Art Dump of Gayness
Probably one of the most accurate titles I've ever written-
Welcome back to this shithole, peeps! I'm back, I was gonna post earlier but didn't wanna risk it with Wattpad's bug and everything--plus I remembered it's Egg day, wooooooo-
But yeah, how's quarantine going for all of you beans? Let's hope it ends soon, eh? I've just been having more and more time to draw and sometimes write-
Anyhoo, enough of me rambling! Let's get onto the art!
As usual, I'll start off with the pictures for people! First, the art trades!
The first one for KatieCatMeow123! You did my personas so I figured I'd do two in return?
I probably messed something up either way, I triple-checked just in case because of my paranoia--I drew Kai and Angel for you!
I don't really like how this turned out, especially Kai qquqq;;; But I still hope you like it!
I know minimalistic backgrounds are kinda my thing, don't mind me-
And the second one for xX_pre_boomer_Xx! I hope I did your OC bean correctly too!
The blue filter was a last-minute touch but I ended up liking it uvu Lots of blue over here-
I forgot to fix the layering, FECK-
But I hope you like it!
Okay, moving onto another contest entry! For _Shipping_Addict_ this time! Consider this as a gift as well? xD
Not really a surprise, it's Data :>
I have a lot to say about this-
First off, leather wings :> No feathers here anymore!
Second, flustered Beta :>>>
Third, I almost gave up on this drawing because the bodies looked weird... but then the blanket saved everything :D THE BLANKET SAVED ALL-
Fourth, collar :> No, you're not blind, he does have a collar with "kitty" written on it-
Fifth, cuddles in bed, heck yes- Also the idea of Beta without his hoodie and scarf on for once and being so vulnerable is an instant ultimate yes-
Just, two serial killers cuddling gives me life, don't mind me!
Hope you don't die on me, Add!
Okie, next up, for Egg day-
I completely forgot Easter was here, honestly- It's not really a holiday I celebrate since my family's not really religious, plus with quarantine, it just kinda slipped out of my mind-
So I made a lazy drawing for it?
Beta being in a bunny onesie was Add's idea and I loved it so much I went with it-
The only onesie more fitting for Beta would obviously be a cat one but this is Easter themed, so xD
Obviously he's flipping everybody off because when my persona's not doing it, somebody else must! It's a running gag that shall never die!
So yea, happy egg day, peeps! Praise the lord Geezus and-- all that stuff xD
This next one is weird-- so recently my room's walls were painted dark blue, it used to be like a really really light aqua and I hated it-- I will say the dark paint makes my room seem smaller than it actually is but it's actually kinda cozy in a way xD
But I asked mom to paint it dark blue so I could paint a sunset on it! And my mom told me to draw it first so we could buy all the colors for it, soooooo-
I'm not really happy with the water? Hopefully, I'll paint it better-
But yeah, lots of space in the sky cuz' it's my obsession :> I cannot wait to get started on this on my wall!
Does it look like a good sunset? ;U;
Okie, now we move onto kinda redraws? In a way, I dunno-
I drew Andell again, the bean! I know she's a fan favorite so I decided why not? uvu Plus the old redesign's drawing is really bad and I was in the mood so, here ya go!
I guess this also kinda counts as a redesign in a way?
Freckles and bushy eyebrows are a yes uvu
I friggin love her tho! Her design's so great, aaaahhh-- Jackie you're friggin great at this-
Next up, angst art because sometimes we need to, eh? I wasn't sad or anything when I made it, I just wanted to make some sad stuff! I pondered for a while who I should draw for the angst and I finally found one!
I haven't drawn this bean in ages-- in fact, the last time I drew him was actually the first time I drew him too xD I've kinda forgotten about him like some other OCs, I guess? But he's a friggin snek and I love sneks! I need to make some lamia OCs! The only one I made was for forceRayz-
Boom, it's the boi Vim! I love him so much! I adopted him from Suicide The Bunny who I believe doesn't have Wattpad anymore quq
I guess you can make your own assumptions as to what happened? I'd say he's guilty he had to kill someone out of defense or something, poor bean-
Also, Starset lyrics, heck yea-
I need to draw sneks more!
Now, some more comics! They're gonna be my thing now, heh;;;
Anybody remember this hot garbage?
This is the one I wanted to show last time but didn't have space for-
The text is AWFUL--I made the bubbles before and then crammed the text into it, hhhhhh-
Again with the black/static eyes, hecc-
This is suuuuper lazy, holy shit-
So... I remade it!
PumpkingxAngel there's Skylar for you xD
Okay I know I said I wouldn't draw or write anything featuring LIAM even remotely but...I couldn't pass up the opportunity!
Hopefully, the text is easier to read? And hopefully, it's a little more interesting than the last one with the different panels! This is a canon scene, by the way :>
You guys can theorize about it, I'm curious if you have any theories!
Okay, next category of art we move onto is...shipkids!
Surprisingly there are a lot of em xD
Imma start off with redesigns before showing some new ones! You guys remember...these two, right?
Yeahhhhh I decided to change them up!
Here they are!
They're definitely older than before, I decided to age them up so I can do more with them! I changed them up a lot because I hated their colors before and made them a little more different!
Spoilers, Zephyra has gender dysphoria quq My bean's gonna be a trans guy-
But ye, I think this looks better!
Now some redesigns bootiful peeps did for me!
Gmrsugarart is friggin lovely and redesigned my trash OCs Cara and Phoenix for me and I loved them so much! I just had to draw them myself!
Please check her version out too!
Lookit that, already more interesting characters! uvu
I included the flaming parts of Phoenix into their wings since they don't have a tail quq But I love them!
And I had so much fun drawing Cara!
I'm definitely gonna update their bios too-
And the other two OCs were Flossy and Plum! Now most my old cringey OCs are remade!
The lovely xX__Emliy_Gay__Xx redesigned Plum for me! Go check that out too!
But that inspired me to draw Flossy as well!
I kinda changed some stuff, I kept the ponytails cuz' it's so iconic quq But I kept everything else!
Flossy didn't change much-- but at least now they're fixed!
Now, some new beans!
Since Tople exists now and I love it so friggin much, obviously a shipkid was born out of it! And I love him so much!
I drew him with Sharin because the two of them are so friggin close-
Aaaaaaa I love Tofu so much! He has vitiligo and he's also fully blind quq And I really like how his design turned out!
Sharin loves to play with his hair to comfort him uvu
Omi better friggin love Tofu, they're gonna be like 8-year-old lovebirds-
Omi is the shared shipkid between Add and I, by the way-- we technically have four shared ships now xD
Now, another shipkid from actually a pretty old ship--but it was made after I drew some of the main shipkids, Sevrein!
The Sever x Serein shipkid is just called Seraa and her and Val are pretty close too!
I really really love Seraa's design! She's a total lesbian, by the way-
She's the Butterfly princess! Not the first to rule though, April's older than her
I friggin love her colors, I dunno how I did that qquqq
I should've given her makeup, aaaaaaa! Also, don't ask why her tongue is purple, she probably painted it-
But ye, Val's still the same, the gay boy that we know and love uvu I love these two!
Now... another shipkid, yes xD
I've been thinking about giving Alistair a partner, although now I finally figured out what I wanna do-- Alistair's kid has only one parent, his other parent... well, I'm not gonna say-
But here he is! He's also gonna be Gamma's boyfriend because the bean needs some love finally quq
Here's Liu! Yep, that's his nickname-
I'm really happy with how his design turned out actually, I love his colors! He's an Acher obviously and he uses a bow! I really like how that turned out too-- obviously I used a reference for it xD
And then just added the toxic symbol cuz' why not! So ye, he's new and he's stayin!
On the topic of all these shipkids, I finally decided on something!
Instead of cramming my OCs together with these shipkids in one book, Imma make a separate book for them! I already got the cover and everything!
I know, it's just a lazy edit--
But I feel like that'd make things more organized! Plus, I wrote the whole list and currently, as of now I have 21 shipkids xD And I still need to draw a bunch of them!
So ye, Imma make a new book for them, see ya there!
And now... the final bit for today-
More shitposts! xD
It's gonna be a thing now-
This idea was also brought up by Add (thanks bud-) and it was too good to pass up xD
I titled it "Questioning Existence" and it has even lower quality than the last one-
It's probably hard to tell who these are, Dawn's over there as a tall boi making fun of Nicole who's a mad friggin midget, then Beta's on the other side deepthroating a banana because gay and Zander's jealous and mad in the background-
"Copycat" is a pretty good pun, eh? xD
This is a terrible drawing of Pascal, it's soooo bad-
I dunno man, I'm starting to lose my sanity xD
It's not like I had much in the first place-
But ye, that's pretty much all! Ending off with 20 pictures again, woop! Imma go sleep in a bit now, hope you guys enjoyed this one!
Nobody answered so Imma just do the emoji thing again cuz' why not-
Random emoji of the day;
∩( ・ω・)∩
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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