Part 7 "The date"
**Don't forget that it's still Jimin's POV! The flash back will end after the first date**
Jimin: Oh... Oh..! OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DATE! Uh huh oh yeah on a date with Y/N~
Yoongi: That's so NOT u so wake up and get ready.
Jimin: Fine. But I'm still happy~~~~
Yoongi: I can see that.
Jimin: Mm hm!
Yoongi: You have everything planned though right?
Jimin: Who do u think I am? Of course I did and u helped me too!
Yoongi: Huh. I did?
Jimin: -_- yah u did.
Yoongi: Hm.. Okay then. Come downstairs when ur ready to eat breakfast.
Jimin: Kay hyung.
(After breakfast)
Yoongi: You ready to go?
Jimin: Hyung, I was BORN ready.
Yoongi: U have ur planning thingie too?
Jimin: YES. Do u take me as a baby or something?
Yoongi: Yes. Now get going. U have to be there before Y/N is.
Jimin: What do u mean? I'm picking her up!
Yoongi: Oh. Okay then... You're walking?
Jimin: Yep.
Yoongi: Want a drive at least 50 meters away from her house?
Jimin: Yes please.
Yoongi: Knew you'd say yes.
Jimin: But leave right after okay?
Yoongi: Yeah. I want to sleep more. I had to wake up early because of SOMEONE remember?
Jimin: Oh right. Ahahahahahaha... Yeah.
Yoongi: *rolls eyes* lets go.
Jimin: Okay!
~Arrives 50 meters away from Y/N's house~
Jimin: Is it exactly 50 meters away?
Yoongi: YES. I'm sure that that's the 100000 time u asked me that.
Jimin: You're overreacting. Anyways, I'm ready. *gets out of the car* Bye Yoongi hyung. Thx for the drive!
Yoongi: Np. *leaves*
Jimin: So.... I have to walk to Y/N's house, ring her doorbell, greet her parents if they're there, smile, lead her, and don't forget to be nice! Yeah! Let's do this!
Ding dong!
???: Coming!
*door opens*
???: Hi um........ who are YOU?
Jimin: Y/N lives here right?
'It's a guy... looks older than me.... Wait, Yoongi hyung told me that Y/N has an older brother when he was researching her. I know it's creepy but meh.'
???: What do u want from my precious Y/N? *glaring at Jimin*
Jimin: Um...--
Jimin: Oh, hi Y/N!
Hobi: *whines* B-but Y/NNNNNNNNNNNN~~
You: I said no.
Hobi: *Glares at Jimin* I don't like the looks of him.
Your mom: *pushes Hoseok away* Oh my~~ Hello Jimin? Is it?
Jimin: Yes ma'am.
You: MOM!
Hobi: Hey! Why'd u push me!?
Your mom: *simply ignores Hoseok* Hey Y/N I like him very much so ignore your overprotective brother and go have fun okay?
You: *blushes* MOOOOMMMM!!
Jimin: *laughs* I love your family Y/N!
You: Well, I'm glad u like them!
Hobi: Hmm..... I don't know... He's not lying right?
You: No. It doesn't look like it.
Jimin: I'm not!
Your mom: Hoseok! *hits him on the back* I'm sorry just ignore him and go have fun! *pushes Y/N out the door* Have fun sweetheart!
You: *sighs while rolling eyes* I give up on u mom... okay bye.
Hobi: *crying* Bye Y/N ;-; ;-; *then suddenly glares at Jimin* You better bring her back home early and not late.
Jimin: I won't don't worry hyung-nim! *angelic smile (that us armys all know about) at Hobi*
Hobi: *look at his smile* ........ You can call me Hobi hyung instead...
Jimin: Okay!
Hobi: But doesn't mean that I approve of u!
Jimin: I understand.
You: *whispers* He likes u.
Jimin: *whispers back* well, that's good to know!
Hobi: Stop talking about me! Bye! *slams the door*
You: Well, THAT happened.
Jimin: Yep. Lets go!
You: We walking?
Jimin: Yeah. *Looks at Y/N head to toe*
'I didn't realize till now but Y/N looks cuter tan usual today... Not that I mean she's not cute at school but... Yeah........'
You: Uhhh Jimin? You alive? *waves in front of Jimin's face*
Jimin: Huh? Oh sorry.
You: *chuckles* It's fine. So, where're we going?
Jimin: It's a surprise.
You: Okay then..?
Jimin: But first u hungry? It's almost lunch.
You: Yeah... Tbh I didn't eat breakfast today.
Jimin: What!? Why!? You KNOW that's not good for u!
You: You sound like my brother.
Jimin: Well, whatever... Take care of yourself more!
You: I know. I will.
Jimin: Good. Do u want to eat anything? I'll buy it so lets go wherever u want.
You: Really?
Jimin: Yep.
You: Okay but if we're going somewhere that we need money I'm paying.
Jimin: What? No! I will do that.
You: *glares* No I will.
Jimin: I can't let u do that! I was the one who asked u out so I have to take charge in this!
You: Where'd u get THAT idea?
Jimin: From a lot of people actually.
You: Huh. That's weird.
Jimin: So I'm paying right? Got it.
You: What? I didn't even ans--
Jimin: Lets go on the bus for now!
You: *raises eyebrows* Fine. You can pay.
~At ur favourite café~
You: this is the place!
Jimin: Ohhh hereeee
You: You've been here before?
Jimin: Yas
You: With ur ex?
Jimin: ..... no..
You: are u lying to me?
Jimin: No... I came here with one of my close friends..
You: wait. So ur ex is one of your friends!?
Jimin: NO! His name is V.
You: V?
Jimin: Yeah.... Lets order now.
You: Hm.. okay.
~After eating~
Jimin: Wanna go to the arcade?
You: Let me think for a moment YES!?
Jimin: Let's GOOO~
~At the arcade~
Jimin: HAH I beat u AGAIN!
You: *glares* What EVER Jimin.
Jimin: Okay.
You: huh.
Jimin: I said okay.
You: Okay for what?
Jimin: *rolls eyes* for u saying whatever?
You: oh. Ohhh. OHHHHHHHH
Jimin: Yeah.
You: Hehehe...
Jimin: You're cute Y/N.
You: *blushes* well that was out of nowhere.
Jimin: well *shrugs* What can u say? I just stated a fact.
You: *pushes him* shut upppp
Jimin: U like it don't u.
You: Maybeee......
Jimin: hey Y/N?
You: Yes?
Jimin: Wanna be my girlfriend?
You: The what now?
Jimin: I'm asking YOU to be MY girlfriend.
You: *speechless*
Jimin: Hello?
You: ah yes um....
Jimin: U don't have to tell me today. You can tell me whenever. But for now why don't we enjoy our date?
You: Okay...
*End of flashback*
To be continued...
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