Art dump because I'm trash
Get it? Cuz' you dump trash into a dumpster--Imma just stop right here-
You guys have no idea how excited I am to show you this art dump :> And I mean it when I say that, there are legit 19 pieces of art here-
Hopefully worth the wait?
I'll ummm...set the big Sanders Sides redraw I wanted to do for a while aside since, lots of problems have come up and it honestly left a sour taste in my mouth :'> (forceRayz I am s o r r y)
Apparently school education is closing down in Hungary starting this Monday, I have zero clue if our school is also under that, but if it's confirmed that I won't have school for a couple weeks, I'll let y'all know-
Anyway! I'll stop rambling and get on with it!
I'll start with the stuff I did for people! Um, contest entries-
First one is for PumpkingxAngel's contest, honestly, I'm not that proud of this, could've done better with the lighting or made it cuter and g a y e r but :'>
Lookit that, gay poly stuff, not the last thing you'll see with that theme :D
Honestly, Lex made me ship this- I drew them in a pillow fort because I thought it'd be adorable!
Also yes, Buck's book reads "How 2 handle 2 cute bfs" :>
I hope at least some of you agree that flustered boi Zander is always a win in anybody's book-
The second contest entry is for _Shipping_Addict_'s contest!
Now, admittedly
I could've made it a little more creative quq Honestly none of the emotional/angst songs I had inspired me so I went with one that's super nostalgic for me!
I don't think I drew Duvet well but quq
There's not much specified backstory to this so, I guess use your imagination?
The song I picked and wrote the lyrics of is this one;
Ironically a Sanders Sides speedpaint introduced it to me and now it's stuck in my head again after forgetting about it for a year :D
But yeah! I don't think this counts as angst but it sure is dark! Poor beans-
I hope both of you like the entries!
On the topic of contests, if anybody's curious, I might make one again this summer :>
Alright! The next ones are gonna be kinda gifts, so!
This first one is for HellOfADemon!
Ahm, this is awful, I'm sorry quq
I hope it's somewhat decent tho? I tried to balance out the colors as best as I could and read everything off of the sketches quq
The next are shiparts, both that I (and the other person-) made canon :>
Tagging PumpkingxAngel again, let's gooooo-
This whole thing was inspired by a roleplay xD
And while Bernard's technically not dating anyone for Lex, the FoD version of him is dating Luz! So yay, more poly!
Now this second one I'm really excited about :> And I'm tagging _Shipping_Addict_ again
This changes and morphs a character I already love on a whole new level
Imma just show you-
Ah yes, two psychotic killers together, what a match :>
Dawn belongs to Add, by the way, them and I were just talking the other day and realized how cute they would be so ended up making it canon-
AND NOW WE'RE LITERALLY OBSESSED WITH IT, SOMEBODY HELP US--but don't at the same time cuz' this is legit adorable-
Now, the reason this is so interesting is because it adds (heh-) a new aspect to Beta's character I didn't even think was possible :>
(ignore how bad this sketch is-)
"BBB" is now a thing which, I'll let you figure out what it stands for =v=
Now, excuse me while I continue geeking out about Data (yes, this is, in fact, the ship name-)
I mean, better than the name Pasta (for Pascal x Beta), right? xD
And now we move onto the next big theme, new characters!
...Yes, even more of them, 's not like I don't already have enough but anyway!
This first one I adopted from, well, Add xD 'tis a great person, go check them out!
But I friggin love this robot bean I got from them and ksjrlksdjlkgj Andell has a new friend! quq
This legitimately took me 16 h o u r s to draw on my phone-
I'm never drawing Hue on my phone again :'>
But yeah! I didn't really change much from the original design, just added my own touch to it, I can't wait to make a full backstory for them!
...My friends thought they were a sheep-
Now, an important group of new characters! Remember that poll I made (that only brings back bad memories now)?
Yeah so, this group of friends is called "North Wind", since they're all from the north of the island (even if their home Lair is situated somewhere else) and while I didn't put it on the map visually since it's so small, it is actually somewhat covered in snow!
Anyway, lemme introduce them real quick! (Lex helped me big time with coming up with them-)
First off, Micah!
Already an anomaly considering his tail and ears are two colors instead of one, how it's supposed to be, but he was also a social outcast starting from childhood so he grew up very skeptical, quiet and almost enigmatic
He has the north's logo on his scarf
But I absolutely friggin love his design and mostly his colors! quq
Okay, next up-
Micah's best friend, Maple!
He's a Butterfly, despite growing up at north, he's based on autumn
Yes, he does wear two scarfs-
He's a total bean, happy-go-lucky, bubbly and optimistic, but he has a secret...he's the most dirty-minded out of all of them despite seeming the purest :>
I love how his design turned out as well!
Next up,
Bryn! Bryn's a Nightwing who actually hunts at day and sleeps at night since growing up around different species at north, he had to adapt
He's based on the moon! He's a tsundere, he's cold and bashful and barely tells his true feelings
Admittedly I'm not the proudest of his design, his is the worst out of the five in my opinion, but I still like him nonetheless quq
Alright, moving onto my favorite,
Kyrie, the only non-binary out of the five! Which means they/them pronouns, altho if I do forget, forgive me please-
You might be wondering what they are, well, they're an Arthropod! They're just a subcategory, a Dragonfly! (I friggin love how their wings turned out-)
They're very confident and stuck-up, they're a drama queen and love talking about themselves
Not gonna lie, I was doubtful first when I started coloring, but man do I love how they turned out! Especially the stripe on their face quq
And lastly,
Kyrie's brother, Remy! He's the youngest in the group
He's also an Arthropod, but a different subcategory, he's a Firefly! (again, h o w did I do the wings like that-)
He's more mature than his older brother, doesn't really talk much and always follows rules!
No, he does not attract people using his tail (yes, I changed it to make it a tail instead of his b u t t)
I'm not too sure about his clothing and colors of it, but I really like his wings so, it's a win for me!
Now, Imma get into why these guys are important another time, hopefully with more art, but for now, uhhh-
I mentioned poly gayness, right? Well, you're getting a very complicated one this time-
Y'see all five of these guys have two partners!
I'll just show you the map I made of it all-
I'll explain it in case it's confusing-
Micah is dating Bryn and Zander (yes, he's, in fact, Zander's fifth partner, nobody start bitching)
Bryn is dating Micah and Kyrie
Maple is dating Remy and Topaz (:0)
Kyrie's dating Bryn and Glitch (the boy's finally getting a partner!)
And Remy's dating Maple and Autumn! (it's not too big of an age gap, I checked-)
And then I included some other kinds of relationships, the stars mean they're friends, obviously they're all friends but I didn't want to make this too complicated, Zander and Topaz are of course married and Topaz and Autumn are brothers
Hopefully that all wasn't too confusing for any of you xD
Anyway, moving on from the gay poly!
Now, Imma show you a redraw I did :>
Of probably the most iconic drawing I've ever made?
I can't show the full evolution since the limit's 20 pictures sadly, but this is the newest redraw I did of it like, somewhere last year?
(This is so bad now, w h e r e are their noses-)
So, there are numerous reasons why I redrew it
Number one, I didn't draw the background and it doesn't really fit the atmosphere
Number two, I can actually draw people from a side view now
And number three, they don't look fifteen here-
Boom :>
Woahh lookit the change-up! They look nothing like their adult selves!
I gave Autumn a different outfit cuz' I refuse to believe he'd wear the same clothing as a child he would as an adult-
I also changed their hair because it's also a thing that changes over time-
Oh yeah! I also decided to add Drea's control into this in numerous ways :>
But yeah, I'm actually pretty proud of this!
And now we move onto the final bit for today, shiposts and fandoms cuz' yaaaaaay-
I'll start off with a redesign of an old M y L i t t l e P o n y OC I had (yes, I was in the fandom a looong time ago-)
So I was gonna show you the original design of the character (a shitty 3rd-grade drawing) but then I remembered Wattpad doesn't let me put camera photos in so, I redrew it lazily!
Wow, such a simple character--they were supposed to be me as well, but then later I started hating pink but stuck with it for some reason-
And then I decided that fuckit, Imma redesign her! A them now but still-
Now I'm not the best at drawing ponies mostly because I don't really n e e d to but I tried my best!
I'm not too proud of the mane but eh, couldn't have done better-
If I remember correctly I based Skyflower (real original name, I know-) off of those flowers in that specific forest in the show that I forget the name of--the blue ones that were like drugs and changed the ponies or something--it was a long time ago, okay??
But yeah, I might've been inspired by Emala Jiss's redesign of her own main character-
Alright, now jumping into a different fandom that I adore and am in to this day!
Anyone know of Papers Please?
I friggin adore the game and especially a certain reoccurring character in it, potato maaaannn!
AKA Jorji :>
Now I'm not good at drawing old balding people so this might look terrible xD
Didn't know what eye color to give him either-
I included one of his best phrases, god I love this guy so much, I wanna hug him quq
I need someone as optimistic as him in my life-
And lastly, some country stuff!
Just...just take the shitpost-
Blame Lex for the idea
But also blame me for drawing it-
I guess this is to my Romania x Hungary shippers out there-
On that note, shifting this topic to something a little more serious,
Tomorrow (for me) is March 15th
I might not be on much since I'll be commemorating inwardly but
Take this drawing of it and if it interests you, do some research cuz' I'm not gonna explain
This is a sad but prideful day for Gary and I
And with that, this is where I'm ending this super long chapter! Toodles, peeps!
No puns for today
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: CLOSED
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