Part 21 "The Not so Date Like Date"
Jimin: wait wait wait.. she asked me out on a date.
Yoongi: What are you going to do?
Jimin: I think I'm going to say....
Jimin: Um..... I don't know yet.
Yoongi: You're going to send her an "idk"?
Jimin: Think so yah.
Yoongi: Tsk tsk tsk.
Jimin: Don't you click your tongue at me!
Yoongi: I thought this was a free country?
Jimin: Is it though?
Yoongi: Don't ask me I don't know American politics. (A/N: I actually don't lmao cuz I live in Canada ;))
Jimin: Fair enough. But yeah I'm going to say that so she won't feel too bad about it.
Yoongi: About what?
Jimin: Me rejecting her for the date.
Yoongi: Honestly... You should just go.
Jimin: HYUng! I have Y/N I'm not betraying her.
Yoongi: Well, you're not actually betraying her. You guys technically aren't actually dating at the moment. Also, you've been stressing over many things so go have fun here for once!
Jimin: Not with a flirty girl who only wants to make out. *glares at Yoongi*
Yoongi: Well YOU said you hung out with her before and she didn't do anything to you so why not????
Jimin: Yeah because I didn't know what her intentions were.
Yoongi: WELL tell her you'll only go as friends.
Jimin: Like hell that'd work.
Yoongi: *shrugs* worth a try. Besides I bet you that Y/N already went on a date with Taehyung so...
Yoongi: I'm just saying... Y/N can't say no and Taehyung likes her so..... *pretending like he doesn't know anything when he really does*
Jimin: Hyung... Do you have people tracking down Y/N and figuring out what she's doing.
Yoongi: No.
Jimin: *raises eyebrows* Are you sure? Because if you are that's creepy and it's an invasion of privacy.
Yoongi: Okay okay.. Maybe.
Jimin: MIN YOONG--
Yoongi: *shushes Jimin* Don't worry I'll un-hire the guy. *rolls eyes* Although it would be so much fun if I knew all those things--
Jimin: Nope we are not doing this and you are not going to convince me to let whatever you're doing happen.
Yoongi: Fine. HOWEVER, it's only IF you'll go on that "date" with Sophia.
Jimin: WHAT!?
Yoongi: Okay fine not a date, but as a hangout? Just as friends... I mean she's the only friend you have here no?
Jimin: Okay true.... Fine. A deals a deal. You stop with the creepy stuff and I'll say yes ONLY ONCE for the "date".
Yoongi: Deal. Text her now.
Jimin: Right now? Why now?
Yoongi: So I can see you do it and not break the promise.
Jimin: Ughhh fine. *takes out phone then starts texts Sophia: You know what never mind I'll go with you but only as friends.* Anddd send. *looks at Yoongi* satisfied?
Yoongi: *grins* yep.
~Day of the "date"~
Yoongi: You ready to go?
Jimin: Where?
Yoongi: The "date" with Sophia???
Jimin: Oh yeah that.
Yoongi: You promised to see her in like 30 minutes so you better get ready.
Jimin: Do I have to go???
Yoongi: we made a deal, so yes.
Jimin: UGHHHHH FINEEEE *rolls eyes*
Yoongi: Well, don't feel so guilty about it. I mean Y/N already went on a date with Taehyung ya know so think of it like a revenge.
Jimin: Okay woah calm down. First of all, I never asked you to find that out. Second of all, I was already noted by Taehyung that he'll do something like this before I left. Third of all, I did not know that you were this evil.
Yoongi: It wasn't exactly my intention.. I just want you to have fun in America!
Jimin: Hmmm....
'I hope my parents have nothing to do with this.. Even if they agreed to my relationship with Y/N right now, they do know that we are on a rest while I'm in America.. *sighs* I hope I'm wrong and it's just Yoongi hyung who's being stupid.'
Yoongi: I don't exactly know what you're thinking about but your parents have nothing to do with this.
Yoongi: No Jimin I'm a magician.
Jimin: REALLY??
Yoongi: How dense are you? I was being sarcastic.
Jimin: Oh. *mutters* I lowkey hoped he could do magic..
Yoongi: Jimin this is not a fantasy now get going! That girl's probably waiting for you right now.
Jimin: But the so called "date" is in 20 minutes?
Yoongi: *rolls eyes* Yeah but most girls just get there early anyways and when the guy asks did you wait long they just go *uses high pitched girly voice* "No I just came" when they didn't.
Jimin: Where do you get this information again??
Yoongi: Um... Manga?
Jimin: *shakes head* I'm leaving you because you're weird. Now byee and stop pestering meee! *leaves and shuts the door*
~At the date~
Jimin: I swear to god Yoongi hyung is literally stupid. Sophia isn't going to be here, I mean there's still like 15 minutes left? What kind of person comes 20 mins earlier than their time-- *notices something* HI Sophiaa~~! *pretends like he didn't say anything*
Sophia: Hi Jimin! *smiles*
Jimin: Haven't seen you for a while. Were you waiting long? I mean we both came like 15 mins earlier than the actual time..
Sophia: No! No. I came just now before you!
'Omg. Yoongi hyung was right. They do really do and say that they just came. I guess that manga he reads ain't totally wrong.'
Jimin: Ahahahaha *awkward laugh* Oh okay. That's good. So like what do you want to do?
Sophia: I meannn *acts flirty* I haven't seen you for a long time.. Maybe we should go to a restaurant and catch up. *smiles*
Jimin: Uhhhh sure! Why not?
~Arrives at restaurant~
Sophia: Let's order first so we can focus on catching up.
Jimin: Sure. *shrugs* Excuse me can we order?
Waiter: Yes. What would you want sir?
Jimin: We'll just have the special course meal. You're good with that right? *looks at Sophia*
Sophia: Yeah!
Waiter: Okay. The food will come shortly, so while you're waiting we'll get you some water. If you want any other drink please tell us. *smiles then leaves*
Jimin: Are you sure you're good with the course meal?
Sophia: Yeah! I mean this is a pretty expensive restaurant, so I wouldn't know what to choose anyways. I mean, you're paying right?
Jimin: Excuse me?
Sophia: You are paying aren't you?
Jimin: Yeah, why not. And um.. Since we already ordered I'm going to go use the washroom. Please excuse me for a moment.
Sophia: Yeah of course.
Jimin: *in the bathroom texting Yoongi* -Hyung she's being real flirty with me AND she asked me if I was paying like she wanted me to pay!-
Yoongi: -Well, too bad. If she keeps going then after supper just say your busy with work-
Jimin: -It's NOT THAT SIMPLE.-
Yoongi: -Like I said. Too bad-
Jimin: -I hate you-
Yoongi: -I love you too! ^^-
Jimin: UGHHH I swear thing BOI is so annoying. He's the one who put me up to this!! UGH. *sighs and takes a deep breath* Calm down Jimin. Just eat the food, make up an excuse, then leave. *goes back to the table*
Sophia: Hey..! You took a while for a bathroom break.
Jimin: Yeah.. Um.. I'm sorry. Yoongi hyung texted me so I had to reply back.
Sophia: Oh, okay! That's fine. The food's coming right now so great timing!
Jimin: I guess so!
Waiter: Here's your first appetizer.
Jimin: Thank you.
Sophia: This looks great! I guess this place is pretty fancy, so I guess it makes sense.
'No shit Sherlock. And you're making me pay for everything so.'
Jimin: Let's dig in!
Sophia: Wait. We have to take photos.
'Are you fucking kidding me right now. Y/N never did this..'
Sophia: Say cheese!
Jimin: Cheese.. *after she takes 10 photos which seemed like 10 000* We good now?
Sophia: Yep! So......
Jimin: *starts eating* Yeah? *then takes a sip of water*
Sophia: Are you single?
Jimin: *literally almost spits out his water then swallows* Um. At the moment I guess.. But I do have someone I love.
Sophia: Oh. So you're still single.
Jimin: Technically yes. But not really.
Sophia: Does this mean I can go for you?
'Does this girl not understand what I mean when I said I have someone I love?? Or what.'
Jimin: Um.. No.
Sophia: Why not?
Jimin: Like I said I have someone I love and I'm not willing to date anyone else while we have our time off.
Sophia: Ah. So it's like a temporary break up.
Jimin: Yes, temporarily.
Sophia: Hmm. Okay. Then why did you come on a date with me?
Jimin: I didn't exactly think of this as a date.
Sophia: Oh.. Okay.... Do you mind if I order some wine?
Jimin: Go ahead.
'I don't even care if she uses more of my money anymore. I'm never seeing her again after this.'
Sophia: Excuse me I would like some white wine.
Waiter: Of course ma'am. We'll be right back with the wine.
~Few minutes after the waiter comes back with the wine and pours it in their glass for them~
Jimin: Um.. I'm good thanks.
Sophia: No, Jimin. You should have some too! *takes his glass while he's looking at the waiter and puts something in*
Jimin: Okay fine.. *drinks wine* Hey this is pretty good!
Sophia: I know right? I told you that you should drink it!
Jimin: Mmm yeah... This wine must be pretty strong. I'm not usually this bad with alcohol.. *falls asleep*
Sophia: Well, this is going according to my plan.. *smiles*
To be continued...
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