Part 19 "Separate lives"
Jimin: So you're telling me that we shouldn't contact each other during the time I'm gone...?
You: Yes.
Jimin: I understand. We may be "breaking up" for now, but you know I'm only going to love you.
You: Me too *smiles*
Jimin: Before I go I actually got a necklace for you.
You: Jimin... This has a ring in the necklace..
Jimin: When I come back I'll be ready to take over Park Industries and marry you. *grins*
You: Even if we are apart, I'll always think of you because I'll have this on everyday.
Jimin: Hey Y/N?
You: Hm..?
Jimin: *kisses you* I love you.
You: *blushes* Jimin there's people watching!
Jimin: Shhhh.. What do you say back?
You: I love you too...
Jimin: *pecks you on the lips one last time* I have to go. I'll try not to contact you, but never forget that I'm going to come back for you.
You: I know..
Jimin: Bye Y/N... *starts to walk away*
You: Bye Jimin.....
{Jimin's POV}
'I wonder if I could really refrain from contacting Y/N...'
Yoongi: Are you okay Jimin?
Jimin: I'm fine thanks to you.
Yoongi: You're lucky I was allowed to go to America with you.
Jimin: I know.
Yoongi: Well, since we're finally on the plane and it's a one way flight, it's going to be a long one. Therefore, I'm going to sleep.
Jimin: *rolls eyes* Of course you are.
Yoongi: *puts his sleep masks on* Do not disturb me now please.
Jimin: *chuckles* Okay, okay.
{Y/N's POV}
You: *sighs* This is for the best.
~arrives home~
You: Ugh. I hope this was a good idea...
~Couple days later at a cafe~
Taehyung: Y/N! Over here!
You: Tae! I haven't seen you in a while.
Taehyung: Yeah. We really didn't talk much since the... You know. Party?
You: Yeah. But nothing happened.
Taehyung: I guess so. Anyhow, I'm glad I got to see you! It's been a while.
You: True. I haven't seen you at the uni either.
Taehyung: Well, I was too busy running away from my fangirls. *winks*
You: *giggles* Of course you were.
Taehyung: So how have you been..? You know with Jimin away and everything.
You: I've actually been well. It has almost already been a week since he left though...
Taehyung: Hey um Y/N?
You: Yeah?
Taehyung: Since you two aren't together at the moment... It wouldn't hurt for us to go on a date right?
You: A date? I don't know Tae. It's just that...
Taehyung: Please? Just once. Besides, Jimin never said we couldn't. *shrugs*
You: I guess....
Taehyung: Come on just this once? At least give me a chance... I won't even care if you have the ring with you at the date.
You: *sighs* Fine.
Taehyung: *lights up* Really? You agreed to this Y/N! Don't worry about the planning I'll get that all covered.
You: *chuckles* Okay Tae.
Taehyung: You can't back away from it okay?
You: I understand.
Taehyung: Well, I'm going to go home and start planning. Also, don't worry about the drinks and dessert price. I'll pay for it on my way out.
You: You really don't have to... *Taehyung runs to the cashier* never mind Who can ever stop that dork from doing anything?
{Jimin's POV}
Jimin: You know. So far the days here have been great! I kind of missed it here.
Yoongi: Well, I'm more surprised your fan girls from here aren't attacking you already.
Jimin: I think that's only because they don't know I'm here. And I'm not planning to tell them.
Yoongi: Didn't you have a good friend here during your exchange?
Jimin: Yeah. I haven't contacted her yet.
Yoongi: Her??
Jimin: Yeah, it's a girl. But I didn't fool around with her!
Yoongi: Mmhm.
Jimin: I'm telling the truth!
Yoongi: Okay.
Jimin: I know you don't believe me, but I'm going to ignore you.
Yoongi: You do you.
Jimin: Ugh. I don't even care anymore.
Yoongi: By the way.. You okay with not seeing Y/N?
Jimin: I mean. No. Maybe. I don't know.
Yoongi: Make up your mind.
Jimin: Well, I trust her you know. I gave her the ring and everything.
Yoongi: That doesn't mean you guys didn't break up for the moment you know. Like technically you guys aren't anything right now.
Jimin: I know I KNOW. It's just...
Yoongi: What you think she won't go on any dates at all with anyone or talk to other guys?
Jimin: No....
Yoongi: Just a FYI, Y/N might not ask someone on a date, but a guy might. And she's not the greatest at saying no.
Jimin: True....
Yoongi: I'm always right.
Jimin: *rolls eyes* Whatever hyung.
Yoongi: You're so lucky I'm with you.
Jimin: Sure.
Yoongi: At least the company work you're learning is going well, right?
Jimin: Yeah. I mean it's going to be worth it by the end of this.
Yoongi: Duh.
Jimin: Let's just hope that Y/N and I would be back together by the end of this...
{Y/N's POV}
~The date~
'I sure hope this is going to be okay....'
Taehyung: Y/N! You came!
You: Of course I did. I wasn't going to ditch you. That would be pretty cruel.
Taehyung: *mutters* I see you still wore the ring anyways..
You: Did you say something Tae?
Taehyung: No. It's nothing *smiles*
You: Okay then..
Taehyung: Lets gooooooo!
You: Where are we going?
Taehyung: You'll see. *smiles*
You: Okayyyyyy...?
You: An aquarium?
Taehyung: Yep!
You: Why here?
Taehyung: I heard that it's the number one place to go with a person you love.... *voice gets smaller each time*
You: *giggles* You know you can be cute right.
Taehyung: I can? *blushes*
You: *smiles* You're such a dork. Lets go in. You planned this didn't you?
Taehyung: *blushes* Y-Yes I did! Follow me!
You: *chuckles* Okay!
~Inside the aquarium~
Taehyung: *literally awes at every single creature he sees* This is so cool!! *squeals*
You: You know.... I kind of feel like a babysitter.
Taehyung: Oops.. I'm sorry for getting too excited.
You: *chuckles* It's okay. Besides they are cool creatures!
Taehyung: I know right! They're like the coolest animals I've ever seen! *takes out his camera* I need to take photos or else I'm going to regret it so much.
You: True. Very true. *stares at the creatures* This is so beautiful... *hears a click sound*
Taehyung: You are too you know.
You: Did you just take a photo of me??
Taehyung: Maybeeee??
You: Take it backkkk! I probably look gross anyways.
Taehyung: What are you talking about! You look great. Wait, let me show you. *shows you the photo frim his camera*
You: *snatches it away from his hand* Hey it does look bad!
Taehyung: Wait! Y/N don't delete it! I won't show it to anyone.
You: You promise?
Taehyung: I do!
You: Hmm... *goes through his photos in the camera* Taehyung.. These photos are genius!
Taehyung: You think so?
You: Yeah! I really think it's amazing!
Taehyung: *smiles but then remembers something* WAIT Y/N DON'T GO TOO FAR IN THE--
You: What's this....?? *sees another photo of you*
Taehyung: Too late... Well, um... You see....
You: This looks like it's from the university event we had in my first year here..
Taehyung: Yeah.. That was a kind of a long time ago.
You: Why do you have photos of me from then? I didn't even know you at the time really.
Taehyung: Well, the truth is that I....
To be continued...
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