Part 9 "Suspicion"
You: I know... Since we got back together again I'll forgive your horrible words "Lets break up" and go on a date with you.
Jimin: Really?
You: yeah but not today.
Jimin: Why?
You: Look outside Jimin. It's night time.
Jimin: I guess so...
You: Next time though okay?
Jimin: Okay.
You: You should get going now Chim Chim.
Jimin: Ah. I'm glad you're better now.
You: Of course! But really, we've been talking for hours.
Jimin: Right. Okay. My drivers are probably almost asleep..
You: Yah. Exactly.
Jimin: Bye Y/N... *leaves*
You: I should've known that it was his parents... *sighs* what am I supposed to do now... Now I feel bad for Jimin.. I should've just left him as a playboy... But... He changed for me.. And he knows that he'll have to fight his parents for a girl like me... *sighs again* I love him with all my heart now so I won't give up.
~Next day~
You: Ughh. After all that we talked about, University... UGH. I do NOT want to go today. NOPE.
*bell rings*
You: Okay who the HECK is it in this morning!? *walks to the door* yes?
Tae: Hi Y/N!
You: Huh.
Tae: Hi...?
You: Okay why are u here right now.
Tae: To wake u up? And walk together to school.
You: But it's literally 7:00 right now!
Tae: Andddd....??
You: School/University doesn't start for me till 8:30 today.
Tae: Ehhhhhhh... okay. Well for me it's 8:00.
You: I'm not going to stay there waiting till my class starts.
Tae: Buttt....
You: But what. I'm in a very confused mood rn.
Tae: I can tell.
You: ya think?
Tae: Did something good and bad happen at the same time?
You: In fact, yeah. How'd u know?
Tae: Ahhhh I have experiences.
You: *looks at him suspiciously* Okay....
Tae: Would u mind telling me what it is? *smiling*
You: Uhh.... Idk should I?
Tae: Yeah u should
You: Well.... My boyfriend and I are back together.... and the reason why he broke up is.....because....
Tae: Becuz what?
You: I can't tell u that sorry.
Tae: Tsk.
You: Excuse me?
Tae: It's nothing.
You: u sure?
Tae: Yeah.
You: Okay then... Lemme go get changed. Can u make breakfast again?
Tae: Of course! Anytime.
You: Thx Tae.
Tae: No problem.
~In your room~
'He definitely said TSK but idk why.... Maybe he... Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... probably not.... Or is it? UGHHH IDKKKKKK!! *sighs* I'll have to get to that later....'
Tae: Why thank u!
You: Wait did u make breakfast for me before?
Tae: mm... *thinking* Ah! I did! When I first met u and the day right after which was I'm pretty sure yesterday.
You: Really?
Tae: I think don't ask me.
You: Okay. I have bad memory sooo.....
Tae: Same here. My friends call me an alien.
You: I see why.
Tae: Hey! But short term memory wasn't the only reason why.
You: Do u know why?
Tae: *thinks very hard* No....
You: *rolls eyes* I think I get why now.
Tae: Why is it? Tell me!
You: You'll get it someday Tae... Someday.. Some year.... Some decade..
Tae: Hey but that might take me 10 years.
You: That's your problem.
Tae: ........ whatever. Meanie.
You: Lemme eat now.
Tae: Okay!
You: *chewing*
Tae: Is it good?
You: *still chewing*
Tae: Is it really good?
Tae: Oh that's great!!! And yes ma'am.
You: Good. Now please be quiet.
Tae: *puts his thumbs up*
You: *starts eating again*
Tae: *staring at u very intensely*
You: *keeps eating but then realizes Tae staring at u big time with big puppy eyes*
Tae: *sparkling eyes*
You: Okay. I know I said to be quiet but THIS is way more uncomfortable.
Tae: ..... *keeps staring*
You: You can talk now got it? Don't make it more awkward.
Tae: Ah! Okay! Hehehe.. So u luv it?
You: Of course!
Tae: that's good! *square smile*
You: ahhhh it's that cute square smile again!
Tae: hm? Square smile?
You: Yes. That's how u smile. ^ㅁ^
Tae: Huh... I see. I really didn't know that.
You: seriously.
Tae: Yeh.
You: *rolls eyes* well, I'm done eating. Thank you for the delicious meal again and I'm going to brush my teeth and then come down so wait for me outside.
Tae: okay!
*goes upstairs, brushes teeth, comes back down, put shoes on, then goes outside*
You: Did u wait long?
Tae: Nah. I only went outside when I heard u coming down.
You: Really.
Tae: Yes really. I'm the type to do those things.
You: ..... okAyy thEn.. Leggo!
Tae: Huh.
You: *rolls eyes* let's go?
Tae: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh got it now.
You: Dumb much?
Tae: Yeah thx I get that a lot.
You: lol.
Tae: Let's ACTUALLY start walking now.
You: Agreed.
*both starts walking*
You: Hey Tae.
Tae: Yah?
You: I've actually been curious about this but.. who's the boy in the photo?
Tae: What photo?
You: Well, u see I saw a photo of little kids.. (In part 1) There was whole bunch of kids but, one looked like u and this other kid looked like... well.. um..
Tae: Oh. OHHHHH. Oh wait. *mummers something*
You: did u say something?
Tae: No nothing much really....
You: But I'm dead serious. I'd recognize that face in the photo anywhere. I just couldn't put my finger on it couple days ago but now I get it.....
Tae: ...........Yeah so who is it?
You: It's obviously u and Jimin.
Tae: *smirks* So u know now?
You: Why'd u just smirk...? I thought u two would just be friends.....
Tae: Yeah but if we were wouldn't he have already told u about me?
You: That's true....... *confused af*
Tae: *smiles all of a sudden which freaked u out* Well, we're here! I should go to class. Y/N u can just hang out in the café in the uni.
You: *gets goosebumps but pretends that everything is fine* Okay! Bye Tae.
Tae: Bye *waves then skips away*
You: Why the heck is he skipping anyways... I need to call Jimin right now. He better pick up.... But..... WAIT OMG. I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING. That Kim Taehyung stopped all of a sudden when he saw Jimin's car and knew that it was his car... (In part 2) That means they both know each other. I'm calling Jimin RIGHT NOW.
*Dial's his phone number*
Jimin: Hello--
You: Jimin, u knew who Tae was yet u never told me about him?!?
Jimin: Woah woah woah. Calm down princess.
You: And why're u calling me princess all of a sudden.
Jimin: Want to meet up again then?
You: Okay, I'm in the café u know where. But class starts for me in an hour so u better hurry.
Jimin: Got it. See u soon then.
You: Kay. ttyl.
***Just to remind u guys something***
Taehyung's POV
'HOW DARE JIMIN COME BACK..... It was a PERFECT chance for my revenge yet.....UGHHH. Being happy with a girl after what u did to my girl.... I won't forgive u....'
***This was on Part 3***
~few minutes later~
Jimin: I'm here.
You: Thank u for not coming here late.
Jimin: No problem. So u wanted to ask about Taehyung?
You: So u do know him... I don't think I actually never mentioned him to u..
Jimin: No u didn't... I think. Anyhow let me explain my side of the story and what happened between us. *grabs your hand* I want you to believe me Y/N. Will u?
You: Of course I will Jimin but I'll have to listen to the story first.
Jimin: Of course. So this is what had happened....
To be continued...
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