Part 6 "date request"
Jimin's POV
Jimin: *sighs* I wonder if she'll say yes....
*Someone stops in front of him from running*
Jimin: Huh...? Y/N?
You: Hi Jimin.
Jimin: Why'd u run here? Were u THAT eager to reject me...?
You: I... No!
Jimin: Then u came here to say yes?
You: Uhh... mm.. Maybe....
Jimin: So it IS a yes! YES! But I thought u were going to talk to me after school?
You: I was but I thought that I needed to give u a chance... And I came to look for u quickly because I had to tell u before I changed my mind u know.
Jimin: I see...! *Smiling a lot*
You: Are u really THAT happy that I said yes?
Jimin: Uh huh!
You: I thought guys didn't like me?
Jimin: I didn't at first either. Even if I was in your class I still didn't know your name.
You: Which is sad in a lot of ways.
Jimin: I know. But I mean I took interest in u because u slapped me in the face tbh but the more I look at u, you're really cute.
You: *blushes* SHUDDAP.
Jimin: Awwwwww see? Your blushing face is adorable too.
You: *looks away with face still red* Whatever.
Jimin: Well, it IS lunch time... Want to eat with me?
You: I thought u had a lot of friends to be with at school?
Jimin: Nahhh they just hang out with me because the girls like me and because I'm rich.
You: Oh... You say that like it's nothing....
Jimin: Well, it's been like that ever since elementary. At first during preschool I was home schooled but during elementary my parents had to work and I was old enough to start going to school so...
You: I'm sorry but your life stinks.
Jimin: I know.
You: Except for the part that u have rich parents and basically get whatever u want.
Jimin: Not really.... They keep putting me in these weird marriage arrangements. I went to one yesterday.
You: And u asked me out!?
Jimin: Well, I basically ended up being like besties wit her. She already has a crush too. Like me!
You: What do u mean like me?
Jimin: I like u remember?
You: Well, now I know that you're not the shy type of guy.
Jimin: Well I sorta am.
You: *looks at him with disbelief* Really.
Jimin: Uh huh.
You: Why do I find that NOT convincing?
Jimin: Probably because I'm really chill in front of people that I don't care about.
You: Well, that means u don't care about anyone?
Jimin: Hm... Well I do get embarrassed in front of my "hyung".
You: Your "hyung"?
Jimin: Yeah. He's not my real brother but I knew him since elementary. His family works for us so he ended up being the one that takes care of me.
You: Woah. Will I see him on Saturday?
Jimin: Yeah. Knowing him he's going to tease me a lot so u might end up getting embarrassed as well.
You: I'll take note of that then.
Jimin: Yeah, good idea.
*message sound pops up*
You: Huh? Oh, it's my phone. Lets see.. Oh yeah! Yoojung! I forgot to tell her that I'll probably end up talking with u for the whole lunch hour.
Jimin: *claps* GREAT job Y/N GREAT job.
You: What? You were the one talking so much not letting me text her about it.
Jimin: U could've just excused yourself.
You: *rolls eyes* Whatever. Let me just text her for a bit now.
Jimin: Okay.
' I'm SO happy right now that she said yes and also the fact that she actually feels bad for me and listens to me is making me love her more... She said she would give me a chance so I have to make that date count... I'll have to ask her friend Yoojung about what Y/N likes. And get Yoongi hyung's help too. '
*Y/N finishes texting and Jimin notices that*
Jimin: You done?
You: Yeah. Took me a long time to explain though.
Jimin: Yeah. I know. Hey by the way Y/N....
' Wait maybe I shouldn't ask for her friend's phone number. Then she would think of me as a playboy again! That is NOT good... I'll have to ask her friend in person. '
You: Uh... HelLO?
Jimin: Huh? Oh yes. Sorry.
You: What were you going to ask me?
Jimin: Oh, never mind.
You: Okayy....?
Jimin: What do u have for lunch?
You: I don't have it with me because I ran looking for you almost right after class.
Jimin: But we were in the same classroom?
You: Yeah but I needed to tell Yoojung first that I was going somewhere. I didn't tell her about u though.
Jimin: Did you tell her while texting?
You: Nope. I'm going to tell her after school.
Jimin: I see... Wait today's?
You: Wednesday.
Jimin: Oh really? I didn't know that... Ugh have to wait for 3 days.
You: For what...ohh.......
Jimin: Yah.
You: Are you going to plan all of it?
Jimin: Well yeah. I asked u out so I have to plan it. It's only fair.
You: Wow. A guy actually does think that.
Jimin: So no guys ever planed a date with u before?
You: No. That's also a reason why I end up rejecting those kind of guys when they ask me out.
Jimin: So I have a chance of becoming your boyfr--
You: Never said that yet.
Jimin: *pouts* fine. But Y/N aren't u hungry?
You: Yeah, but I'm not going to bother to go get my lunch.
Jimin: Why?
You: I'm lazy and when I come back there's only going to be like 25 mins left.
Jimin: But that's a long time?
You: I feel that you'll talk to me a lot so I wouldn't really get to finish my lunch.
Jimin: Hm... Okay then have a half of my sub.
You: Did your chef make it?
Jimin: Yeah.
You: So it should be good right?
Jimin: Well... He won like 10 trophies for cooking, and my dad has a really REALLY picky taste bud. So.... What do u think?
You: Okay, I trust it. *bites into the sub* OH MER GOSH DIS STUPFF ISH BERY GOOF.
Jimin: *laughs* I told u!
' She's so cute when she eatsss >3< I can't handle ittttttttt help meeeee I'm literally going to have to bring her to some restaurant on the date AND find a way to make her eat lunch with me at least 3 tims a week..... Now I'm just getting creepy but whatever.'
You: *already finishes the sub* Wow. You're going to have to ask ur chef to make ME lunch now too!
Jimin: *chuckles* Why not?
You: Wait wait wait. Really? REALLY!?
Jimin: Yeah...? I mean I could tell him to do that and he'd have to.
You: *thinks for a moment* Actually... It's fine.
Jimin: You sure?
You: Yeah. I'll eat lunch with u from now on and bring Yoojung along too because it's lonely when u eat by yourself AND I can just steal your lunch. Like this time!
Jimin: Wow. That is a plan. Great... um plan Y/N.
You: *looks very proud* Thank u!
Jimin: *chuckles* You're funny. I like u even more..
You: *blushes* Attack much? I was NOT ready for that.
Jimin: You're blushing! So cute!
You: Shut up Jiminie the cricket.
Jimin: HEY! Isn't it supposed to be Jimmy the cricket?
You: Honestly. Idk.
Jimin: -_- Of course.
You: Meh. Oh well..
*Bell rings*
You: Well we have to go to class in 5 minutes now. Bye Jimin.
Jimin: Bye~! Hope to see u tomorrow!
You: We'll see. But if I am, I'm stealing ur lunch.
Jimin: Roger that.
You finished all the classes in the afternoon then went home. Thursday passed then Friday, and it was Saturday. But of course u told Yoojung about it already and u did eat lunches with Jimin and U DID steal his food ^_^
*Alarm rings*
Yoongi: Wake up sleepy head.
Jimin: I don't want to and how the HECK did YOU wake up so early? You always wake up at like 11 in the afternoon on Saturdays.
Yoongi: Well, SOMEONE told me to wake them up early on Saturday no matter what so I had to.
Jimin: Oh... Oh..! OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DATE! Uh huh oh yeah on a date with Y/N~
Yoongi: That's so NOT u so wake up and get ready.
Jimin: Fine. But I'm still happy~~~~
Yoongi: I can see that.
Jimin: Mm hm!
Yoongi: You have everything planned though right?
Jimin: Who do u think I am? Of course I did and u helped me too!
Yoongi: Huh. I did?
Jimin: -_- yah u did.
Yoongi: Hm.. Okay then. Come downstairs when ur ready to eat breakfast.
Jimin: Kay hyung.
To be continued...
**Listen to Kookie's we don't talk anymore cover if u still haven't and if u have then HIS VOICE IS LIKE AN ANGEL'S anyways, I know the ending for this one is weird but the next part will include the first date with Jimin and then it'll be the end of the flashback! Hope ur enjoying the ff so far! Bye bye~~***
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