Part 11 "A date"
~Later on at the park~
Jimin: Y/N!
You: Hi Chim Chim.
Jimin: Let's stay here for a while.
You: Of course! It reminds me of so much memories!
Jimin: *chuckles* I agree with u.
You: *excited* Remember when.....
You: Remember when u fell of the swing?? *laughing* THAT was HILARIOUS.
Jimin: Hey now. That was NOT even close to hilarious. I tried to swing while standing up like u... But failed. Horribly. It was not funny. *crosses arms*
You: For u it might've been not funny but for me it was SO FUNNY! *bursts out laughing again*
Jimin: *rolls eyes* Whatever.. that wasn't the best part though... *smirks*
You: hmm...? *thinks for a moment* ........ U PERV
Jimin: ME? A PERV? Noooooooooo what r u talking about? PeSHAW.
You: that's only more suspicious *makes this face 😒 *
Jimin: It was only our.... *smirks then smiles* first kiss together.
You: *hits him on the shoulder* I SWEAR U PERV. *blushes*
Jimin: It was only our first kiss together. *shrugs*
You: ONLY!? It was my FIRST fyi. *pouts*
Jimin: AAwwww you're so cuteeeee!!
You: Look who's talking *grabs his mochi cheeks*
Jimin: Owwww. *pouts*
You: See. *crosses arms* Look who's talkin' now.
Jimin: *rubs his cheeks* Hmp. Whatever... You want to retry out first kiss again?
You: *cringes* What is with u lately.. Becoming a playboy again? *chuckles*
Jimin: Maybe. *comes closer to u*
You: *gives him a small peck on the lips* Satisfied?
Jimin: My playboy sense says no. But my pure side says yes...... I'll just go with yes.
You: WOOOOWWW. OkAY then.
Jimin: *shrugs* I have 2 senses in me. What can I say?
You: Yeah I know. If I didn't know that'd be more weird.
Jimin: True... I've been the pure me for too long for you... It's very suffocating for my playboy side u know.
You: ....... Jimin stop joking around would ya?
Jimin: It's true though...
You: Really. -_- I don't get your jokes at all at times........
Jimin: Hehe No one does. Sadly.
You: Lol. I see why no one gets them.
Jimin: Heyyyyyyyyyyyy *pouts*
You: U know. You say that your playboy side is suffocating yet u sure don't act like it.
Jimin: Well, I'm so used to this side of me now that I barely have my playboy side active.
You: Wait... You don't.....
Jimin: What.
Jimin: WhaT iS IT.
You: You don't act like a playboy in front of other girls... Don't you?
Jimin: GASP. Of course not baby. Why would I do that!?
You: Baby? U never call me that.
Jimin: I call u all sorts of things.... Even I can't keep track of the names I call u by.
You: True... You called me "my lady" the other day..
Jimin: Exactly.
You: You know what. Call me whatever u want as long as I don't care.
Jimin: Hehe okay!
You: Let's go somewhere else now. We had good memories here but we can't stay here for the whole date. We haven't gone on a date for a while even when we were still dating..
Jimin: Yeah.. Because my parents kinda locked me up in the big mansion.
You: Well.... I blame ur parents anyways...
Jimin: True. But where do we go now?
You: To the café we go!! Ur treating me.
Jimin: Because I'm rich? And you're using me!?
You: NO. U owe me for dumping me.
Jimin: I guess that's true.... And I was joking too. Okay my treat! Let's go!
~At a café~
Waitress: Hello. Would you like to order something to drink or eat?
You: Yes please! I'll order an ice cream sundae!
Jimin: I'll have a latté then. Iced please.
Waitress: I understand. I'll be back with your things soon. *leaves*
You: *imitating Jimin with the highest voice ever* I'll have a latté then. ICED pwease.
Jimin: I did NOT say it like that.
You: SO u say.
Jimin: Ugh *rolls his eyes*
You: *imitates him again* UgH.
Jimin: *pouts* why do u have to be so mean to me todayyyyy *whines*
You: Because. You're so cute! *grins*
Jimin: *blushes* I'm glad that u think that way but still....
You: *smiles* What can I say? It feels like we switched roles but it's fun!
Jimin: mm....... I guess.... I want to be the cool guy that makes your heart beat though. *crosses arms*
You: You're always the cool guy that makes my heart beat. Now stop being all pouty.
You: Why? I'm your girlfriend it's only natural.
Jimin: *sighs* she doesn't get it.
You: A guy's pride these days...
Jimin: Hmp. Whatever.
Waitress: Here's your food. Enjoy *smiles then leaves*
You: Here's your latté that's ICED.
Jimin: We're being pretty childish aren't we...
You: *laughs* you got that right.
Jimin: After we finish wanna go somewhere?
You: Not really.... What about you come over to my place again?
Jimin: Are you TRYING to seduce me orrrr...
Jimin: Aww...
You: Why are you even saying Aww...!!?
Jimin: No reason.
You: Pervert.
Jimin: No I'm not.
You: Yes you are.
Jimin: *rolls eyes* u done your sundae? I guess we're going to your house.
You: No no not mine.
Jimin: then MY house!? You know my parents ar--
You: no u idiot my family house.
Jimin: Why?
You: Have you even talked to my parents before?
Jimin: Now that I think about it... no..
You: Exactly. And Hoseok's supposed to be there too so.
You: I see why u don't really like him but come on. He's my brother.
Jimin: *looks terrified* He tried to kiss me on the cheek. He tried to KISS ME Y/N.
You: Too bad. It means he likes u so go with it.
Jimin: Yeah but even if he likes me he never did approve of us dating did he.
You: now that u mention it.... No.
Jimin: guess it's my opportunity to convince him.
You: what if my parents say no too?
Jimin: they won't.
You: How are you so sure?
Jimin: Because I'm PARK JIMIN.
You: WTF.
Jimin: what's with that reaction. Let's go.
You: Okayyy.
~Arrives at your house~
You: ARE U SERIOUS. You said "Because I'm PARK JIMIN" just a moment ago.
Jimin: Ughhhhhh... Why'd I say that. IM SO STUPID *freaking out*
You: Jimin. Calm. *starts petting him on the head*
Jimin: *smiles shyly* That made me feel calmer thanks Y/N..
You: It's usually the guy who's supposed to do the petting I find, but u need to calm down.
Jimin: Don't worry *winks* I'll be the one to pet u next time.
You: So are you ready? Just saying that we've been here, in front of my house, the WHOLE TIME. Now even my parents are staring at us from the window.
Jimin: Oh. REALLY!? Dang it. They saw me panic.
You: Don't worry. From the looks of my mom she seems to think you're adorable. *starts knocking the door then yells* MOM, DAD, AND HOSEOK I SEE U THREE NOW OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE
Hoseok: *slowly opens the door a little bit then peeks through the door* Hi Y/N~~ and hi Jimin.... *glares at Jimin*
You: *pushes the door open* Oppa, stop bugging him for goodness sake.
Hoseok: *got hit by the door* owww.... Y/N that was mean. *starts pouting* And I won't stop because he's dangerous....
You: He's not dangerous.... MOM you understand right?
Your mom: Of COURSE I do honey. Hoseok honey! Jimin here is not dangerous and u know it!
Hoseok: No I don't.
You: Oppa... *glares*
Hoseok: Okay okay sorry.
Jimin: *chuckles* I love your family so much Y/N.
Hoseok: *glares at Jimin*
Your mom: Aww why thank you sweetie~!
Your dad: Thanks for those kind words Jimin. I appreciate it.
Jimin: it's nothing to be thanking me about.
You: Why are u guys thanking him for saying he loves out family?
Your mom: *elbows u in the stomach then whispers* he IS the son from the Park Industry you know.
You: MOM *whispers loudly* that is NOT the reason I'm dating him and you should know that! I already told you before!
Jimin: *heard all of that then smiles at you*
Your mom: Um. Y/N I think he heard u.
Jimin: I sure did! Now, I've never been to your room in here before have I?
You: Nope. I do have a room in this house though.. i just use it when I come.
You: HOSEOK OPPA!!! He's been at my house a lot of time now SHOO.
Hoseok: *pouting* I DONT WANT TOOOOOO
You: Ugh. He's so clingy... sorry Jimin.
Jimin: It's no problem. I find it kinda funny. HowEVER. *looks straight at Hoseok*
Hoseok: *gulps* yes?
Jimin: Don't worry hyung. I won't attack her here. And it's really none of your business right? I mean it's not like you're her parent.
Hoseok: *shocked at his small but sharp words* I-I... Okay then... Have fun u two... *walks away slouching*
You: Wow. You're good.
Jimin: Thanks. But it was really only for you *winks*
You: *ignores* follow me to my room.
~In your room~
Jimin: Ah, it's cute.
You: well, I never changed it since I moved so...
Jimin: And I also find it cute how you probably thought that I won't do anything to you in this room. *smirks*
You: huh....?
To be continued...
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