Art Dump of Memories
This title is kind of a more personal one? The chapter itself isn't, just-
I fortunate that I got into such an amazing class with such amazing teachers. Next Monday is basically gonna be the final day in that school for our class. I can't really call it graduation, cuz' that's a high school thing, but my gosh am I gonna miss everyone, even the people who I barely spoke to. About ten or so people there I knew for eight years, the rest for four, yet I feel like during these years I got to know them so much
Our form teacher is this laid-back, humorous but at the same time strict teacher, but I could always feel like she understood me and the rest of us so deeply from the beginning. Even when we were loud and we got on her nerves, she just joked about it later
Since it's the end of our time here, and we're all going to different schools, she made a video. And it really brought a smile to my face. She wrote a rap song and made a music video, like heck- I'm not saying anything else since it's special for our class, but wow...What an eventful four years, even with quarantine. I'll miss this-
Anyhoo, sorry for the rambling, I just wanted to get that out and thank all my IRL friends, my teachers and my classmates for being so awesome. Even past the homophobic jokes, even past the conflicts, we still all got along and worked well together. I may've been the "quiet artist kid" but, I'm happy with that title in the end!
So enough of that mushy stuff, you're here for the art, not for my emotional speeches! Let's get to it, starting with a buncha contest entries!
I gotta be honest I didn't expect to get any of these finished in time but I did, and I'm even posting them in time!
This first one is for the lovely Kaitouu's contest!
I didn't really have any unique ideas so, I just went with something dark and picked Inso and Delta for this .w.
Dunno if Inso kills, dunno if he'd use a knife, I didn't know much, so I kinda just improvised? Hopefully that worked out?
Why Delta has blood on him...well...that's for you to theorize about :>
But yeah! Not really that proud of it? But I hope you still like it, Kai .w.
Next entry is for PumpkingxAngel! I did onesies, I did horror, I did it all uvu
Not gonna lie this looks a tiny bit rapey but IT'S NOT, DON'T WORRY!
I can give background info on this uvu Cipher in his human life was cheated on by his girlfriend. Yanno, high school lovers don't always last- and later he got sabotaged and run over by a car, going into his second life as a paint villain boi (this is why Chalk Outline by TDG is the perfect song for him)
Because of this, he kinda...dislikes all teenage girls? To be fair he hates everyone, but he especially holds a grudge against ladies. In this picture, Paris (and Archie in the back) are also his age, teenagers
I guess they got attached to Cipher and invited him for a sleepover! Onesies were involved, kinda took it as an opportunity to symbolize the villain-hero thing quq
And then obviously things went downhill, Cipher revealed his true plan, locked and trapped Archie in a room where he could only bang on the door, hoping his girlfriend (or crush, take your pick) is okay, while Paris is frozen on the couch. They were probably watching TV and Archie went to make popcorn-
A little fun fact, Cipher's paint-magic-thing is capable of lots of different things. It can turn into chains, lava-like liquid, black paint is usually toxic fluid, he can paint over anything to seal it shut, it can physically hurt and cut you, burn you, and none of that actually affects Cipher himself!
Sooooo that's all the info I have! Hope you like it, Lex!
And then the final one before we move onto something else, Gmrsugarart's contest!
Took a while to come up with an idea but, I think I got it!
If anybody remembers one of my old entries for Jackie's contest from a while back, it was the funeral one with Jake and Inferno, the picture I basically made Inferno for? I hope you do, cuz' I can't show it since the limit is 20 images-
But I kinda decided to build on that idea with this comic entry!
Soooooo I'm really proud of this one! Probably my favorite comic so far? I'm probably gonna say that for every new comic I make cuz' I keep finding new ideas and new ways to do them!
I kinda wanted an imperfect theme for this one. The panels aren't straight (hah), there's really no background-- I might do this style more often!
I don't use a comic program or anything so I just had to make-do, but I did add some little details and touches here n' there! Like the speech bubbles for Inferno being jagged, while the ones for Jake are perfect circles, kinda indicating how calm he is and how quivering Inferno is-
I said I'd do black and white, I went through with it! uvu
The story itself I decided to keep vague? There's lots of questions left unanswered that I'm just gonna let you speculate on! Why Jake's having a funeral when he's not even dead, why they're so close, what's happening, that's all left for you! And, hopefully that's okay?
I at least hope you like it, Jackie!
And now that that's out of the way, I did a profile picture change! It was about time, honestly-
It's Pride Month themed but it's not really in your face this time? Hopefully that's better- kept going with the lineless style!
I like it, especially the background!
Obviously, I still have to show the bird, I am a birb after all xD I'm not getting rid of this running gag!
Just know I'm not flipping you guys off! Probably instead homophobes or other groups of shitty people, like ya do-
Now moving onto covers? Yyyyeahhh, I got some book ideas-
This is either an amazing or incredibly crappy idea but yanno what! I'm willing to take the risk!
Probably no one will comment questions or dares anyway-
But ye, I'm doing this since last time, I missed a great opportunity to actually draw out the answers, so this time I'm going to! If, again, I get questions;;;
This other book idea is probably a bit more interesting!
It's combining two of my favorite horror communities-
No anthros or x readers here! Only terrifying giant 3-meter tall bloodthirsty animatronics and anomalies!
No, Freddy's not small compared to Peanut Man, that dood's like the size of a human, so-
Are they gonna fight each other? Work together to kill all the humans? You'll see =v=
I know a couple followers of mine (who don't necessarily read this art book-) like SCP Foundation so maybe they'll like it, at least? If I ever get around to doing this, I mean-
And now, more fandom stuff! More FNaF, go figure-
Recently I dug through my art box full of old traditional art of when I didn't draw in sketchbooks, most of it was FNaF and shit! But I found one that...spoke to spoke to me soul...
Because it's so b a d
Why do they have so much h a i r
A little background, I guess here, Plushtrap, Spring, Springtrap, and Springlock are all brothers but Plush was left behind and kidnapped and then later he comes bacc to take revenge and Spring cries
That's that in a nutshell xD
But ye I redrew it, cuz' again, it was just way too good an opportunity to pass up! I might do a couple more drawings like this in the future, I need to draw robots more-
I guess I didn't do much of a height difference? Plush is supposed to be way smaller-
But all in all, I'm pretty happy with the outcome! I've definitely gotten better at expressions, I think-
Now, jumping into a more lighthearted fandom!
Remember when I made some fanart for Slime Rancher? Where I turned some of the slimes into humans? Yeah, I might redo that later or do more with it, but I also showed that I shipped some of the types together! Which makes no sense but bear with me here-
I just wanted to draw some cute slimes, leave me alone quq
I love this game so much qquqq
These are probably odd combos but hey! Largos can come from every mix!
Now, some more lighthearted stuff!
Even if I adore PM x Nova, we gotta give this ship a little love too, even if it doesn't last long uvu
Or...should we give it love?
As much as I love Asterisk, he's a real meanie head manipulator-
Let's just...geek out about PM x Nova quq;;
Alright, now some actual lighthearted stuff!
Recently, I was so, so lucky to have adopted a wonderful bean from the awesome MotherlyDino-! I said I'd draw him, and I did! uvu
(I had to use a reference for the pose-)
I didn't change anything since his design is already so amazing, I just gave him a weapon! I'm so glad to have him, aaaa qquqq
And I'm not the only one glad he's here!
Some of you who follow my OC book have already seen this, but I just had to draw two brothers bonding quq
Just lookit them! They're so friggin adorable!
Ég's such a protective lil' brother and Inferno needs the love qquqq I'm gonna do so much with the two of them, just you wait-
Now, let's do some shipart! Cuz' we need that during pride month-
I've been planning on doing a Dax x Xander ship drawing for so damn long, and recently Add brought it up, so here I am!
It's a little melancholy, I guess? It's just raining and I friggin love the rain-
Xander's sleeping there with a cute little smile, meanwhile, Dax is worrying about so much quq
I really love these two bois, it was about time I drew them together! Plus this just looks so friggin cozy, I wish I could cuddle with someone under 20 blankets and pillows too-
I'm also kinda obsessed with those light things all of a sudden? Dunno why, I just like drawing them when I don't have anything else to add in the background-
They live together in the same small house, and The Rainbow System lives with them too qquqq
I... can't stop staring at this drawing, what the heck quq
Now, another wholesome thing!
The (very very few) people who read my Two Shades of Aqua drabble about how Zander's parents met might remember that Axel has a cute little birb friend, called Pip!
Well, I decided to draw em!
Rainbow long-neck birb? Y e s p l e a s e
All I can say to this is-- friendship goals uvu
And now, a cursed idea I had, which I'm kinda regretting but Imma post it anyway since I like the drawing-
G e n d e r b e n t Zander-
I used a reference for the pose again, I just wanted her to be tying her hair up. Zandy doesn't like her hair down, and I guess Pazy's Topaz as a girl-- look I dunno what I'm doing, I kinda need to practice the female anatomy one way or another, don't judge me-
But also, no one hit on her cuz' she already has two wives and three girlfriends-
Forgot to make the gemstone glow again like an idiot, that's typical of me-
But I think this is the first and last time Imma draw her or any other genderbent character of mine. The idea's just so cursed and weird for me, I just wanted to try this out but, never again
So now we finally move onto some shitposts! Multiple, actually, cuz' I had many ideas-
This first one is a quick GIF I made! Literally quick, it took me 20 minutes-
It is indeed Zander's month so he gotta show off those hips-
He's encouraging all of you to be proud of who you are uvu And if you're not, he'll throw a gaydar at ye-
And then...the other one which was put less effort into xD
I swear, Zander's the biggest gay mood-
I was gonna draw Zander grabbing a buncha paint and repainting the pride flag as a circle, but yanno, 20 limit pictures and all that-
And that's pretty much it! Man, remember when my art chapters used to be consistent? Those were...times-
Imma go now, peace out!
Random emoji of the day;
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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