Part 10 "The past"
Jimin: I'm here.
You: Thank u for not coming here late.
Jimin: No problem. So u wanted to ask about Taehyung?
You: So u do know him... I don't think I actually never mentioned him to u..
Jimin: No u didn't... I think. Anyhow let me explain my side of the story and what happened between us. *grabs your hand* I want you to believe me Y/N. Will u?
You: Of course I will Jimin but I'll have to listen to the story first.
Jimin: Of course. So this is what had happened...
Jimin: *takes a deep breath* Taehyung thinks that I stole his girlfriend when we were in high school.
You: That's it? Seriously?
Jimin: *sighs* not really. He told me when he saw me with his girlfriend that he'll take my own girlfriend that I actually care about for once...
You: So....... Me.
Jimin: Yeah... I don't know what he's planning in any way or anything like that, so please Y/N be careful around him.
You: Mmm... But why was he so mad about it? He could've just forgiven u instead.
Jimin: That girl was the first girlfriend he's ever had, and that guy really loved her. Idk why though...
You: Oh... Wait. But u forgot something.
Jimin: What?
You: If he THINKS that u stole his girlfriend.... What ACTUALLY happened?
Jimin: .................. I-I don't know if I should tell u....
You: U can't even tell your girlfriend.......?
Jimin: .... Not.. Yet.....
You: ................. Fine.
Jimin: I promise that I'll tell u when the time's right. Maybe Taehyung might tell u what happened on his side of view... But please don't fall for his tricks.
You: Who do u think you're talking to?
Jimin: Y/N...? Obviously?
You: Well, yes I am Y/N but.....
Jimin: *spaced out*
You: nvm nvm.
Jimin: Sorry.
You: It's fine. It's not like I'm not used to it anyways.
Jimin: I guess so..... My lady. *grins*
You: When did u start calling me my lady?
Jimin: Since today. Only some people would get to joke...
You: It was a joke?
Jimin: In a way.
You: My lady.... My lady...? Hmmmmm.... OHHHH!!! Got it!
Jimin: Yeh.
You: You're right only people who watch this show would get it...
Jimin: Well, duh. -_-
You: *giggles* Your face though.
Jimin: *blushes* don't make fun of me!
You: I'm just calling u cute u know. *smiles*
Jimin: *blushes harder* hmp... Actually.... Um Y/N?
You: Yes?
Jimin: *fidgeting* C-can I... No I m-meant.. May I ask u out on a d-date?
You: Okay, why do u need to ask MY permission to just ask me out on a date and since when did u start getting all shy asking me out on a date before?
Jimin: People can change u know!
You: *chuckles* Of course I know silly. I was just joking around cuz ur reactions are so cute.
Jimin: Ughhh... whatever.... So ARE u going to go on a date with me?
You: Are u my boyfriend?
Jimin: I sure hope so.
You: *rolls eyes* Of course u are!
Jimin: So it's a yes?
You: Yes!
Jimin: *smiles brightly with the mochi cheeks* I'll text u about where we're going later.
You: We going today?
Jimin: Do u want to?
You: *nods* Mm hm!
Jimin: Well, today it is! And since it's almost time for your class my lady I'll walk u there.
You: Seriously mochi. Stop calling me my lady would ya? It really doesn't sound like something you'd say to others.
Jimin: That IS true. *smiles*
You: Does your cheeks EVER hurt when u smile like every day at LEAST 100 times?
Jimin: 100!? Okay not that much.
You: It was a hyperbole.
Jimin: Whatever.
You: Cute Jamless Shorty.
Jimin: GASP. Only Jungkook calls me that. How do u know the nickname he calls me everyday? Do u know him?
You: Nope. I kinda just randomly thought of a nickname that suits u then voila!
Jimin: You've never met Kookie before have u.
You: Nope. Who even is this Kookie guy?
Jimin: Do u know the Jeon Company?
You: Yeah, they're the ones that are close to your guys's place no?
Jimin: Yep! And Jungkook is their son. Like me with my parents.
You: Wait..... I think I saw him in a photo at Tae's house...
Jimin: U were at Taehyung's HOUSE!?
You: WOAH CALM. Everyone will start staring at us.
You: I was hurt badly so he just treated it. Goodness sake Chim chim.
Jimin: Oh.... Sorry.. BUt still!
You: OKay okay. I'll never go to his place ever again.
Jimin: Promise?
You: Promise.
Jimin: Well, we're here... Bye Y/N. Read my text for our date later okay? And watch out for Taehyung too!
You: Are u my mom? And I already know that.
Jimin: That's good.... *grabs your wrist the pulls u closer* I'm going to miss u.
You: *whispers* For about 3 hours.
Jimin: *whispers back* Yeah ik... *kisses you then smiles* Bye Y/N~
You: *blushing a bit* He still can't get his 'flirtiness' (Ik it's not a word.. Tee hee. I made it up) off of him can he. *smiles* Can't wait for the date. *talks to yourself while waving Jimin goodbye*
~After Classes~
You: PHEW. Finally! We're done all our classes!
Yoojung: Yeah. U got that right... SOOOO
You: Yes...?
Yoojung: How's it with u and Mr. Playboy?
You: We made up. We're dating again now..
Yoojung: SO u two basically just broke up for one day.
You: Yep.
Yoojung: *rolls her eyes* Ugh. On and off couples.
You: We're not that kind of couple!
Yoojung: Then why'd he break up with u then ask to be your boyfriend again?
You: *sighs* Look Yoojung I'd tell u rn but the place isn't the best place to talk about this subject.
Yoojung: Oh yeah you're right. Leggo.
You: But I have a date with Jimin later so I can't talk to u for long.
Yoojung: Okie. As long as I get to hear what exactly happened.
You: Yeah...
Yoojung: So, what happened..? I was kind of joking around earlier but u seem a lot more serious Y/N.
You: Well, it's because it IS serious.
Yoojung: Oh.
You: *takes a deep breath* The only reason why he broke up with me was actually just because of....
Yoojung: Let me guess his parents?
You: How'd u guess?
Yoojung: Pretty obvious and with rich families like his it's bound to happen. They usually want their son to marry someone that is a daughter of an other rich company.
You: How in the world do u know all of this?
Yoojung: K-Dramas
You: Wow. Why am I not surprised.
Yoojung: Well, it's obvious.
You: I guess.... I just never thought about it in that way..
Yoojung: I bet u that he went to a marriage arrangement before already.
You: He did.....
Yoojung: How do u know that?
You: Jimin told me. He said the girl had the same first name as him so he calls her Jam.
Yoojung: Wow. DO they still keep in contact?
You: Yes.
Yoojung: And you're not jealous?
You: Ye.... No. How can I not be? But what can I do? She's like a little sister to him. and it also seems like she really doesn't have any feelings towards him whatsoever anyhow so...
Yoojung: You sure about that?
You: I am certain.
Yoojung: If u say so. *shurgs*
You: Oh, and I forgot to tell u something.
Yoojung: What?
You: Jimin and Taehyung?
Yoojung: mm hm..
You: They used to be best friends but they stopped being best friends after Tae thought that Jimin stole his precious girlfriend. Jimin won't tell me what exactly happened rn but he promised me that he will when the time is right.
Yoojung: WOah..
You: Ikr.
Yoojung: So, Tae is wrong about what happened?
You: Yeah. Jimin' says he didn't steal his girlfriend. He told me to be careful around him now that I know. Taehyung told Jimin that he was also going to do something to Jimin's actual loved one...
Yoojung: Which is you... Man. You gotta be more careful now don't u.
You: Yep. *sighs* Why does this need to happen to me?
Yoojung: Well, it's your fault for having a boyfriend that's the heir to a enormous company.
You: Hey! It's not my fault! He asked me out first.
Yoojung: Ik ik. Lol Y/N I obviously know that. I mean u used to hate him back then.
You: But slowly fell in love with him.
Yoojung: Ew. Cringe. I'm leaving now. Go to your bf. I mean u two are going on a date right?
You: Of course we are! Then bye Yoojung-ah! See ya!
Yoojung: Yeet. Bya~ *walks away*
You: *Looks at ur phone* Huh... So we're meeting up at the park near my house? Sounds good to me.. *smiles* memories..
~Later on at the park~
Jimin: Y/N!
You: Hi Chim Chim.
Jimin: Let's stay here for a while.
You: Of course! It reminds me of so much memories!
Jimin: *chuckles* I agree with u.
You: *excited* Remember when.....
To be continued...
Hi guyssss I haven't uploaded much for a while so I wrote a longer story for this chapter. Also! If you're someone who also reads my other ffs I'm going to put those on pause because I want to finish this story first. And besides! It has the most views out of all my stories! THANK U SO MUCH FOR 7K READS THOUGH GUYS! Well then. Byeee hope u enjoyed this chapter. More flash backs coming up! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BTS I can't believe it. It feels like yesterday when they uploaded their 3rd anniversary but I guess not... T^T Time goes by so fast...
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