Chapter 36 - Minimal Loss
"So you got your Chinese in the end?" Fleur asked as she parked at the BAU.
"I got my Chinese." Elijah hummed.
"Well, I had a good talk with Morgan."
"A good talk, huh?" Elijah smirked.
"Head out of the gutter." Fleur slapped his hand.
"Hey, it took you one date. I have a right to be skeptical." Elijah held his hand.
"One date was all it needed.' Fleur hummed.
"Yeah, then you had to hide the hickeys." Elijah reminded her.
"Shut up." Fleur pointed as she got out the car.
"What if I don't want to?" Elijah asked as he got out as well.
"I'll... Tell Addy you're being mean."
Elijah gasped as he started walking towards the building,"How dare you- Addy loves me."
"Deal with the consequence." Fleur shrugged.
"Hmph." Elijah crossed his arms.
Once the two got into the office, Hotch immediately walked over to them.
"Can I speak to you two?"
"Emily broke the vase, not us." Elijah answered quickly.
"It's not- What vase?" Hotch blinked.
"Nothing." Fleur smiled.
"So what were you saying?"
Hotch began walking to his office,"You both did undercover work in the past, correct?"
"I mean, I did a few things here and there." Elijah shrugged.
"Do we have a case?" Fleur asked.
"Yes, and I'll need you both undercover for it." Hotch nodded,"I need you to pose as agents from CPS."
"So we just need to act like we don't care about kids?" Fleur crossed her arms.
"No- Look, it's a cult." Hotch told them,"The leader has supposedly been marrying underage girls."
"Religion too? And you chose me?" Elijah blinked.
"You're my best Agents for this type of thing. You both have experience in these type of situations." Hotch sighed.
Elijah crossed his arms,"I'll do it but.. Dont expect me to be happy about it."
"I'll get David to make you pasta." Hotch chuckled.
"You better, I deserve it after this." Elijah sighed, taking something out of his pocket.
"I'll send you more information." Hotch nodded.
Fleur walked out the office, looking at Elijah,"I can do it alone if it's too uncomfortable for you."
"I'm not letting you go into a church with a cult of religious nuts alone." Elijah pointed, putting the cross necklace around his neck
Fleur rubbed his arm,"We better go pack."
Elijah nodded,"Hopefully it won't be for too long."
"Tell us about the 911 call." Fleur looked towards the Agent, Nancy, who drove them.
"I belive the 'he' being referred to is the church leader, Benjamin Cyrus." She nodded.
"Benjamin Cyrus, no criminal record." Elijah flicked through the file,"No record at all, really. What else do you know about him?"
"It's rumoured that he's practicing polygamy and forced marriages." She shook her head.
Fleur looked out the window,"Any idea who the caller is?"
"Jessica Evanson is the one the age fits, but we can't be sure." Nancy told them,"So I negotiated interview with all the children. It wasn't easy."
"Well, considering their views on outsiders, it would be best if you didn't identify us as FBI. Just use our real names and introduce us as child victim interview experts." Fleur handed Elijah his fake ID.
"Hey, I look good in this picture." Elijah pointed.
"I'd rate it a seven." Fleur joked as they pulled up.
"Seven- A seven?" Elijah scoffed as he looked around,"God, I hate it here."
"It's only for a little while." Fleur assured him, getting out the car.
"I'm looking for Mr Benjamin Cyrus." Nancy looked around.
"You found him." Cyrus looked up, sat nearby.
"I'm Nancy Lunde. We spoke on the phone regarding the allegation."
"Savages they call us, because our manners differ from theirs'." Cyrus quoted as he walked over.
"Okay, Bible boy." Elijah muttered.
"We didn't come here to listen to you cite scriptures, Mr Cyrus."
"It's actually Benjamin Franklin." Fleur nodded, nudging Elijah.
"Shut up, I knew that." Elijah nudged her back.
"Fleur Howards, Elijah Deans. They're child witness interview experts." Nancy introduced them.
"How far from God's word must we have strayed for there to be the need to invent a job called child victim interview expert." Cyrus sighed.
"We wish we didn't have to be here." Elijah crossed his arms.
"So do we. But you are welcome nonetheless. The children are in the school as I indicated." Cyrus pointed.
"Thank you." Nancy nodded as they headed for the school.
Inside, they were interviewing a woman and her teenage daughter.
"We go to school, we do our chores and we treat ourselves and each other with the respect God demands." The girl, Jessica, nodded.
"But you've never been off the ranch?" Elijah asked.
"I brought Jesse here when she was two." Her mother, Kathy, shrugged.
"You've talked to lots of children in your work. Tell me, are their lives somehow better than ours?" Jessica raised a brow.
"We devote ourselves to God. That doesn't mean we're not devoted to our children." Kathy shook her head.
"We are not here because of your religious beliefs." Elijah toyed with his necklace.
"So why are you here?" Jessica blinked.
"We received a phone call alleging that an adult male member of your church was having inappropriate relations with the younger women here." Elijah sighed.
"You're talking about Cyrus." Jessica realised.
"What makes you say that?" Fleur tilted her head.
"Jesse, come on.. Shh." Kathy tried to keep her daughter quiet.
"Is it inappropriate for a husband to share a bed with his wife?" Jessica asked.
"You're.. Married to Cyrus." Elijah blinked.
Fleur shifted, leaning towards Elijah.
"Yes. Cyrus is my husband and a prophet. It's an honor to bare his children." Jessica smiled.
"Jessica, you are fifteen years old. The State of Colarado requires parental consent." Elijah told her, glancing at Fleur.
".. She gave consent." Fleur looked up at Kathy, if only she wasn't undercover, she would-
That's when Cyrus, along with two men bearing guns hurried in.
"Get up! Get up! Come on, stand." One man yelled.
"You heard him, get up!" Another shouted.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked as the three stood up.
"We just got a very strange call from a news reporter. Is there anything you want to tell me? About a raid, maybe?" Cyrus asked as the two Agents got patted down.
Elijah shook his head slightly, looking towards Fleur.
"They don't know." Cyrus realised,"Take them to the hideout."
"What's going on?" Fleur whispered to Elijah as they went through the secret, underground tunnels.
"I don't just, just stay calm." Elijah whispered back, although he was trying to hide his own fear.
"Alright, move quietly, quickly go to the left. Everybody stay together, children listen to your parents. Everyone down to this end, have faith." Cyrus ordered.
"Where did these guns come from?" Elijah asked quietly as they heard the police's gunfire above.
"I don't know, Penny checked with State Police." Fleur shook her head.
"Stay together, remain calm." Cyrus continued,"Everyone remain calm, there is nothing to fear here."
"This is ridiculous." Nancy walked over.
"It's okay, just calm down.' Elijah sighed.
"God will protect you, just stay calm." Cyrus told everyone, leaving the room with a few others.
Elijah looked down at his necklace,"l really hope he does."
Fleur took a hold of Elijah's hand, squeezing it tightly.
"It's the state police. I'm an officer of the state." Nancy pointed out.
"Well, there's nothing we can do right now." Elijah told her.
"I can talk to him."
"You can't do that. It's dangerous." Fleur shook her head.
"Nancy- Stop. Nancy." Elijah sighed, following after Nancy as she walked through the crowd.
Two men with guns stood in front of him, stopping him from leaving.
"Well, God bless." Elijah muttered, looking up.
After a short while, Cyrus came back,"Do not fear, we are on the side of the righteous."
"Where's Lunde?" Elijah asked, although he already knew the answer.
"It wasn't us." Cyrus sighed.
"What? You can't shoot it out with the cops, there's children here." Fleur walked over.
"I didn't start this." Cyrus pointed,"I'll take the roof, you take the tunnel."
Cyrus left again with his men, leaving everyone in the tunnel with a few other armed guards.
"They're pulling out." A man realised after watching.
"Not for long." Elijah looked at Fleur, squeezing her hand.
Rossi had just came in with some supplies. Fleur and Elijah were sat in the Chapel with the others. Rossi gave them a look of relief once he saw they were okay. However, he had to leave. He couldn't let Cyrus know their identities. Now, Cyrus and some men were handing out wine, filling cups up with it.
"Look at Jessica's body language, the way she looks at him." Elijah sighed.
"She literally worships him." Fleur leaned back,"There's no way she made that 911 call."
"Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not on your own understandings." Cyrus spoke at the front,"Trust in mine."
Kathy then stood in front of Jessica, blocking her view from Cyrus.
"Look at how she comes between her daughter and Cyrus. She's inserted herself inbetween them." Fleur mentioned.
"Acknowledge Him in all things and He will guide your way. Drink to acknowledge Him and I will guide your way." Cyrus drank from his own cup.
Cyrus then began reciting quotes from the bible as people around them began to cough. Fleur and Elijah hadn't drank any wine so they were fine.
"What do we do?" Fleur looked around.
"Nothing." Elijah answered.
"We have to do something. These people just took poison."
"No, Cyrus just told them they did. I think he's bluffing." Elijah shook his head.
"What?" Fleur blinked.
"Just after he told them about the poison, he waited for them to start to react. Then he nodded to Cole, and he started writing." Elijah explained,"Look, they're scanning the audience, looking for reactions."
"Writing down the names of the people who are crying. It's a loyalty list, so he knows who will follow him to the end." Fleur sighed.
"Be still, there was no poison. Instead, a test of faith because your adversary the debil walketh about as a roaring lion, choosing who he should devour!" Cyrus yelled at the crowd,"Watch each other for signs of weakness. You are your brother's keeper."
"Good call." Fleur squeezed Elijah's hand.
"Thanks." Elijah sighed, looking down.
Fleur and Elijah were in a room to themselves, just talking quietly when Cyrus walked into the room.
"Which one of you is it?" Cyrus looked between them before pulling out his gun,"Which one of you is the FBI Agent?"
"Why would you think that one of us in an FBI Agent?" Elijah looked up at him.
"God will forgive me for what I must do." Cyrus raised his gun to Elijah's head.
"I don't- I don't know what you're talking about." Elijah shook his head, he'd been held at gunpoint before.. Why was he so scared now?
"One of you does. Who is it?"
Fleur looked between the two before she spoke,"Me.. It's me."
Elijah's eyes widened as he looked over at Fleur. Cyrus slowly lowered his gun, putting it away before he grabbed Fleur by the hair and began dragging her away. Fleur yelped as she was dragged. She couldn't let Elijah go through this, she had to. She had no idea what Cyrus was going to do, but she couldn't let him win.
"I told you not to put me in this position." Cyrus looked down at Fleur on the ground before he slapped her.
Fleur quickly fell back onto the floor, holding her cheek. This was no different to all those years ago.. She could handle it.
Elijah was sat quietly, his hands clasped together as Cyrus cleaned his hands. He didn't know what he'd done to Fleur, but he knew she was alive.. They needed her for leverage.
"Did you know she was FBI?" Cyrus looked towards Elijah.
Elijah looked down, shaking his head slightly,"Nancy told me the woman was a child abuse interview expert from Denver and in the four years I'd worked with her, Nancy had never lied to me before."
"As far as you know. Their law says that a fifteen year old girl is a child. Fifty years ago, that same law said a fourteen year old was an adult. Have children changed so much in fifty years?" Cyrus stood up.
"I can't tell you the number of times I've investigated abuse charges against small religious groups. Almost all of them turn out to be false." Elijah told Cyrus, looking up at him.
"What do you make of that?" Cyrus tilted his head.
"It doesn't really matter what I think." Elijah shook his head.
"It does to me." He nodded.
"Because God wants to save you. I mean that's why he sent you here. That's the reason." Cyrus hummed.
Elijah's shoulders tensed, he'd heard those words too many times before.. But he pushed those feelings away,"On the next call, you should test them. Test the negotiator, make him prove that he isn't a liar."
"How do you suggest I do that?"
"Ask for the identity of the FBI Agent."
"No, we already know her identity." Cole shrugged.
"They don't know that." Cyrus pointed.
"Yeah, but the FBI would never tell us." Cole sighed.
"They keep on asking you to release people. Tell them you'll release a kid and you won't harm the Agent." Elijah gripped his necklace,"And if they really care about the children, they'll have to tell you."
"He has a point." Cyrus nodded before looking at Cole,"What is it?"
"Some have been talking.. About leaving." He sighed.
After a second of thinking, Cyrus spoke, crossing his arms,"Wake the baby. Let them meet the orphan they made."
A minute or so later, the phone rang and Cyrus walked over to it, answering it.
"How are you doing today, Ben?" Rossi asked.
"I will release a child if you tell me the identity of the FBI Agent. I promise no harm will come to them from this moment on." Cyrus spoke.
"I can't give you that information." Rossi shook his head.
"I will send the child now." Cyrus turned to Cole.
Cole nodded, opening the doors and letting a small, blonde girl wander out. She was quickly scooped up by Morgan and taken to safety.
"I'm taking a big risk here, Ben." Rossi sighed.
"Trust is earned." Cyrus nodded.
"Her name is Fleur Howards. She came in with two child service workers to talk to the girls." Rossi admitted.
"There's a good chance we can work this out, Dave." Cyrus told him,"I'm going to provide another sugn of good faith."
"You're doing a good thing here." Rossi nodded.
Cyrus then hung up, turning to Cole,"Assemble everyone in the Chapel. Get Agent Howards down here."
Cole nodded, walking off to gather everyone. Soon enough, Cyrus was stood at the front speaking to the others as they filed in. That's when Elijah spotted Fleur and walked over to her, filling with guilt as he saw her bruised face.
"He looks pissed." Fleur whispered, watching Cyrus before she noticed Elijah staring,"It's not as bad as it looks, Chéri."
"I'm so sorry.." Elijah told her.
Fleur shook her head,"Look at who he's releasing."
"It's the ones who failed the loyalty test." Elijah nodded as Cyrus contiued listing names,"I'll get word to the team. Wait for a sign from outisde to indicate when the raid will come."
"Are you okay?" Fleur looked back at him.
Elijah stayed quiet before he walked towards Cyrus,"I told her she shouldn't have lied to you like that."
"To either of us." Cyrus looked towards Cole,"Take her back."
Cole nodded and grabbed Fleur's arm, dragging her away as Elijah stood, again frozen.
"Those of you that are standing, please collect your belongings and report to the main hallway immediately." Cyrus announced.
Those standing did as they were told, collecting their belongings and leaving the church. Now, Cyrus was left with only his most loyal of followers.
Once they were gone, Cyrus called Rossi,"We will surrender at noon tomorrow. I want the press there to ensure that we're treated fairly. We'll discuss the details at our 7:00am call. I'II see you then, Dave."
"I look forward to it." Rossi nodded.
"Oh, and one more thing. Can you bring some food in?"
"Sure, what would you like?" He asked.
"Fried chicken. All the fixings." Cyrus nodded.
"You got it."
Fleur pushed herself up the best she could with her hands being bound as Kathy walked into the room with a glass of water. Kathy sat on the chair by Fleur's bed, smiling softly as she helped her drink from the glass.
Fleur took a drink before looking at Kathy,"Cyrus is planning a mass suicide. You made that 911 call."
"This is all my fault. None of this would've happened if I hadn't made that call." Kathy shook her head.
"You were trying to protect your daughter. I would do the same thing." Fleur nodded.
"There were other girls before Jesse. He would marry them in secret, then after a while he would take another and we weren't permitted to speak about it." Kathy admitted,"And so when she asked for my consent, I wanted to just take her and run but I was afraid she wouldn't leave him."
"You wanted us to take her."
"Well, I.. I wanted to save her from Cyrus."
"I can give you another chance. The FBI is coming here at 3:00am. I need you to gather Jessica, the kids and the other women. Get them into the basement just before 3:00am." Fleur looked up at Kathy.
"Why are you telling me this?" Kathy shook her head as she walked to the door.
"Because I have faith that you are a strong enough woman to do the right thing for Jessica." Fleur sighed.
Kathy looked back at Fleur before she quickly left the room. Fleur cursed and closed her eyes. She just risked her life to tell Kathy the truth.
But a few minutes later, Kathy ran back in and began untying her,"You were right. They're setting the place to blow up. I told Jesse that Cyrus wanted her to gather the women and children."
"Where's the man I came in with?" Fleur turned to Kathy.
"He's in the Chapel with Cyrus. It's 2:45 though, we've got to hurry." Kathy grabbed her hand and started running.
Soon enough, they began leading the women and children to the basement. Quietly and carefully.
"That came from inside the building." Cole walked over to Cyrus once they heard some silenced gunshots.
"Go check the fuses." Cyrus nodded.
"Go." Cole ordered a man.
The man nodded and hurried down towards the basement where the fuses were. Downstairs, Fleur and Kathy managed to get the women and children into the basement where Rossi and Morgan were entering.
"Flo! Flo, are you alright?" Morgan ran up to her.
"They've wired explosives." Fleur shook her head, grabbing onto Morgan.
"Everyone, we must go." Kathy looked around.
"Come on, this way." Morgan began leading them towards the exit.
"This building's going to blow up! If you love your children, take them now and go." Kathy ordered.
"Where's Elijah?" Morgan looked down at Fleur.
"He's in the Chapel with Cyrus." Fleur held her head.
"We've gotta get you out of here." Rossi turned to her.
"No, we have to get Elijah!" Fleur shook her head.
"Flo, I will get Elijah." Morgan put his hand on her shoulder,"Get out of here. Get to safety. Go now."
"Cyrus didn't call for this. You lied to me." Jessica gasped, looking at her mother.
"No. Cyrus lied to you, honey." Kathy grabbed her hands.
"I can't- I can't! He's my husband!" Jessica shouted, running up the stairs.
"Jesse, no!" Kathy cried as Morgan held her back.
Fleur quickly held onto Kathy,"You can't go after her!"
"I will get her for you. Rossi, get them out of her." Morgan pointed,"Torre, get your boys, let's do this."
Rossi took Kathy, taking her away as SWAT and Morgan ran upstairs. Meanwhile, in the Chapel, Elijah was shaking as he tried to buy time.
"Jeremiah 29:11, 'I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to bring you hope and a future'." Elijah spoke,"Is blowing yourself up part of the prosperous future God wants?"
Cyrus pointed his gun towards Elijah,"You think you know the word better than I?"
"No. I'm just demonstrating that you can use the Bible to manipulate anything." Elijah shook his head.
"Matthew 10:24, do not suppose that I have come to the earth to bring peace. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Cyrus punched Elijah in the ribs,"Do not try to convert my brothers." He did it again.
"Papà, ho paura. Non posso più farlo.." Elijah held his ribs as he fell to the ground.
"No one had to follow. God could have stopped me." Cyrus sighed.
That's when Morgan and the other officers ran in, shooting both Cole and Cyrus.
"He just did." Elijah used the wall to pull himself up.
"Clear!" A SWAT member secured the room.
"You alright, kid?" Morgan knelt down.
"I'm fine, where's Fleur?" Elijah shook his head.
"We got her out of here." Morgan then turned as Jessica walked in,"Sweetheart, come with me. We need to get you out of here. Come on, let's go."
Jessica looked from Morgan and Elijah to Cyrus on the ground, the detonator on the floor by his hand and she went to pick it up.
"Run!" Elijah grabbed onto Morgan and headed for the door.
Outside as the Church exploded and went up in flames, Fleur turned around.
"Eli? Derek?"
Out of the rubble and smoke, Elijah and Morgan slowly made their way towards the group, coughing.
"We're okay." Morgan called to them.
"Oh my god." Fleur quickly ran up to them, hugging them.
Elijah held onto Fleur tightly, still shaking.
"You're okay." Fleur sighed.
"I can't.." Elijah shook his head, trying to get his words out.
"Breathe. You got it." Fleur nodded.
Elijah closed his eyes as he held Fleur,"I'm sorry, I promised.."
"You're okay, kid." Morgan assured him.
Elijah nodded slowly but he didn't let go of Fleur. He didn't want to let something like that happen again..
"Finally home." Reid sighed.
"Mhm." Elijah nodded slowly.
"Why.. Why don't you go for a shower, hm?" Reid rubbed his arm.
"I'd like that." Elijah told him.
"I can start running it if you'd like?"
Elijah smiled softly,"Please?"
Reid kissed his head and walked upstairs to the bathroom. Elijah headed upstairs as well, grabbing a towel from his room. He just wanted to forget today..
Reid fixed the shower a good temperature before he walked out,"There."
"Is it ready?"
"Ready. Take your time." Reid kissed his head.
"I wil." Elijah gave Reid a small hug before making his way to the bathroom.
After a few minutes, Reid thought about coming in, so he knocked on the door.
"You can't come in."
"I just.. I want to make sure you're okay."
"Don't worry, I'm fine." Elijah assured him.
"Promise me, Elijah." Reid sighed.
"I promise." Elijah turned the water off.
Reid hesitated for a second before he stepped away. Elijah let out a small sigh. He hated lying to Reid but he didn't want him to see, didn't want to distract him with his issues. Reid walked back to their bedroom, getting changed into pyjamas before he grabbed a book and waited for Elijah. Elijah soon walked in wearing his pyjamas, he was quiet.
Reid looked up at Elijah,"..Eli?"
Elijah sat on the bed,"I don't want to talk about it."
Reid sighed,"Okay."
Elijah laid back on the bed, rolling onto his side. Just.. Just don't cry. Don't think about it. Reid looked over at Elijah, he wanted to mention it. The long sleeves. He knew what it meant.
Elijah felt his eyes start to sting as he looked down,"I tried.. I tried really hard this time."
Reid sighed and hugged him,"I know.. I know."
"Reid- I didn't do anything in there. I sat there- I let Fleur get hurt." Elijah stammered.
"You couldn't stop it." Reid shook his head.
"I could've said I was the Agent."
"We both know Fleur wouldn't have let you. You're both okay and you saved everyone you could."
Elijah looked up at Reid,"I thought after getting everything into the open, I'd be able to deal with something like this.."
"Sometimes.. It's easy to slip back. But I'm glad you're talking to me about it."
"I don't want to keep slipping back, I want to move forward but I just.." Elijah looked at his arms.
"It's okay." Reid gently cupped his face,"We can count again."
"I was doing good." Elijah leaned into his hands.
"You still are doing good." Reid assured him.
"But I'm not Reid." Elijah shook his head.
"You don't realise it, but you're doing amazing."
"Because you're still you." Reid smiled,"You're still my Elijah."
Elijah kissed Reid's cheek, smiling softly,"Your Elijah.."
Reid hummed,"Try get some sleep."
"I will."
"Good." Reid laid back.
Fleur and Morgan were finally home after she was checked out. She made her way towards Beau, sitting on the couch. Beau sat up when he saw her, wagging his tail.
"Looks like someone's happy to see you." Morgan hummed.
"I'm happy to see you too, Beau." Fleur sighed.
Beau barked and jumped up on Fleur, licking her face.
Fleur chuckled,"Calm boy.. Calm."
"He missed you."
"I missed you too my Beau." Fleur kissed his head,"I'm gonna go clean up."
"You need me to get you anything, sugar?" Morgan asked her.
Fleur blinked, turning to Morgan,"No.. I got it." She shook her head.
"You sure?"
"I'm good." Fleur got up, heading towards the bedroom.
Morgan nodded slowly as he stroked Beau, something wasn't right so he headed towards their bedroom. Inside, he could hear Fleur rummaging about in the bedroom.
"Flo? Everything okay in there?" Morgan opened the door.
When he entered, Fleur quickly raised a gun towards Derek from the floor.
"Woah-" Morgan raised his hands,"What's the matter?"
"Get out." Fleur looked up at him,"Je n'hésiterai pas à tirer."
"Flo, it's me. It's Morgan."
"I want my husband." Fleur got up, backing up, the gun still pointed at him.
"Your-" Morgan shook his head,"Pierre?"
"You know him?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know him."
"Take me to him." Fleur slowly let down the gun.
"Just.. Come here, okay? I'm not going to hurt you." Morgan promised.
It took a few seconds before Fleur dropped the gun and ran into Morgans arms.
"There we are." Morgan held her gently.
"Derek..." Fleur whispered.
"It's okay now, Flo." Morgan rubbed her back.
"I-I'm sorry." Fleur shook her head,"I didn't see-"
"Shh, it's alright."
"I didn't realise what I was doing." Fleur whispered.
"Flo, it's not your fault." Morgan assured her.
"I'm sorry." She looked up at him.
"You don't have to be." Morgan kissed her forehead.
"I want to sleep." Fleur nodded.
Morgan stroked her chair,"You need it."
"Beau.. Marie." Fleur looked at the animals.
Marie hopped onto the bed, meowing as she curled up on the end.
"My baby." Fleur stroked her fluff.
Marie purred, nuzzling against Fleur's hand as Beau jumped onto the bed as well.
Fleur cuddled into the animals, closing her eyes,"..I'm sorry, Derek."
"Flo, I know." Morgan sighed as he sat beside her,"You know I love you, right?"
"I love you too." Flehr sighed.
Morgan rubbed her back,"I'm always going to be here for you."
Fleur nodded slowly,"I'm here for you too."
Morgan kissed her cheek,"You're safe."
"I'm.. I'm safe."
"And I'm going to keep it that way." Morgan assured her.
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