A journey of color
Welcome back to whatever circus this book is at this point! No seriously, from monthly updates to questionable content to talking about everything for a decade, we have everything here! And free cookies, apparently-
Anyhoo, the title's completely random but the idea came from two things, one is important news, I'm going to Greece! Tomorrow- aka the 16th. I'll be there for about a week, we're thankfully going by plane, and there's wifi at the hotel! So I'll be occasionally online if anybody cares
Second, I'm actually really happy with most of the art in this art dump. That sounds like the usual nonsense but really, I think I finally took time to draw for the meaning of drawing (while having fun) and explore new and interesting concepts! I'm not just drawing for the sake of drawing, I'm experimenting with ideas, and I hope that'll show in some of the artworks!
Anyhoo, that's all I wanted- oh and this is the first chapter in a while with less than 20 pictures, fun fact -- let's begin before this gets drawn out, huh?
First off, something that I rarely get to draw, fanart, but not for FNaF or anything I ever have. A while ago, a couple of days before I drew this I went to see the movie Luca and have since then watched some content based on it
And I love my fish boys, okay? They may not be confirmed gay but the story's still heartwarming and I was smiling the whole time- I promised myself I would draw the main character, so here we are now!
I'm not the happiest with the shading since I didn't take it too seriously, it's especially heinous on the legs, but I did have fun with it! My favorite part was probably the face quq
Continuing with drawings I'm not the proudest of, unlike the theme of this chapter -- Have this rushed thing?
It's not the best, not really what I was going for, kinda messy- I drew this today since I've been wanting to draw these two interacting ever since I designed Lapis, but I just...had no ideas? Maybe in the future, I'll invest more effort and time into a drawing of them but for now, this half-assed thing is what you get- It's not even bad or anything, but gosh did I struggle with the sketch
Anyhoo, I have no real segue, but now that we're on the topic of liking your art, there are a couple redesigns I wanna show from worst (in my opinion) to best!
First is Chaos, whose design is admittedly fine, it's just always felt plain compared to the other two? And it felt distant from his original animatronic design which I still love!
Plus the phoenix wings are wack, the clothes are meh-
So here's the new and improved Chaos! Still not the best, I struggled with the colors a lot. My main priority was fixing his wings, honestly. But then the orange glow and hue of it felt too out of place, so I added it to his eye! I really, really wanted to keep the original turquoise he had going on but it really didn't sit well with me
I added his signature necktie back, some blood on his taped eye (it's a ripped-out eye, c'mon-) and gave his design some black to balance out the bright colors the other two have. Oh! And the facemask! I added that to bring back his original psycho personality since I was sick of him seeming grumpy
All in all, not a fail, but not a complete success either!
Next up is Lyre!
His would've come eventually, I've been planning it ever since Quarry got redesigned. He's way too bright for my liking and I wanted him to have more of a fancy outfit!
(I used a base by BBUM0_0 as a reference)
Ta-da! I'm honestly really happy with this drawing in general- However, the design itself could've been a little better- There are a lot of things I love, I love the spotted wings (I guess they're a thing for dragons now?), I love the white and the green, the slight makeup-
But then there are things I'm still iffy on, he has no real crown (I guess the thing on his head counts?) which does fit his character, but then the brown I used I struggled so much with and couldn't find anything better
Still though, I think the drawing itself turned out great! I love the animals, I guess he's like Snow White where he attracts animals with his positive vibe? Oh, and the sky was a lot of fun!
And! And! BIRBS!
Ahem, anyway, the last redesign for today is...
Rowan! Be honest, most of you went "Who the heck-" after reading that, and I wouldn't be mad or surprised! I haven't done anything with the L.R. shipkids in a while and boi, this one's a doozy
Looking back at this drawing, I think Tempest needs (another) update too- Just to change the clothing and that blue or add more of that blue into his design since it feels weird in there, and the flowers on his wings are- Anyway, this is about his future boyfriend, Rowan! He's the son of Lyre and Rohw in case many of you don't remember, and while I don't hate his design, I felt like I could design a better prince outfit now! And that hair, buddy-
And here it is, my favorite of the redesigns! I don't think I struggled with it as much as the others, and it was a pretty quick drawing!
He looks like...a peacock and honestly, kinda fits
Floating ponytail time! I friggin adore his hair, I dunno who he got it from but he looks friggin nice! I dunno what's with me and forgetting crowns recently, but part of me thinks this guy would forget to put his on anyway- But just...look at him! He looks so much better!
Buuuut back to another drawing I'm not the happiest with- You guys ready to jump into FNaF? Regardless, we're going-
An idea popped up in my server and I couldn't help but draw it out, it just sounds so fun!
You guys remember Pinkonade, the big fluffy teddy bear Dax has? Well...
Sorry, got too into it- The idea's nothing special and I can't imagine this as an actual game, but it was fun to draw nontheless! Plus Pink doesn't look threatening at all-
If you thought I was done with the FNaF content- I'm sorry-
Um, yanno how I drew some -vague- shipkids a little bit ago and purposely didn't tell you whose kids they were to avoid cringe? Welllll I did it again, only this time they're interacting! And it's not ten of them, I didn't wanna die-
Actually, this first one is a little comic thing!
You might notice, um...it's not funny . w . I'm looking back at the joke now and I don't think I was going for a punchline or anything, I just wanted to introduce their characters a little!
So we have Midnight (left), Spiral (middle), and Pineberry or Pine (right)!
Midnight's an egotistical bastard with a fox tail and I honestly love his design?? Spiral's a seductive vampire-like dick who I didn't put too much effort into, but he has a bird who has no name yet!
And then Pine...I love him, I love him so much qq Pineberry is actually a version of strawberry, I think? It's just white-colored, it's like albino strawberries! So that's what his theme is, ignoring the fact the actual strawberries on him aren't pineberries (because I forgot, oops), it'd make sense for him to like white chocolate, right?
It's not shown well but Midnight and Spiral are supposed to have a love-hate relationship since they're related .w.
And full disclosure here, I don't like white chocolate and tolerate dark-
And now the other one!
Honestly, if any of you could correctly guess whose kids these were I would call hacks since they look nothing like their parents .w.
So here we have Chord (left), Tare (middle), and Tap Tap (right) with his bunny hand puppet Tip Tip!
Chord is the chill guy everyone ends up venting to because he's just so calm and understanding and quiet that nobody can lie to him, he's like the wise older brother type, tall motherfucker too-
Tare's a little asshole who's a dick to most people but inside he has a fluffy lil' fragile heart- I personally dig his style uvu
And then Tap Tap's a ray of bean sunshine! On the contrary, Tip Tip is the worst, he's bratty, mean, blunt, straight up e v i l sometimes to anyone but Taps- Unless you give him candy, in which case he'll tolerate you!
It's not really noticeable, but for these two drawings I kinda went looser on the lineart, I wanted to try out a more messy style without correcting many things and worrying about going past the lines- I don't think it'll become frequent but it does save some time!
No more FNaF content for today, I promise! In fact all that remains is L.R. content I have no segue for .w. And I'm super proud of all of them!
First off is this!
(I used a base by Kibbitzer as a reference)
Simple, but I really like it for some reason? I thought of the concept and immediately fell in love with the idea, I just like experimenting! This one's portraying Andrea's character growth and story in a way, I'm sure it's obvious now but she turns from a human into the first "hybrid" species in this world (not counting Cure Demons) and is classified as a malfunction
I guess what I wanted to show is that while she's changed on the outside and has changed up her looks and demeanor, she'll always be a kindhearted clumsy mess who was once just a plain barista at a cheap coffee shop. I was debating flipping it around for a while to the point it ended up hurting my head- But I think I'm happier with it this way!
Do you think people trust her despite being Drea's human counterpart? We'll just have to wait and see uvu
Next one is my favorite drawing in this whole chapter, so buckle up!
You guys remember Zander's parents, right?
These two lovely people who were presumed dead for a while! Well, I realized...I've never drawn them...in the present- So far I've only ever drawn them in the past when they were young adults and fell in love (I'm rewriting their whole story by the way cuz the old one sucks) but now that they're confirmed alive (another drabble Imma completely rewrite-) why not draw them in the present?
This. Took. Forever. Maybe that's why I'm so proud of it!
As you can see, they look completely different .w. Tech lost her bangs that made her look younger, Axel has some nice ass hair with a ponytail and he has a BEARD DAMMIT- This is my first time drawing a full beard that isn't just a few lines and I'm really happy with the end result!
And then Pip's still alive too! He has a little bandana made from Axel's clothing quq
They both became...pretty hairy, especially Axel .w. Which makes sense since they've been traveling with barely any money or supplies ever since they were banned from the Fairy Lair- Their hair is neglected, they have bags under their eyes, they're taped in places with torn clothing, it's a mess .w.
Don't worry, once Zander brings them back they fix themselves up! And probably shave just a tiny bit, I dunno I'm pro-body hair-
Those bracelets are important, just so you know uvu
Oh! And it's subtle, but you might notice their eyes are darker than usual- That'll also be explained in the drabbles uvu Those go back to normal once they get back too-
I'm just...so happy with how this turned out quq It took forever cuz this is a colored sketch and I couldn't use a bucket tool, but gosh do I like the end result! This is also the drawing that started the style change of me drawing hair strands on top of the lineart, which you might've noticed in some of the other drawings thus far!
It is important to note when I showed this to my mom, I wanted to say "This is my first time drawing a beard" but she finished my sentence with "This is your first time drawing a hetero couple?" I FEEL CALLED OUT
Anyway, the last drawing for today!
I just wanted to draw Data .w. At first I was going to redraw that Data picture again but it honestly doesn't look bad enough to do so? So I found this drawing base thingie by wo_habum and-
Wholesome Data was born uvu
They're sleeping! Lemme explain, Dawn's colors apparently change when the sun goes up from the normal blue hues to more orangey ones, and I really wanted to draw that! Beta's obsessed with seeing them change every morning, makes him all giddy quq
That's a giant bed and I wish I had it- Krida give me some money too goddamn-
Oh, and you might be wondering about those shark-puppies! These two rescued them quq Neither have set in stone names yet and they can't swim, I struggled with the left one's design a lot- But they act just like dogs and you can pet them and I love them su much qq
If you have any name suggestions lemme know!
And yes, they were heavily inspired by one of Neytirix's redesigning your characters videos, no shame
So all in all, the Data family in the future has...what, five pets? Two sharkpups, two birbuns and a snek? Nice-
And the last thing for today; you already know what it is-
Add and I joked that Topie's so manly and muscular that he'd probably just hand out free testosterone and p l e a s e do-
And that's it! Maybe I'll show pictures of my trip in my random book once I come home quq And then (or maybe during it) I'll start on the egg adopts! Who knows at this point if I'll make an art contest-
Random emoji of the day;
☆ ~('▽^人)
--If you want to use my drawings for a profile picture, background, book cover, etc. please credit me somewhere visible for others to see!--
--Please do not trace mine or anybody's artwork without permission or proper credit. Using my art as inspiration or referencing is completely fine!--
Requests: CLOSED
Art trades: NOT SURE
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