's almost over, I could keep a balance between 2GBF, WW, SS, AVWV, and those fandom books
But I dunno yet :/
I mean, I really can't make one for JSAB yet, (even tho I adore that game!) since I'm still new to the fandom and haven't even finished watching the full game and story (8-bitRyan is just so sloooooow!) I also might need more help from FlurryWhip and other people so, that's a no-no for now x)
Well anyways, this chapter turned out super long because of my constant talking! Sorry, beans!
Goat puns!
Pffft xD
--If you want to use my drawings, for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please let me know first so I know about it (unless I already know you're gonna use one or you requested it) and please credit me!--
Requests and art trades: CLOSED
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