Part 2 "Friends"
???: Y/N! You're finally here!
You: Huh? Oh! You're..... Yoojung! Nice to meet ya.
Yoojung: heyyyyy what's thatttt I'm ur bestieee
You: I know. I just wanted to make fun of u... in a way.
Yoojung: hmm...... so..... why aren't u with Jimin today?
You: *ur eyes start to tear up* uh... um.........
Tae: *covers ur eyes* sorry lady! She has some business with me! I apologize! I'll let her be with u later!
Yoojung: huh...? Isn't that Taehyung? The famous guy among the girls? And why was Y/N stuttering? hmm........
You: what'd u do that for!?
Tae: U were about to cry.
You: So? In the end I'm going to have to tell her. She IS my best friend u know.
Tae: wat. She's ur best friend!? U could've told me that before I dragged u all the way here.
You: I would've if SOMEONE didn't cover my mouth and dragged me somewhere.
Tae: hahahahahaha...... is it too late now to say sorryyyy~~??
You: no and seriously? Justin Bieber? I love that song though but SERIOUSLY? U are soooo weird.
Tae: I know. I was born this way gurllll~
You: hello? Yes, is this 911? I just wanted to tell u that---
Tae: nononono okay. Fine. *pouts* I won't fool around.
You: good. And I've been meaning to ask u.... can we go to CLASS NOW??
Tae: ohhhh rightttttt classsssss....... shoot.
You: thank goodness my class doesn't start till 20 mins!
Tae: then why'd u come so early!?
You: Because u came to my house and it's always good to come here long before class. U never know what might happen.
Tae: u smart person...... didn't even remind me......
You: wellllll u SHOULD stop TALKING and go to class of ur late.
Tae: uh oh. SHOOOOOOOTTTT DANG ITTTT U AND THOSE GIRLS!!!! Bye Y/N! I'll see u during lunch!
You: kay! Have fun getting lectured by the teacher!! *waves and smiles evilly*
You go back to where u were with Yoojung then found her sitting on the bench.
You: Yoojunggggg!!
Yoojung: Y/N! There u are! Why'd Taehyung take u away from me?
You: so u did realize that it was him.
Yoojung: well, OF COURSE I did! He's like the most popular guy in this university! HelLO!
You: I know. I said the same thing right in front of his face yesterday.... Wait, nope. I didn't recognize him so he sighed and was like "I'm surrounded by girls all the time" and I finally remembered who he was.
Yoojung: well.... wait. U saw him yesterday!?
You: at the park......
Yoojung: just with him though?
You: *sighs* I guess it comes to this.... Yoojung, Jimin broke up with me. He said he's tired of me now...
Yoojung: oh.... is that why... U looked like u were about to cry when I asked why u didn't come with him? And so Taehyung took u away from me.
You: yeah....
Yoojung: But how DARE JIMIN BREAK UP WITH U!! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM... *her eyes look like there's fire in it*
You: woah. Yoojung it's okay... I'm over it now thanks to Tae.
Yoojung: *gasps* is that why u two were together yesterday!?
You: no! I was having a breakdown of course then Tae came asking if I'm alright cause I fell while having a breakdown so.....
Yoojung: soooooo u call him Tae now too?
You: yeahhh...
Yoojung: *sighs* why didn't u tell me?
You: I didn't want u to be worried and mad...
Yoojung: I guess ur not wrong...... and what about ur leg?
You: it feels better now. Tae treated it for me yesterday at his place.
You: NO! My heart still belongs to Jimin.... He was my first and is going to be my last love.
Yoojung: I wouldn'y say that's the smartest move there bestie.
You: why?
Yoojung: u saying that means you'll never get over him. And what if he gets a new girlfriend? You're not going to feel happy for him. More jealous than happy.
You: I guess u have a point....
Yoojung: and why'd u stay at a stranger's house!? U DID JUST meet him yesterday ya know.
You: I just felt REALLLYYY comfortable around him. Like I've known him since I was little...
Yoojung: That. Is weird.
You: Oh well. I am weird myself so.....
Yoojung: THAT my friend is true, but still. Don't go to other people's houses when u don't even know them properly.
You: Yes ma'am.
Yoojung: Now, we should get going to our class which starts in.... *looks at her watch* 10 mins.
You: If we walk we should arrive there early. Come on! Let's go!!!
~after class~
You were talking with Yoojung in the hallway just outside ur class. But then someone bumped into u then they apologized... quite a bit.
???: I am SOOOO sorry.
You: uhhh it's okay...?
???: Thank u! I have to go see my "friend" who is well, annoying a bit but fun to be with I guess.
You: So u like to be with him.
???: What? No... Maybe... I should catch up to him... or not he's coming here. Riggghhhtt nowww.
Tae: Y/N! And ur friend! And... MY friend?
???: Wait u guys know eachother?!
You: Yeah. Yoojung over here knows him but they're not friends and Tae doesn't know her.
Tae: Oh! So ur name was Yoojung! Sorry for taking Y/N away from u earlier.
Yoojung: It's fine mr. popular.
Tae: Oh. I see how she knows me...
You: Anyhow, what's ur name?
???: Mine?
You: uhhhh yes? I know everybody's name here but u.
???: my name's Sungjae! Same year as u guys.
Tae: yep! We met in a bathroom... *snickers*
Yoojung: U didn't have to tell us THAT much.
Sungjae: So what? It's true! I talked to him first.
Tae: can u believe I was shy back then?
You: no.
Yoojung: same here.
Tae: ...... U meanies. *pouts*
Sungjae: I just realized! Even if Taehyung yelled ur name out earlier I still don't know ur name!
You: It's Y/N.
Tae: *puts his hand over Sungjae's mouth* ahahahahaha.... Do u guys want to go outside to eat?
You: *tilts head* ? ... Okay...?
Yoojung: I know a nice spot. Follow me.
Tae: *whispers to Sungjae* DO NOT TALK ABOUT THAT IN FRONT OF Y/N.
Sungjae: *whispers back* Why?
Tae: *whispers* it's not a good subject to talk about with her okay? *glares* UNDERSTOOD?
Sungjae: *whispers* SHeesh! Okay.. Understood...
(Lunch ends then after all their classes end)
You: Bye Yoojungah! See ya tomorrow!
Yoojung: Kay! Bye! *waves*
You: hmmm... Thank goodness it's not raining.. On the weather report they said it will like yesterday but I guess not.
Tae: *out of nowhere* Y/N! Want to walk home with me?
You: Why...?
Tae: Because! We're friends now no?
You: I guess....
Tae: ummm... Y/N?
You: Yeah?
Tae: I know this is out of nowhere and that it might be uncomfortable for u but.. Um.. doesn't Jimin go to university here?
You: oh.. Yeah... It's okay. *slaps him on the back*
Tae: OW!
You: I'm over him.... In a way... thanks to u and Yoojung.
Tae: Well, that's good.
You: Why don't we start walking Tae?
Tae: oh right. Okay then! I'll lead the way!
You: Tae I'm going to my house. I think I know where to go.
Tae: *looks at u* ...... meh. FOLLOW ME!
You: *mutters* I give up on him...
Tae: Did u say something?
You: No! No... I didn't....
~arrives at ur house~
Tae: *suddenly stops right in front of u*
You: *bumps into him* Ow! Tae! Why'd u stop for? *looks at where he's looking at* Jimin's...... Car....
Jimin's POV
'Y/N's with a guy....? And it's TAEHYUNG!?'
to be continued....
How does Jimin know Tae and WHY is he at Y/N's house?
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