A promise is a promise where I'm from except when it's not
Yeah... I don't even know. I don't think I technically promised that I'd leave this platform, it was always up in the air whether I was going to post again. The point is, I'm back! Listen, it's kinda hard to switch platforms, especially because most aren't designed to dump a bunch of drawings all at once. I also wanna get a few fandom-related stuff finished first, just so I have a basis to start with, maybe gather a small following, stuff like that! I mean I can't just jump into OC lore out of nowhere, can I?
I actually have 20 pictures this time. Not 20 drawings, you'll find I'm never gonna get that far-- But still a full art dump regardless! I have nothing more to add, let's just into the meat of it!
I'll start off with the only seasonal drawing, it feels like the logical thing to do. I figured I'd never be able to post another art dump at the end of October so, I got it out of the way pretty early!
I think it was Arthur's idea to depict Andell and Lawson carving pumpkins together. I didn't really do that, but it's something similar at least! And it features the best fall girl ever
Wooo we're back to lineless art! I didn't particularly put a ton of effort into it, but I do think this is one of my best ones so far. The clothing still doesn't look like actual fabric but I'm getting there-
The hair, though, I'm proud of! There's still something about my lineless style that looks... off, like, fake. I can't really explain or pinpoint it. Anyway, she's holding her own carved pumpkin! It's designed after her one and only, Lawson. You can tell by how happy the pumpkin is, and the iconic scarf! It... it's wholesome, don't- It's not dark, she didn't make him into a pumpkin-
She's also supposed to be dressed up as Frankenstein's monster, considering... yeah, her backstory is a little similar. Though you can't really see it. I like to imagine Andell doesn't take costumes seriously and would rather tweak her own outfit than go all out- Lawson's probably the opposite. Aw man, I need to create holidays for Life's Rebirth, don't I? Maybe that'll be my next project!
It also kinda looks like a pfp... I don't think Imma use it tho. Cassidy's drawing basically resonates with me now and I think I'd die if I changed it-
Moving onto things for people, that's usually the order I go in. And though they've already seen it, I thought, why not show it anyway? I'm pretty happy with the design despite it not being a hit
Polaris for pastelchromist!
It's not really a pastel space-themed character since I focused so hard on using elements from the references. I like to expand my world of character designs, even when it's for another person. Maybe I should drop that habit when I'm given a specific theme so I don't disappoint, haha-
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think purples with mint green are a VIBE. Like I'd actually wear it if it was in my wardrobe. And I think Polaris rocks it. She looks really cute in general! I've been sucking at coming up with color palettes recently, it feels like I'm running out of ideas. I might take a break from redesigning, at least other people's characters-
I won't always get what other people want right, anyway. But I'm glad you liked it, Pastel!
Speaking of redesigns! There are quite a lot in this chapter, but this one's for
Worth noting that he drew most of this, all I did was add the clothing and color the whole thing. Most of the credit should go to him!
For a 57-year-old, he's looking GOOD. Like this man decided to go to the shoelace factory, and who could blame him? Nah but honestly, I'm pretty happy with my part of this drawing. This, like Polaris and some other redesigns was a 'no brain' process, I kinda just had fun without thinking about it too much. I figured if I don't put too much of my soul into it, I'll feel less bad when the designs get changed. (a me problem by the way!) ...Still struggled with the colors tho-
I will say, he could almost put Dawn to shame. And hey, he finally has a robotic arm, he almost didn't have it again! :D
Next up is another redesign I've honestly always wanted to do. And I mean, basically for years!
This bitch. This edgy son-of-a-bitch. Still with the grey skin even though Silhouettes were scrapped. He needed some help, clearly
And even though he doesn't belong to me anymore, having designed his brothers, I thought... okay, I can't handle him looking like some bootleg Barbie prince anymore
So I spiced him up, big time. Kept that iconic pose but made him look... you know, hot. That's my character trait, making hot characters. And I think I nailed this one! I mean look at this bastard, with his white lock of hair, the half-white eyelashes with that makeup, and the chest window??? No wonder he has three partners, he deserves them all!
No joke, I'm so proud of this design. Like I wish the other ones I did were on this level, I wish I was this happy with all my redesigns. Anyway, just... appreciate him, please. I know I am-
Continuing with the kinda-related-to-Add rollercoaster, I guess I'll get the fandom stuff out of the way! Starting with a recent one
I'll start it off with a fun fact. Marker tools? Best thing ever. I've always seen some of my favorite artists use it for sketches in their speedpaints and I never really saw the appeal, given how messy they could be... until I tried it, and my GOSH, it's my new go-to. The dynamic of it is so fun, it's satisfying to clean it up, and it makes my sketches look so... soft! Now, granted, I only use it when I'm coloring my sketches, with lineart planned I still use the pencil
So, you're about to see two of those colored sketches! Both pretty low effort, but... I swear, the tool makes them look so much better. I feel like a professional artist now /j
I'm not gonna talk much about the ship itself since I doubt many of you even know about it. It's cute, it's really adorable and I WISH THEY WERE BOTH ALIVE- ahem, anyway-
I just really like how this looks. Especially their hair... I wanna touCH IT. If I had used the pencil this would've taken me forever
And, the other one. It was a late-night doodle I didn't put much effort into, that's why his hair... isn't the best, and he doesn't even look like a demon. I like the colors tho! I need to do more quick doodles like this, I do so much that takes hours to plan and think through and these are really nice breaks. I just need ideas for them-
With Demon Slayer out of the way, why don't we jump into the FNaF stuff? I did both on phone, so I'm not particularly obsessed with either, but I still think they're worth showing!
Another FNaF shipkid. I remember when I made a chapter basically dedicated to them. One of them, Grim, needed a redesign, and this is what I ended up with! His (their?) name is Whisper, but he mainly goes by his common nickname Mur-Mur which I find absolutely adorable-
None of them had a skirt, so I thought, why not give him one? And you have no idea how badly I wanna touch his mist taIL DFJDHFJ
Albeit, this one's a little stiffer since it was originally drawn on paper- But everyone welcome Buddy! I might be making another cast of my own FNaF characters for a project that... let's be honest, I'll never be able to do. I can't code games! I can't use blender! ...Yet
Anyway, he's a pure bean and you should all hug him. I recommend it
On the topic of drawing on paper... I doodle a LOT in school, you guys have no idea. Most lessons are so slow because of the behavior of my classmates, I tend to just grab a previous test sheet and draw on the back. These are some of my favorites!
There's a lot going on here- First of all, Cipher! Probably one of my favorite characters to doodle, because I don't necessarily have to use a reference picture. He looks extra edgy, which is always good
On top is a cotton slime, probably the 357th because I DRAW THAT SLIME SO MUCH. They're simple, adorable, and comforting, how could I not?
Then we have Mitch, contemplating his life choices. Don't really like this sketch of him honestly-
Sabito looks friggin adorable despite the fact I forgot both the scar on his face and the one on his mask... Shouldn't it be crucial enough for me to not forget it?
That Miku at the top was drawn by my classmate, don't mind it. She's talented as all hell. And then, a buny! No, not a bunny, a buny
Why did I talk so much about random sketches? Moving on!
This one's dedicated to PumpkingxAngel since it's his character. Time to show the FoD version of Bernardo; Caligo! Er, sorry, Duke Caligo
Ohhhh I hate him. But I love him. Pretty much both. I tried my best to keep the essence of his character so I wouldn't stray too far, then added some moth attributes to his horn and his tail and, of course, added the wings! I also think I made him a little tanner? Mostly for his backstory
His outfit's mainly the same, just a bit more 'medieval', even though I suck at historically accurate outfits. It's a fantasy world, I'm not taking it seriously! OH, and I changed the 6's to signs similar to it that fit in the world but still get the point across
He has a floating pet sea slug, Mr. Grumpstache! I take no credit for the idea or the name. I am, however really friggin proud of the doodles on the side! Especially the one at the top of him petting his sea slug, aaahhh! I had to draw him being smug as well, and naturally, the tiniest little shipart of him and Luz! Although it takes a LOT of character development on Caligo's end for them to actually get together, I mean the man literally leads a cult in this world-
Speaking of FoD... Oh yes, it's time I show the drawing I'm the proudest of right now. It was a REALLY big project I started working on back in early September, I think I finished it a couple weeks ago? But, I added Caligo, so now it's complete and ready to be shown!
It's... a lot to take in. I recommend zooming in to see all the details because boy is there a LOT of them. I thought hey, why don't I draw out all my FoD characters to figure out their heights? Little did I know this would take forever but be so, so worth it!
Our beloved main character Luz didn't change in the slightest, and he's around the average height. This was the perfect time for me to redesign Coco finally, and he looks so friggin cozy! Dynasty on the other hand got a few tweaks, meanwhile Plusheex got a bit of a revamp as well! Petal, the gods, Scout and Medallion didn't change at all, Melancholy got a tiny update!
Can I just mention how friggin adorable Vim is? No wonder Peace took him in, look at him! Look at the snek! And finally, Caligo, who looks the slightest bit different from the rest of them because... yeah, that's how fast I improve apparently
I still think this was worth all the effort because fuck, it's really nice to look at! And it's nice to boast with too, haha-
Next up, a character I got from Arthur! I really, REALLY loved Kismet's bio and absolutely adored the design I got, so I knew I had to do it justice. Only problem is, I struggled SO HARD with her colors. It's not even that the original ones look bad, they just didn't look right in my style, plus I ended up giving her overalls, which didn't help the struggle
Eventually, I got there tho! It's not as red as Arthur intended, I'm taking baby steps. No but really, I am happy with it! It's redder than the first color palette I gave her
And can we talk about the doodles again??? I knew I wanted to show off her personality, which is... barely smiling. Oh, and being a prank-lover, she smiles a lot then! Plus LOOK AT HER ABS, MY GOD. This is what you get when you're a farmer who lifts a lot of weight. And she reads tons of books! It's the best of both worlds!
I can't wait to do more with her, especially since I pretty much figured out her friend group, too
This is a nice segue to...lore! Kind of, at least. Ever since pretty much the very beginning, these plants called 'Dreamleaves' existed in L.R. I wrote them into some drabbles and came up with a loose concept, and nothing came of it. Until now at least! I finally designed them!
They don't really make a whole lot of sense, but hey, they're pretty and unique! I've yet to figure out what they do. Originally I think they granted wishes, then I think they became energy supplies? I need to decide on something, maybe their fruit can be good for something too!
Now, this perfectly segues into the next redesign
Yep, I gave Nala a redesign. I mentioned I would after showing Shae's but I'll be honest, I was a little concerned. I didn't wanna stray too far away from the many iconic parts of his design, and since he's so simple, I couldn't really take any away!
But, I think I found something I really, really like
Ta-da! Oh, I love him so much. His younger self got a bit of an update too, most importantly, the dreamleaf! Yep, he has one attached to his little coat thing
But his older self, my god I love it. He's now a giraffe boi! Giraffes are so underrated, I barely see anyone do things with them. And I figured it'd make a pretty good parallel; giraffes are tall and mighty, yet kind of unheard, they mostly keep to themselves. Kind of how Nala wants to be, considering how small and helpless he feels sometimes
I also gave him snowboots, not only for the extra cuteness factor, but because it just made sense, considering how often he and the gang travel and fall into combat. You'd need some pretty strong, warm boots!
The little doodle of him on the side is pure serotonin. Gosh. How can someone be so pure?
I don't think it's noticeable, but I also brightened his hair up a little! I wanted him to differ from his brother Z-ro, and his dad's blond hair would probably make him have a warmer hue
Can you tell I'm happy with this? quq
And this is the perfect opportunity to have Nala's pet take the spotlight!
This is just a small quick thing I did a little while back. Since Z-ro's partner, Dusk has a pet batball named Boink, Trix was bound to meet them eventually! I think they're getting along really well!
And if you thought that was the only drawing of a cute pet I had, then you were mistaken!
Axel's long-neck birb finally gets his own drawing! I wanna cry, I love him so much-
And we've finally made it to the last project! Which is good cuz my hands are killing me-
This needs a bit of a backstory. My classmate and I decided to play a little quiet game after we both finished our tests, which was basically; I draw a line, she draws a line, and we try to create a coherent picture out of it. This...thing was born! We then decided to color it and... fell in love
I absolutely HAD to draw him
Meet Bloop, the new Tumblr sexy man! I am so posting this on Tumblr later. Anyway, he's precious. I dunno what the hell he is but he's precious, dammit!
And... yeah, I think that's pretty much it! Thanks for reading!
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