Yikes, sorry for the shouting quq;;;
But I'm back with another contest! Heck, this is the fourth one? I would say that's a lot but I've seen so many people do way more, so!
Anyway, yeah! I finally found a theme I thought would be nice for this one!
So far, we had video game world crossovers, LGBT cuteness, and Seven Deadly Sin tropes! Now, we have something different! Something more wholesome and...weird?
Oh yeah! The theme is Wacky Quarantine!
All of us have experienced the quarantine life and I'm sure we can all agree, it got pretty boring from time to time!
So the theme basically is, draw mine and your OC (or multiple) doing something fun in quarantine! (Please note, if you're gonna do crack ships, please consider the sexuality, age, and gender of any of my OCs)
I want to visualize what I don't want to see;
And what I do want to see!
(apologies for the super bad quality)
I think this is the perfect contest to boost your creativity and put it to use! You can draw the characters doing all kinds of wacky stuff, even multiple things for one entry! Whether it be Bungy jumping from a roof, to making puppets out of pillows, to even having a pet dress-up competition! Go wild!
Get me to say "Oh, how odd!" or "What a weird thing to do in quarantine!" when I see your entry! Catch me off guard, do something so wacky, so weird and odd, that no one would expect it!
And no, rebelling against quarantine life by going outside to shop all day doesn't count!
I just want you guys to have fun, mostly. I want you guys to really think about your entry before drawing it out! It doesn't have to be something super complicated either!
Unlike the other contests, I'm gonna do points for this one
Creativity - 10 points
Effort - 5 points
Accuracy/fitting for quarantine - 5 points
OC interaction - 5 points (If you don't draw my OC in it, you will only get 1 point. I've had so many entries where it was only the other person's OC, so if that happens, I'll ask you to fix it, if you can't then again, you will get 1 point for this category)
And now, going through the rules real quick!
(FireAlpaca has shitty fonts, even after updated ._.)
Lemme go through them one by one and explain!
Pretty self-explanatory. If I find out you used a base or traced somebody, you'll be disqualified. I know it might sound harsh, but I want everything to be 100% fair! My contests are optional to join anyway. References are more than welcome, I use them all the time!
2. Traditional is allowed! Must have color!
Also fairly obvious-- my fellow traditional artists are welcome to join! But both mediums, traditional and digital, should have color, at least!
3. One entry per person!
You can redo it if you don't like your original entry and still have time to finish the new one! You can draw at most 3 pictures (if it's a comic), or 2 if you couldn't fit everything into one picture!
4. Be peaceful!
No harassment, no judging, nothing negative on this contest, please. I already got ridiculed in the LGBT one by someone claiming an animation should automatically be first place.
5. Due date extension: Uncertain
I might consider if a lot of people are in trouble and need a couple more days. But please understand Imma be on a tight schedule this summer, split your time right to brainstorm and plan ahead to make sure you can finish it in time, you have a full month for the whole thing!
You don't necessarily have to post it on Wattpad and tag me, you can also just send it to me on Discord with some info! Cuz info and a little background (even story) behind the entries are always appreciated
6. Keep sexual/gorey stuff to a limit!
I'm sure you understand this one.
And that's it!
I wanted to limit the number of entries for this contest... But I realized how tedious that would be. Not only have I always gotten 20 comments from people who wanted to join every single time who did not deliver, but I'm afraid if I did slots, that'd happen again. People saying they wanna join and then never doing it, while someone more passionate about it could've gotten that slot qnq
Now, the prizes!
3rd place: One sketch artwork (at most 1 character) and one flat-colored artwork (at most 1 character) + a drabble, if I know you and your characters well enough (500 words)
2nd place: One flat-colored artwork (at most 1 character) and one fully colored and shaded artwork (at most 1 character) + a drabble, if I know you and your characters well enough (700 words)
1st place: Two fully colored and shaded drawings (at most 2 characters each) + a drabble, if I know you and your characters well enough (1200 words)
Everyone else will get a semi-colored sketch artwork of one OC! Plus a smol 300-word drabble if I know you well enough
I think I might be judging alone. I'm not sure which of my friends want to for sure join, but if none of my close friendos want to or are able to (because of either time or because they're joining) be my co-judge, then I'll be the only judge
I know this was a lot of info, but have fun everyone, no pressure, no rush, the point of this is to have fun first and foremost!
I'd recommend not joining if you get hurt easily, because while I will provide constructive criticism and praise for all the entries, I do have to make someone last place, no matter how many ties I make.
And believe me, I know, I know a simple semi-colored sketch isn't worth the amount of time and effort you'll put into your entries, believe me, I know! But I'm trying to find the best way to make myself not go crazy. I was already so pressured and weighed down all the other contests and I just can't do a colored drawing for everybody, I'm not that fast and I get tired out...
Plus I mean, it's entirely your choice to join and take into consideration that hey, I might only get a sketch in return! But I hope no one joins just for the prize... The point of this is to put your creativity to work, to have fun, to draw something different, and go out there!
If I don't vote and comment on your entry (that you have to tag me in) in 2/3 days, please message me privately and/or tag again, because Wattpad sucks with notifications and I wanna make sure I get everybody's entry!
So there ya go <3
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