Season 1 Bonus Episode: Cementus
(A/N: Hey, everyone! I know, it's been pretty damn long since I updated this book. In my defence, I was more focused over on other books at the time, primarily focusing on getting my Pokemon book started, while also juggling from some others, like my Omori and Amphibia books going. I apologise for this, and will update this book a bit frequently, along with a quick update for the love interests: By popular request, Alix Kubdel has been added! Now, with no more interruptions, please enjoy the chapter.)
The episode begins a few days after the success of Impostorm's raid on the France Branch of Mira HQ, with all four main characters currently in (Y/N)'s house. Currently, both Red and Green are competitively playing against each other on a fighting game, with the former using the classic style of button-mashing, and the latter opting to use Special Moves and plan out her attacks. With the clashing choices of fighting styles, Red seems to be having more difficulty scoring victories.
Red: (fuming) Oh, come on! (throws his controller away) How is it that you keep kicking my butt no matter what I try?!
Green: (chuckles) Maybe it's because you keep aimlessly push random buttons and make it look like you have no idea what you're doing? If you took a minute to memorize the combinations, you'd have an easier time playing the game. (smirks) Then again, it's not like you to actually learn something.
Red: (angrily) Yeah?! Well, at least I'm not acting like I wanna wait out the timer and acting like I wanna win the boring way! And at least I'm actually learning how to play, unlike you, who'd have more fun reading the guide book.
Green: (rolls her eyes) At least the guide book is useful, unlike your brain.
Red: (turns to her) Oh, you wanna-
Blue: (interrupts) Can the two of you keep it down?!
Both Red and Green turn to see Blue sitting at a nearby table, looking at (Y/N)'s laptop with an annoyed expression on his face. Hearing that neither of the two are yelling at each other, he turns back to the device and types on the keyboard a few times, only for an upset groan to escape past his lips.
Green: (confused) You okay, Blue?
Blue: (sighs) Yeah, and apologies for yelling at you both. I've just been trying to hopefully find some information on what MIRA HQ could be plotting next, but they've just gone silent all of a sudden. (crosses his arms) Now, the reason behind this could be that they're just taking some time to recover, since we did blow up part of their official base, but...
Red: But MIRA is not one to stay quiet, at least for this long. Even when we foil their plans, there's always one of their new plans slowly creeping up. (frowns) Those guys always have some backup plans for their backup plans, I tell you!
Blue: (nods) Exactly. So the fact that there's nothing to find is... alarming, to the say the least.
Right before the parasitic trio can try and brainstorm any ideas to what their enemies might be secretly plotting, they pick up the sound of (Y/N) heading down the stairs, before heading into the kitchen and taking out some supplies from either the fridge or by the side of the oven. After packing up the bacon and eggs he bought a few days earlier, he looks to see his friends looking at him in confusion.
(Y/N): (smiles) Good morning, guys. Is something up?
Red: (confused) Nothing much, (Y/N). Just wondering what's gotten you in a chipper mood, aside from it being the weekend.
(Y/N): (perks up) O-Oh! That's because a few days ago, my aunt and uncle called and told me that I can come visit them during his job! It's been nearly a whole month since we last got to talk, and it would be nice to see them again. Plus, they're pretty funny.
Green: (smiles) Well, it's nice to hear that you've gotten a positive relationship with the rest of your family. (clicks her fingers) Hey! Is it okay with we tag along? It's getting a bit boring playing the same fighting game, and we could use a quick break from plotting against MIRA.
Red: (smirks) I'm down with that idea! Me and Blue already got to meet your grandparents, and I really wanna know the rest of your family tree. Well, the one's that are still here alongside ya. (looks to Blue) You wanna tag along, Blue?
Blue: (turns the laptop off) I suppose some fresh air wouldn't hurt. And getting to know the other family members could help with understanding (Y/N)'s family a bit more. So, my answer is yes. I'll tag along.
(Y/N): (smiles) O-Okay then! Let's go! Knowing my uncle, he wants to see me as soon as I'm ready.
After getting ready to head out, primarily getting their hair sorted and a quick snack each to get some extra energy, the group head out of (Y/N)'s house and follow the (H/C) boy towards the location of where his aunt and uncle currently are, which takes them through many of Paris's streets. Along the way, the group stop to by the park, where Red attempts to run ahead, only to literally crash into a familiar face as they both fall to the ground.
Red: (rubs his head) Hey! Watch where you're going! At a speed like that, you could knock someone down like a bowling ball!
Alix: (angrily) Oh, don't you try and pin the blame onto me! You were the one who decided to blindly charge from behind the fountain! Haven't you heard of checking your surroundings?!
Red: (fumes) I did! You weren't anywhere nearby!
(Y/N): (runs over) C-Come on, Rob! It was a harmless accident from both sides. You did check, and A-Alix must've been focused on going really quickly. (turns to Alix) Speaking of which, nice to see you, Alix.
Alix: (calms down) Hey there, (Y/N). Thanks again for the birthday cake you made me a while ago. It was amazing! How'd you get it to taste so magical like that?
(Y/N): (chuckles while blushing) W-Well, it's all about e-experimenting with different toppings and flavour, a-and knowing what that person prefers. I picked that up from observing you w-whenever I saw you pass by on the playground.
Alix: So you like to take notice of little things, huh? That's pretty neat. (adjusts her skates) So, where you all heading today?
Green: (unties her hair) Oh, we were just going over to meet (Y/N)'s aunt and uncle, seeing as how we didn't have any plans for the day, and he said it was fine.
Alix: Seeing family? That doesn't sound like a bad idea. (checks her watch and gasp) Oh! I should be heading off now! I should've been at the museum to meet up with my big bro five minutes ago! (skates off quickly) See you guys tomorrow at school!
Red: (waves goodbye) See you there, and I hope for another race someday! (looks back to the group) She isn't that bad, wouldn't you say?
Blue: (shrugs) I haven't had much interactions with her, aside from witnessing her in that bet, so I can't say for sure.
(Y/N): (smiles) S-She's nice and friendly. Plus, from what I've seen, A-Alix isn't like Chloe or Sabrina, even if they used t-to hang out back during Elementary School. (mumbles to himself) Wonder why they stopped?
Green: (frowns) I don't know why, but I have the feeling that me and her are gonna have some very complicated and personal arguments in the future...
Red: (smirks and whispers) Oh, is it because you secretly fear that she'll try and steal (Y/N)'s heart before you can claim it? (chuckles)
Green: (quickly elbows Red) Shut it, you!
Red: (clutches his side) Ow! I was only joking with you!
(Y/N): (concerned) O-Okay, how about you two should leave each other alone for at least a few minutes. (pulls out his phone) A-Also, we should be getting a bit closer to where my aunt and uncle currently are. They sent me the coordinates, and it says they're just a few streets away.
Blue: Alright then. Lead the rest of the way, (Y/N).
With a quick nod, (Y/N) and the trio of Polus parasites keep walking through the busy streets of Paris, before eventually arriving at what appears to be some kind of demolition site, with multiple workers and machinery surrounding a couple of abandoned buildings, and the former either controlling the latter, carrying hammers, or placing down some explosives. Upon making their way closer, (Y/N) reaches into his pockets and pulls out his ear defenders, before placing them on his head.
Red: (looks around) So, I take it that maybe your uncle works here, and that your aunt is just visiting for today?
(Y/N): (mumbles) N-No, both my aunt and uncle work here. T-They really love to destroy stuff, and since they get a-angry easily, it makes this job i-ideal for them. (looks around) Speaking of which, they should be here s-soon-
It was at this moment all four of them pick up the sound of someone approaching them, as evident by the sound of aggressive yelling slowly getting louder with each passing second. When looking over, they see a tall figure running right towards them, and so they prepare to either attack back if he's carrying a weapon, or simply get out of the way if he doesn't. But while the three Impostorm agents prepare for that, (Y/N) surprises them by staying still, letting himself get grabbed by the figure, who runs up and pulls him into their grip.
Quickly, both Red and Green reach for their weapons and prepare to attack the stranger, only to be halted when Blue raises a hand and motions to his ears, where the screaming has changed to... laughter? It's then all three of them see (Y/N) and the stranger both sharing laughter while hugging each other, and the latter being more visible. They appear to be some kind of burly man, with his skin looking partially red, and speaks with a Russian accent. They also appear to be wearing a long sleeve shirt and hard hat, both painted lime green, but also black suspenders and black shoes, black hair and a bushy black beard, and there's a massive hammer resting on his back.
???: (gives a hearty laugh) There's my precious and special little nephew!! You really like to keep your ol' Uncle Anton waiting, huh? And I see you're still rocking your ear defenders, as well! (gives (Y/N) a noogie) So, how's your new school year been starting off now? Don't make me get it outta ya!
(Y/N): (still laughing) Stop it, Uncle Anton! I give! I give! (gets a quick breather) I-It's been alright, to be honest. A l-little better than last year, and that's o-okay with me.
???: (grins) Oh, you know those short answers won't convince me! Gimme some more depth, sport! Teachers been giving you some good and fair grades? You've been fine on your own? (threateningly) Any jerks that need to be taught a lesson or two?! Hold on for a second. (yells out) ANNIE!! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!! OUR NEPHEW IS HERE!!
That settled it for the three parasites. Whoever this person is, he's clearly (Y/N)'s uncle, thanks to both his behaviour and referring to their (H/C) friend as "his precious and special nephew". But if he's the uncle, who's the aunt? Almost as if their thoughts were spoken out loud, the sound of manic laughter begins to grow louder, as another figure charges right at both (Y/N) and his uncle, joining their little hug with one of their own, and allowing the three parasites to get a look at (Y/N)'s aunt.
She seems to be slightly shorter than (Y/N)'s uncle, putting her in the middle of her niece and husband, and while she also sports the same green hard hat, the rest of her looks and attire are different. For starters, her skin looks to be greenish, while her long and free hair is bright red. She's also wearing a red shirt with long sleeves, some red pants, and both black shoes and a black dress, with a mace resting on her back. Right as she joins in on the family hug, she manages to pry (Y/N) free from his uncle's grip.
???2: Easy there, big guy! With your grip, our nephew would be needing an oxygen tank just to get his breath back! (looks to (Y/N)) Speaking of you, nice to see you again, (Y/N)! Now, how about you answer Anton's question? I'm interested in what you gotta tell us, too.
(Y/N): (chuckles) W-Well, Aunt Annie, the days have been going by pretty w-well, I'm doing good in the class and getting good g-grades, and my time back home has been better than ever, cause now I have new friends! (points to the trio) They're over there. Hey, come over and say hi! (waves them over)
Red: (walks over) Hey there! Nice to meet you both! (Green and Blue politely wave) Judging from the screams you sent to the heavens, you're (Y/N)'s aunt and uncle, right?
(Y/N): (happily nods) Yup! These are Aunt Annie and Uncle Anton! They're both crazy and funny family to me! (realises something) O-Oh, and that reminds me. I should introduce you three to them! (faces his aunt and uncle) Aunt Annie, Uncle Anton, these are my new friends, Robert, Specs, and Midori. (motions to the group) Robert is like the brother I never had, and finds ways to make me laugh. Specs may be focused on his studies, but he helps to make sure we all don't fall behind in our studies. And Midori, she's... (blushes and mutters) She's nice to me, and pretty...
Anton: (pats (Y/N)'s back) Well, as long as they treat you right and stay by your side, then they're all fine in my book. (walks over to them) So, you three are friends of my nephew, correct?
Blue: (nods) Correct. We also know of his Autism as he told us about it himself, and we don't see him any differently from how we first saw him.
Red: Yeah, we understand that he might find it difficult when dealing with loud noises and tons of people in the same area, so we'll be there for him when he needs our help.
Anton: (chuckles) Now that's the kind of thing I wanna hear from you lot! (pats them on the back) You three get a pass in my book, so don't feel pressured around me. Like you heard, the name's Anthony (L/N), but feel free to call me Anton for short.
Annie: And I'm Annie (L/N)! (walks over to Green) So, you're the female friend my little nephew made, huh? Well, I'm happy that he's gotten himself someone as charming as you. (whispers to (Y/N)) You picked a real keeper, (Y/N).
(Y/N): (blushes) A-A-Aunt Annie, it's n-not like that!
Annie: (smirks) Oh, that's what you say right now. Just promise me that you'll not rush things if you do get together.
Green: (joins in) Don't worry, Miss (L/N). I won't force your nephew into doing something he feels uncomfortable taking part in. (winks at (Y/N)) But if keeps finding ways to charm me, then I might be unable to control myself. ((Y/N) puts his face in his hands)
(Y/N): (blushes and screams) WHY?!!
Anton: (chuckles) Alright you ladies, let's not get the young boy to pass out from your compliments. Say, do you three wanna meet the rest of our crew?
Red: (gives a thumbs-up) Sure. That doesn't sound bad.
Following both Anton and Annie, (Y/N) and the three Impostorm members, after waiting for the former to calm down and stop blushing, follow after the destruction couple through the site and towards a portable diner on wheels, where someone is right by the entrance with a clipboard in his hands. This figure seems to have slightly pale skin, a large bushy black beard with sunglasses covering his eyes, a white shirt with beige suspenders, brown shoes, and finally a hard hat with the same colour as his suspenders.
???: (angrily) For the last time, you idiots, we can't just blow up the building until we've made sure everything inside has been safely removed, and anything that could result in releasing gas has been dealt with. (sighs) I get that you're all new, but get what I said into your thick skulls, and get back to work, you walking jokes!! (groans and spots Anton) Oh, hey Anton! Who you've got with ya?
Anton: (waves) Oh, just my nephew visiting for the month, and he's brought some friends over to meet us. (motions to ???) Fellows, this is one of our most trusted foreman, Spike. He may be a bit rude and aggressive, but he means good and is constantly finding ways to improve the work of both rookies and himself.
Spike: (waves to the group) Hey there, kiddos. (looks to Anton) Since you're here, I've got some quick issues involving some of the newcomers in our branch. Many of them think we just get to blow stuff up without planning ahead and taking precautions. Could you try and give them a talking to before I fire them on the spot?
Anton: (tips his head) Don't you worry your beard out, Spike. I'll be sure to let them know there's more to this job. But for now, how's about we all get a big breakfast to fill our stomachs?
(Y/N): U-Uhm, w-we already had some breakfast earlier... But I guess having another meal doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Red: (wraps and arm around (Y/N)) I agree on that! Let's get some grub!
With a chuckle from both Anton and Spike, the group enter the portable diner, where Annie calls out for somebody named Bruno to get the kitchen up and running, with (Y/N) heading in to quickly drop of the bag containing bacon and eggs, which gets Bruno to thank him before going to focus on making everyone a meal. After the (H/C) goes to join his friend and family over at one of the tables, where they chat about how their school days have been to pass the time, with Anton and Annie chuckling whenever they mention Chloe facing some kind of comeuppance.
Blue: (chuckles) I take it you both really don't like Chloe at all, huh?
Annie: Nah, it's more like we have a grudge with her father, who's also a massive joke of a mayor for Paris. He's always eager to spend as many money on whatever she's interested in at the day, even when we all know she's going to throw it away or get bored of it the next day.
Green: I'll say. Every time we see her in school, she expects us all to just stay quiet and listen to her constantly degrade us. Good thing some of us are more than willing to talk back to that walking daddy's girl.
Annie: (high-fives Green) Atta girl! Those kinds of people really need a reality check!
As the group continue chatting away for the next few minutes, Bruno soon steps out of the kitchen with plates of cooked bacon, eggs, pancakes, and a few strawberries, to which they briefly stop talking to enjoy the warm meal. After most have finished eating, the chatting resumes but with the topic changing to (Y/N)'s uncle and aunt, as well as the workers, and Anton is wrapping up a story about Spike's first day trying to dismantle the pipes in the boiler room.
Anton: (cackling) And right when he thought that he got the situation under control, every single one of them burst and the whole complex ended up flooding! We had to call in some extra help just so we could drain the place, and we had to wait until the place was dry to continue tearing it down.
Spike: (groans in embarrassment) It wasn't that funny for me. My uniform got so soaked, it took me nearly two whole weeks just to clean and sort them out! I couldn't show up to work cause I didn't have a spare set yet.
Annie: (pats Spike's shoulder) Aw, cheer up, Spike! We all put our money together to throw you that pizza party! Sure, it meant we had low numbers of equipment for three months, but we wanted to cheer you up.
Spike: (smirks) Yeah, I remember that, and what a good party it was. (sighs happily) If only we could throw another one...
Anton: (bitterly) Yeah, if only Mayor Bourgeois but more money towards our departments instead of his bratty daughter...
(Y/N): (concerned) Is... Is something o-okay, Uncle Anton?
Anton: (calmly) Oh, things are... They're alright, I guess. (perks up) Say, you mind if I bring you along to the mayor's office for a few minutes or so? I gotta make another request, and I need someone to help me calm down in case my alcohol doesn't seem to work. Plus, I really wanna hear more about your friends from your perspective.
(Y/N): (glances around) U-Uh, sure... I don't mind...
Anton: (smiles) Thanks, kiddo. Once this is done, I'll try and get you a little gift or something as a thanks.
Both (Y/N) and Anton stand up from the table and make their way out of the diner. Once they've left through the door, the three parasites notice how both Annie and Spike seem to have concerned expressions.
Red: (confused) Uh, is something okay, you two?
Annie: (sighs) To be honest, no. Things aren't really going so well for us. For starters, in an attempt to save some money in case of more concerning situations, like if one of the many neighbouring cities needs some assistance, Mayor Bourgeois has been cutting back on giving certain businesses any money, resulting in many issues propping up. And for us, we're finding ourselves trying to deal with purchasing equipment on budgets, but also that it's becoming more difficult to plan out any breaks. (sighs) We might not be able to even visit for holidays or special occasions in the future.
Red: What?! Well, can't you just ask for more money or even any allowed days off?
Spike: No, we can't, kiddo. We're currently where nearly everyone else is calling for supply and demand, and there's been too much of the former and not enough of the latter. If we keep nagging them for what we want, then we put ourselves at risk of losing our jobs, and then the mayor will just move onto the next destruction company to fill in our shoes.
Specs: (adjusts his glasses) That's upsetting.
Spike: (nods) It is, glasses boy. Those rich folk that sit above us won't hesitate to kick every single one of us to the curb if it means they get to save a few bits of cash. (drinks some coffee) There's no reasoning with them, and barely any of them will show any loyalty to those that are hard-working.
Green: (mumbles) It shouldn't be like that...
Spike: (shakes his head) No, but that's unfortunately the rules of this unfair game. And unless the mayor is willing to make some drastic changes that benefit us, we're stuck playing with what we can do for now. Speaking of breaks... (stands up and stretches) I'm getting back to my duties and get those rookies working properly. Let me know when boss returns, Annie! (heads off)
Annie: (calls out) I will. (sighs again as Spike leaves) Honestly, I'm more worried for my husband more than my company. (the trio look intrigued) Both me and him have a habit of letting our emotions run wild at the most impromptu of times, and while it's getting way too excited for me, Anton... tends to get very angry. And without any bottles to swig down or me there with him, it doesn't end well for whoever's involved.
Green: Well, with (Y/N) being there for him, I think the discussion will go a bit better than you think it will.
Annie: (chuckles) Yeah, you have a point there. (leans forward and smirks) So, from the tone of voice you were using earlier, I'd say you fancy my little nephew. Well, if you think that I'll go ahead and allow you to potentially date him, then you've got another thing coming!
Green: (also leans forward) Oh, well let me tell you that whatever threat you've just came up with means nothing to me, because I'm not gonna throw away my friendship with him just because you dropped a few harmful words at my face...
As the two green-coloured females narrow their eyes at each other, flashing off malicious smiles that bring slight worry to the two boys sitting next to them, over with both (Y/N) and Anton, they've arrived at the city hall and make their way over to Andre's office, where the latter knocks on the door and waits for permission to enter.
Andre: You may come in! (Anton and (Y/N) step inside) Ah, Anton. What brings you here?
Anton: (forms a glare) You already know why I'm here, so let's cut the friendly chatter and get to the point, Andre. (walks to the desk) My destruction company needs more money to purchase more equipment to tear those health hazard houses down. And you've been giving us less cash to work with recently. We just want an increase to how it was before, and that's it.
Andre: Anton, I understand you and your employees are struggling, but we need to save some money just in case-
Anton: (interrupts) Just in case for what, huh?! From what I've heard and seen, you've happily spent money on commissioning statues and whatever your daughter desires. The latter of which makes no sense! From someone with family, I understand buying stuff to make your kid happy, but you've bought her literally anything, and made her feel as spoiled as an orange!
Andre: (raises his voice) That is not true! I don't treat my daughter like that! (hears his phone ring) One second, if you please. (answers the call) Yes, Chloe sweetie?
Chloe: (shouts) Daddy! The chefs made my parfait wrong again! Tell them to get it right or they're fired!
Andre: Don't worry, Chloe. Once I'm done with this quick meeting, I'll tell the chefs about their mistake. (hangs up and looks to Anton) Back to what you were just saying, Anton?
Anton: (deadpans) You really think I didn't hear that whole conversation? It just proved my point!
(Y/N): (speaks up) U-Uncle Anton, please calm down... Don't make things worse...
Anton: (looks to his nephew) Look, Mayor Bourgeois. All I'm asking for is for you is to just give us a little boost in money, just this one time.
Andre: And I've told you every time you come here to complain that until our business with Versailles and Amiens has been sorted out, I can't spare any dimes to your destruction company. Speaking of which, if I hear anymore complaints coming from you or any of your workers from now on, I won't hesitate in making sure your company is shut down!
Anton: (his eye twitches) Are you trying to bribe me?! Cause if you are, I'm-
Anton is about to reach for his hammer and split apart Andre's desk, only to feel (Y/N)'s hand tightly grasp his. When looking over, he sees the (H/C) now wearing his ear defenders after his uncle's outburst, and both a concerned and upset expression is on his face. Seeing this, Anton sighs and moves his hand away from his primary tool, before giving one last glare at Andre before leaving, with (Y/N) following close behind.
(Y/N): (fiddles with his fingers) S-Sorry things didn't go as y-you wanted them to go, Uncle...
Anton: (pats (Y/N)'s shoulder) Don't you blame yourself for it, kiddo. The real person to blame is that poor excuse of a mayor. (grits his teeth) I swear, most people are too scared to actually confront him all because he holds power over us all... Somebody's gotta try and make a change, otherwise we'll all suffer!!
(Y/N): (worriedly) U-Uncle...
Anton: (removes his hand) Let's just head back to the site. I gotta blow off some steam...
As Anton storms off back towards the destruction site, (Y/N) follows along, his face having a worried expression for his uncle, knowing how his frustration towards anyone or anything tends to cloud his mind and make him choose some regretful decisions. He still remembers when they told the principal they'll be home-schooling him, and the principal tried to refuse the decision. Pretty sure he still has a black eye, last he heard...
Back at their destination, the red-skinned leader marches into his office and begins to alternate between swinging his hammer against the ground while screaming, or chugging down multiple bottles of his alcohol. Meanwhile, the window to a certain villain's lair opens up, having sensed the anger of a certain figure, and plans to use that to their advantage.
Hawk Moth: So angry at how those above refuse to lend any help to those down below, and is threatened for trying to stand up... Such anger coming from one individual, and perfect to take down Ladybug and Cat Noir! (corrupts a butterfly) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize him!
With a flick of his staff, the akuma flies out of the lair and out across Paris, soaring straight towards its intended target. Back at Anton's office, the destruction expert is in the middle or letting out his frustration, when the corrupted butterfly takes the opportunity and slips through the open window and lands into his hammer, allowing the villain to communicate with Anton...
Hawk Moth: Greetings, Cementus. I am Hawk Moth. Those with greater power have abused and threatened you for far too long, and I am giving you the power to tear them down with your hands. But in return, you will bring me both Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. Do we have a deal?
Anton: (smirks) You got yourself a deal, Hawk Moth...
As (Y/N)'s uncle allows himself to be transformed into a villain, the (H/C) boy has just made it back to the portable diner, and has noticed the staredown between Annie and Green, with Red and Blue staring in worry. So, he walks over to hopefully try and break up the uncomfortable situation.
(Y/N): (confused) U-Uh, am I interrupting something or...
Green: (her and Annie stop) Oh, don't worry, me and your aunt weren't being hostile to each other. We just had a chat and... You could say we just had a brief disagreement with a certain subject. (makes some room) So, how did that talk you and your uncle went to go?
(Y/N): (sits down) W-Well, we didn't mean to take too long... And a-as for how it went, well... It c-could've gone better than we wished...
Annie: Let me guess, Anton got angry and got threatened with something? ((Y/N) nods) Should've seen this coming. Last time I accompanied him, we almost suffered a 50% paycut for Anton getting aggressive. (drinks some coffee) What did we get hit by now?
(Y/N): (nervously) U-Uhm... I-If Mayor Bourgeois hears one last c-complaint, then he'll... shut down the whole destruction company...
Annie: (almost chokes) He hit us with what?! (groans) Anton, I know you mean well, but we gotta find a way to get your anger in check!!
As (Y/N) lets out a sigh and begins to speak up, the ground below them shakes with the sound of panicked workers soon follows. Looking out the window, the five of them see somebody step out of Anton's office, but it isn't the red-skinned figure they know. Instead, it's somebody completely different, yet their voice sounds similar.
This figure has Green eyes as opposed to Anton's pure black pupils, and their head is covered by a yellow helmet, with the jaw section coloured grey, and a glowing red jewel is attached to the forehead. Their torso appears to be now red armour with a grey collar, dark orange arms, magenta hands with golden gauntlets attached, black legs with teal markings running down the sides, and golden boots with lime green soles. Finally, on their chest is the symbol of a certain purple butterfly.
The figure known as Anton is no more. Instead in his place, is the villain Cementus, who's more than willing to tear down all of Paris to get what he desires...
Cementus: (guffaws) Alright, chumps! Break's over! Forget destroying these rundown apartments! The only thing we're destroying is both the two heroes, and Andre himself!
Without waiting for anybody to speak up, Cementus forms his two hands into a large hammer and slams the ground, knocking away everyone far from the area. However, Spike seems unaffected and rushes over, grabbing a nearby wrench and slams it onto the villain's head, but the attack doesn't do anything to Cementus, who laughs it off and simply punches his co-worker straight over the site before leaping off.
Back with the other five watching few the window, both Annie and (Y/N) have worried expressions over their faces, while the three parasites stare on with worry, knowing they'll have to deal with a physically stronger opponent.
(Y/N): (about to tear up) Un... Uncle Anton got akumatized... He got akumatized, and is now running rampant... (starts breathing heavily) Why didn't I stay with him?! I could've helped him calm down and prevent it!! I... Now Uncle Anton is reeking havoc out there, and... And... (falls to his knees)
Red: (lifts (Y/N) back up) (Y/N), buddy, take some deep breaths. Don't go blaming yourself for something you didn't know would happen. (pats his back) There wasn't any way of knowing that your uncle would turn into a villain.
(Y/N): (still sobbing) But... But he's a walking bomb of a-anger... M-Me and Annie both know h-he can't s-stay calm for l-long...
Blue: (kneels down) And like Red said, neither of you could expect him to fall victim to one of Hawk Moth's schemes. Annie may not be well-versed in what turns people into these kinds of villains, and we are still trying to figure out the answer as well. So please don't view yourself as the cause, because you aren't.
As (Y/N)'s breathing begins to return to normal and the tears begin to stop sliding down his face, the young boy pulls both Red and Blue into a tight hug, which the two return back with no hesitation. Green also joins in too, but notices Annie storming out of the diner with a mixed expression of manic and determined.
Green: (confused) Uh, excuse me, Annie, but where are you going?
Annie: (turns back) Where else? I'm going to knock out the lights out of my husband and free him from whoever the hell this "Hawk Moth" is! (gives a thumbs-up) Keep my nephew safe for me, and don't worry about me.
Green flashes a thumbs-up right back at Annie, who runs out of the portable diner and into her own office, before soon emerging with her large mace and heads off in the direction that Cementus disappeared in. After checking to see that Bruno had also ran out of the area in panic, the four Impostorm agents huddle together to discuss how to tackle the sudden new villain.
Blue: (speaks up) Okay, to start off, I think it's pretty clear to all of us that he holds the strength advantage. Just one punch would no doubt result in us getting knocked over a building or two.
Red: (sarcastically) Gee, thanks for that, Captain Obvious.
Blue: (rolls his eyes) Moving on from that comment, I think the best strategy we can go for is to rely on attacking from a distance. So both me and Red would be ideal for this situation. (looks to Green) Green, while you can throw your knife at him, it would only be a matter of time before you lose the weapon and get taken out of the fight.
Red: Hold on, what about (Y/N)? He could keep us shielded and his Burst attacks could assist in pushing the blockhead back.
Green: Red, take a quick look at (Y/N) for a moment? (motions to a worried (Y/N)) I don't think he wants to fight his own uncle, especially with how... (thinks carefully) "Aggressive" he currently is.
Blue: (looks to (Y/N)) (Y/N), do you wish to assist us in freeing your uncle? It's alright if you don't want to, and none of us will force you to tag along.
(Y/N): (takes a deep breath) I... I don't wanna fight my uncle... What-What if I accidentally hurt him or...
Green: (pats (Y/N)'s head) Don't think that negatively, (Y/N), and that's alright with us. We'll handle freeing your family member from Hawk Moth's grasp. You can head on home and calm down, maybe a more friendlier environment will relax your nerves. (they feel the ground shake)
Red: (glances around) Might be a bad time to say that the constant quakes might make it difficult.
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) Regardless of what obstacles come our way, we'll adapt to it and work our way around them. (grabs his shotgun) Now then, let's move out, Impostorm!
As Red and Green grab their weapons with determined expressions, the three parasites, right after getting into their disguises, emerge out and after waiting for (Y/N) to slink out and head down a different route without any problems getting in the way, they set off to chase down Cementus, which turns out to not be difficult. The constant trail of cracked pavements, damaged buildings, flipped cars, and people crying out in pain gives it away.
Eventually, they find the destruction-themed supervillain now slowly marching away from the destruction he caused and straight towards the city hall, most likely to draw Ladybug and Cat Noir out by going after the mayor. However, a barricade of police officers attempt to halt Cementus by opening fire on him, only for their bullets to just bounce off and get launched away by a single shockwave. At this, both Red and Blue quickly land a shot each to divert his attention away.
Cementus: (turns around) Oh, if it ain't you three anonymous assistants. You all want to go flying over the horizon as well?
Red: (assumes a fighting stance) That depends on if you can actually land that one punch.
Cementus: (chuckles) Then this'll be a good fight. Bring it on!
With no more words needing to be exchanged, the brief battle begins with Red and Cementus charging at each other, only for the former to slide under the latter's punch and unload a few bullets into his back. Despite them not doing much, the crimson fighter keeps evading around each fist thrown his way. However, he soon gets grabbed and thrown over the shoulder, slamming into the ground hard.
As Cementus prepares to knock out Red by stomping on his head, Blue pushes him back by shooting right at his helmet, allowing the crimson parasite to roll out of the way and unload a few more bullets at him. The destruction-themed villain blocked the bullets by lifting up his gauntlets, but soon knocks the three parasites away with a single shockwave, and dashes over to Red and winds up for a strong punch. However, Green rushes over and takes the blow, resulting in her getting sent flying straight into the wall of a building.
With the female agent out of the way, Cementus tightly grasps Red by the neck and lifts him up, headbutting him for a moment before pulling his fist back once again. However, before he can throw the actual attack, a familiar yo-yo wraps around his fist and pulls Cementus away, where he gets struck on the head by a familiar staff. Leaping over his shoulders and now entering the battle, Ladybug and Cat Noir have arrived, who both glance at the downed Impostorm agents.
Ladybug: Sorry we're late. We had to help out some civilians and navigate our way around the destroyed streets.
Blue: (gets back up) That's quite alright. We've been stalling the villain for some time, and we've gotten some information on them.
Cat Noir: (raises an eyebrow) Care to share with us?
Green: (runs back over) We don't know their villain name, but they appear to have some incredible strength, capable of even creating shockwaves. (glances at the approaching Cementus) They also have an explosive attitude, and those punches really hurt if they connect. (winces and holds her chest) Trust me, I've learnt and experienced it.
Ladybug: (nods) Thanks for the information, you guys. But once this is over, we've got some questions for the three of you. (looks around) And where's Null?
Red: (gets back up) He went off to make sure the civilians are all out of danger, saying that his powers might end up accidentally make things a bit worse.
Cat Noir: Noted. (glances at Cementus) Alright then, punchies. You gonna calm down or do we have to take you out? (assumes a fighting stance)
Cementus: (glares at them) The name is Cementus, and I've been waiting for you two for some time. Hand over your Miraculous this instant, or I'll take them after I knock all of you out cold, along with the mayor!
Ladybug: (assumes a fighting stance) Sorry, but we're not letting you attack us or anyone else.
Cementus just growls in annoyance before charging straight at the two heroes, who evade each of his punches and respond back with their own strikes, pushing the villain further away from the city hall. However, things start to go difficult for them as the destruction master lands beside a lamppost and rips it out of the ground, before bending it and whacks the two away with his newly acquired weapon. In retaliation, both Green and Cat Noir rush forward with their own melee tools and engage in combat, only to get knocked back after only a few parries and strikes.
Cat Noir: (gets back up) Alright, so if you wanna play destructive, then I can play along! Cataclysm!!
Activating his signature power, Cat Noir charges forward and places her hand on the lamppost, disintegrating it instantly. However, this results in the feline-themed hero getting punched in the chest and crashes into the walls of the city hall, surprising Ladybug.
Ladybug: Lucky Charm!!! (summons a... jackhammer) A jackhammer? How am I supposed to use this?
Blue: (shrugs) Maybe beating this destructive villain at his own game, perhaps?
Hearing this, Ladybug begins looking around the area, where her vision highlights some key details for her summoned item to work effectively. Those details being: Blue's shotgun, the cracked ground beneath their feet, the gauntlets on Cementus's hands, and finally the jackhammer itself. Seeing this, Ladybug smirks before turning to Blue.
Ladybug: (whispers) Listen, when I give the signal, shoot the ground right as Cementus steps on it. I think I know how we can get an advantage. Trust me.
Giving the spotty heroine a nod, both Ladybug and Blue stand their ground and taunt for Cementus to get closer. This works, as the destructive villain lets out multiple angered noises before running forward. That's when the signal is given and the shotgun fires at the cracked ground, resulting in it falling apart and tripping over Cementus. As he falls onto his back, Ladybug turns on the jackhammer and uses it on one of the gauntlets, slowly causing it to crack after a few seconds.
Seeing this, Cementus's eyes widen as he swings at Ladybug with his other hand, getting her to leap back and him being able to pull back his damaged gauntlet. Noticing this, Blue takes aim and starts firing at the damaged piece of armour, which forces the villain to step back and get out of the way, almost like the gauntlet itself is important. As Green and Cat Noir get back up, they notice the vulnerable position Cementus is in, and quickly rush forward to join in.
Despite having a timer now placed onto him, Cat Noir leaps in first to deliver multiple slashes with his claws, which barely do any damage to the rest of Cementus's armour. Seeing this, the destructive villain knocks the feline away with a quick backhand, only to get the symbol on his chest damaged when Green charges forth and slashes at it with her knife. But due to getting in close, Cementus recovers quickly and slams the female agent to the ground with his undamaged gauntlet, and when Ladybug throws her yo-yo at him, he catches it and pulls her towards him...
But then Cementus is suddenly knocked away by an unexpected guest joining in...
Cementus: (surprised) Oh, you've gotta be kidding...
Ladybug: (surprised) What are you doing?!
Annie: (chuckles and glances back) What else? I'm here to help in taking care of my mind-controlled husband! You all go off and brainstorm a better plan. I'll get through to him my way.
Ladybug: (shakes her head) Sorry, ma'am, but we need you to get to- (sees Annie brandish her mace) Safety...
Annie: I can take care of myself, spotty. Now go!
With no real way to convince her otherwise, Ladybug, Cat Noir, and the Impostorm agents leave the area as Annie stares down Cementus, who only looks at her in disbelief, before his expression shifts to one of anger.
Cementus: (annoyed) Annie, what are ya doing?! I'm trying to get that idiot in the mayor's chair to do the right thing!
Annie: (scoffs) And you think tearing up the city will get him to listen to ya? All it'll actually do is make everybody scared of us. Including our own nephew!
Cementus: (angrily) Don't you dare try to use him against me!!
With a reluctant sigh, Annie assumes a fighting stance as both she and Cementus charge at each other, letting out battle cries as the former's signature mace clashes against the latter's golden gauntlets. The stalemate doesn't shift into anyone's favour, but soon it changes when Cementus tries to strike Annie down with a downward swing, but the female backflips away and gets the villain to back away with a quick dropkick to the metal helmet. The two then start dancing around their melee weapons, narrowly evading punches and kicks, until Annie lands a lucky blow with her mace.
Cementus gets knocked away again, but quickly regains his footing and glares at his opponent, who cockily taunts for him to keep attacking. Enraged, the villain puts his fists together and slams the ground to generate a shockwave, which Annie leaps over and kicks some rubble at him, but Cementus easily blocks the projectiles and closes the distance to strike Annie multiple times, which he ends off his combo by throwing the female fighter straight at the wall.
To his surprise, Annie bounces back and breaks off part of his helmet with a strong swing of her mace, but this allows Cementus to punch her in the stomach with both his fists, thanks to his foe getting up-close for him. After being knocked away, Annie staggers back onto her feet and throws her mace at her opponent, only for the villain to easily evade and trap her in another combo, which results in her falling unconscious after being struck on the head by one final right hook. After making sure she hasn't suffered any fatal damage, Cementus carries Annie's body to a safer location and rests her there, before heading back to the city hall, ready to get some well-earned revenge on the mayor...
Elsewhere in the streets of Paris, (Y/N) is trying to navigate the damaged or collapsing pathways to try and reach his residence, but with the constant shockwaves shaking the buildings and causing most of them to begin falling apart, the boy had to take many detours due to the intended paths being closed off, either by ambulances or large tons of rubble. Not to mention, (Y/N) was still worried for his uncle, hoping that he'll be alright once he's been freed, and still feeling guilty about not being able to calm him down.
(Y/N): (quickly mumbling to himself) I... I c-could've asked if h-he wanted to do something together, s-so he could calm d-down... Or I should've t-told him about the akumas a-and how they feed of someone's f-frustration...
As he's still mumbling to himself, a minor earthquake suddenly hits the area, resulting in the streets and road cracking apart, with (Y/N) losing his footing and falls to the ground. While trying to get back up, wincing about the bruises that he's just got, a billboard on top of a building falls off and would've landed on the (H/C) boy, who looks up and screams in fear, but a familiar face quickly gets him out of the way.
Alix: (sighs in relief) That was a close one, huh? Wouldn't want you to become a human pancake. (notices (Y/N)'s pale face) Are you alright? Do you need a drink of water?
(Y/N): (quickly hugs Alix) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I-I-I...
Alix: (pats his back) It's alright, there's nothing else that's gonna fall down and hurt you here. (lightly grabs his hand) Here, I'll take you to a bench for you to calm down.
(Y/N): (wipes a quick tear away) Okay...
After being brought over to one of the remaining benches in the area, Alix calmly asks the young boy why he was wandering the streets during an akuma attack, to which (Y/N) explains what's happened, sharing how his uncle had been threatened with possibly losing his job from the mayor, and how he feels like he could've done something to prevent his family member from being akumatized. Alix listens silently, letting the young boy get it all out, before speaking up once he's wrapped it up.
Alix: That sounds like a lot for your mind. But ultimately, you shouldn't blame yourself for it. I get that your friends might've told you that already, but even when you argue back with one small thing, that just shows how much you think you're in the wrong. (pats (Y/N)'s shoulders) Don't let that affect you. Instead, try thinking positively, cause Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null will find a way to help your uncle break free.
(Y/N): (looks to the ground) And what if they can't? My uncle gets angry very easily, and without me or my aunt near him, he can't calm down as good as anybody else.
Alix: (gives a small smile) Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null will always find a way. Even if it looks like there isn't an obvious answer, they'll think of something and try a different approach to get to him.
(Y/N): (mumbles to himself) A different approach... Get to him...
Quickly, (Y/N) gets up from the bench, and after giving Alix a quick thanks, he pushes himself to go back out into Paris and search for where his akumatized uncle is, hoping that what he just thought of might help get him to snap out of it, as the skater girl looks on in confusion, wondering what (Y/N) is thinking of.
As the young boy rushes off, back over with the group of heroes, they are currently on top of a few remaining buildings, with most of them opting to sit down because of their injuries. The mention of Cementus's insane strength wasn't a joke, as those that unfortunately got struck by a punch have a hand covering where they were hit, feeling as if their ribs had been cracked. While using the time they have to recover, Ladybug soon speaks up for any plan ideas.
Ladybug: (crosses her arms) Alright, we need to think of how to defeat Cementus. He's too strong to take head-on, and those shockwaves are also slowly tearing Paris apart. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Cat Noir: (thinks for a moment) Well, I could potentially destroy those gauntlets of his if I get the chance to use my Cataclysm on him again. But that would require me getting close and not getting decked in the chest again.
Blue: (speaks up) Speaking of those gauntlets, I believe that's where the akuma might be located. The way he pulled back his hand when the jackhammer started to break it gives it away for us.
Green: But now that we know what to focus at, what approach are we gonna take? Both your and Red's weapons don't seem to do any effect to him.
Before Blue or anyone else can think of an answer to Green's question, all of them feel the ground shake and see parts of the city hall start to crumble away, along with the surrounding buildings also collapsing around it.
Red: (gets up) Well, whatever idea we come up with, we gotta execute it quickly.
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) Very well then. (looks to Ladybug and Cat Noir) Since the two of you still need to recharge, we'll go back in there and buy you both some more time. Then, we can try to break those gauntlets and capture the akuma.
Ladybug: (calls out) Wait! Before you three head off, there's something we need to know. (the three parasites look to her) Why were you guys and Null attacking MIRA a few days ago? Aren't you four also defending Paris? If so, why were you suddenly acting like villains?
Green: (glares at her) That information is private, Ladybug. Just because we're helping out with fighting against Hawk Moth and these akumas doesn't automatically mean we're all partners. (gestures to themselves) We have our own goals, and you have your goals, and it's best if neither of us try and snoop into it.
Ladybug: But-
Cat Noir: (interrupts) Hold on, Bugaboo. They have a point. We've only seen them attack MIRA once, and we don't know why. Maybe it's best that we wait until any of them feel comfortable enough to fill us in on what they're doing.
Blue: At least one of you has a working brain residing inside your skulls.
Before Ladybug can argue back, the three Impostorm agents have already left in the direction of Cementus's current location, leaving her to fume with Cat Noir watching, until they briefly part ways to recharge their kwamis. Meanwhile back at the collapsing city hall, the destructive villain has just taken out the last of the guards inside the building, and now has Mayor Bourgeois in his grip as he steps out to the rooftop, holding the panicking man over the edge.
Cementus: (threateningly) Alright, you joke of a leader. Will you give those that deserve their hard-earned money what they're owed? Or are you gonna hide behind another excuse?
Andre: (squirming) I demand that you let me go this instant! If you don't, I'll shut down your company, and you'll never be able to find another job again!!
Cementus: (glares at him) Very well then.
Right as Andre realises what he just said, Cementus tosses him off the building before he can try to take back his words. However, the mayor gets caught by both Red and Blue, who leap out of the way to avoid the destructive villain leaping down and punching the ground, resulting in another earthquake that destroys nearby buildings.
Blue: (whispers to Andre) Get out of here while you can, and don't look back.
Andre doesn't need to be told twice and runs far out of the district, which infuriates the destructive villain even more as he creates another shockwave. Both male parasites leap over the attack and unleash fire straight at the gauntlets, damaging the left broken one even more. Cementus quickly leaps forward and lands a successful blow onto Blue, but Green then leaps in and slashes at the butterfly symbol until it breaks, which... Doesn't really do anything to help them.
Cementus uses the opening to knock Green far away with a quick hook to the chin, but the female parasite digs her knife into the ground to help regain her footing. In retaliation, Red starts shooting at him, only for most of the bullets to give the expected result: Harmlessly bouncing off the metallic armour and allowing Cementus to get in close and backhand the parasite away. But then...
(Y/N): Stop!!
All four in the battle suddenly pause as (Y/N) rushes forward, stopping in front of his akumatized uncle and takes a quick moment to catch his breath, before looking back up at him.
Cementus: (confused) Kiddo? What are you doing here? Get outta here before you get hurt!
(Y/N): (shakes his head) No, I'm not. Uncle, I want you to snap out of this, please. I get that the mayor hasn't been treating you nicely, but will hurting him and destroying Paris really fix things? I don't wanna see my uncle hurt others, and I don't want him to hurt himself either! (holds his hand) Please, I don't wanna see you as a bad guy, because you're not one. You're better than them.
The destructive villain doesn't say a word, instead still looking at his nephew, thinking carefully about what he just said, before looking around at the destruction all around them. But before he could speak up, a butterfly symbol appears over his eyes for a few moments, which then disappears as Cementus speaks up, though his voice sounds shaky.
Cementus: (takes a deep breath) (Y/N), I get that this isn't the right way to do things, but the reason why some people do drastic things is because people like the mayor refuse to listen, and the more we don't try to convince them, the more lives get unintentionally worse. I'm trying to help others that are also in my shoes.
(Y/N): (quietly) But will it make you look better or worse than the mayor if you hurt him?
Cementus hears that sentence and tries to respond back, but a familiar yo-yo wraps around (Y/N)'s waist and pulls him away, having him fall and land right beside Ladybug and Cat Noir, with the former giving him a worried expression.
Ladybug: I don't know what you were trying, but you shouldn't approach an akumatized person like that without anyone carefully watching. Now quick, get out of here and hide. We'll take care of things here.
Cementus: (angrily) Hey! Don't think I'm done with you both now! Your time's up, and I'm clocking you out!
Letting out an angry cry, Cementus leaps forward as (Y/N) gets up and flees, taking shelter behind the rubble of a destroyed building as Ladybug and Cat Noir avoid the attack and respond with their own. After knocking the villain away, Blue and Green leap into the battle and distract their opponent by striking from behind, and pulling his attention towards them instead.
Green: (looks to Ladybug) Hey! How about a little more contribution from you two!
Ladybug: Oh, sorry! Lucky Charm! (summons a... sledgehammer) A sledgehammer? Am I supposed to- (falls down from the weight) Okay, this is a bit heavier than expected.
Red: (shrugs) Well, it's a sledgehammer. They're made heavy so they can destroy pretty durable things.
Hearing this, Ladybug takes notice of some key elements to take advantage of: The destroyed city hall, the sledgehammer itself, and the gauntlets on Cementus's hands. Seeing this, she smirks and calls out to her allies.
Ladybug: Quick! We need to get him to the city hall! I have an idea!
Red: You got it! (shouts at Cementus) Hey Blocky! Your punches may cause earthquakes, but you're clearly acting soft if all we're feeling is slight aches in our bones! Come on, why don't you play seriously with us!
Red's attempts at angering Cementus work as now chases after the parasite, blindly swinging in frustration while the crimson shooter keeps pulling quips and luring the villain towards the city hall, bringing him all the way to the rooftop as the other four run over.
Ladybug: (dragging the sledgehammer) Okay, so here's what I'm thinking. When we have him leap down, we swing the sledgehammer right onto his gauntlets and shatter them, which frees the akuma. Any objections?
Blue: Yes, I have one. If we want this plan to succeed, then we need to make sure that both gauntlets are heavily damaged first. Currently, only one of them appears to be on the verge of breaking. So what'll we do for the other?
Cat Noir: (smugly gestures to himself) Leave that to me! Cataclysm!
Summoning forth his superpower, Cat Noir runs up the side of the destroyed city hall, just as Red has properly lured the frustrated villain to the edge of the rooftop. Right as the parasite casually leaps down the building, the feline surprises Cementus by scratching his undamaged gauntlet, and making them begin to rust.
Cementus: (angrily) Oh, you all think you've won?! Well, I'll claim your Miraculous right after I bury you with the rest of Paris!! (puts his hands together) Get ready for a true earthquake, you heroes!
Cementus lets out one last battle cry as he jumps down, with Ladybug lifting up the sledgehammer with assistance from Green. The two females then give each other a quick and confident nod before swinging with all their might, interrupting the ultimate attack while striking one of the gauntlets and shattering it. This catches Cementus by surprise as Blue and Red take the opportunity to break the other gauntlet with their bullets, letting the akuma free.
Ladybug: (confidently) No more evil doing for you, little akuma. (opens her yo-yo) Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma) Gotcha! (releases the purified creature) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!
Shouting out one of her many catchphrases and throwing the sledgehammer into the air, the group watches as the construction tool splits into many mystical ladybugs, which fly about and instantly repair the damage across Paris. Streets and pathways were refixed, buildings were brought back up, with most of everyone's injuries mostly getting healed up almost like nothing ever happened, and Cementus soon transformed back into a tired and confused Anton.
Ladybug + Cat Noir: (fist-bump) Pound it!
Anton: (confused) Eh? What's going on? (looks around) Didn't I leave this area and head back to the site to blow off some steam?
Ladybug: Well-
(Y/N): (runs over) Uncle Anton! (tightly hugs him) A-Are you okay? Nothing hurting? Y-You don't feel angry or anything?
Anton: (hugs back) Whaddya mean, sport? I'm more confused than anything. Did something happen when we got back to the destruction site?
(Y/N): (hesitates for a moment) You... You got turned into a villain, and begun tearing down parts of Paris, all because of the mayor not-
Anton: (finishes the sentence) Not giving me and my workers the pay they deserve? ((Y/N) nods) Yeah, maybe I went a bit too far in trying to ask for something that'd be better waiting for.
???: ANTON (L/N)!!!
Anton, (Y/N), and the multiple heroes perk up and turn in the direction of the voice, where an incredibly angered Annie is seen rushing right towards the red-skinned man, with her face showing the usual manic smile. Though, there is a different emotion in her eyes, which becomes more visible the closer Annie gets.
Anton: (nervously) Hey, Annie- (gets punched in the stomach) Yeah, I guess I deserved that...
Annie: (shouts) Of course you do, you frustrated fighter! You even gave me a serious beating! (chuckles) Never thought I'd see you fight like that ever again. And yeah, you were mostly under someone's control, so me and the rest of the crew don't blame ya. Maybe we can throw you a party with our remaining cash, even if Mayor Bourgeois don't give us much.
Anton just chuckles at Annie's idea with throwing him a party to cheer him up, and pulls his wife and nephew into a tight family hug, with Annie and (Y/N) even joining in on the laughing. Ladybug, Cat Noir, and the other heroes lightly smile at the sight, though the former two hear the sounds of their miraculous beeping, so they quickly head off to rest, with the other three heading off soon after. With the affectionate moment drawing to a close, the three soon head off in their own directions, with (Y/N) heading back to his home, and both Anton and Annie heading back to the site; the former preparing to apologise to his team...
The next day, the (L/N) household was filled with a more positive atmosphere than the previous morning. Currently, Red, Green, and (Y/N) were playing a racing game together, sharing both laughs and anger-filled noises throughout the whole track, while Blue sat nearby, still trying to find any information on what MIRA is planning, and once again coming up empty-handed. Just then, (Y/N)'s phone begins ringing.
(Y/N): Oh, gimme a second, guys. (pauses the game and picks up the phone) Hello? (noises can be heard) Oh, Uncle Anton! Yes, I remember your argument with the mayor... Wait, he really said that?! That's pretty great! O-Okay, I'll try to find the right day to visit! (hangs up)
Red: (smirks) I'm guessing that there was some good news on the other end of that phone call?
(Y/N): (happily nods) Yup! Uncle Anton called and just told me that Mayor Bourgeois is stopping with sending money to neighbouring cities for a while, wanting to instead focus on the workers that haven't been getting as money as their jobs promised. (pauses) I dunno whether it's because of a change of heart, or because my uncle's villain attitude really scared him...
Green: (shrugs) Well, whatever the reason is, at least this whole thing ended in a happy ending, kinda. ((Y/N) nods)
Blue: (shuts off the laptop) On the topic of yesterday, unless you're in the form of Null, (Y/N), please refrain from intervening with dealing with any akumatized people. I understand there's a chance to reach out to them, but at the same time, there's a chance they might not hesitate to hurt you. Your aunt did reveal she did get physically hurt by him, and so have we...
(Y/N): (hesitantly) I'll... I'll try, Blue...
Blue: (nods) And that's enough for me. Now, is it okay if I join in this racing game?
Red: (cockily) Do so, and I'll be making sure that you get left in last place!
Blue: (grins) Then let's see you make that claim true...
Bonus Clip!!
The next day at College Francoise Dupont, (Y/N) and the three parasites are currently in their Maths class, where the teacher, known as Mr. Iratus, is wrapping up the subject of the day, that being Abstract Algebra.
Mr. Iratus: (finishes writing on the chalkboard) And that, class, is how you solve the equation by using Abstract Algebra. If you're still confused on the subject, be sure to read some of the textbooks in the library for help, because we have only one more lesson on this topic before moving onto Linear Algebra. Now, does anyone have any questions?
Nathaniel: (shyly) Uh, why are we learning about Abstract Algebra first and Linear Algebra later? Shouldn't it be the other way around-
Mr. Iratus: (angrily outbursts) Shut it, you! This is my subject, and I teach it how I wanna teach it! If I wanna be treated with disrespect, then I'd be calling my ex!
Kim: (chuckles and whispers) You'd think she'd still wanna talk to him after their breakup?
Mr Iratus: (points at Kim) I heard that, Kim!! You're staying in my classroom until the end of lunch! Everyone else, get out and enjoy your break!
Right at that moment, the classroom bell rings as everyone begins making their way out of Mr. Iratus's lesson, except for Kim, who just lets out a sigh and sits back down in his seat. As the group of four head into the hallway and chat with each other while heading to the lunch hall, someone soon pops up and gives the group a quick startle
Alya: Hey there! (looks to (Y/N)) You remember me from yesterday, right?
(Y/N): (shyly nods) Y-Yeah... (rubs his arm) Th-Thanks for helping me calm down yesterday... A-And saving me from the billboard...
Alix: (shrugs it off) It's no problem. Just the right thing to do. Anyway, since it's lunch time, I was wondering if I could join your four for this afternoon, if it's okay.
Red: You sure? Don't you have your own friend group you'd rather spend your lunch with? And wouldn't they mind if you suddenly disappeared to hang out with us?
Alix: (thinks for a moment) Probably, but I think they wouldn't mind it for today. So, can I?
Green: One second. (murmurs with the group for a moment) Sure, I guess we wouldn't mind if you joined us for lunch. If you got some stuff to gather first, then you can find us hanging out on one of the benches at the far side of the cafeteria.
After giving Alix where they'll be, the Impostorm quartet head on over to the cafeteria so they can enjoy the lunches they all made for themselves. Not long after arriving, Alix soon makes her way over with a chosen school dinner, where they talk about anything that's currently on their mind...
Fun Fact about Anton & Annie!!
The two of them own a pet each, with Anton having a pet dog named Manhattan and Annie having a pet cat named Mirv. While Anton and his dog have an affectionate care for each other (with the creature being one of the few things that can calm down Anton when he's angry), Annie and her cat are constantly having fights with each other, especially when the feline keeps using most of the furniture in their apartment as scratching posts.
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