Season 1 Episode 6: Time For The MIRA Raid
Red: Hello there! Just a quick warning, some of the upcoming scenes near the midway point and after might contain a few violent scenes. Just a message from the author to let you all be prepared for that. With that said, enjoy our heist, folks!!
The Episode begins at the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, where Marinette walks downstairs, seeing her mother adjusting a flower into her hair. The reason behind this is that it's Sabine and Tom's anniversary, and the former wants to look nice for the special event.
Sabine: Well? With or without?
Marinette: (hesitantly) Uh, with?
Sabine: (turns to a mirror) You're sure it's not better without?
Marinette: (puts a hand on her shoulder) Either way, you look perfect, Mom.
Sabine: (grasps her daughter's hands) You know, it's not every day you celebrate your twentieth wedding anniversary.
Tom: (from another room) Marinette! Could you come here a minute, please?
Marinette runs out of the room, leaving Sabine to return to readjusting the flower in her hair. Down at the bottom floor, where the main part of the bakery and pasteries are located, Marinette goes through the doorframe, as her father turns around to face her.
Tom: Well?
Marinette: (confused) Well, what?
Tom: My moustache, I groomed it. (starts fiddling with it) Is it too short? Should I shave the whole thing off? Maybe it's a little crooked on one-
Marinette: (interrupts) You look perfect, Dad. Uh, except for one thing. (points to his dirty baking apron)
Tom: Uh... (rushes out the room) Thanks, sweetheart!
Marinette: (chuckles) No problem, Dad!
A few minutes later, and Marinette begins pushing her parents out of the bakery door, both of them now wearing their best clothing for their special occasion.
Marinette: (quickly) You're going to be late!
Tom: Now don't forget, Mrs. Chamack will be coming to pick up the Eiffel Tower in 30 minutes. (points to the exact cake) I'm depending on you.
Marinette: (quickly) Yeah, yeah. No sweat, piece of cake.
After quickly shutting the bakery door, Tom and Sabine give each other confused glances, before brushing it aside and heading off to enjoy their day, while back inside, Marinette lets out a sigh as she lets Tikki free from inside her jacket.
Marinette: Wow, married for twenty years. That's pretty cool, huh Tikki?
Tikki: (flies around) Time flies when you're having fun.
Marinette: (picks up a Maths book) And stands still when you're doing homework.
Tikki chuckles as the blue-haired girl heads off to her room to complete what the school expects her to learn. Meanwhile at a different house, (Y/N) and the three parasites are currently finding ways to pass the time. The young autistic boy is currently playing a video game on a console which is a platformer where you play as a demon with the goal of hunting down angels, Green is watching with some interest, Red is also watching, just munching on a burger he made, and Blue is typing on the laptop.
Red: (munching) Hey, why aren't you using your fire breath against those bullet-shaped enemies? It would clear out the horde of those guys pretty easily.
(Y/N): W-Well, the game doesn't tell you that they're immune to your fire breath. The only way you'd be able to t-tell is if you'd actually give the idea a s-shot. A-And as for the power-up that allows you to destroy everything on the screen, it's incredibly rare, and you'd have to go out of your way to find it.
Green: (nods) Yeah, I played this game a bit yesterday, and (Y/N)'s saying the truth. Whenever I did find that power-up, there were barely any enemies to use it on. Does the game expect you to lure enemies over just to make one power-up useful?
(Y/N): (scratches his head) W-Well, the developers did say they made this game in t-three months because their producers were expecting them to meet a s-strict deadline.
Red: (swallows his meal) Guess that explains why you're able to just walk through some walls while looking like you're trying to move so fast, it looks like you're in multiple places at once.
Both Green and (Y/N) chuckle a bit at Red's description of clipping through walls, only to leap in freight from Blue suddenly screaming his lungs out. All three then turn to him, seeing his face now have a large grin spread across, with his hands slightly shaking.
Red: (winces) Geez, Blue. What's the reason behind doing your best impression of a banshee? I'm pretty sure the neighbours heard you.
Blue: Sorry Red, but I've gotten some great news for us. (shows them his laptop) The shipment of those machine parts have arrived! This means we'll be sneaking into the MIRA base in Paris today, and steal those crates for our own use!
Red: (leaps in excitement) Yeah! We're gonna show them what we're made of! Speaking of which, when will be springing our attack?
Blue: (puts the laptop down) We'll be heading there and attacking at night, more precisely at around 10 PM. That way, barely any civilians will spot us, and the shadows can provide us more chances of success, even if they might increase it only slightly.
(Y/N): Y-Yeah, because we have that thing at the T-Trocadero for an event our classmates are holding. S-Speaking of which, what d-do you guys wanna do now? W-We still have some time before we have to be there.
Green: (thinks for a minute) I think I've got an idea. (pulls out a microphone from her pocket) Hey (Y/N), have you ever tried singing before?
(Y/N): (shakes his head) N-No, I h-haven't. P-Public performances aren't s-something I'm a fan of, e-especially with the c-countless eyes looking a-at you...
Green: (lowers her hand) Well, how about I help teach you? Just me and you having a quick and little song together? Sure, Red and Blue are here, but that's about it. Nobody else to try and silently judge you.
(Y/N): (takes a deep breath) O-Okay, I g-guess. D-Do you have a spare microphone on you?
Red: (passes him one) I do. Here ya go, I don't mind sharing it with my best friend.
(Y/N): (takes it) T-Thanks, Red. (turns to Green) A-Are you ready, G-Green?
Green: (scrolling through her phone) Yeah, just a minute. Just trying to find an easy song for you to start off with. A-ha! (places her phone down) Okay, I found a good one. Alright (Y/N), just follow me, and you'll do fine.
*Song Name: Practice Lesson*
*Original Song: Tutorial (Boyfriend Mix) by Philiplol (Imagine it's Green singing with (Y/N) instead of D-Sides Girlfriend singing with D-Sides Boyfriend*
From the phone speakers, an upbeat and funky song echoes out at Red and Blue bop their head to the rhythm, as Green slowly eases (Y/N) into the song with an easy verse to copy... before shifting it to a slightly more difficult variation immediately after. Still, the autistic boy goes his best to replicate it, leading to a compliment from Green as the two begin to perform together, copying verses and slowly shifting into a final duet during the latter half of the song, before letting the instrumental finish off their little session.
Red: (clapping for them both) That was amazing, you two! I mean, I didn't expect you to sound like an angel, (Y/N)! (pauses) Okay, maybe I overexaggerated a bit there, but still, you were great letting your voice out.
(Y/N): (blushes and chuckles) T-Thanks, Red. (looks to Green) T-That wasn't so bad, now that I t-think about it. Though, quick question, did someone t-teach you how to sing, Green?
Green: (shakes her head) Nope, just picked it up, cutie. ((Y/N)'s blushing grows) It mostly came from one MIRA Agent who liked to challenge anyone he met to a rap battle. (groans) He was also incredibly annoying, not as bad as some of our own agents, but still annoying. Plus, whenever we tried to attack him, it lead to something bad happening to us in return.
Red: (groans as well) Yeah, I remember that short brat as well. His personality was that aggravating, I actually shot him. (crosses his arms and pouts) Unfortunately, he not only lived, but got me caught by multiple other agents. If it weren't for Green saving me at the last minute, I would've been dissected! While alive!
Green: Well, that's what happens when you blindly panic and attempt to fight back against the one agent MIRA likes to nickname "The Parasite Collector", Red.
Red: (glares at Green) How was I supposed to know she would be there as well?!
(Y/N): (turns to Blue) T-They really don't like MIRA o-or their members, huh?
Blue: (pushes up his glasses) Well, you already know why, given how we've shared the cruel experimentation that our species is subjugated to upon capture, and how those humans claim it's "for the better of humanity" or "They attacked us, so we had no choice but to fight back". Those are lies, and they know it!! (sees (Y/N) recoil) Sorry about that.
(Y/N): I-It's alright, B-Blue. (looks to Red and Green) Uh, e-excuse me for a second, but did anything h-happen to that specific agent? J-Just curious, that's a-all.
Red: (looks to (Y/N)) Actually, I don't think any of us know what happened to him. The last I heard, he faced our leader, but even he didn't confirm if he killed the rodent or not. It's... It's almost like he was never there in the first place...
(Y/N): (slightly creeped out) W-Well, that's... s-something...
Green: (nods) Sorry to cut this question short, but given at the time, you think we should be heading down there now?
Blue: (stands up) Well, the early ones do get a chance at witnessing a victory more easier than those that are late. (sees Red looking confused) It means we're going now.
Red snaps out of his confusion as he stands up alongside Green and (Y/N), as the group of four then leave the house and head off to the Trocadero to witness the event they've been invited to, along with silently planning their upcoming mission. Elsewhere in Paris, at the Le Grand Paris (a fancy restaurant), Tom and Sabine are being shown their table by the waiter, when the former notices Alix, one of Marinette's classmates, sitting down at another table with her father.
Being the gentlemen he is, Tom politely waves over to Alix, who smiles and waves back before facing her father.
Alix: They're Marinette's parents. You know, one of the chicks I hang out with.
Mr. Kubdel: Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in the whole of Paris. (notices Alix's sneakers) Couldn't you have made more of an effort to dress nicely?
Alix: What do you mean? I took off my cap. (gestures to her cap)
Mr. Kubdel: (tuts his daughter) But this is a special day.
Alix: (nonchalantly) Well, it's only a birthday.
Mr. Kubdel: No, this is a special birthday. (Alix gasps as he presents a fancy watch) This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many, many years ago. (Alix sighs disappointedly) It's been passed down from one generation to the next, on their 15th birthday. And today, it's your turn to inherit it. (slides it forward)
Alix: (shrugs) It's pretty sweet, Dad. But I've already got a watch, synced up to my smartphone. (shows her watch on her wrist)
Mr. Kubdel: But sometimes, there's more to things than meets the eye. Let's just say that our ancestor was...
Mr. Kubdel then presses the top of the fancy watch, causing it to open up and release blue smoke from the inside, which then swirls until it forms a fancy-dressed woman from the past holding a large clock in her hands, almost like she's presenting the time.
Mr. Kubdel: ...Ahead of his time.
Alix leans forward, gasping in amazement as she finds herself becoming more enamoured by her ancestors' watch, only to then slightly lean back as her father closes the watch, and has the figure disappear as he moves it away from his daughter.
Mr. Kubdel: Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather me buy you a new pair of rollerblades.
Alix: (reaches over and grabs the watch) No, Dad! I'm stoked to have it. It's awesome, thank you! (hears her phone ring and checks the message)
Mr. Kubdel: Are your friends waiting?
Alix: (looks up from her phone) Yeah, but I don't wanna bail on you. It's cool. (smiles)
Mr. Kubdel: (shakes his head) No, no, go ahead. (Alix stands up and grabs her cap) Now, take good care of it.
Alix looks to her father and gives a nod, before heading off the Trocadero, where her classmates are waiting for her arrival. Meanwhile back with Marinette, she's trying to focus on finishing her Maths homework, but is struggling to remember how to solve the equation, along with dealing with Tikki constantly motivating her, which is distracting her even more.
Tikki: Come on, Marinette! You can do it! Just remember the formula. Think, Marinette, think!
Marinette: (slowly annoyed) I might be able to do it if you weren't distracting me so much with your encouraging words!
Tikki just giggles at the response right as Marinette's phone starts ringing, leading to the blue-haired girl to pick it up and answer whoever's on the other end, which happens to be her best friend, Alya.
Marinette: Hey Alya, what's up? (becomes shocked) The what? The bet between Alix, Kim, and Robert? No, of course. I didn't forget. I already made the banner for it! (looks to the banner) I know everyone's counting on me. (her eyes widen) In five minutes?! No sweat. I'm already on my way there. Be right there! (hangs up and shrieks in panic as she runs to the banner)
Tikki: (flies beside her) But Marinette, you have to wait for Mrs. Chamack to pick up her cake!
Marinette: (shrieks and starts a timer) I've got 20 minutes before she gets here. I told them I'd take care of the banner and they're all counting on me! Besides, Adrien will be there too! (hugs the banner and prepares to leave)
Tikki: You'll never make it to Trocadero in five minutes. It's way too far!
Marinette: (smirks) Not too far for Ladybug. (winks) Tikki, spots on!
One quick transformation in her bedroom, and Marinette leaves her bedroom as Ladybug, using her yo-yo to swing from building to structure, and vice-versa in order to reach the Trocadero. Along the way however, she passes by what may seem like a regular fly at first, but if she stopped to pay attention, Ladybug would've noticed its actually... robotic. And watching through its perspective... are some figures only illuminated by a screen.
???1: So, this is the Ladybug, the one many in Paris dub as "Their Scarlet Hero", correct?
???2: (typing on a computer) That's correct, ma'am. Many of these chaos sightings, or dubbed as "Akumatizations" have all been fixed by her and her partner. (shows a picture of Chat Noir) This one is named Chat Noir.
???1: (hums to herself) These two... They might be able to help us out with something... (looks at a note) Ted, once 5PM hits, I'll be leaving to search for them. During then, you'll be in charge. Keep everyone focused on their tasks, and make sure no... early break-ins occur. (cracks her knuckles) Those extra-terrestrial monsters are mine to hunt, capture, examine, and execute.
Ted: (nervously nods) U-Understood, Miss Nightshade. A-And as for your little brother?
???1: He'll be coming with me. Even with everyone's position and gear, I don't trust him to be away from my side, in case our enemies from outer space think they can emotionally break me.
Ted: You got it. In the meantime, I'll keep surveying the town for any possible sightings. Permission to possibly search cities outside of Paris?
???1: (nods) Permission granted.
As the taller figure walks away from the monitor and out of the room, leaving Ted to continue piloting the fly-bot around the skies of Paris, back with Ladybug, she soon reaches the Trocadero, landing at the middle of a staircase and using the large walls to hide her transforming back to Marinette, who then sprints down the staircase and arrives at a large gathering, consisting of her classmates.
Once she stops running, she unveils the banner she made, consisting of Alix, Kim, and Red's heads in the middle with a gold trophy above them. Down below are trainers underneath Kim, rollerblades underneath Alix, and another pair of trainers underneath Red. Upon seeing it, everyone present gives their own cheers of amazement at the handmade banner.
Green: (clapping) Oh, that's beautiful!
Adrien: Impressive, Marinette! (winks as she giggles in return)
Kim: (confidently) You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me.
Red: (clears his throat) Excuse me, but am I invisible to you?
Kim: (ruffles Red's hair) Sorry Robert, but even though you're here, by the time we start racing, you'll be eating my dust from how fast I'll be going!
Alix: (skates over) Spoke too soon, Kim. (everyone cheers for her) Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you both in the dust, meatheads!
Kim: (gets in her face) You're no match for me. My neck is bigger than your thigh.
Red: (gets in their faces) Keep talking big, and I'll just whizz on by while you both eat my dust, you dusteaters!!
Alya: (laughs and looks to Marinette) Are either of those good things? (Marinette laughs as well)
Max: (splits the three racers up) Let's review the official rules. (pushes up his glasses) Two laps around the fountain; approximately 500 yards. The first one over the line is declared the winner. (gestures to Kim) If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him. (motions to Alix) If Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year.
Juleka: (calls out) We're through with all of those stupid dares!
Ivan: (calls out) Uh-huh, that's right!
Nathaniel: (calls out) No more dares!
Blue: (whispers to (Y/N)) Are these dares really that bad? Just curious as he's never dared any of us before.
(Y/N): (whispers back) By "bad, they're just completely ridiculous.
Max: (gestures to Red) And if Robert triumphs... (pauses) Actually, I don't think Robert submitted a reward for winning this dare, now that I think about it.
Red: That's cause I didn't think I'd get this far with joining in. But as a reward for winning... (thinks for a while until he smirks) I got it! Kim and Alix will have to pretend to be dating for a whole week! (everyone gasps at this)
Max: A truly deadly reward. It's allowed, considering Kim wants a prized possession of Alix as his prize. (holds his arms out) Now, on your marks... (the three racers assume starting positions) Get set...
Alix: (holds her hand out) Hold it! (Kim falls as the others giggle)
Kim: (smugly) Forfeiting already?
Alix: (hands the watch to Alya) Hold onto this for me, will you, Alya? I don't wanna drop it during the race.
Alya: Hold on girl, I can't! I gotta-
Alix: (interrupts) Guard it with your life. It's a family heirloom! (skates back to the starting line)
Alya: But... (hands the watch to Marinette) Marinette, take this. I gotta record the race for my blog!
Max: On your marks... (the three racers assume starting positions) Get set... Go!
Max swings his arms down, as the race begins and the cheering is unleashed. Kim immediately takes the early lead with Red following close behind, while Alix puts on a determined expression and starts picking up the pace. Meanwhile in the crowd, both Nino and Marinette are holding up the banner, but the latter is looking to Alya with a confused expression.
Marinette: But... She asked you to look after it. I gotta hold up the banner!
Just then, Marinette is then aggressively pulled to the side, causing her to drop the watch as she looks on in horror as it falls to the ground in slow-motion. Luckily, the watch is quickly grabbed by Adrien, who gives her a smile.
Adrien: Need any help?
Marinette: Uh... Yup! Thanks. Gotta be careful! Even if you are amazing! (Adrien looks confused as Marinette panics) At... Holding things! In your hand.
The two clear lovebirds are then brought back to reality by the sounds of cheering, as they see Kim, Alix, and Red cross the starting line, all three of them neck-and-neck.
Max: Last lap!
Alya: (smirks to Marinette) Amazing at holding things? (Marinette grips the banner and grumbles)
Chloe: (in a singsong voice) Adrikins, whatcha got there? (takes the watch off him) Some super old case or something?
Adrien: (worried) Careful, it's Alix's!
Chloe: (smugly) If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless. (Adrien frowns)
Green: (speaks up) Hey, if it's "probably worthless", then why are you messing with it? Just return it before things get worse.
Marinette: (joins in) Midori has a point. Give it back to Adrien, Chloe.
Ignoring the two girls, Chloe turns her shoulder and presses the top of the watch, causing it to open and emit the blue smoke, which gets her to scream. In a panic, the advanced trinket slips out of her grasp, as her, Adrien, and Marinette attempt to grab it, only for it to disappear in mid-air, confusing the three of them.
Back with the three racers, the crowd continues to cheer as Alix finds an opening and slips by both Kim and Red, taking first place as Red pushes himself forward and takes second, while Kim gets left with third, panting with his hands on his knees.
Kim: (looks to Alix) I call a rematch! That false start back there threw me off!
Alix: (shakes her head) Sorry, but you lost fair and square, which means you can't make anymore dares for the rest of the school year! (everyone cheers as Alix skates to Alya) Alright Alya, you can give back the watch.
Alix: (nervously) Uh, I was trying to tell you I had to record for my blog, so I passed it to Marinette.
Alix: (turns to Marinette) Marinette, where is it?
Marinette: (scared) Uhm... Well... You see...
Just before the blue-haired girl could give an answer, and with Alix slowly becoming more annoyed by the passing second with no answer, someone suddenly steps forward, presenting the watch in their hands. And that person being...
(Y/N): (hands the watch back) H-Here you go, Alix. C-Chloe nearly dropped it after taking it from M-Marinette, but I g-grabbed it before it hit the ground. (briefly looks away) I-I know you said it's important to you, s-so...
Without saying a single word, Alix quickly takes the watch from (Y/N)... and then pulls him into a hug, sending the boy's face into a blushing frenzy (as this is his first time getting a normal hug and not a comfort hug), and Green's expression to be filled with jealousy.
Alix: (speaking quickly) Thank you so much!! My father gave me this just this afternoon, and it's a one of a kind, as well! Nothing like it! (lets go of the hug) If it broke from hitting the ground of me accidentally skating over it... (shakes her head) No! I don't wanna even imagine what would happen! (looks back at (Y/N)) Thanks again, man!
(Y/N): (stuttering and rubbing his neck) N-N-No p-problem, A-Alix. O-Oh! B-By the way... (presents a cupcake) H-Happy B-Birthday.
Alix: (gasps and takes the cupcake) This is a little treat for me?! Oh, I love the little chocolate bits and marshmallows as decorations! (takes a bite) It tastes so sweet, too!
Chloe: (in a mocking tone) Oh look, everyone! It's another freak couple today! The tomboy and the shy boy! (nobody hears Green growling)
Alix: (glares at Chloe) What was that?!
(Y/N): (tries to speak up) U-Uh, Alix? W-We've been-
Alix: (ignores him and gets into Chloe's face) Look Chloe, I haven't interacted with that kid until just then, and I was just thanking him for saving my watch at the last minute! Speaking of which, don't mess with someone else's stuff, or else they might be more furious than I would've been if it broke!
Blue: (walks over and separates the two females) Alright, that's enough, you two. Look, the watch has been saved, and there's no need for us to continue this argument. (steps back) Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be going now, as I have stuff to attend in a few minutes.
Marinette: (eyes widen) Oh, yeah! I just remembered! I... I also have something to do! Gotta go, guys! (sprints off to the bakery)
After Blue and Marinette leave, everyone else give each other nods as they start to leave the Trocadero, and to return to what they were going before attending the event, though some stay to talk with Alya, mostly Kim still demanding a rematch against Alix, despite Max pointing out he lost fair and square.
Back with some of the early leavers, Blue, and (Y/N) spent part of their walk home calming down Green, though Red kept teasing his sister-figure about how she was jealous, which resulted in him getting punched in the ribs. Multiple times. Eventually, Green was able to finally return to her normal attitude, and the group of four begun to plot together how the invasion of MIRA HQ will go. Well, the three parasites did most of the planning, as (Y/N) was still new and slightly nervous.
As for Marinette, as she was rushing home, she received a phone call from her father, asking why she wasn't at the bakery, as Mrs. Chamack had arrived and called him during his anniversary dinner to explain that it was closed and nobody was inside. In a blind panic, Marinette tried to explain that something else came up, and she got distracted with it, but her father just told her that they'll be discussing it when they get back, which only gets the blue-haired girl to let out an upset groan...
A few hours later, and the bright blue sky has begun to slowly shift into a pitch black blanket with stars illuminating the city of Paris below. From the rooftops, both Ladybug and Cat Noir traverse them, searching back and forth, incredibly cautious. Neither of them have heard of any activity of Hawk Moth, and are just checking to make sure nothing out of the ordinary. After searching for some time, both regroup on a random rooftop to discuss anything important.
Ladybug: (crosses her arms) Find anything, Cat Noir?
Cat Noir: (shakes his head) Sorry, Bugaboo. Not a single trace of Hawk Moth anywhere. And I'm just gonna guess you couldn't find anything either?
Ladybug: (sighs) Yeah. Maybe he's just either thinking of a new scheme, and we're just running around paranoid at night. If that's the case, then maybe we should turn in for the night.
???: Well, if neither of you two have anything to do, then maybe you could help us out.
Both Ladybug and Cat Noir jump back in surprise from hearing a voice behind the former, as they look towards whoever's there. Standing on a nearby rooftop are two figures, the first being a woman that appears to be in her 30's while wearing a black tophat, a white button-up shirt underneath a black cardigan, black jeans with while lines on the side, black shoes with white patterns, an ocean blue tie that matches her eyes, and long black hair that reaches the end of her spine.
The second figure appears to be younger than the first, possibly around 13-14 years old, and having the same eye colour as the female. However, he's wearing a white t-shirt hidden by a black hoodie, black jeans with blue lines on the side, black shoes with blue patterns, and snow white hair. Another thing both Ladybug and Cat Noir notice that's different are their expressions, with the woman having a stern look, while the boy seems excited to see them. Still, the two heroes are cautious about the sudden guests.
Ladybug: (looks around nervously) Uhm, who are you two?
???1: (gestures to herself) My name is Francisca von Nightshade, but my codename is "Flake". I am a high-ranking agent in MIRA Corp, and the leader of the France Branch. As of right now, we at MIRA would appreciate it if you both came with us to assist in a little situation we'd like to prevent before it can occur.
???2: (squeals and runs over) Hi, it's so nice to meet you both!! I'm Sebastian von Nightshade, but my friends just call me "Snow", and that includes everyone at MIRA, cause they're also my friends! (grabs Ladybug's hands) You both are amazing superheroes, and I always watch you fight the bad guys on TV! Are you both gonna have a Saturday Morning Cartoon?! Or toys?!
Cat Noir: (chuckles) Seems like this kid really is a big fan of us, huh? (kneels down) How about something better than one of the questions, like an autograph from us both?
Snow: (his eyes shine) Really?!
Ladybug: (ruffles his hair) Well, not right now, as there's something I have to ask your sister. (looks to Flake) What's this problem you need help with?
Flake: (turns around) Everything will be explained if you both follow us back to MIRA with us. (takes Snow's hand) Come on, Snow. We'll be waiting for them there, if they choose to help us out.
Snow: Okay. (turns around) Bye, Ladybug! Bye, Cat Noir!
Both Snow and Flake then take their leave, leaping off the rooftops, and when both superheroes looked to see if they landed on something soft, they couldn't spot them anywhere on the streets or nearby alleyways, as they then both face each other.
Cat Noir: So what now, Bugaboo? Do we continue our patrol and find out if Hawk Moth's up to something, or do we follow them and lend a hand?
Ladybug: (thinks for a minute) I say we help them out. As heroes, we have to protect everyone in Paris from any threat, and that doesn't just mean Hawk Moth. And like I said, he might not even be scheming tonight, and we're just wasting energy for no reason.
Cat Noir: (smirks) Alright then, see you at the building!
Cat Noir starts taking off towards the MIRA Paris headquarters, hopping along the rooftops as a way to take shortcuts, as Ladybug uses her yo-yo to swing from the rooftops to another, chasing after her partner. The two then reach the building, seeing a large tower-like structure rising higher than the clouds, almost piercing the sky itself, as they land in the parking lot. But as they take their first step, an alarm blares, and multiple turrets rise out of the ground, aiming at them and forcing the two to put their hands up.
Cat Noir: (jumps back) Woah, woah! I thought we were guests, not target practice!
Ladybug: (looking around) Just hold on a second, kitty. This might take a second.
Just as Ladybug said, the turrets soon go back into the ground, followed by Francisca's voice being heard from a nearby speaker somewhere in the area.
Francisca: (through a speaker) Sorry about that, you two. I should've informed you that many of our entrances are heavily guarded. Anyway, I've shut them off temporarily, so head through the door ahead of you, and take the elevator to the eighth floor. Me and Sebastian will be waiting for you there.
Ladybug and Cat Noir share a quick glance with each other, before making their way through the back entrance, and being greeted with a large scientific facility, with many different researchers either typing on computers, carrying multiple boxes to other rooms, or examining different test tubes filled with unknown liquids.
Cat Noir: (looks around in awe) Never though we'd actually be stepping foot inside an actual MIRA HQ research lab! I've heard their discoveries, projects, and events are all so that humanity can have a brighter future, and a future where all current problems are a thing of the past. (starts shaking with excitement) Imagine if we get to see one of those projects unfold! Or even better, they want us to help announce it!
Ladybug: (chuckles at her partner's antics) I'm sure that would be a dream come true for you, and others that might want to see that happen, but we won't know until we head on up. So let's go, Cat Noir. To the eighth floor we go.
Grabbing her partner by the wrist, Ladybug takes them to the nearest elevator, ignoring some of the glares the scientists are giving the Miraculous duo, and once inside, she hits the button to the eighth floor. After spending a minute or two heading up, the elevator's doors open up, where Ladybug and Cat Noir see Francisca and Sebastian waiting for them on the other side, with the former turning around and motioning them to walk and talk with her.
Francisca: Once again, I'd like to apologise for the turrets at the parking lot and back entrance. I should've mentioned about all main entrances having some form of defences before disappearing back to here.
Ladybug: (waves her hand) It's alright. You guys are a major research agency across the globe, so having some way of protecting your buildings from any form of trouble, regular or Akumatized.
Sebastian: (nods) Yeah, those bad guys may not be as bad as what we normally deal with, but it's never bad to stay too cautious.
Cat Noir: (perks up) "What we normally deal with"? What are you talking about?
Francisca: We'll get to that in a minute, but first...
As the four enter a large room, with Francisca opening the doors and allowing the other three to step through, Ladybug and Cat Noir are presented with multiple small screens surrounding a larger one, different tables with varying purposes, and most importantly, four new figures that turn to face the two superheroes. The first figure is seen guarding a door with the words "Leads to Vault" on it, and is wearing the MIRA HQ security uniform, along with having combed light brown hair, and shades.
The second figure, standing adjacent to the previous one, looks similar to him, but being bald, has a small moustache above his upper lip, looks slightly older, and has a shotgun propped onto his back, which slightly alarms the two heroes. The third figure can be seen managing the panel that controls the monitors, having blue eyes hidden behind glasses, and a long black ponytail sticking out from under a security hat. Lastly, the fourth figure looks similar to the third one, only his hair colour is dark brown, and has a full dark brown moustache that covers his whole mouth.
Francisca: (turns to face the heroes) Welcome to the MIRA HQ French Sector. One these screens behind me, we can not only display PowerPoints, documents from the higher-ups, or even blueprint images, but also security cameras hidden all over France. We've got them in Paris, Dijon, Bordeaux, and even down south at Toulouse! Though, we don't cover Corsica. That place has its own branch.
Cat Noir: (looking at the different screens) You weren't kidding, I can see different areas of Paris in some of those.
Francisca: (smirks) We've been keeping track of a lot of things these past few weeks, including the introduction of you both. (claps her hands) Now, before I tell you the reason why I requested you here, let me get a quick roll call out of the way first. (motions to the first figure) This is Chad Hasen. He's straight out of college and joined because he thought working here would be awesome to him. (Chad waves to the two)
Francisca: (motions to the second figure) Next up is his partner, Philly Colin. He's been a hard-working member of MIRA for five whole years, assisting in numerous missions and helping us out with different weapons. (pats him on the shoulder) In fact, he's responsible for producing one of our disguised weapons: The Footbomb, strong enough to blow up a football field.
Philly: (tips his hat) Welcome to MIRA HQ, you two. Just a fun fact, I didn't join for any ulterior motive. I just think the agency's uniforms look cool, both security and operation clothing.
Francisca: (motions to the third figure) Working on the security cameras is Ted McAdams, one of our best members in technology. He's also one of the few agents who drives the armoured vehicles and transport anything valuable from the docks over to here. Speaking of which... (turns to Ted) How did picking up the crates with the machine parts go, Ted?
Ted: (shyly smiles) I-It went surprisingly smooth, Mrs. Nightshade. No sudden attackers came and ruined the delivery, like what happened last month. (chuckles) It sort of got to me, and I'm glad Winston tagged along, otherwise I'd have crashed into at least five different objects last night.
Francisca: That's good to know, Ted. Speaking of Winston... (motions to him) Here is Winston Davis, Ted's partner. He transferred from another branch, though he doesn't tell us which one, and joins Ted on transport duties, handling lookout and expertly spotting anything hiding in the alleyways.
Winston: (politely waves) Nice to meet ya, heroes of Paris.
Ladybug: (waves back) Nice to meet all of you, and pleasure to be working with MIRA. That reminds me... (looks to Francisca) Could you explain to us why you need our help, Francisca?
Francisca nods, motioning for Ted to start playing a PowerPoint that helps give further explanation to the two superheroes, as the leader of the French Brigade begins explaining the situation they're in.
Francisca: As you both know, we at MIRA HQ are focused on helping the human race reach a brighter future, where all problems in the past and present shall become obsolete. To do this, we've been using special technology to explore areas that no other government agency could ever travel and uncover. Whether it be the depths hidden underneath the oceans' waves, or the vast undiscovered areas of space, nowhere will be marked as unexplored in MIRA's eyes. (her eyes darken) However, we've been running into a major problem.
Francisca: (a picture of a planet is shown) This is the planet identified as Polus, located on the far edges of the Milky Way Galaxy. Upon its discovery, we've been harnessing and examining all types of minerals and plant-life discovered on this icy rock and its different climates. Although, we had to drill in seismic stabilisers to prevent any extreme earthquakes from destroying our research bases on there. We've also used what we've acquired on the planet to help create new metals, vaccines, or other inventions that may help humanity blossom into the promised brighter future.
Cat Noir: (confused) Okay, but aside from what you've just said, why is this planet so important?
With another nod from Francisca, Ted hits the next button, revealing a picture of something that makes Ladybug and Cat Noir flinch in fear. It's... something that resembles a parasitic lifeform, yet it can freely change its shape and structure at will, going from its normal form, to a small bean-shaped figure, and finally... to a human figure.
Ladybug: (eyes widened) What in the world is that?
Francisca: (her hands become fists) These parasitic problems... We don't know what they are, but they want humanity dead. (Ladybug and Cat Noir gasp) They've been killing and feeding off many agents of MIRA, sneaking aboard our ships, or infiltrating our bases, and wiping out everyone inside. (some tears fall down her face) But what's worse is that they have the ability to disguise themselves as humans, allowing them to get the drop on us, and they steal all of our hard-earned research. New equipment, new breakthroughs... It's either destroyed or abducted...
Francisca: (outbursts) But unlike other government-funded research agencies, MIRA doesn't let this slide!! We've been constructing tools of war, exclusively for our fellow agents, who are willing to introduce these blood-sucking aliens to humanity's wrath! It doesn't matter if they possess some intelligence or sentience, they want to kill us, so we'll kill them all back!!!
Francisca: (takes a deep breath) Sorry about that. I just... I just really hate those creatures. (Sebastian calmly pats her hand) Anyway, we need your assistance in defending this research base. Last evening, we've received large shipments of parts to build controllable mechs to help our agents stand a better chance against the extra-terrestrial threats, and knowing our enemies, they'll either want to destroy the parts or steal them for themselves. So, Ladybug and Cat Noir, will you help us?
Ladybug: (looks between the screen and Francisca) Could you... Could you give us a moment, please?
Ladybug and Cat Noir quickly form a small huddle, quietly discussing on what they should do. At first, they were afraid, not of how important and stressful the request sounds, but more about the aliens that were shown. No matter the form they took, they looked as if they crawled out of a horror movie, and nothing like what Hawk Moth has been sending their way. Cat Noir even suggested that they politely decline the request, as they're more focused on stopping the previously-named villain.
But at those words, Ladybug remembered what she told him earlier, on how they swore to protect Paris and everyone from any threat, not just Hawk Moth and the Akumatized villains. She quietly reminded her partner of those same words, telling him on how MIRA came to them, needing dire assistance, and that no matter what, they're a team, and that nothing can stop them. After this, Cat Noir gave a smirk and nod to Ladybug, as the two superheroes turn back to Francisca.
Ladybug: (confidently) Well, Agent Flake, you've now gotten yourself two superheroes standing alongside you!
Francisca: (smiles) That's magnifique, you two! (motions for them to follow her) Now, could you both follow me and Sebastian to the storage chamber?
The two superheroes begin to follow Francisca and Sebastian out of the room and towards the storage chamber, which doubles as a way to help them get used to the layout of the eighth floor. Meanwhile, back outside at the parking lot, something gets tossed into the parking lot, alerting the turrets as they take aim. However, the item then unleashes an EMP wave, disabling the turrets, and allowing four figures to charge forward.
The four figures turn out to be the three members of Impostorm, consisting of Red, Green, and Blue in their disguises, along with (Y/N), who has earlier activated the Cosmicubes and transformed into Null. All four of them sprint across the parking lot, and huddle against the wall.
Blue: (looks around) Alright team, that EMP bomb will buy us enough time for us to enact Phase One of the plan. As a little reminder, we'll be digging underneath the centre of this parking lot to reach one of the underground research labs, and blow ourselves in. (points below them) Sure, that'll set off the alarms, but we'll still have enough time to duck into the ventilation and make our way to the eighth floor. Once there, I'll give a further explanation of Phase Two.
(Y/N): (nods) Understood, Blue. (looks at the camera) And from the looks of it, the EMP did more than just disable the underground turrets.
Green: (smirks at the camera) That'll make sure no video or audio will be picked up, which is even better for us! (turns to Null and Red) Null! Red! Commence the tunnelling!
(Y/N): You got it, Green. RED BURST!!!
Transforming into his Burst Form, Null aims at the ground and unleashes a multiple swarm of fireballs at the ground. Once the ground has been damaged enough, Red pulls out a hidden shovel from underneath one of the nearby vehicles, and starts digging into the ground, but right before the hole can be deep enough to envelop his lower half, all four of them hear footsteps racing towards them.
Red: (narrows his eyes) Oh, Sugar Honey Iced Tea, outdoor security must've heard the explosions!
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) If that's the case, then prepare to fight back team, and most importantly, make sure not to get captured.
The other three give Blue a nod right as the squadron of outdoor security charge from around the corners, wearing black metal armour and wielding strange rifles powered by plasma. Upon spotting the four Impostorm members, they begin unloading plasma bullets, as the four duck behind nearby vehicles for cover. As the shots hit the top and sides of the cars, Red spots an opening, charging forward and unveiling a hidden gun from his right sleeve, before firing bullets through the exposed spots of the guard's armour.
Seeing this, the guards turn their aim towards Red, only for Null to rise up and unleash a torrent of embers, forcing the guards to lift up their weapons in order to protect not have their vision hindered, but allows Red to charge forward and reveal a new trick: A sharp needle-like tongue that penetrates the armour, and wipe out numerous guards. However, the remaining guards tackle Red down to the ground, and prepare to pull the trigger.
While struggling in the guard's grip, Blue runs over and kicks the enemy away, momentarily freeing Red, before the two take cover from rifle fire once again. Seeing this, Green emerges from her hiding spot, and whispers to Null.
Green: (whispers) Null, keep Red and Blue protected, as well as those guards distracted for a while. I'll find a way to take them all out.
(Y/N): (gives Green a nod) VIOLET VOID!!!
Switching from Burst Form to Void Form, Null opens a small black hole from his fingertips, pulling in every plasma projectile into it as a maniacal laugh escapes his lips. Then, with an evil glint in his eyes, he turns his attention over to the remaining guards, before aiming the black hole at them, increasing both its size and gravitational pull. As the guards attempt to stand their ground, one of them sneaks around Null's blind spot, and tackles him to the ground, causing the portal to disperse as the guard starts assaulting Null in the face...
Which forces the embodiment of emotions to transform and put up a barrier to protect him from the strikes, but the guard refuses to stop, and keeps attacking with his fists, before switching to his rifle. With the black hole now gone, the other guards swiftly get back up, and begin shooting at Red and Blue, striking them a few times as the latter two once again take refuge behind another vehicle. Unfortunately for them this time, the guards are now slowly approaching their hiding spot, ready to surround them...
Everyone pauses for a moment, momentarily stunned by the sound that pierced the air just then. Was... Was that a car horn, everyone thought. Just then, Null felt the ground below him slowly start to shake, becoming more aggressive by the passing second. Have the turrets reactivated? But if that's the case, then why did a car horn go off?
Suddenly, a car smashes through the parking lot gates, with Green popping her head out from one of the front windows, steering the vehicle around the area, and running over the remaining guards until they're either knocked unconscious, or dead from blood loss or broken bones. Once all of the guards are finished, Green hops out of the vehicle, heading over to the three partners and helps them up.
Green: Sorry for ditching you guys for awhile, back there. Just had an idea on how to clean up this crowd in a matter of seconds. (notices their shocked expressions) Is something up?
Red: (shakes his head) Yeah. While we're glad you helped out, plus the way you dealt with them was pretty smart... How did you even get in? Aren't those things supposed to be-
Green: (deadpans) Locked? Well, some idiot not only left his keys in, but also left one of the windows open. It's like he was asking for someone to steal or crash his ride. (notices Null's expression) You okay, Null?
(Y/N): (slowly nods) Yes, I'm fine. It's just... (motions to the bodies) I'll have to be getting used to seeing that when we go on missions like this. Even if I swore not to take the life of another human, I'm aware this doesn't apply to you three, so I won't try to stop you.
Blue: Alright then. (looks around) Now with all our distractions gone, let's resume our current mission. Red, continue tunnelling.
Red gives a playful salute, before picking up the bloodied shovel and continues digging in the hole Null created for them, this time at a much faster pace than before. Just after one minute of digging does Red's tuffs of hair remain the only thing visible as they peek out of the hole, and another minute later-
Red: (calls out) I've struck underground lab!
Blue: (calls down) Excellent! Now Red, me and Green will lower the explosives down for you. Stack them carefully, and once that's completed, we'll hoist you back up before Null lights them up for us.
Red gives them a thumbs-up, stretching his hand out to make sure the others can properly see it, before Green and Blue slowly and carefully lower down multiple explosives, consisting of the classic dynamite sticks, small cartoonish bombs, and a red crate with the words "TNT" on the sides. Once he's made sure that not even the slightest tilt will set them off with him down there, he's quickly pulled up by the group, as Blue looks to Null and gives him a nod.
Null: (nods back) RED BURST!!
Switching into Burst form, Null gives off an excited grin, before creating a small fireball from his fingertips, and casually drops it down the hole. Right as it touches the explosives, the four members of Impostorm quickly run for cover, both Null and Red having grins on their faces as-
Multiple pieces of metal and large clouds of smoke are sent flying out of the hole, swarming the air and raining onto the ground below. Once both problems become less aggressive after waiting for a few seconds, the group slowly approach the hole, before Blue speaks up again.
Blue: Alright, now for the second half of Phase 1: Properly entering MIRA HQ. Remember guys, we only have a few seconds to dash into the ventilation and escape more guards that are probably approaching the lab. Speaking of which, they'll no doubt be scientists down there, so we'll deal with them first before enacting Phase 2. Is that clear?
Null + Red + Green: (nods) Crystal!
Blue: (prepares his shotgun) Good. Now, make sure to prepare your weapons, cause once we go down, we're not coming back up for a long time.
Red soon reloads his pistol while Green cleans the earlier blood off her knife, as Blue and Null leap down the hole, their vision being slightly obscured by the remaining smoke until they pass through a large metal hole, and land in the underground research laboratory. Upon landing, Blue hears footsteps coming from behind him, and so he quickly swings his shotgun around like a club, knocking a scientist that was running to him unconscious.
Scientist: (points at the two) We're under attack!! Quick!! Someone alert the guards!!
Hearing this, multiple scientists start running towards the exit, which Blue spots and runs after them to make sure they don't leave. Red and Green soon drop down as well, with the former noticing his partner running after the fleeing scientists, and joins him in the chase with both Impostorm members beginning to use their firearms. Multiple scientists fall dead from the bullet swarm, but one reaches the door, and uses a keycard to dash out. As the door closes, another scientist attempts to let himself escape using another keycard...
But before he can pull it out of his pocket, Green throws her knife directly at his head, stabbing right through the cranium as the scientist drops dead. After obtaining her knife back from the body, she prepares to head to the nearest vent, with Null using a large fire breath to melt the metal blocking it. However, before the three can had through, Blue halts them.
Blue: Wait a moment, you guys. One of the scientists escaped, which means backup will no doubt be arriving soon. Red, Green, position yourselves at the edges of the door. Null, you stay with me, out of sight.
Red: Wait, I thought we were gonna dash into the vents immediately?
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) We were, but seeing as how our mission now may become more difficult, we might as well try to reduce that difficulty by sorting out a few more problems that are arising.
Green: (smirks) I'm catching your cold, Blue. We take care of some of the guards now, and we won't have to worry about them later.
Blue: (smirks) Exactly Green. Now, to your places, team! (looks to (Y/N)) Null, charge up another fire breath, this one capable of pushing back a large crowd.
(Y/N): (nods) You got it, Specs! Just by me some time!
Blue gives an understanding nod as the group take their respective places, with Red and Green hiding against the walls next to the door's blind spots, and Blue and Null taking some boxes and making a makeshift defensive wall; the latter begins charging up some energy for an attack. A few seconds later, and a squadron of armoured guards burst into the room, lead by Chad and Philly. As the room fills up with enemies, Blue emerges from the boxes and fires his shotgun a few times, only to duck back down after a barrage of plasma rifles.
As the one-sided shootout between Blue and the guards escalates, Null finishes charging up, and stands up, unleashing a fiery breath at the guards, overheating both their weapons and armour, and either launching them out of the room, or having them faint from overheating. Only Chad and Philly remained, and they charged back into the room, firing their weapons at Blue and Null's hiding spot, only for Red and Green to grab them from behind in a synchronised takedown, and knock them unconscious.
Red: (smirks) That should buy us some time. Now quick, into the vent!!
The group of four quickly make their way to the opened vent, dashing in and start making their way through the labyrinth of duct passageways, but not before Null and Green make a quick return so that the latter uses his burst form to either break apart or melts the weapons, making them no longer useful...
A few minutes ago back on the eighth floor, Marinette and Cat Noir are currently being given a tour of the building, having been shown a freezing room where they contain weapons designed to create massive chunks of ice in case the arctic begins to melt away, a large reactor that's powering the whole tower, and most hilariously, Francisca's office, which is filled with empty coffee cups, and Japanese manga that she rips away from Sebastian's hands whenever he tries to peek at one.
Speaking of Sebastian, as the group continue on their journey to the storage chamber, both Ladybug and Cat Noir are caught off-guard when Sebastian... pulls out a microphone from his hoodie's pocket, and performs an unexpected musical number, accompanied by music appearing out of the blue.
*Song Name: Intrepid by Man on the Internet (Imagine it's Sebastian singing instead of Jennifer, and the lyrics being slightly different)*
Sebastian: 🎵 Welcome, your first night on the job
You must feel so lucky
You'd think security's a slog
You'd spend the whole night stuck in here 🎵
Sebastian:🎵 But danger lurks in the dark
We're not for the faint of heart
And unless you're ready for things to get deadly
You're gonna fall apart 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 So get familiar with your tools,
And trust your eyes and ears
For a MIRA agent is no fool
We can't afford surprise and fear 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 We're not lettin' you get hurt
But you both gotta stay alert
You gotta look around, hear every sound
And listen to our words 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 Skepticism has its system
Always keep active the lights
Keep on checkin', you won't miss 'em
You'll make it through the night 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 You're both nervous ones, we can tell
Got the questions I asked myself
Take it from we, you've got to be Intrepid 🎵
As the little musical number goes on, Ladybug and Cat Noir can't help but feel... relaxed from listening. Any earlier feelings of nervousness about the mission the two Miraculous heroes had earlier was now disappearing, almost like it never even existed. Even Francisca was enjoying it, clicking her fingers to the beat, along with mechanical whirrs joining in. Still, both were confused on the random song, as well as the meaning of the lyrics, but they can't ask questions now...
After all, the second verse is coming up...
Sebastian: 🎵The hiding parasites around here,
They love to pop in at night
The strength of nucleus, prokaryotic cells
Can bring forth a rather nasty fright 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵The minute they burst down the door
We better prepare for war
I guarantee you've never seen them
Strike like this before 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 So keep your mask on, hold your breath
Try not to make too much sound
And yes, there is the risk of death
Our bodies may never be found 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 But we'll both be right by your side
Nightshade will be your guide
So saddle up for battle,
Might as well enjoy the ride! 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 There's no sleepin' while they're creepin'
Not until the dawn
Since we're swimmin' in the deep end,
We must soldier on 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 Screamin' monsters acting like killer clowns
You know you gotta stare them down
Take it from we, you got to be Intrepid 🎵
With another instrumental pause during the musical, the hallways and rooms on the eighth floor begin to light up the instant one of the nearby clocks hit 11:00 PM, making the place look like the military complex you'd see during spy or action movies. Cat Noir was enjoying himself to the song, swaying from left to right to the beat, while Marinette was still confused about why Sebastian is currently singing, along with the creepy lyrics, but before she could have the chance to ask...
The final verse comes swinging in...
Sebastian: 🎵 The lights will show us where they are
They'll let you scare the parasitic pox
And when their way to you is barred
Strike then and corner them behind their hiding box 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 Everyone here's under a lot of stress
But you heroes, we're all impressed
Since there's not many up to do it,
We gotta be the best! 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 Many arrangement's gonna start getting stranger
You both gotta know what you can do
Remember to stare down the danger,
It's gonna be trapped in here with you! 🎵
Sebastian: 🎵 So don't be afraid as our night shift starts
Or you'll be mangled and torn apart
Prepare to face the monsters set free
Don't lose your way, whatever you see,
Yeah, take it from we, you've got to be Intrepid!!! 🎵
After the final verse, Sebastian puts the microphone back into his pocket and does a polite bow as both Cat Noir and Francisca both clap for his little moment. Even Ladybug can't help but give off a few little claps, but at the same time, she also notices an opening.
Ladybug: That was a pretty nice song, but I gotta ask, what's the reason for one? I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just confused on why you just randomly pulled out a microphone and gave us a musical number?
Sebastian: Oh, well, the whole thing started from one of our more stranger agents. He and his girlfriend showed up a few years ago, and had a... unique way of dealing with our enemies. He'd challenge them to a musical fight, and would most of the time win. However, during the times he did lose, the extra-terrestrial terrors didn't have long to last, as they'd be forced to retreat or get captured by a squadron of MIRA agents.
Francisca: (clicks her teeth) While most of us found the repetitive choice of fighting back both pointless and annoying, we did slowly appreciate is slowly as time went on, as it had two hidden talents. First, it was a nice way for us to deal with stress, letting our inner choir unleash our emotions did help keep our minds mentally healthy, and it served as a distraction to our enemies, as whenever he challenged them, it allowed other agents to form a plan to deal with the current threat or hazardous situation.
Cat Noir: (surprised) Huh, so his singing turned out to be a weapon of sorts for you guys? (the Nightshade siblings nod) That... honestly sounds pretty cool. (nudges Ladybug) Maybe we should try that against the akumas, Bugaboo.
Ladybug: (pokes Cat Noir's head) Sorry, but unless we run into a music-themed akuma, that's gonna be as useful as your bad puns.
Cat Noir: (gasps dramatically) Me-Owch, Mi'Ladybug. You told me they were purr-fect in your opinion. (both him and Sebastian chuckle)
Ladybug: (bonks her partner's head) Alright, enough playing around, Cat Noir. I think we get the message now. (turns to the siblings) Back to the topic of that agent, is he by any chance at this branch? If so, then maybe he could-
Francisca: (sighs) If you're thinking of us asking for his skills to assist us, then I'm afraid that option is impossible as they're... not around with any of our branches.
Ladybug: (eyes widen) Oh... I-I'm sorry!! I didn't know they d-died-
Francisca: (interrupts) No, he didn't die, but what happened still baffles us to this day. He and his girlfriend just... disappeared when they attempted to challenge the leader of the parasitic threats, but they never returned. (rubs her head) At first, we thought they died, but after no evidence of their demise came up, we soon believed that they managed to escape somehow. But even after that proved false, we just... gave up. We don't know where they are, or if we can even find a way to contact them! It's almost as if they aren't human!
Sebastian: Despite this, many of MIRA HQ still use the same strategies he used to use on missions as both a way to honour him, but also for the previously mentioned intentions. Whether it be to distract the enemy for a brief moment, or to help calm a squad of agents down, we mostly find multiple ways on how to adapt something we see as pointless the minute it shows promise.
Ladybug: Wow. Pretty strong words for a young boy like you.
Sebastian: (defensively) I'm only twelve!! That doesn't make me young!! (Ladybug and Cat Noir chuckle)
Francisca: (clears her throat) Sorry to interrupt, but it's time we continue on. We've shown you every room and hallway so far, but now it's time to show you both the Storage chamber, and the unfinished mechs of Project: Gripley-
Suddenly, an explosion shakes the whole building, sending both superheroes and the Nightshade siblings almost falling to the ground. After everyone regains their balance, Francisca pulls out a radio from her pocket, before speaking through it.
Francisca: (shouts into the radio) Ted, what's going on?!! What caused that explosion?!!
Ted: (on the other end) W-We don't know, Agent Flake!! The cameras had gone offline a few minutes ago, we couldn't pick up any video feed or audio!! I-I think the outdoor security may investigate- (pauses) H-Hold on a minute, Winston's trying to tell me s-something.
Francisca: (looks to the others) The answer may be revealed soon. Just hold on for another minute. (speaks back into the radio) Ted, what did Winston tell you?!
Ted: O-One of the scientists from the u-underground labs just burst in, a-and told Winston that some intruders attacked them!! The explosion must- hey!! Winston!!
Winston: (through the radio) The explosion must've came from them, as they might've been planning to attack the less guarded areas! A-And the cameras going offline must've been an EMP!! D-Don't worry, we've sent Chad and Philly to sort out the problem. Oh, and here's your radio back, Ted. Sorry about that.
Ted: (rolls his eyes) Next time, just ask, dude.
Francisca: (groans) Alert the rest of the guards along every floor, and make sure everything valuable is heavily guarded!!! (hangs up and looks to the other three) Seems like our unwanted guests have made their move. (points at the two heroes) You two, can I trust you both to assist in guarding this floor, while me and Sebastian get the parts of Project: Gripley contained?
Ladybug: (nods) You can count on us!! I'll keep the hallways protected!
Cat Noir: (smirks) And I'll help out the group in the control centre!
Francisca: Alright then. (grabs Sebastian's hand) C'mon Sebby. I'm not letting you out of my sight.
Sebastian: Alright, big sis!
As the group split up across the eighth floor to assist in the best way they can, back with the four Impostorm members, they've been navigating through the various vent pathways, mostly going up to reach the higher floors, until they reach their intended floor: The same one that Ladybug, Cat Noir, the Nightshade Siblings, and the rest of the more important members are residing.
Back in the control centre, Ted and Winston have gotten the outdoor cameras back online, and are currently skimming through the ones on the eighth floor to try and hopefully catch the extra-terrestrial invaders, but aside from seeing Ladybug sprinting through the hallways a few times, they can't spot anyone else.
Ted: (sighs) We've been searching for nearly six minutes, and still no sight of any of the intruders. Where are they?!
Winston: (drinks some coffee) Well, maybe they're still in the building, but not roaming around the hallways. How about checking the motion scanners in the vents?
Ted: (eyes widen) Oh yeah, we have that little function!
Taking control of the mouse, Ted selects the vent scanners, and for good news, they find out there's activity inside the air ducts, meaning something that's alive is currently roaming around in there. But for bad news, it says the location is right in their room. Feeling nervous, both Ted and Winston start looking around in multiple directions, lifting up their chairs as weapons.
As the silence begins to make them even more unnerved, the grate on the ceiling comes crashing to the ground, making the two guards jump as Red drops down into the room. Ted turns and spots the crimson parasite in the control centre, and quickly charges forward, screaming while wildly swinging his chair around, which fails to hit Red as he easily evades every attempt.
Using this, he starts to guide Ted away from the grate, allowing Green and Null to drop in next, but Winston notices them, and instead of using his chair, aims a stun gun at them, his hand shaking on the trigger. Seeing this, Green throws her knife at him, but Winston ducks as the blade instead impales some of the machinery behind him, causing sparks and embers to fly. Winston, now feeling a bit more confident, prepares to use the stun gun on her...
But Null transforms into Burst Form and shoots a quick fireball at the agent, slightly burning his hand and forcing him to drop the gun as he screams in pain, clutching his injured hand. Now more furious than before, Winston charges forward, right as Blue jumps down, and aims at him with his shotgun, slightly damaging his shoulder. Even if the bullet barely hurt him and just scraped his shoulder, Winston recoils back, before sprinting out of the room, leaving Ted to fend for himself.
Speaking of Ted, he's still attempting to swing his chair into Red, with the parasite still avoiding each attack with ease. After spending some more seconds dodging, he grows tired of this, grabs Ted's arm, and tosses him over his shoulder, dropping the chair in the process. Just to make sure he's down, Blue grabs the Winston's stun gun off the ground and uses it on the downed guard, just to make sure he's down.
Blue: (throws the weapon away) Alright, he's down. (points to the vault door) Now, we'll check here first. If it's not here, then that means they'll be stored elsewhere. Red, you wanna go the honours?
Red: (grins) Oh, this is always my favourite part of these heists.
Lifting up one of the scattered chairs, Red uses it as a battering ram against the door multiple times, each attempt slowly damaging the only thing preventing them from getting into the vault, until he's able to break the hinges off the door, and allowing the group to get in. Once inside, the group check each box that's in there, but all they find are the blueprints to the pilotable mechs, some shattered crystal remains, and in Red's case, a random dude's wallet.
Blue: (sighs) Nothing really valuable here, aside from the blueprints. (stores them into his pocket) The crystals also seem to be extremely damaged, almost like they were trying to get something out of them. Anyway, we better leave now before-
???: Not so fast, you criminal quartet!!
The members of Impostorm turn to the door, seeing Cat Noir charge in, spinning his staff around and ready to strike. However, Green grabs the weapon as its swung down, easily throwing the superhero to the side as they dash out of the room with what they've acquired, while the kitten-themed superhero quickly gets back up and gives chase, soon getting a proper look at the "villains".
Cat Noir: (eyes widen) Wait a minute, aren't you guys usually fighting alongside us? Why are you guys attacking this place?
Blue: (narrows his eyes) The key word here being "usually". Just like how Null has stated in his first appearance, our group isn't aligned with good or evil. As for what we're here for, that's none of your business, you foolish feline.
Cat Noir: (assumes a fighting stance) Well, whatever your motive is, then I'll make sure to protect everyone here, as a hero!!
Red: (chuckles) So, you're just gonna be blind and not think about the opposite side? Just like a stereotypical protagonist. (walks forward) Null, Green, Blue, you three continue on the mission. I'll play with this large pet for a while.
(Y/N): Are you sure, Red? We've slowly grown accustomed to his fighting techniques, but maybe there are still some things we haven't expected yet?
Green: (puts a hand on Null's shoulder) Nothing wrong with being cautious, Null, but there's nothing to worry about since while this cat might be sort of unpredictable, Red can also be an unpredictable force of nature.
(Y/N): (quietly to himself) Well, that moment with the D.I.Y jetpack back a week or two ago. (speaks up) Alright then. Red's proven his skills, so I trust him. (Red gives off a smile)
Blue: Enough talking, we're wasting time. C'mon, it's clear to us that the machine parts are locked in the Storage chamber. (clicks his teeth) Should've expected that, to be honest.
The remaining two parasites and Null quickly sprint out of the control centre, to which Cat Noir attempts to give chase, but is stopped when a stray bullet flies over his head, halting his advance as he turns to Red, who's aiming his signature pistol in his direction.
Red: Sorry, kitty, but we've got a mission to complete, and we're not stopping till it's achieved. (starts walking around him) Now, I gotta admit, none of us were expecting you to be here, and because of that, the difficulty of this little game if one were to put it, has increased in difficulty. But no matter, Impostorm is used to those things.
Cat Noir: (glares at him) You're seriously treating this like its one big game?! What's wrong with you?! And what is Impostorm?!
Red: (winks at him) I'd explain it, but it's clear that you'll just either twist the story around, or just flat out ignore it. I mean, that's what most of you humans do, paint it so that you're in the right, correct? (Cat Noir looks confused) But enough talk. If you wanna fight, then I'm happy to oblige!!
And with that, the battle commences with Red aiming and firing a swarm of bullets straight towards Cat Noir, who evades the onslaught with acrobatics, and causing the projectiles to damage the machinery around them, sending more pieces of metal, small bolts of electricity, and tiny embers scattering around, the last two even begin to create small fires. Not noticing the growing fires, Cat Noir lunges it, swiping at Red with his claws and staff, while the parasite continues to fire bullets, along with throwing a few punches and kicks.
Eventually, the machinery in the control centre starts to explode and cause the fire to grow even larger, which causes the two to momentarily stop fighting and see what they're slowly being surrounded by. Red, having flashbacks to how some Impostorm agents were executed, starts to shake in fear, before turning to the nearest way out of the room and bolting for it, followed by Cat Noir as the room fully goes up in flames. The parasite begins to take deep breaths, slowly calming down, only to be struck on the head by his opponent.
Red: (rubs his head) Persistent, huh? Then again, it should be expected that a hero doesn't throw in the towel.
Seeing Cat Noir running along the walls from the corner of his eye, Red kicks him away as the feline hero goes for another attack, before picking up the pace and taking the time to reload his firearm. As the chase through the hallways continue, the crimson Impostorm agent notices a nearby air duct, and smirks as an idea comes into his head. He quickly dashes towards it, but Cat Noir intercepts him by striking him in the stomach with his staff, before kicking him through the door of a nearby room.
Once inside, Red slowly gets up, annoyed that he couldn't take the best escape route available, but he soon notices the room he's currently in is full of open crates, and searching inside reveal some confiscated smoke bombs. With these, a new idea forms in his head, quickly throwing them all over the place. As Cat Noir charges in, ready to finish this, Red pulls out his gun and shoots the smoke bombs, filling the whole room with multiple large clouds of impenetrable smoke.
The green-eyed feline hero starts looking around frantically, using his ears to try and pick up where his opponent is located, following the sound of gunshots that ring all around him. After a while, the smoke begins to clear out, and as Cat Noir's able to get a proper view of the room, and seeing that Red is no longer there with him, having used the gunshots to distract the hero and hide his footsteps.
Cat Noir: (grits his teeth) Dang it! He escaped!! (starts running out) I've gotta warn Ladybug about them being here, what if they go after her as well?!
Sprinting out of the room to try and chase down the crimson parasite, Cat Noir pulls out his staff in order to call and inform his partner about who's attacking MIRA HQ. Speaking of Ladybug, she had been patrolling the hallways closer to the Storage chamber, when the sound of another explosion reached her ears, which caused her to head off in order to investigate what happened.
Only to run into the other three agents of Impostorm on the other end of a hallway...
Marinette: (eyes widen) Null? What are you and your team doing here? Are you here to assist us?
Green: (chuckles) Afraid not, spotty. We're here for something else.
Marinette: Something else- wait, you're attacking this place?! But why?!
(Y/N): That information is classified, Ladybug. Now please stand aside, we don't want to harm either you or your partner.
Ladybug: (assumes a fighting stance) You're not getting past me, you three! These people are trying to help everyone, and all you're doing is destroying their hard work!
Green: (groans) You and that lovestruck cat of yours are just as blind as salamanders. (steps forward) Null, Blue, I'll deal with her. You both go forward, complete the mission, and get those parts!
Marinette: Not on my watch!
Ladybug throws her yo-yo forward to apprehend the three, only for Green to quickly grab it and pull the superheroine forward, throwing her behind the parasite as Blue and Null take the opportunity to sprint down the hallway towards the Storage compartment.
Marinette: (glares at Green) Why are you even doing this?
Green: (glares back at her) The society you humans live on has only been created through pointless slaughtering of other creatures, creatures of which wish to have no involvement with all the bloodshed humanity leaves behind its path, but no! (her eyes start glowing) No matter what happens, you exterminate anything that either has something valuable to your kind, or are just defending themselves from your attacks!! And when they do fight back, you label us as monsters, an say you were only "defending yourselves". You're all hypocrites for that!!
Green: Other species have reached their hands out in mercy, begging to be spared or for someone else to save them, but neither option happened. But for us? We're not holding our hands out. We're standing our ground... and taking our revenge!!!
Brandishing her knife, Green charges forward, swinging her weapon as Ladybug leaps around her to avoid getting slashed at, before taking the chance to kick the parasite down the corridor, and charges forward for a punch to the jaw, only for Green to roll under it and trip Ladybug to the floor.
Ladybug: (gets right back up) Lucky Charm!! (gets given a grappling hook) A grappling hook?
As Ladybug wonders what's the use the given item will have, Green rushes forward and tackles the heroine through a glass window, with the two of them now falling to the concrete pavement below. Quickly, Ladybug's vision highlights a number of things: The broken window, the grappling hook, her yo-yo, and Green's wrist. Using this, she smirks as she shoots the grappling hook through the shattered window, pulling her up as she fires her yo-yo around Green's wrist, hoisting her back up and tossing her over her shoulder.
As Green rolls along the ground, she crashes into a wall, and when looking up, she notices an electrical panel, that gives her an idea. With a smirk on her face, Green quickly opens it and starts pulling the wires, causing all the power in the hallways to go off, and blanket the area in darkness. Ladybug, standing up and being unable to see anything around her, starts turning her head in circles, hoping to spot her opponent, only to narrowly avoid a heavy barrel being tossed at her.
Right as she looked in the direction the barrel was sent flying, Green dashed out of the shadows, her right hand slowly shifting into a dark green claw as she slashes Ladybug in the side, cutting through her gear and drawing small droplets of blood. After yelling out in pain, Ladybug starts looking around again, this time keeping a closer eye out for where Green is, soon noticing a glowing purple eye getting closer, and counterattacks by using her yo-yo to momentarily entangle the parasite.
Now that her foe is incapacitated, the heroines starts to strike the parasite with multiple punches and kicks, finishing off with one final blow to the chest that sends her rolling down the hallway. With her right hand returning to normal and the glow in her eyes vanishing, Green slowly begins to free herself as Ladybug starts pulling her back, until she's able to escape, stand back up, and books it down the darkened hallway, hoping to reunite with her partners.
Ladybug: (thinking to herself) Dang it, she got away!! (sighs) Still, why are they attacking MIRA? And what was with that rant she said earlier? Did MIRA potentially do something to her and their group? But why was she speaking as if she wasn't human? (eyes widen) Maybe she got Akumatized!! That might explain how and why she's attacking!! But... why didn't she try to take my Miraculous? (hears her rings beep) Speaking of which, I gotta find a macaron...
As Ladybug rushes off, hoping to find either a stray macaron or a cafeteria that has any, back over with Null and Blue, they're both sprinting through the other corridors, not bothered or effected by the sudden blackout, as they slowly start to reach their main location. Eventually, the two of them reach the Storage department, but standing in the way are both Francisca and Sebastian, with the former causing Blue to start nervously shake slightly, staring her down as the two siblings noticed them as well, just as emergency lights came on.
Francisca: (narrows her eyes) As expected, you're wishing to obtain our newest project, either to destroy and render it unusable, or to abduct it and use it for your own twisted gains. (notices Null) Hmm? You look... different than the usual extra-terrestrial. Who or what are you? (shakes her head and pulls out a weapon) No matter, you'll be sorted out, and I can't wait to see what exactly makes up your insides.
Blue: (moves Null behind me) You'll keep your bloodied hands off him, and so will everyone that's aligned in your organization!!
(Y/N): (notices Blue's slight fear) Something the matter, Blue? Is this woman... an extreme threat?
Blue: (nods nervously) Yes. Remember how Green brought up the "Parasite Collector"? (Null nods) That's her, Agent Flake. She's a monster, viewing our captures as hunts of enjoyment, and when she gets her hands on any captured agents, she... (takes a deep breath) She dissects them, tearing them apart and spraying their insides all over the chosen room, until they finally die, to which she just disposes of the body, before repeating the cycle.
(Y/N): I see... (glares at Francisca) For a human, you seem to act more disgusting than how you claim these species to be. From what they've told me, your agency was the one who attacked first, and all my friends are doing is defending themselves, and making sure you won't drive them to extinction.
Francisca: (laughs) Drive them to extinction?! They deserve it!! The minerals and plant life on that snowy planet can lead to so many breakthroughs that could bring humanity onto the levels of gods!! We'd be untouchable, and would never have to fear the problems that plague us now!! Famine, cost of living, global warming, disease, death?! All would be laughed at!! And since you're siding with those freaks, then you'll be killed alongside them!! (Sebastian looks slightly afraid of his sister)
(Y/N): Then let's see if you'll still be conscious enough to make that claim a reality.
Francisca: (grins like a maniac) Right back at ya, you living comet!!
The staredown between the two sides comes to a stop as Blue and Francisca begin firing at each other, with shotgun shells either colliding with or flying past small blasts of plasma, and all four of them sprinting through different hallways. This goes on for a few minutes, until both Blue and Francisca run out of ammo, and are forced to reload. This however gives Null an idea.
Transforming into Burst Form, Null begins to swarm the Nightshade siblings with multiple streams for fire aimed at them, forcing the two to resume sprinting through the hallways, and giving Blue more time to reload his weapon. However, when running around a corner to continue chasing them, he's struck by Sebastian swinging a plasma hammer into his chest, knocking him back and the wind out of him, as Francisca starts firing at him this time.
Transforming into his Void Form, Null opens up another black hole from his fingertips and absorbs the plasma shots, grinning maniacally as he prepares to make the black hole wider. Seeing this, Francisca pulls herself and Sebastian out of the corridor, as Null gives chase, only for the two agents to run into Blue, who prepares to shoot at them. Quickly, Francisca pulls out a triangular device and throws it, where it flies right past the intelligent parasite, and then quickly turns around to knock the gun out of his hand. At that moment, Null arrives, only for Francisca to grab and toss him over her shoulder, slamming him hard against the ground as he reverts back to his normal form.
Taking the opportunity, Francisca pulls out a baton-like tool, and charges forward, planning on swinging it down right through Null's chest or head. But suddenly, Blue grabs the weapon and attempts to pry it out of the agent's grip, but fails as he's kicked in the chest, followed by the baton striking his arms and sides, sending an electrical shock through his body and causing him to scream in pain.
As Blue falls onto the floor, twitching on the floor, Francisca grins darkly as she pulls out one last plasma-based weapon, being a plasma knife, and prepares to drag across the parasite's neck, or even use it to carve out his nucleus. However, Null gets back onto his feet and quickly tackles Francisca down, causing her to drop the knife and baton, as she strikes the emotion anomaly multiple times in the head. Once getting Null off her, the Parasite Collector narrowly avoids getting shot in the shoulder by Blue, as she runs sprints off into the Storage department, slamming the hatch behind her.
(Y/N): She's ran into the room we're required to enter. Is she plotting something?
Blue: Knowing her, she might as well be, but if she's planning for some kind of sneak attack, then that might be difficult as all she has left for a weapon is that pistol of hers. Let's go and end this, Null.
Null nods as the two prepare to enter the room, only for the emotion anomaly to be whacked to the side by the plasma hammer, as Sebastian charges forward and prepares to do the same to Blue, but the parasite avoids each strike before also entering the Storage department, reloading his shotgun as he cautiously steps in.
Sebastian: No!! You monsters leave her alone!! (looks to Null) You! I refuse to let you follow in and harm my sister!! (starts tearing up) You've already taken a lot from my family, so why do you want to take more?!!
(Y/N): (raises an eyebrow) What do you mean "taken a lot from your family?" I don't recall doing anything to you, and you've done nothing to make me resent you.
Sebastian: (confused) But what about-
(Y/N): (interrupts) That was self-defence, as I was technically attacking you and your sister. But then again, you both were in the way of our mission. Speaking of which... (starts walking forward) I have to ask you to move aside. Me and my friends don't plan on leaving without getting what we seek, and honestly, I don't want to hurt or kill you or anyone else in this building.
Sebastian: (holds his hands out) Hold it!! I... I... (gets an idea and pulls out his microphone) How about this? You beat me, and I'll let you through!! If I win, then you convince your and your amalgamated friends to leave and never return!!
(Y/N): You wish to wager an ultimatum in the form of a rap battle? I'm not against the idea, but I'm just... needing to process this for a minute.
Sebastian: (frowns) Come on, just humour me on this, please. Plus, you did say how you don't want to cause more harm, so this is the best alternative I could think of on the spot.
(Y/N): (blinks for a moment) You do bring up a good point. Alright then, I suppose one little battle wouldn't hurt. But do know just because I have a lack of experience doesn't mean that this'll be easy. (floats into the air) I promised to assist my friends, and you're determined to buy your sister some extra time. Let's see which bond is stronger, friends or family.
*Song Name: Interstellar*
*Original Song: Flashing Lights Cover by Pouria_SFMs (Imagine it's Null (Neutral Form) Vs Sebastian instead of The Puppet Vs Boyfriend)*
Out from somewhere, some slow and ominous carnival-like music begins to play, almost like both Null and Sebastian have stepped into some kind of haunted attraction, before the laughter of an unknown figure echoes around them. Not long after that opening, Null leads into the song, his lyrics coming out slow but sound passive, showing no hidden hostility in his voice. Despite this, Sebastian soon sings back, with his vocals sounding more cautious, making sure his opponent doesn't try anything.
Right after the first verse, the instrumental soon changes into almost a hypnotic lullaby as the lights slowly begin to change between going dimmer and going brighter, right as both fighters start to slowly pick up the pace, adjusting their verses as the song progresses. Soon, the one minute mark is struck, and at that moment, the lights in the hallway go off completely, causing Sebastian to slightly jump as his vision gets covered in darkness. But then, he hears Null speak.
(Y/N): I don't hate you... But we need you to stay our of our way.
After he's finished speaking, Null's body slowly emits a white glow around his figure, making him visible and lighting up a small part of the hallway as he repeats the first verse, only now his voice sounds more serious than before. Sebastian soon snapped back to the battle, momentarily stunned by the glow, but now becoming more cautious against Null, anticipating any form of attack coming from him. However, the emotion anomaly doesn't lunge forward, or even change forms to attack. He keeps singing against the younger Nightshade sibling, who's now confused by the lack of violence.
Soon, the song comes to an end, with the lights coming back on and the instrumental slowly becoming more peaceful as both Null and Sebastian let out their final verses, along with the last things they hear being the laughter returning, along with the sounds of guns going off and screams of pain echoing out of the Storage department, though it's unclear who's being injured.
Sebastian: You... You didn't attack me?
(Y/N): Of course I didn't. I did say I don't want to hurt or kill you anymore, so why would you think I'd lie?
Sebastian: (scratches his neck) Well... Most imposters don't keep to their word. Speaking of which, you... you're different from them. What are you?
(Y/N): I'm an ally to Impostorm, referred to as Null.
Sebastian: (eyes widen) Wait, you're Null?! (eyes sparkle) I've seen you on the news, watching you fight the villains with your cool powers!! But... Why are you aligning with these guys? Aren't you aware of what they've done to many people on Earth?
(Y/N): (shakes his head) Neither side is in the right, as both have committed atrocities that the enemy can use against them. I usually focus on the bigger picture more than what's been presented to me, so I fight with the group that despite having performed actions that could be seen as "sinking to the devil's level", have only done so because of drastic measures.
Sebastian: (slightly confused) So...
(Y/N): Since Impostorm have only attacked because of their world being destroyed, I'll fight alongside them, until their revenge has been completed. But now, a quick question of my own. You mentioned something about my friends "taking a lot from your family". (raises an eyebrow) Could you possibly give an explanation please?
Sebastian: (some tears form in his eyes) Well, it happened a few years ago, when I was very young, and Francisca was a teenager. Our-
Just then, the sounds of footsteps begin to slowly get louder right before Sebastian can give his story, as both Red and Green appear around the corner and stand alongside Null, the former though looks a bit more tired than his partner.
Red: (taking deep breaths) Sorry for being late, just had to give that obnoxious cat a quick run-around. To... To make matters worse, I nearly had to deal with both him and his partner, but I met up with Green, and we got them locked up tight in one of the closets.
Green: (smirks) Well, they were too gullible to fall for a classic noise distraction. (looks to Sebastian) So, he's all that we've gotta deal with now?
(Y/N): (nods) Blue's inside the Storage department, dealing with one final obstacle before we take those machine parts. (looks back to Sebastian) So, how about we finish this, MIRA Agent?
The three Impostorm agents assume fighting stances, with Red and Green pulling out their signature weapons. In contrast, Sebastian follows suite, brandishing the plasma hammer as his body starts to slightly shake. However, neither side leaps into battle, as the sounds of the fight inside the Storage department become more one-sided, complete with machine noises and Blue yelling in pain. Then...
The door to the Storage department soon exploded open and got launched off its hinges, followed by massive clouds of smoke emptying in. Not long after, a recognisable figure is seen getting launched out, heavily damaged, but instantly recognisable to the three attackers.
Red + Green: BLUE!!!
(Y/N): (hears a noise) GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!
Right as Red and Green run over to check Blue's injuries, which consist of multiple burn marks, slash marks, and purple bruises that are scattered all across along his body, along with a few fingers and small holes in his torso, Null activates Guardian Angel, shielding himself and his crew from a sudden barrage of large plasma bullets, though the projectiles were strong enough to send them all crashing into the wall. Once the smoke has scattered, Null notices that Sebastian is no longer in the corridor with them, most likely having fled after the door was broken. But that's not the biggest problem.
That honour would have to be the cause of what broke the door, and brutally assaulted Blue. Out from the large hole in the wall, a massive mech emerges, its body being painted in ghost white and orange lines, with the dome protecting where the pilot sits being coloured bright orange. Its feet were massive, being the length of a human, and instead of hands, it had sharp claws with two different weapons resting on the wrists, a large plasma mallet on the left arm, and a plasma-firing machine gun on the right arm. Speaking of the pilot seat, Francisca could be visible, piloting the mech with a deranged look on her face.
Francisca: (cackles victoriously) Behold, you insufferable, interstellar insects!! Our newest invention: Project Gripley!! Built to withstand any climate or gravitational pull on any planet, and designed to exterminate your kind with ease through various options!! (starts walking forward) I could crush you all beneath my foot, turn you into paste, or tear you all into confetti with either the claws or machine gun!! And the best part?! (cackles again) This bad girl's made out of Sidusium!! The very alloy discovered on Planet Polus, now used to build these tools of war!!
Red: (slightly shaking) You've gotten an entire floor filled with these death-traps?! (looks to the others) What do we do now?!
Green: (takes a deep breath) What we do best, Red. We stand our ground and fight back.
Red: (looks at Green flabbergasted) Green, you cannot be serious right now!! Have you seen the injuries Blue has on him?! We'll be slaughtered if we try to fight death!!
Green: (looks back at Red) Yeah, and if we retreat, then not only will we be killed, but also a large majority of Impostorm agents will meet similar fates if we let this company finish mass production on these things!
(Y/N): (puts a hand on Red's shoulder) Red, as much as it's clear we don't have a high chance of making it out alive, we still need to give fighting back an attempt. Besides, as long as we work together, nothing will stop us.
Red: (grumbles to himself) Alright. If it's do or die, I'd love to go out on my own terms. (holds his gun in the air) BRING IT ON, PARASITE COLLECTOR!!!!
Francisca: (chuckles darkly) I thought you'd never ask.
Red charges forward, shooting tons of his bullets at the Gripley mech, only for his weapon to barely cause any dents in the paint as the machine grabs Red, and begins slamming him down repeatedly on the ground. Just then, a barrage of fireballs strike the cockpit, with Francisca looking to see Null in his Burst form, charging up to strike her with a powerful explosive blast. To prevent this, she aims the gatling gun at him, and unleashes plasma hell towards him with the push of a button.
(Y/N): (eyes widen) GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!
Quickly reverting back into his Neutral form and protecting himself, the projectiles create green smoke clouds, which prevent Null from seeing anything on the other side of his barrier. Suddenly, the Gripley mech boosts towards him, swinging its plasma hammer against the shield and sending it flying to the corner of the hallway, where it shatters upon impact, and the shards dissipate into nothing after a few seconds. With Null briefly out of the fight, the suit sends Francisca a warning message, which shoes Green attempting to stab through the right arm, either to remove the machine gun, or just break it.
With an unamused smile on her lips, Francisca hits another button in the cockpit, and the body of the Gripley mech surges with electricity as a form of defensive shield, electrocuting Green and forcing her off the mech. With the female parasite now having trouble standing up, the parasite collector gives off another malicious grin, and raises one of the mech's feet, planning on stomping her to death. However...
A massive explosion suddenly hits her, and sends the mech tumbling over, giving Red enough time to run over and bring Green to temporary safety. As Francisca gets the mech to stand up, she's struck with another barrage of explosives, coming from Null in his Burst form. Growling in annoyance, she attempts to slash at him with her claws, only for her opponent to evade and begin striking from a different angle. Not even using the plasma hammer works, as Null evades again before attacking again.
So she decides a different tactic. A dirty unfair tactic, as she notices the unconscious Blue still resting at the wall, and with a smirk on her face, aims the gatling gun at him, which Null notices and flies over.
Just as Francisca hits the fire button...
Null: (eyes widen) VIOLET VOID!!!
Quickly changing into his Void form, Null opens a black hole from his fingertips and absorbs the projectiles, cackling at the agents attempt to best him. Despite it having no effect, Francisca continues to continuously spam-click the fire button, unleashing more plasma shots at the emotion anomaly, who keeps absorbing the shots with ease.
(Y/N): (laughing maniacally) Is that the best you have?! Wasting your time and ammo by trying the same tactic over and over?! At least the other threat has more creativity than you, and that man just sends villains from Saturday morning cartoons for a living!!
Francisca: (frowns) Keep talking, you changing catastrophe. See where it gets you.
As Francisca keeps firing the plasma projectiles towards Null, who keeps absorbing every single shot sent his way, she carefully begins to move one the left claw, making sure not to have it draw to much attention to itself. Once it's in position, she swings it around, grabbing Null tightly, and preventing him from creating more black holes.
(Y/N): (grunting and shaking) Let me go!!
Francisca: (smugly) Aww, what's the matter, you walking can of purple Fanta? Unable to fight back? (chuckles) Good.
Red: Hey!! Leave Null out of this!!
Red and Green soon charge back around the corner with their weapons drawn, but Francisca just gives them both an unamused look, before firing more plasma shots from the gatling gun towards the two, forcing them to split up for the best chances of not getting hit. Red reaches the Gripley mech first, but as he starts firing at the glass dome, making some small cracks, Francisca has the mech slam the ground near him, the shockwaves tripping Red up before having a right fist pound him into the floor, rendering him unconscious as well.
Francisca: (sighs happily) Once thing I never get tired of is crushing all of you intergalactic annoyances with so much ease!!! And after that, the dissection process can commence, (gives a disturbing grin) and tearing out just what makes up your insides while you're all still conscious!! It's so exhilarating!!! Speaking of which... (looks to Null) You'll be the most interesting to take us apart, but before that, I think hearing you scream might be an amazing start!!!
Hitting another button, the Gripley mech's figure unleashes multiple lightning bolts, causing Null to scream in pain from being electrocuted. To make matters worse, Francisca moves her hands over to a nearby dial and begins to change it back and forth, increasing the intensity of the electricity, and making the pain worse for the emotion anomaly. As the MIRA agent continues to enjoy the sight and screams, a knife is plunged into the glass dome, which draws Francisca's attention to Green, who's glaring at her.
Green: (gritting his teeth) Hey!! Let my partner go! Now!!!
Francisca: (smirks) Aww, is the little green alien upset that her boyfriend is gonna die? Here, how about I make it more painful!?
Francisca sets the dial to the highest intensity, sending more shocks into Null, who lets out louder screams of agony. As Francisca laughs louder at watching her newest victim twist and squirm, both hear the sound of... what appears to be flesh contorting. Francisca even turns off the electric shock to try and hear the sound more clearly, leading to Null to nearly black out from the pain, only to notice where the sound is coming from.
It's Green, who's taking heavy breaths and clutching her right arm, while some of her hair begins to part...
Green: (taking heavy breaths) I said... Let... Him...
Green: GO!!!!!
At that moment, Green lunges forward, striking the Gripley mech in the chest and actually knocks the machine down hard, causing it to fall to the ground, but she isn't done there. The female agent then leaps up and smashes the machine down through the ground, sending it from the eighth floor down to the fifth floor. In the meantime, Null is able to break free from the machine's grip and barely keep his balance, but falls over from the pain as he transforms back into his Neutral form.
Not long after he hits the ground, Red and Blue leap down, having returned to being conscious and followed after the other two, where they quickly help Null back onto her feet.
Blue: (concerned) Are you okay, (Y/N)? You're covered in fresh electrocution marks.
(Y/N): (taking deep breaths) I... I think I can manage for now. Where... Where's Midori?
Red just points over to infront of them, allowing Null to see not only them being in a large Reactor chamber, but also see Green standing with her back to them, though she has slight differences. One the right side of her head, a massive curly horn is sticking out, her right arm s engulfed in some kind of black sludge with her right hand now being a massive green claw, and when she turns to face them, Null notices her right eye is now pitch black with a purple pupil brightly glowing, and having black lines ooze out in multiple directions.
(Y/N): (in disbelief) Green... Is... Is that you?
Green: (letting out quiet animalistic noises) (Y/N). I... I don't want you to see me like this. Please... look away.
(Y/N): (tilts his head) Why?
Green: (frowns) This... This is something I can tap into... My true form. It's not fully my true form, but... But it's part of my true form. Here, I show what I really am. A monster. A nightmare in human skin. A-
(Y/N): (interrupts) You're neither of those things, Green. No matter the form you take, the outside doesn't define who you are. It's the inside that's important. Your personality, to be more precise.
Green: (gives a small smile) Thanks, (Y/N). Now-
Just then, Green is interrupted by the sound of the Gripley mech getting right back up, but with most of its body being heavily damaged, consisting of holes that reveal multiple snapped wires, the glass dome on the verge of shattering, and a fuming Francisca inside covered in slight bruises.
Francisca: (yells in rage) That's it!!! All four of you will be strapped down as I dig blades through your flesh!!! I will gouch out every important organ until your breathing comes to a halt!!! Everyone on your planet, friendly or hostile, are nothing but martyrs to humanity's future!!!
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) So, the demon has revealed her true self. It's been slipping through the cracks of her mask ever since we've arrived, but now it's time to end this. (looks to the group) Are you three ready for one final push?
Red: (nods and smirks) Oh, seeing her taste defeat and her plans forever in our grasp sounds like perfect retribution now.
(Y/N): RED BURST!!! (transforms and gives a vengeful smirk) Let's melt down this witch's ambitions!!
Green: (letting out animalistic growls) You don't need to ask me twice.
Blue: (nods) Alright then. (aims his shotgun) Impostorm Branch 4182021... Show no mercy!!!
With smirks on their faces, Team Impostorm charge against Francisca on her last legs, swinging the claws down at them, but all four evade the attacks with ease with Red and Blue start shooting at the damaged parts, breaking more of the metal shell and destroying more wires. As for Green and Null, the latter starts shooting fireballs at the plasma hammer's joints, allowing Green to leap up and tear the attachment off with her claw. Seeing this, Francisca yells out in shock, before aiming at the group with the gatling gun, but...
Null switches into his void form, creates a black hole, and starts pulling in every plasma projectile, rendering the attacks useless before increasing the size of the black hole, and tears the whole left arm right off the suit, leaving behind a massive tear with flailing wires and broken metal parts. Meanwhile back with Red and Blue, they've ran over to a nearby control panel, and after shooting down a few scientists that were hiding nearby, Blue starts to put the reactor into overdrive, and having its glow go from yellow to crimson red.
After sharing a quick high-five, they hear heavy footsteps charging towards them, and see the Gripley mech rushing over to grab and slam them down, but they start constantly firing at the cockpit, breaking the glass even more and forcing Francisca to look away, giving Null the chance to strike once again.
(Y/N): (smirks) RED BURST!!!
Performing one final switch into his Burst Form, Null begins to barrage the mech with multiple explosions from all angles, getting Francisca to yell out from both sheer pain and frustration. Now acting like a wild, savage animal, the Parasite Collector begins wildly swinging at any attacker that comes close to the mech. Whether it be Red or Blue shooting at any weak points, Green creating weak points by slashing and tearing the Gripley mech apart, or Null knocking the machine back and forth with explosions.
Once Team Impostorm has done enough damage to the Gripley mech, it shuts off from too much damage and collapses to the ground, with Francisca tumbling out of one of the shattered parts of the cockpit, heavily bruised and having some cuts that are bleeding. Soon, Green then grabs the destructive tool of war, and with one final battle cry, throws it straight at the Reactor, heavily damaging it and causing an alarm to go off.
Blue: (pants) Well, there's our que to get out of here, but first, a quick detour to pick up what we're after.
Red + Green + (Y/N): (nods) Right!!
The four Impostorm agents quickly flee through the hole in the ceiling, mostly through Null having to carry the other three up as they can't fly, while Francisca is seen struggling to get back onto her feet, panting as her vision is blurred, and blood continues leaking out of her wounds, just as Winston returns with Ladybug and Cat Noir following behind him.
Winston: (panting) Boss, are you okay?! I heard some crashing coming from the fifth floor, so I ran over to check it out, and brought the two superheroes here as well!! (looks around) Oh Lord, seems like those invaders did more than we feared. This place is gonna blow!!
Ladybug: (runs over) Oh gosh, are you alright, Miss Nightshade?! (offers a hand up) Here, let's get you up, then we can take you to the hospital, get your injuries treated, and-
Francisca: (slaps the hand away) Forget about my condition!! What's more important is that we get a lot of people out of here!! Winston, you and the two superheroes alert everyone on sixth, seventh, and eighth floor that the reactor's gonna detonate!!
Winston: (salutes) Understood!!
Cat Noir: But what about you? Shouldn't you-
Francisca: (manages to stand up) I put my dedication to MIRA HQ over my life, and nothing will change my mind!! Now come on, do you want for a lot of people to die from the upcoming explosion?!!
With no real argument back, Ladybug and Cat Noir give reluctant nods as they followed both Francisca and Winston through the upper floors, getting everyone they found out of the building, even running into Sebastian, Ted, Chad, and Philly along the way, who give them some much-needed assistance. Only a minute or two later, and once everyone has been evacuated...
A massive explosion shook the ground as an assortment of machinery, wood, glass, and all other sorts of MIRA equipment that was still inside at the time get launched far across Paris and into the countryside, as a massive hole in the side of the building leaks out smoke, fire, and oil. Down at the outside, all of the MIRA agents stare in shock and dismay, knowing how much work has been both delayed and destroyed, while Sebastian, Ladybug, and Cat Noir are more focused on Francisca's injuries, which are being treated to by Chad and Philly.
Sebastian: (looks to his sister with worry) Are... Are you gonna be okay, big sis?
Francisca: (rubs her brother's head) I'm fine, Sebastian. Sure, they beat me bad, but I'll always get back up, better than ever. (looks to Philly) How long will I need to stay bandaged up?
Philly: (finishes wrapping her arms) About two or three months, given on how some of these cuts are not only caused from glass, but also very deep. (sighs) Not to mention the repairs and new equipment will cost a fortune, and we'll have to explain to the higher-ups on why we need the money, and what happened to Project: Gripley.
Francisca: (sighs) Don't remind me, Philly. I always hate having to talk with them.
Ladybug: (nervously walks up) Uhm, sorry about not being able to help you guys fend off against the attackers. If it helps, we know a bit about them, so-
Francisca: (puts up a hand) It's alright. You assisted us in some departments, plus from what Winston told me, you both had some run-ins and gave those parasitic problems a run for their money. (gives them a small smile) You both helped to the best of your abilities, and that's all that matters.
Cat Noir: (also slightly nervous) But... But what about all those repairs you guys just mentioned? A-And what about the deaths that occurred before the reactor was-
Francisca: (puts up a hand again) For the damages, we've already got that covered. We just have to endure the rage of the higher-ups once we explain the reason why. They are pretty scary, but also the best minds humanity has. (sighs) As for the deceased, well, that's handled by another branch, but we do have to take responsibility for what happened, and apologise to the families of the perished. In the meantime, thanks for your assistance, and if we need your help with anything else, we'll let you know.
Ladybug: (gives a small smile back) Don't worry, we'll help out better than today. (swings away) Come on, Cat Noir!!
Cat Noir: (leaps after her) Coming, Bugaboo!!
Francisca: (watches them leave) Those two are somewhat childish, but if they're the defenders of Paris, then that's not my area to judge. (looks to Ted) Ted, once the repairs are done, I want you to see if you can get camera footage of today recovered.
Ted: (perks up) I-I think I can do that, but may I ask why?
Francisca: (her eyes darken) So I can properly analysis their fighting styles a bit better, give the information to the higher-ups, and avenge both my record and the fallen for the crimes those four have committed. (her hands become fists) Planet Polus, I will see to it that every life form on your surface, sentient or not...
Francisca: (grins maliciously) Becomes extinct.
Meanwhile, far away from the MIRA HQ in Paris, back at (Y/N)'s place, the young boy and the three parasites are currently putting down multiple crates that contain multiple mechanical parts required to build numerous Gripley mechs, with the total number of crates tallying up to nearly forty-two, which means they could put together and engineer seven mechs... If they have the tools and people to build and program the suit, that is.
Red: (wipes some sweat away) Man, we got away with so many of these things. I can see why they really wanted to use them. They're fucking deadly!! I mean, we usually tangle with death whenever we strike one of MIRA's headquarters, but those missions never went this dangerous before!
Blue: Well, this can double as a sign for us. MIRA is no longer focusing on possibly preserving us and dissecting us in hopes that our DNA can benefit their greedy and prideful souls. They downright want us dead.
(Y/N): (rubs his arm and winces) Y-Yeah, I still have some b-burn wounds from when I got electrocuted. S-Speaking of the mechs, w-where are we gonna store all these b-boxes? M-My basement isn't that large enough to h-hold all of them down there.
Blue: Don't worry, (Y/N). This is only temporary. After a good night's rest, I'll be informing our boss we were able to retrieve a few shipments of the mech parts, and they'll come to collect them. I think we'll also ask them to take the crystals as well, as we've kept them since we first arrived here in Paris.
Green: (stretches only to wince in pain) Well, I speak for everyone here in saying that a good night's rest is well deserved right now. (grabs (Y/N)'s arm) But first, we're getting our wounds treated first, starting with you. A cute little flower like yourself shouldn't be this wilted, am I right? (winks at him)
(Y/N): (blushes) I-I-I-I-I- (nervously gulps) G-Green, c-can we just focus on m-my burns first?
Green: (chuckles) I'm just playing with you, (Y/N)! (pats his head) You're so easy to fluster!
As (Y/N)'s face goes even redder, Green continues to take the blushing and stuttering autistic boy over to the bathroom to get some burn cream for all four of them, as Blue pulls out his phone-like device to contact the main Impostorm base, and Red yawns before beginning to doze off on the couch. They may have nearly died out there, but now that it's over, they can have a nice rest, before the upcoming days go back to normal for them...
Bonus Clip!
It's the next day, and a bunch of people are out roaming the streets of Paris, either due to them not having any work or school today. Many are startled by the morning news sharing that an "unexpected disaster" struck MIRA HQ during the night, and how there's not much clues leading to any culprit or group, but those that are part of the former assure the public that they'll sort everything out sooner or later, which at least calmed a few people down.
Back to some of the people going out to enjoy their day, Alix is busy skating through the streets of Paris, performing tricks on nearby equipment like a few street poles, mailboxes, or rails on a stairway. After taking a minute to catch her breath, she notices a figure walking out of a nearby store. It's (Y/N), carrying a few bags filled with egg cartons and packs of bacon.
Remembering the young boy as the same person who saved her watch at the last minute and who gave her that cupcake on her birthday, she decides to skate over to him, wanting to talk to him.
Alix: (skates over) Hey!! You're that kid from yesterday! (Y/N), right?
(Y/N): (slightly startled) U-Uh, y-yeah that's me. I-I'm also one of your classmates, b-but like the others, you p-probably don't pay much attention to me...
Alix: Wait, one of my classmates? (sighs) Didn't think I'd end up forgetting about someone. (rubs her head) Sorry about that. Guess I was more caught up in something else, same with everyone else.
(Y/N): (shakes his head) I-It's fine. I-I've been ignored for a long time, so I-I've grown accustomed to it. I-I'm not even mad at any of you for it, I-it's just that I wished s-someone would noticed me s-sooner. O-Oh! S-Sorry for saying that! I-I didn't mean to sound s-selfish a bit there.
Alix: (waves her hand) There's nothing wrong with admitting something you just wanna wish for, unless that wish truly is selfish, and I don't think yours is that selfish. (stretches her legs) Anyway, you wanna hang out?
(Y/N): (pauses for a moment) Y-You wanna hang out? W-With me? I-I'm nothing but a ghost to y-you and your classmates, a-alone and-
Alix: (interrupts) And that's why I wanna hang out with ya. I feel... a bit bad about neglecting you for... like, who knows how long. Plus, who said you're alone? You've got that small group you hang out with all the time.
(Y/N): (chuckles) Y-Yeah, they're... They're really nice to me. (shakes his head) A-Anyway, I g-gotta go, b-but if you want, I guess we can h-hang out some day.
Alix: (smiles) Alright! I'll let you know when I've got some free time!! (skates off and waves to him) Catch you later, dude!!!
(Y/N) happily waves back with a massive smile on his face as he stands idly in the streets for a minute, before remembering that he has to head home to put away the groceries. So, after twisting his body around, he starts sprinting off to his place, to not only tell his group about what Alix offered, but also so that he could possibly spend some time with him...
And as he passes by an alleyway, he doesn't notice a familiar MIRA agent standing there with a briefcase beside him...
Winston: (on the phone) Hello? Yeah, I managed to snag a few stacks of cash during my time at MIRA. Got about 10,000 in the case. (sighs) I know it's not quite the amount I had to grab, but a problem came up, and I had to take with what I could snatch at the moment. (nervously) O-Okay, okay, I'll be sure to grab an extra 5,000 wonga once the repairs are finished. (hangs up and sighs)
Winston: I can't let the Tophat Clan down. (smirks and chuckles) This spy duty is fun, especially how that unfortunate government company just willingly accepts anyone nowadays.
Fun Fact about Francisca: Francisca and her little brother Sebastian have been working for MIRA for a long time, and are regarded as an inseparable duo, with Francisca being the offence of the two, willingly going to fight "Extra-terrestrial Abominations", while Sebastian alerts her to any unexpected surprises heading their way.
Though, this only happens when they're not separated by either orders from the higher-ups, or by the enemy managing to catch them off-guard.
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