Art Dump of Pride
Probably gonna be kinda similar to the "Prideful art dump" chapter but-- I didn't realize Pride Month was this close when I made that drawing xD
But ye, I said it already on my message board, but happy Pride month! I hope all my queer friendos are proud of who they are, even if they don't fully know who they are yet! (like me-) And I wanna thank our fellow allies who continue supporting us through such hard times like these ^^ ♡
Anyhoo, that's all I wanted to say! I'm sure some people might be annoyed with all the Pride month wishes already but I'm not stopping yet, it's only the first day! And hopefully, I'll come up with more pride-themed drawings throughout the month!
So, let's get to the art!
I'll start with the pride-themed one, actually! Just cause it's a special occasion and since I named the title after this!
So, usually I would've drawn some of my OCs (or friends, ooo-) that are lesbian, gay, bi, pan, ace...etcetera, etcetera. But I've already done that, and this time, I wanted to focus on some other ones that need some spotlight too!
I also made it a challenge for myself for all the characters to be from different worlds of mine! Add helped with it quq So Cold Struck isn't featured since there are only three characters, and Walking Wings isn't either since I feel iffy about em-
So! Crypto representing omnisexual, Eric representing demi, Choly representing questioning, Cosmic representing non-binary and/or aromantic, and Zander (yes, again) representing polyamorous peeps!
I'm really happy with this, actually! Thank gosh I saved Eric and Lami's FA file so I could follow the steps again for the tail xD I wouldn't have been able to mimic it otherwise-
Can I just say tho, the omnisexual flag is so pretty, I'm a little jelly xD
But ye, surprisingly this didn't make me struggle much, so that's good!
I got a new laptop less than a week ago, so I'm getting used to the new keyboard and the positions being different since I use shortcuts quq But holy shit, FireAlpaca has changed a lot!
Alright, jumping onto the drawings I made for...others, I guess? Starting off with an art trade with the lovely Picture_Presents! I tried to make it as best as I could quq
I probably messed some things up but I tried my best! This picture is also way higher quality than my usual art since I don't normally shade xD
But I hope you like it! ♡
And now, some stuff for a...I dunno what the English term for it could be? Basically just a thing for a place that teaches about Hungarian-Germans! The examiner at the language exam I'm taking saw I do digital art and asked if I could visualize a couple ideas of hers! Dunno her opinion yet but I'm sharing it here with my name hidden!
This isn't my actual style, as you probably noticed xD I don't draw eyes like this but I figured a little more realism would be appreciated? But yes, the idea was actually a dude sitting in a nest, filled with money-
I'm actually kinda happy with this one!
Now the second one I decided to do? Wellllllll
It was a little more complicated quq
I decided to do a different hand style? But never noticed I only did four fingers since that's the norm for me- hopefully they won't care? quq
But ye, the idea here was to draw the kinda furniture they use/used, with pots on it, one of them being shoved off by one hand and the other hand trying to keep it on it? It was complicated, trust me-
I messed up the perspectives big time but hey! It's not like I was paid for this! I just did it cuz I want to pass the exam xD
Moving on! I guess I'll post this while I'm here-
This is the original drawing I made before editing it into the art contest! I hope people who join will have fun qquqq
But yeah, I just basically drew me, being bored in quarantine! A problem I'm sure we've all had!
This is accurate as to what I have on my bed xD Even Bean is with me all the time, I love im!
Now I'll move onto a character I recently got that I absolutely adore!
I adopted this bean from the amazing ChaoticStarsz, thank you so much! Amulette's gonna be prince Serein's royal pet, I've decided!
So I decided to draw him! And it was so much fun, too!
I changed the wings slightly, just so they're a little see-through quq I thought that'd be cool and I've never really done it before!
Hearts and clouds, I love him so much! And I'm sure Serein adores him too uvu I'll be making an OC chapter for him for sure! They just take a lot of motivation to write-
Now, I wanna introduce a new character to you! Yes, again for L.R.- but I've had him in mind for...a couple months, actually! He used to be called Data, as an acronym, but then-- then the Data ship happened so I changed him quq
I decided to do some traditional art! But... I knew it would come with some risks, and both happened- The head is a little too big, and I even had to edit the legs to be longer! Aaaand I'm not exactly happy with the colors? In fact, this has a filter on it, so the original one was even worse-
But I'll for sure draw him digitally somewhere in the future just for a better reference and well, better colors!
Everyone welcome Core! He's gone through a lot, I actually have a proper backstory for him! He's super young, modeled to be 12, and Dale took him in to rebuild him and fix him up, so he's designed after a Nightwing in honor of the Nightwings who found Core, broken down on their side of the Dragon kingdom quq
I had so much fun with his design, you have no idea- And he can see! He just doesn't have the normal-looking human eyes, but different ones! Although he does see everything with a slight purple tint-
But ye, I'm pretty happy with him! Andell and Hue are gonna love him, they already treat him like a lil bro quq
Now, a different topic, I guess? I'm redoing some of my old worlds and doing some new ones, all humanized! I was never really satisfied with my country world so, I decided to do a different approach!
PumpkingxAngel helped me a lot, kudos to them quq They came up with the idea of one species being themed after the national birds, another for the islands called Trops, and I came up with Icelings, for the colder countries like Russia!
So, America AKA Rick is the first one I decided to do since I had the most ideas for him-
I did change him a lot! He still has his shades, gave him a Nasa shirt, dunno how accurate the pride bracelet is anymore? Can't believe Europe is basically more LGBT supportive even though most of it is religious-
I gave him the bald eagle features with some bruises and tapes from the wars, the Starbucks cup was a must xD And then the gun, cuz it's the US we're talking about-
Honestly? I put in way more effort for his design than the amount of liking I actually have towards the country, no offense to anybody-
And then I did, well, my own country! I am planning on drawing tons more, don't worry, I wanted to do Russia (my pure hatred's gonna show-), Poland, Austria, France, Germany, and probably a couple others!
But for now, I had time and ideas for these two, I'm gonna have to do a lot of research for the others!
Lots of ideas for him too-
I changed Gary's personality! As much as I loved his happy-go-lucky act that he puts up all the time, he was a little scarred-
He's holding a Rubik's cube, has Turul bird features, tapes, my sister said the sweater's awful but hey, Hungary's awful, so it's fitting xD
I still love im tho!
Now let's move onto some edgy stuff cuz why not! Starting with the edgiest thing I'll probably make in my lifetime, Nala in his insane phase when Lavender comes along!
Starset quotes, anybody?
I actually strived to make this as edgy as possible xD The black tapes, the crossed-out peace sign, the fangs, the one dark eye, the tears in the clothing-
Don't worry he...he goes back to normal after-
But ye, don't know how to feel about this drawing-
Moving on to more dark stuff! This one was inspired by MotherlyDino- so, sorry? quq;;
I'm actually really really happy with this! This was a great opportunity for me to try out some of the new (or at least new for me-) options in FA! The line thing, the motion blur thing, and a bunch of other things!
But ye, I just wanted to draw Coral and Andrea in the same drawing, most of my ideas were just them battling tho quq
I know you guys know barely anything about her, but lemme just say, Andrea is so much nicer than Coral-- she's a good person quq Coral is the truest neutral party but- also really cold, so
I will say to comfort you guys, Andrea actually starts caring about Nala as if he's her little brother after Coral just, dumps Nala-
But ye, I'm proud of this one!
Alright, now some lore! Nothing new, just me drawing lore I introduced recently quq
I'm actually happy with this too! Took a while tho-
This is the story of prince Rainer, becoming Bryn himself uvu Some people said they didn't really see the resemblance so I decided to draw them side by side! And I like them both!
Don't worry, people will find out the truth, Crystal will see her brother once more quq
Now, I guess more wholesome stuff? Stuff that isn't edgy, basically!
I (kinda) redrew the old first drawing I made of Zander's parents, Tech and Axel! Add told me to draw em again, so I did!
Lookit them, they're so cute together! Still suck at drawing female bodies-
Last time I forgot the dirt on Axel's clothing even though he's a farmer, so this time I added it! I like the contrast between them, a normal citizen and a noble lady quq
Axel's flustereeeddddddd-
Also- Tech is one of the best moms uvu
Now the next less wholesome- kinda, dirty actually xD There's just some suggestive stuff!
I've had the idea to draw Zander's tinder profile for some time! And I actually did it and I'm... kinda proud of it xD I didn't use a template, I just mimicked what actual profiles look like-
Also yes Gmrsugarart, I used Canva for it! It was a little frustrating at times tho quq
Don't... just don't ask xD
He's holding a popsicle, the bio- I mean what did you expect from someone like Zands?
I didn't make the background! But man am I kinda happy with the actual profile section xD
Does this look believable? Probably not? I mean it's not exactly realistic anyways since L.R. doesn't have phones, TVs, and stuff like that, so-
I wonder how many matches he would've gotten tho-
And we finally arrived to the last bit of today, shitposts! I will warn you, the first picture out of the four is actually decent, the rest are really poorly drawn-
Featuring Zander, Topaz, and Sever!
I can't draw muscles without a reference-
E w
Sever is naturally strong and Topaz does not approve (But secretly does :>)
Anyhoo wow this was cringe xD But I hope you enjoy-?
Random emoji of the day;
♡。゚.(*♡´‿' 人´‿' ♡*)゚♡ °・
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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