An emotional rollercoaster
This art dump in a nutshell
So, expect wholesome stuff, cute stuff, lore, and uh...dark? Pretty dark- but we'll get to all of that in a bit!
Online education is actually being extended here to March 1st from February 1st, and even that can be extended further- I made this art dump during the time I was sure I'd have to go back on the 1st of next month, so sometimes I rushed, but I counted and I was gonna be happy with being able to publish an art dump right before going back! But, lookit that, I'm early, even-
Valentine's Day's coming up but uhhh, I don't think I'll get an art dump out on that day, I mean, me? Getting 20 pictures in 14-15 days? You gotta be kidding- I'll try my best though! If not, at least you guys will get some super late valentines drawings-
But who likes me talking this much- onto the art!
Starting off with my entry for Gmrsugarart's art contest, which you should definitely check out, by the way! She's doing a whole year's book of it!
This prompt was revamping old characters and stuff like that, and lucky me, I just so happen to have tons of OCs that are practically useless in L.R., so I've been meaning to revamp them entirely!
Old art warning-
So I went with my good ol' girl Plum who I'm still pretty attached to! I made her as an adoptable waaay back in the day- This is actually a redesign of her very old design quariy_universe did, so props to them!
(Side note, would anyone like Flossy? I don't need anything in return, I just really dunno what to do with her, where to put her, at this point she's just taking up space in my OC book and I feel bad;;;)
But I wanted to change her species and some of her design entirely since she's gonna go in Rewritten Destiny!
I included Jackie's OC, Fae! And Plum is now one of her species, a Sakakui Demon! Because, I like my friends' content qwq
And hey, some of her fairy aspects are still there! But now she's a sailor! Meaning she used to be fascinated and obsessed with fire in her previous life-
Oh yeah, and Fae got minor changes too since Jackie wasn't entirely happy with it, I just changed her hair color and added a few smol details cuz yanno me quq
I don't like the background- or this entry a lot in general, but I'm really happy with their designs!
Speaking of redesigning things for people! I did it with one of Addxiety's main characters too! He's already seen it the moment it was finished, but I still wanna include it because I'm happy with it!
It's Duvet, remade!
I'll be honest, I had so much friggin fun with it- I really adore Duvet's character in general so I wanted to do her justice! I know she's super confident so I gave her a crop top with those knots that people do, and yes, it says "Confident Blanket" and yes, it is a pun uvu
I gave her leg warmers, some tapes since she's a guard, hearts all around since she represents lustful love, and freckles, cuz yes! And I really like her guard outfit as well! I just wish I added her scarf from the original design-
I still suck at drawing toes-
And on the topic of Add- you know I gotta feed my love for Lidd quq I tried to make it interesting so you guys don't think I'm just beating our relationship over your heads, that's not what I'm trying to do at all! So I hope I don't come off as pretentious qq;;
Jackie had a great idea to draw us with pets, specifically ones from L.R., so hybrids! So here are our pets!
Okie so! The seal-bear hybrid with the space-themed spots is named Stardust! And the birbun is named Lavalamp, or Lavi since he has a lava lamp-lantern theme! I friggin love them both so much, aaaa!
Yes, Lavi is see-through! And the light thingies are floating inside his body, just like the lamps! And I love how fluffy Stardust is-
Oh yeah! And just to spice things up and add (heh-) more to the Life's Rebirth theme, I made us different species! I'm a Flyer and Add's a Necro, which are from his world, but they can still be in L.R.! (cue Byrd-)
I gave him a man bun because umm- he brought it up and I love it- oh and I'm wearing his hoodie! Don't judge me for it being big, I being small? The feet in the top corner add to that quq;;;
Oh yeah! And the pose I referenced is from DAHAN-Illust!
Now that we're onto shipart, I feel like it's fitting to show this!
As much as I adore Rohw x Noel, I wanted a new ship as well that would show Noel being ultimate femboy, and I think I found...the cutest thing ever
It's Poel! See Parity is an ass, like a giant one- to most people, he just doesn't know when to shut up with his opinions and he's especially mean to his cousin Purity (yes, I changed it from sister-)
But Noel just kinda...erased that by being the biggest bean in the entire universe- I mean just lookit him! He's just holding flowers and smiling purely and Parity's just lovestruck!
I'm probably the only one who thinks it's adorable but still! And Parity's still an ass, don't worry, he's just learning to be better, especially around his new boyfriend-
Now um, I don't have a segue for this one- I was just dry of art ideas recently so I did some sketches in my sketchbook of my Themepark bois!
I hope it's visible enough-
Don't get me wrong, some of it is useless, I just- wanted to fill the paper more, I guess? Make it look more finished-
But yeah, I drew all their tails for fun, same with their eyes just so show the difference, I drew Owen's arm to show her wings attached to it, and her bow! Along with Rocket's star
The rest of it is a grumpy Tape in the middle, A.D. looking stellar in his astronaut suit, and their height differences! That one's terribly done, I was rushing and it's crooked, and the heights I set also most likely aren't realistic either-
Alright, uhhh...more redesigns! I did a lot of them
I won't show the original designs, since I don't own Void and Fallon and gave them away to an ex-friend now, but I decided to bring their concept back and play around with different designs until I found something I liked! So, while I don't own Void and Fallon who were made for Fate In Our Hands, I do own this Fallon and Zeal!
I mean, I changed them a lot and I made their unique concept originally, plus I'm sure the person either dumped them or changed them entirely to forget about me like what I'm doing, but if they do for some reason have a problem with Fallon's name staying, I can always change it-
But I really like them! They're both foxes, Fallon an arctic fox, and Zeal one of those black-orange foxes! Although she looks more like a cat here-
Their hair is transparent since I felt like it'd be more cluttered and confusing otherwise- I love Zeal's fur pattern, I tried to replicate the actual fox's- and I'm really happy with their clothes! Huge kudos to PumpkingxAngel for giving so many great ideas I ended up using!
Jumping worlds for a second, onto Forest Of Diversity! Well...first, a character I'm really attached to that you might remember!
Medallion! Not BS, he's staying uvu
I really like the concept of Medallion's character! He's just a Butterfly obsessed with symmetry, even though lots of things in his old design aren't symmetrical for some reason- but that's all about to change!
See, I put him in FoD!
He's now a satyr! Or a faun, either work! I just really wanted him to be some kinda mythical animal, so he changed quite a lot and I hope Lex is fine with that!
I absolutely love him, his horns, his face, his design- qq Especially those ears, I tried to make them look like the type of butterfly he used to be!
The hands and fool's beauty is basically- he's an architect and works a lot with construction with his bare hands, so they're usually super injured! Except the injuries aren't symmetrical enough for him, so he puts this powder called fool's beauty on him and the rest of his body to appear fine!
Oh yeah, and I even included the "still not symmetrical" thing from the last drawing he was in, just as a reference uvu
OH! And he's Melancholy's brother now since they're both goat bois! I feel like that adds to his character and I'm definitely gonna draw them together sometime!
Still continuing with the redesigns, this time it's a bigger project! A project I worked on for four days, I think?
I redesigned every.single.Coloring. And even added three new ones-
Remember these guys? Yeah, I just feel like some if not all of them are a little...plain? They don't really look that interesting- What inspired me to torture myself like this was finding Bubble Gum!
Bubble Gum is the true Pink Coloring whose spot Lavender took when he disappeared! He was designed by a good old friend of mine, 35, or Colors as I like to call them!
I also decided that the 'floating' species limbs weren't gonna work- so I made them all transparent instead! All the physical unique traits of the species, wings, horns, ears, tails, all a little see-through! ended up being three pictures- mostly because I wanted them to be easy to see!
Here are the first five, some of the iconic ones!
We have Bittersweet, who I just gave a candy theme to! She looks a little like a clown and I think it's because of her nose?
Then we have Tangerine, who's slowly becoming one of my favorites! He has really pretty hair now qwq
Then his boyfriend, Dandelion, who's rocking that new makeup and the little bee accessory uvu
And Flora, who has a flower theme now thanks to her name! She's really pretty-
And lastly Mint! Yes, I changed his name from Teal to Mint since that color palette was more fun to do! He's a bab, I really like his new design better-
The next five! We have Celeste, who's super pretty and elegant now with her new dress and bows instead of the turtleneck!
And then Indigo, what a beaaaaaaan- he looks like a precious geek and we must protect!
And Mauve, the best boi ever, he must be loved, what a grumpy bab. I put a glowing rose on his shirt because yes, what a friggin bean-
Oh and a new face! Fuchsia, representing Magenta! I know, in-between colors, but I don't really care, white, black and grey aren't colors either so I already broke that rule- She has a heart theme and it's precious! And before anyone asks why she's not wearing a shirt, Flurrs have layers upon layers of coats of fur-
Oh and Bubble Gum, the guy I mentioned earlier! All I did was change his hair and update his clothes a little with some cool ass makeup!
And lastly, we have Syrup, who looks like such a dad now, I love his new design so much more!
Sable, another new character, who's absolutely slaying with that hair, gosh- I decided to make all the "shades" that aren't colors genderless!
Rhino, who's now shirtless, fight me
Cotton, who looks somehow even more like a bean??
And the last new face, Chimera! She's not technically one color, but the whole rainbow in pastel form! I really love her hair, her clothes are kinda lazy but she's really pretty!
And we're still doing redesigns, this is the last one, promise!
Remember this guy?
He's supposed to be Ven and Project 57 after integrated, like a 'fusion' per see, so he's supposed to be really important, but-
His design is a mess- I tried to combine a bunch of aspects from both Ven and Project's design and it looks really bad! I don't even like his name! And please tell me how his bag is phasing through his fluffy hood-
So, that all had to change!
His new name is Vertigo! Which is ironically similar to both Project and Ven-
Not gonna lie, I struggled a lot- Turns out it isn't easy to 'fuse' a mainly green and a mainly pink character together and make it not look like a watermelon! And I'm still not really happy with it, but it's god-sent compared to the original for sure-
Oh yeah, and he's pretending to be a pink Fairy (since the body is a Lime-Aqua hybrid) in Project's honor!
Alright, the emotional labor is coming- this next drawing is really dark, and it mentions aspects of physical, domestic, and sexual abuse, along with child neglect. Feel free to scroll past to view something wholesome instead
So, the Broken House, full of people who have been through so much. I wondered to myself, how could I convey the amount of pain they've been through? And I...think I found a way, but of course I couldn't wash the severity of the situations down, so it ended up being really dark
Um...yeah, so I'll talk about these vaguely to not trigger anyone;; Dax has been through domestic abuse, and something you see sometimes with people who were abused is that they can become abusers themselves, and that's what happened with him;; He's better now, of course, he's way past that life, but it left so many emotional scars on him that still need to heal
Ven's is obvious, he went through physical and sexual abuse, and because of that, repeated trauma below the age of 9 and now has DID to cope with it
Byrd's is...the darkest, he went through severe sexual abuse and manipulation for years- you can tell he's trying his best to forget it by embracing his kinky side with Cox, but sometimes he still gets flashbacks and breaks down
And finally Xands, who was raised and neglected by his "uncle" who manipulated him until he started to believe everyone else in the entire world was against him and wanted him dead
Yeahhh, um- I probably won't bring up these topics again unless it's in stories
TO LIFT THE MOOD UP- here, have something wholesome!
It's Dax hugging his giant plushie, Pinkonade! Jackie made Pinkonade for a drabble she wrote for me and I loved his concept a lot, so now he's actually a thing! Except I may've made him thrice as big...ehheh quq;;;
But ahhhh it's so cute! I gave the plushie little wings and a lemon slice with a straw, and a buncha hearts! And Dax went through a small update as well!
Isn't this just uplifting after that trainwreck of emotions? quq
And now some more lore!
I actually really like this one! Except for the background, I rushed it quq;;;
But this is the backstory of Clover, Zander, and Eden and how they grew up after their parents were banned from the Lair! And you might recognize that woman, that's Skylar! She went through some big changes, she's now a middle-aged woman working at a daycare who helped and took care of them until they were all separated and lost!
As you can see here, Clover's just crying and thanking her repeatedly while Zands's trying to entertain the baby quq
I really love how soft and precious Skylar looks here qq Oh yeah, and something related to this!
I got really tired of the cover I had for my drabble book, and this picture inspired me to flesh out some of the environment in the Fairy kingdom since it's the prettiest! For context, all Lairs have unique plants that grow there specifically, the Fairy one just happens to have mostly purple and blue ones to create a cold color scheme for the whole kingdom!
And I'm really happy with this! I decided to go with a painting style and only really used the watercolor tool and boy did it take forever- but it was all worth it!
Now, I have no clue what to name any of these plants- the bell-shaped ones glow and give off those swirly stuff that make music in the wind! The plants on the ground give out a magnetic aura that pulls bugs in so they can capture them, the roses with the stars are spiraled and they spring up and down! And of course, the bushes with the glowing blue flower petals!
So, any name suggestions? quq;;;
And the last thing for today that isn't technically a drawing, but is related to art!
Yep, I did a thing that you can all do!
Hopefully the quality isn't that bad quq;; Working with Canva is insanely difficult but I got there!
Anyone can answer this in their own books, really! Just be sure to credit me for making it, but otherwise, go nuts and have fun!
Add helped with the questions qwq
And that's it, hope you guys enjoyed! Toodles!
Random emoji of the day;
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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