MIRA Arc Part 1: A Burning Beginning
The episode begins not at the home of the three parasites from another planet and their autistic human friend, or any of the locations that the two famous heroes of Paris reside in, but rather over at the French Sector of MIRA HQ, which is still undergoing some remaining repairs back when the quartet of Impostorm agents broke in and either stole or destroyed the parts to Project: Gripley. While the interior and exterior damage created from when the reactor blew up, most of the equipment is still needing repairs or needs to be completely replaced.
Inside a meeting room located on the third floor, nearly every seat around the long table is taken by scientists, security guards, and other members of the organisation. Some of the more notable figures are Chad and Philly sitting next to each other, Ted sitting right next to an empty seat, and finally the siblings Sebastian and Francisca are at the front of the table; the former looking nervous about what the meeting might be about, and the latter looking incredibly annoyed.
Ted: (nervously glances about) So, I'm guessing we'll be starting the meeting, Miss?
Francisca: (nods) Yes, we will. (takes a deep breath) As we're all pretty much aware of, we were attacked just nearly a week ago by those extra-terrestrial annoyances, and what caught us all off-guard was despite getting both Ladybug and Cat Noir's assistance, the third "hero" named Null was assisting our enemies.
Chad: (curiously) Uh, sorry for interrupting, but I noticed we're missing a few more agents. Shouldn't we wait for them?
Philly: (shakes his head) Nah, that would take too much time. It's probably better to just continue on and fill them in when they do arrive.
Francisca: Exactly, Philly. Now, back to the subject at hand, that Null individual is currently said to be another hero of Paris, yet he aligns himself with the same species that thrive off preventing Humanity's evolution and exploration of the cosmos. Why? (some murmurs are heard) We don't have any answers, so the best we can do is scavenge for possible clues and make theories based on them. Anyone have any ideas so far?
Sebastian: (raises his hand) Well, from what I've seen from saved recordings of their battles, Null's abilities seem to be... completely strange. (names them on his fingers) Casting shields, pyrokinesis, and he can create miniature black holes? Even though Ladybug can summon items and fix any damage after purifying an akuma, Null's still feels out of place.
Ted: Then I guess we can assume he's possibly not human?
Francisca: (shakes her head) Possibly shapeshifting. Those abominations from Polus can do it, so maybe "Null" can do the same...
While more potential theories are beginning to form, the doors to the meeting room suddenly burst open as an exhausted figure enters the room. That person is none other than Winston, who walks to the table and takes the seat next to Ted.
Francisca: (raises an eyebrow) You're late, Winston. Some of us thought you wouldn't be able to make it today.
Winston: (tilts his hat) Apologies, Commander Francisca. Something just came up that needed my attention.
Scientist: (in a snarky tone) Spending more money on keeping that "precious moustache" you proclaim to have, Davis? (many others laugh)
Winston: (defensively) No I didn't! I quit that habit, remember? I was just... (pauses) Getting an update on a family member, okay?
Francisca: (raises her voice) Enough gossip! Leave that for your lunch breaks. (takes a deep breath) Now, regarding what happened nearly a week ago. With most of our blueprints and parts of Project: Gripley either stolen or destroyed, multiple other Sectors across Europe have also suffered ambushes. (throws some documents onto the table) Commander Halt and his squad in Finland have been critically injured, many of our weapons facilities in Germany have been burned down, and most of our bases down in southern France have been attacked by Impostorm agents. (mumbles to herself) At least that last one ended in a victory for us...
Sebastian: (sombrely) Three different locations all attacked in the last few days... And so many agents have lost their lives trying to defend others... (hears her phone ringing) Oh, big Sis, do you mind if I-
Francisca: (nods) Go ahead. You can step outside and answer it. (Sebastian leaves the room)
Philly: (pounds his fists on the table) We can't let these demons from outer space get the best of us! I say we request for MIRA to blow up their home planet! Obliterate their main base and trap them on Earth, where we can hunt them down! (many security guards cheer in agreement)
Francisca: (narrows her eyes) As much as I'd love to agree on that plan, I'm afraid we can't, Philly. Not only because Polus still has more resources that we need to obtain and analyse properly, but after losing Project: Gripley, I doubt the elites would trust us with more firepower. (takes a swig of alcohol) This day just can't get any worse...
Sebastian: (bursts in looking worried) Francisca!! Things just got worse!!
Ted: (concerned) Why? Is another Impostorm group on our doorsteps again?!
Sebastian: (shakes his head) No, it's much worse! The elites are furious and demanding an explanation for why we informed them about shipments of Project: Gripley getting abducted, and they're sending their top agent from America to get answers!
Chad: (shocked) Their top agent?! Isn't that...
Winston: (nervously) The figure that outranks Francisca?!
Sebastian: (nods) The very same... Agent Warchief...
Francisca: (shouts) Agent Warchief is coming here?! (groans into her hands) We'll never be able to explain how this went down... Unless... (pounds the table with her fists) Ted! Get yourself and every other tech expert onto the cameras and try to find any footage from the attack that's salvageable! Everyone else! If Warchief asks questions, answer them honestly and without hesitation!! (stands up) This meeting's over!!
From that response, everyone piles out of the meeting room and heads back to their normal duties before the emergency discussion was announced, with Ted and a small team of fellow tech experts in the building rush into the computer room to hopefully find any remaining footage. With everyone bursting out, Francisca takes another swig of her alcohol and marches into her private quarters, where she stares at two different walls that have pictures of Impostorm agents, one side having them crossed off.
Looking at the side that didn't have any crosses marked on the pictures, she grits her teeth and lets out an aggressive scream, before chucking her bottle at the list of agents that haven't been killed or captured, watching her drink break upon hitting the wall as she keeps a vengeful glare on her face.
Francisca: (bitterly) So you think I'll just let you take advantage of me losing an important tool for our mission? (chuckles darkly) Think again, you monsters. Humanity will evolve thanks to what you're all hiding on that planet, and I won't be satisfied until all of you are eradicated!! (loudly declares) So be prepared for our retaliation!! It will come one day, and every single one of you, whether adults or children, will never be granted the sweet release of death!! Not until I'm satisfied!!
Francisca: (sombrely) For the ones you took away from me and Sebastian...
Elsewhere from the French Sector of MIRA HQ, back over with the main group of (Y/N) and the Impostorm agents, the young boy has currently finished making breakfast and placed four plates onto the dinner table, with the trio of Red, Blue, and Green soon coming down the stairs and taking their seats.
Red: (happily munches on some sausages) Great breakfast as always, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): (happily beams) Thanks, Red! Though, isn't this the tenth time you've spoken with your mouth full?
Blue: (rolls his eyes) It has, and just like the previous nine times, he doesn't listen.
Red: (swallows and glares at Blue) You can't blame me, Blue! This cooking is just great that it needs to be praised!
Green: (smirks) I think Red kinda has a point there, Blue. (winks at (Y/N)) Our little human seems to have a magic touch when it comes to cooking.
(Y/N): (blushes) It-It's nothing sp-special, guys... It's just a n-normal breakfast with some extra spices to slightly improve the t-taste... (has some egg for a moment) Oh, I also forgot, we have a test on tectonic plates today, and we can possibly use some notes Blue took to help us out.
Red: (groans) I forgot we had a test on that subject. I honestly fell asleep through his whole explanation. (chuckles) But didn't Blue get into a small argument with one of those questions?
Blue: (grits his teeth) Don't remind me. It doesn't make sense that the correct answer to who discovered the idea of continental drift is Alfred Wegner when it was actually Abraham Ortelius?!
Green: (shrugs) Guess that's how history works sometimes, Blue. Some people who actually discovered something get their credit stolen by someone else.
After their little talk at the table, the four finish their breakfasts and get ready for the upcoming school day, getting cleaned and dressed first, then packing any important equipment for their lessons before heading out the front door. Along the way, Red decides to strike up another conversation, this time about something important to their little team.
Red: (glances at Blue) So, did you find any information on MIRA, Blue? Anything like any new plans that we might need to deal with in the future?
Blue: (shakes his head) Unfortunately, all I could find was that some agents from America were paying a visit for an inspection of the damages from our recent attack. No information on any new tools of war, just a simple check-up.
(Y/N): W-Well, I guess that means we might not have to worry about them for a while... Even if we still have to deal with whatever Chloe and Hawk Moth throw at us throughout the rest of the week.
Blue: (gives a small smile) I guess that's the best we can have at the moment.
Not long after wrapping up their conversation on MIRA HQ, the group of four soon arrive at College Francoise Dupont and enter the building, soon making their way to their respective classroom. Once there, they take their seats for the History lesson, with (Y/N) sitting right next to Red and a student named Nathaniel, who appears to be more focused on drawing in a sketchbook with him. As for Green and Blue, the former is sitting next to Alya, who hasn't arrived yet, and a more energetic and bubbly girl named Rose, and the latter has his sit assigned at the edge, next to Max.
A few minutes later, and the rest of the class enter and take their respective seats, with the history teacher soon walking over to his desk at the front of the room. The history teacher appears to be a tall and elderly man, having no hair on his head but seems to have bushy brown sideburns. He also is wearing glasses, and is wearing a blue coat over a grey shirt. This is Herman Graves, the second nicest teacher in College Francoise Dupont, but is more known for having an incredibly monotone voice.
Mr. Graves: (places some papers onto his desk) Good morning, class. I hope you've gathered some notes from yesterday's lesson on Tectonic Plates, as we shall be having a test on them later after lunch. For today's lesson, we shall be learning about the Ice Age. (starts writing on the chalkboard) The Ice Age is a period of time when the temperature of Earth's surface and Atmosphere results in the expansion of both ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Now, who can tell me the name of the French geographer who published his journey to the Alps of Savoy?
Blue: (raises his hand) Pierre Martel.
The lesson continues on for nearly a full hour, with most of the students trying to find ways to avoid falling asleep during class, and a rare number paying attention. After Mr. Graves's lesson, the class move onto Miss Bustier's class, who has her Literature lesson go over some classic novels like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and George Orwell's Animal Farm. After another hour, the bell rings and the class pile out into the courtyard for a well-needed break, and the group of four choose to sit on a nearby bench.
Red: (yawns) Man, Mr. Graves sounds like he's getting more boring as the subjects continue.
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) Well, to be fair, he is pretty old, so it might be difficult for him to make his topics sound interesting. (passes his group some notes) Also, I think it's best we read over these notes at least one more time, just so we know most of the answers for the upcoming test.
Kim: (runs over) Hey, dudes! You guys wanna join us for some Basketball? We're down a few players.
Red: (stands up) Sure, I guess playing some Basketball to pass the time wouldn't hurt.
Green: (also stands up) Same here. Sitting down for most of the day really gets your legs stiff, and they really need stretching.
As Red and Green head over to pass the time with Basketball while Blue and (Y/N) read over the former's notes, back over at the French Sector of MIRA HQ, Francisca, Sebastian, and numerous other members are standing on the roof of the building, anxiously awaiting for the expected arrival of their higher up, and the expected chewing out he'll be giving them. Soon, a helicopter with the main logo of MIRA slowly descends, changing from a speck in the sky to the obvious aerial machine it is, as the side door opens up and four individuals step out.
The first new person appears to be a young adult with jet black hair and noticeable sideburns, and is wearing the standard MIRA uniform with his facial expression showing a cocky smirk. The second figure has short blonde hair and is also wearing the standard uniform, but appears to be more awkward and nervous, constantly darting his eyes back and forth between the gathered agents, almost like he's worried they might be secretly judging him. The third figure seems to have long brown hair with some neon green streaks dyed in, a very long moustache above his lips, and green headphones around his neck. He also appears to be wearing some engineer clothing.
And finally, the fourth figure is the one Francisca was expecting to be here. Agent Warchief himself. The man appears to be very tall and have a slightly dark skin colour, wearing a large MIRA hat that covers most of his short purple hair, and a white button-up shirt underneath a grey jacket with purple collars. The sleeves are short, so they reveal his arms and the multiple scars covering them. He also is wearing long black trousers held up by a hidden belt, with grey shoes and purple socks that match his hair colour. As for his facial expression, he has cold black eyes and a cigarette in his mouth.
As soon as Agent Warchief steps out of the helicopter and marches in front of the other three figures, Francisca and the others immediately bow their heads to their superior, whose expression doesn't change as he calmly takes out his cigarette to blow out some smoke.
Francisca: (raises her head) Agent Warchief, we are happy to have you here at our French Sector. Now, may I ask who those other three behind you are? We haven't requested any extra hands in Paris.
Warchief: (gestures to them) That's because they aren't for this base in Paris. They're for the many smaller bases down in the southern areas in France, seeing as the attacks have unfortunately taken some lives. (points to the headphones figure) First up is Harold Ronson. He's transferring over from janitor duties at his old sector in Norway, and has some impressive skills in maintenance.
Harold: (flashes a thumbs-up) Pleasure to meet y'all. If your machineries happen to be unresponsive, give me a call and I'll come lend a hand or two.
Ted: (speaks up) O-Oh, could you quickly help us out in the main computer room on the eighth floor? We've been trying to recover some camera feed from nearly a week ago, but can't. (Harold nods) Thanks.
Warchief: (gestures to the shy one) The one that looks like he's about to faint is Dave Panpa. Despite how worried he looks, he's recently joined and is eager to do a good job. Just be nice with him, and he won't let you guys down.
Dave: (nervously chuckles) H-Hi there, e-everyone. H-Happy to be l-lending a hand to our o-organisation.
Sebastian: (happily beams) Welcome to the team, Dave!
Warchief: (gestures to the serious one) And finally is Rupert Price, who's been slowly climbing up the ranks throughout the years. He's joined the instant he graduated from high school and has been working for MIRA for about eight years, making him almost a veteran to the company.
Rupert: (walks to Francisca) So, you're the legendary Parasite Hunter that I've heard so much about of during my many years working in MIRA? Well, let me just say, it's wonderful to finally meet you in person! (offers a handshake) Both you and Agent Warchief are my most biggest idols, and I can't wait to possibly work with you guys in the future!
Francisca: (accepts the handshake) Really? Well, I hope you're fine with waiting a bit more until that day hits, as for now, we're occupied with more pressing problems. (glances at Warchief) Speaking of which, I'm guessing you want to get this over with and listen to my explanation?
Warchief: (nods) Yes. The sooner I get back to the American Sectors, the sooner I can resume interrogating and getting some much-needed answers from our prisoners.
Francisca and Sebastian soon lead Warchief towards their office, walking through multiple hallways while passing by other agents; the whole atmosphere growing cold and intimidating the instant the higher ranking agent stepped into the building. As soon as they reach the main office, Francisca takes her seat with Sebastian standing right beside her, ready to calm his older sister down, as Warchief simply moves his chair aside, instead choosing to stand.
Francisca: (sighs) So, I guess we shouldn't beat around the bush.
Warchief: (sternly) We should. Almost a full day after the shipments containing both the parts and blueprints for Project: Gripley, we get an emergency report saying that nearly 85% of the deliveries have been either stolen or destroyed. Care to explain what happened that day? I'm all ears.
Francisca: (shudders) Well, since the shipments were incredibly important for upcoming missions up on Polus, both me and Sebastian requested for some assistance from both Ladybug and Vat Noir, who accepted-
Warchief: (holds up a hand) Hold on a minute. Ladybug and Cat Who?!
Francisca: (mumbles) Right, nobody has been informed of them yet. (speaks up) You see, lately during Paris, there's been this weird man who has a questionable interest in butterflies transforming civilians into villains that you'd see in children books, and these two people called Ladybug and Cat Noir are fighting against them.
Sebastian: (eagerly) They've got some incredibly agility and planning skills during fights, and they've got some awesome superpowers! I've even got all of their fights recorded on my phone, from their first appearance to the present day!
Warchief: (deadpans) So you're telling me that you've been getting help from young adults in weird costumes and superpowers? (takes a puff of his cigarette) Normally, I'd be heavily questioning you both right about now, but I've been recently hearing about similar things going on over in New York, so I don't really have room to judge you guys on getting help. (shrugs) Besides, the more hands, the better we can capture. Think you can send me a document on those two when you get the chance? (Sebastian nods) Thank you, Sebastian.
Francisca: (smirks) That's my little brother, always willing to help out the squad. Speaking of which, when the agents launched their attack, we were unable to capture or eliminate any of the three, but-
Warchief: (his eye twitches) Your sector was attacked by only three agents?! Did any of those three happen to be... The most wanted trio?
Francisca: (shakes her head) No, Agent Warchief. Neither of the three that invaded were either the Shadow Devil, the Deceitful Seraphim, or the Crimson Succubus. However-
Warchief: (raises his voice) So you mean to tell me that you just let 85% of recently created MIRA equipment get either destroyed or stolen for those invading scumbags to use against us?! (groans) Are you getting rusty, Francisca, or are you multiple captures and kills starting to inflate that invisible ego of yours? No, better question, are you possibly going soft on those monsters?!
Francisca: (offendedly gasps) I would never consider offering one of those parasitic pieces of filth any ounce of mercy! Every single one of their kind, I want to personally drive to extinction, especially after-
Warchief: (interrupts) I already know where this rant is going, Francisca. And just like the many times you've shouted it to the heavens, we understand your motive, and gladly will assist in helping you enact revenge. But that doesn't excuse the fact that not only did you lose a majority of Project: Gripley mechs, but also are requesting for tons of machinery and a new reactor to replace those that were destroyed in an explosion!! (pinches the bridge of his nose) I swear, if you don't give me a good excuse, I will be heavily requesting for the chairmen's to consider demoting you!!
Francisca: (nervously shaking) W-Well, you s-see... The th-thing is I- Wait, I-I mean...
As Francisca desperately attempts to stammer up any kind of sentence to explain what happened, Warchief internally considers this as a waste of time, and prepares to make his way over to the office door, only to stop when both Ted and Harold suddenly burst into the room, the former waving a USB around in his hand frantically.
Ted: Miss Francisca!! We were able to salvage the camera footage from the attack, just like you requested! Though the audio is a bit corrupted, the video feed doesn't have any problems!
Francisca: (screams excitedly) Thank you, Ted!! I swear, if I was into pursuing a romantic relationship, I would French Kiss you on the spot!! (realises what she just said) Uhm... Just forget what came out of my mouth, everybody... (blushes brightly)
Warchief: (sighs) I've heard worse, and none of it came from Jim. So, what's so special about what's on that USB?
Francisca: (instantly regains her composure) Well, if you must know, it can help me explain just what happened on that night. But just in case the footage doesn't do well, before you were interrupting me a few times earlier, I was going to explain something that surprised most of us: It appears those bloodthirsty amalgamations have an unidentified ally on their side, who helped them during the attack.
Warchief: (his eyes slightly widen) An unidentified ally? (leans forward) Elaborate, one of you two.
Sebastian: (speaks up) I-If I may, A-Agent Warchief. This unidentifiable figure is actually another hero here in Paris, though they claim to neither be on the side of good or evil. Their alias is called "Null" and have superpowers as well, though they're even more stranger than the others. (naming them on his fingers) He can levitate, create these shield domes, create fire and explosives from his hands, and even summon these black holes from his fingers!
Francisca: (gets passed the USB) And if you're still unsure about what we're saying is true or not, then I guess we should let the footage do the talking.
The Parasite Hunter then inserts the USB into the computer on her desk and turns the monitor around so Agent Warchief can get a proper view at the footage, as she starts playing the recovered footage. On each recording, the purple-coloured member of MIRA is able to see the three Impostorm agents battling against the crew in the French Sector, taking on both Ladybug and Cat Noir, and most importantly, witnessing Null alongside them, from the beginning of the attack all the way to the battle against Francisca piloting a mech of Project: Gripley.
Despite the audio being corrupted, leading to most of the recorded voices and other sounds coming out of the speakers as incredibly distorted and irritating, what's visible clearly shows that Francisca's statement was true. Speaking of which, the MIRA agent and Impostorm hunter stops the last bit of footage and looks over at Warchief, who seems to be taking what he just witnessed carefully.
Francisca: (takes the USB out) And that's all we have so far. Any ideas on what we should do with this?
Warchief: (takes a deep breath) First, I want you to send me a copy of those camera footage the instant you can, and I'd also like a document on those superheroes, all three of them. In return, not only will I use them to explain to those above us about what happened earlier this week, but also I'll get your department new equipment and give your team a document about the heroes in New York in return.
Francisca: (happily sighs) Thank you, Agent Warchief. Any deadlines for when you want what you ordered?
Warchief: (walks to the door) Just give me them in about three months please, and send those three down south ASAP. (stops) Also, you mind if I briefly stop by the cafeteria and get myself a quick Manhattan for the flight back?
Francisca: (nods) Go right ahead, Agent Warchief.
As Warchief leaves the room with both Ted, Harold, and Sebastian soon leaving seconds later, with Francisca being left alone in their main office, as she begins to let out quiet laughs, before bursting into a more megalomaniacal tone while marching forward to the wall of Impostorm agents she's encountered and faced, with her younger brother seeing her face warp into a frightening grin.
Francisca: (gritting her teeth) Just you wait, you bottom-feeding Alpha Bravos. Every single one of your kind will eventually be under our feet, and I will personally make sure that planet and the society you've built becomes nothing but a forgotten memory! Because if there's one thing MIRA always has, it's the ability to come up with countermeasures in case something goes wrong.
Francisca: (sticks a picture of Null onto the wall) And don't think your little ally will be safe, too! The instant I get my hands on them, they'll be rotting away in an underground lab, begging to be put down instead of being dissected live! (forms her hands into fists) I swear... I swear... I will personally burn you all alive.
At this point, the leader of the French Sector reaches for her bottle of alcohol to help her calm down, knowing that if she lets her rage consume the remaining amount of self-control she has left, it'll end with her potentially attacking her little brother or her partners blindly. However, someone else happened to pick up Francisca's increasing anger, as the window to their lair opens up.
Hawk Moth: (grins) My, my... Never have I sensed so much anger and hatred in one single figure. She might be the one who'll defeat those heroes, unlike the last attempt. (corrupts a butterfly) Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize this vengeful government agent!
With a flick of his staff, the akuma flies out the tiny opening in the window and out across the streets of Paris, heading towards its targeted victim at the MIRA HQ building. At first, it had trouble finding a way in, but managed to enter by slipping through one of the many air ducts, and travels towards the person it will transform into a villain.
Back over at College Francoise Dupont, the school day has progressed from break straight back to lessons. After continuing the second half of the Literature lesson and completing the test on Tectonic Plates, most of the class are now in P.E, taking part in a game of Football. Currently, Kim is dribbling the ball right past an exhausted Mylene, before avoiding Red attempting to steal the ball and passes it to both (Y/N) and Alix.
Kim: (calls out) Come on, team! All we gotta do is score one last point and then we win the game!
Alix: (runs beside (Y/N)) You doing okay? Haven't seen you moving around the field much.
(Y/N): (panting) Yeah, just not really good at playing Football. (passes the ball to Alix) At least I'm giving it my all.
Alix: (nods) That's right.
Green: (calls out) Pass it here! I'm wide open!
Hearing the request, Alix kicks the ball over the approaching Ivan and Nathaniel, where Green catches the ball on the other side and makes a sprint for the goal, soon getting ready to kick it past Nino and score the last point. Unfortunately, Red comes in from behind and swipes the ball away and books it straight for the other goal, evading every player that comes his way and kicks the ball straight past Max, scoring the final point and winning the game for his team.
Red: (cheers) Woo!! Yeah, that's how it's done!! Slip by and steal the victory, it almost works!! (walks over to Kim) That was a pretty close game, Kim. Maybe next game you might get lucky, or we'll be on the same team.
Kim: (chuckles and fist-bumps Red) Yeah, and then we can teach the ladies on the other team how real Football is played.
Green: (walks over) Better be careful with what you're saying, boys. Cause if you're not careful, then we'll just take the victory right from underneath your noses.
Alix: (walks over) Correct, my feminine friend. (looks to Red and Kim) Keep poking the bears with those sticks, boys. See what that earns you both.
Armand: (claps his hands) Alright class, that is the end of P.E and the end of your school day. Now, go and be free, and enjoy your weekends however you see fit.
And with that, the class get changed and retrieve their stuff from the changing room before leaving and start making their ways back to their homes, either to relax or to engage in some activities. Over with the main group of Impostorm agents, all Blue could gather on any information involving MIRA are just some members being transferred over to the bases in the southern areas of Paris, which might be good to keep in mind for the future.
So for now, the group decide to spend the day over at the café, enjoying some milkshakes they ordered for themselves while playing another campaign of Trials and Titans, where the group is in the middle of fighting against a massive ogre in the middle of an open field, and Green is going for an attack.
Green: (grabs the die) Alright, so if it's not a good idea to attack from a distance, then I'm gonna go behind it and stab it in the ankle! (rolls a 15) Okay, and with the plus 3 on my dagger, this means I'm able to land the attack.
(Y/N): (nods) That's it. Just roll the D6 for how much damage you deal to the ogre. (Green rolls a four) Alright, you slash at the ogre's ankles, digging deep into its skin and drawing blood as the monster roars in agony. (looks to Red) Red, it is your turn now.
Red: (confidently) I'll climb up that ugly titan and attack its neck with my battle axe! (rolls a 3) Dammit!
(Y/N): (chuckles) Sorry Red, but you fail to climb up the ogre and fall to the ground, injuring your back in the process. Now it's your opponents turn, and it's going to kick Red away from the field. (rolls a 17) The ogre kicks Red straight towards a stony pillar, leading to the thief getting a cut on his stomach by the toenail and his spine gets critically injured, giving him a minus 5 to his roles.
Red: (pouts) Great, now I'm hindered.
Blue: (glances at Red) Why did you think climbing up the ogre was a good idea?
Red: (raises his voice) It seemed like a good idea in my head! Don't judge me!
Green: (nudges Red) Keep it down, Red, unless you want us to get kicked out for causing a disturbance in here?
As Red mutters out a few quiet apologies, the entrance to the café suddenly bursts open as a child runs in, looking like they've been heavily crying and don't plan on stopping. Upon noticing the child, the group of four realise at their own paces that the child is the same one that Marinette was looking after during the whole "Stormy Weather" incident, as the cashier walks over to her.
Cashier: (calmly) Hey, is something the matter, little girl? Does your mother know where you are?
Manon: (sobbing) Call-Call a fire truck, please! My house and others are suddenly being set on fire, and my mommy is stuck inside one of them!
Cashier: (shocked) What?! Hold on, I'll alert the authorities. Just stay here for now, please.
The cashier soon pulls his phone out of his pocket and begins dialling for the fire department, before explaining the situation Manon just told him to the crew on the other end. Meanwhile over at the table at the far end of the café, the four Impostorm have heard the entire situation, and soon lean in closer to discuss it more privately.
Blue: (whispers) Buildings suddenly being set ablaze? This is clearly a situation where someone has been turned into a villain.
(Y/N): (nods) Yeah, but the question is who got turned into a villain. And judging by the mention of fires, I doubt my Burst Form would be of any use in this battle.
Green: (shrugs) So I'm guessing we'll be going into this mostly blind, which means we'll have to come up with some kind of plan right in the middle of the fight.
Red: (smirks) And that's the best way to tackle these obstacles, cause it's the most fun way! Now let's go and kick some villain butt!
After paying for their milkshakes, packing away the Trials and Titans set, and sneaking into a nearby alleyway without drawing any attention to themselves, the three parasites from another planet shapeshift into their other disguises while (Y/N) activates the Cosmicubes and transforms into Null. The group then climb onto the rooftops and notice multiple buildings across Paris are up in flames, though the locations seem to be completely random, and appear to not have any connections.
Blue: (puts a hand to his chin) Hmm, seems as if the villain might be trying to throw us in for a loop, judging by the fires being spread apart.
(Y/N): Or the buildings might be related to their motive, and we don't know the answer at the moment. (crosses his arms) Regardless, I suggest that we split up into two groups to deal with the fires.
Red: (wraps an arm around (Y/N)) If that's the case, then I choose to go with Null! It's been a while since me and him went on a mission together, after all.
Blue: Then I'll go with Green. In the meantime, try to find any methods to put out the fires or save civilians, and make sure to message and alert us just in case you encounter the villain. That way, we won't be caught off-guard if they escape and run into us. (Red and Null nod) Alright then, let's do this, Impostorm agents!
With a confident cry coming from all four members, the team splits up in two different directions, with Null and Red heading off to the West side of Paris, while Green and Blue travel to the East side of Paris. Over with the former two, they reach what appears to be market with all the stands having been ignited, and many collapsed equipment preventing those that are trapped inside a chance to escape.
With a quick transformation into his Burst Form, Null and Red leap over the worried crowd and into the burning market to help the people trapped inside. Once they reach the cornered group, the emotion anomaly destroys the growing mountains of rubble blocking the exits, as the crimson parasite helps everyone evacuate, carrying those who have passed out over his shoulders. A few minutes after getting everyone out of the market, a swarm of fire trucks arrive at the scene, with both Ladybug and Cat Noir also arriving.
Cat Noir: Alright, so what's the issue? (looks at Null jokingly) Did you happen to sneeze a few times and your powers went out of control? (Red chuckles)
(Y/N): (shakes his head) While that joke was decent, that isn't what happened. All we know is a new villain has likely appeared, and is responsible for the numerous recent fires. Unfortunately, all these attacks appear to be random at the moment, due to no evidence at the moment pointing to a motive, and we have no idea where they could be right now.
Marinette: (gives a concerned look) A new akumatized villain with no clear motive and location? How will we find them with so many fires? (the group notices a new burning building a few streets away)
Red: (gestures to the new fire) By heading over to the recent attack and seeing what we can find there. (sprints off) Last one there doesn't get to defeat the arsonist!!
Brushing off what Red just said, the three heroes soon follow after him towards the current house being set ablaze, where they spot the figure responsible for the fires in a standoff against a squad of police officers. The villain appears to be fully decked out in red and grey armour, with the most eye-catching details being the twin flamethrowers attached to their wrists and arms, the two gas tanks on their back that are attached to the villain's primary weapons, their helmet resembling a metal torch, and how their eyes are covered by some shades.
Officer: (shouts via megaphone) You have the right to remain silent! Now put away your weapons and-
The fire-themed villain instead lets out an angered roar and unleashes a massive blast of fire at the officers, forcing them to take cover behind their vehicles. With the villain now distracted for the moment, Ladybug throws her yo-yo and and wraps it around the foe before tossing him right over herself and the others, with Null and Red taking the chance to attack with a fireball and bullet for good measure before running over to check on the police officers.
Officer: (peeks from cover) Ladybug! Cat Noir! Null and his partner! Thank goodness you're here!
Ladybug: Don't worry. We'll take it from here. In the meantime, head to the other burning buildings and try to help those that are in danger.
Cat Noir: (confidently) Yeah, we've got the villain situation all under control. Speaking of which, we should probably get back to- (gets knocked away by a fireball) Dealing with him.
???: (cackles) Oh, I can't wait to burn all four of you to ashes!
The villain aims his two flamethrowers at the other three heroes and unleashes multiple beams of fire at them, forcing the group to split up. Ladybug attempts to attack from the distance with her yo-yo again, but the inferno threat forced the superheroine away by slamming his flamethrowers into the ground, and sent multiple waves of fire at her. As Ladybug leaps away from the attack as the villain keeps focusing on her, until they get blindsided by Red shooting their armour and gauntlets.
In another fit of rage, they unleash multiple flaming projectiles straight at the parasite, only for Null to leap in and shoot back his own attacks, their long-ranged attacks cancelling each other out. Taking the chance, the emotion anomaly began charging up before lunging forward and tackling the villain further down the street, only to get slammed in the side of the head by the flamethrowers as his throat is tightly gripped.
???: (maliciously) The astral anomaly! How perfect that you'll be the first one to die by my flames! And then, your partners will soon join the same fate!!
(Y/N): (struggling to free himself) What are you... even saying?! I don't even... know who the hell you are!!
Cat Noir: (runs over) Exactly! So why don't you just release him and we can talk it-
???: (knocks Cat Noir away) Silence!! This is something that I refuse to let slide! What I'm doing is setting the score, getting revenge for those that these cretins have harmed, and I won't rest until every speck of their skin has been scorched!! So says I, Pyro!!
Red: (deadpans) Hold on a minute? Pyro is your villain name? Wow, I guess Hawk Moth is getting lazier with villain names sooner than expected.
Pyro: (glares at Red) Alright then, guess you're more eager to die first!!
Tossing Null straight into another building, Pyro charges straight for the crimson parasite, who rolls away before being bombarded by massive fireballs being launched at his head. With the villain more focused on him, Ladybug lassoes her yo-yo around their waist and pulls their opponent towards her where she kicks him straight towards Cat Noir, who whacks him with his signature staff as the two Miraculous holders start pinning Pyro in a corner. However, the villain quickly escapes his predicament quickly by activating his flamethrowers and spinning in place, creating a cyclone of fire to protect himself in.
As Ladybug and Cat Noir are pushed back by the intensity of the heat, Null bursts back into the battle, igniting his fist and striking Pyro right on the helmet, cracking it as the villain is sent tumbling out before retaliating with a massive jet of fire, to which the emotion anomaly leaps over. The two blazing brawlers charge at each other, with Null sliding under Pyro's legs and evading more bursts of fire sent his way. Just then, the inferno villain gets struck on the gauntlets and back by Red unloading multiple bullets at him, creating an opening for Cat Noir to charge forward.
Cat Noir: (confidently smirks) Cataclysm!!
Activating his superpower, Cat Noir opens his right palm and prepares to strike at the armour with his claws, but Pyro digs their flamethrowers into the ground and sends multiple flaming geysers straight at the feline-themed hero, causing him to try and divert out of the way, which leads to him getting smacked into the jaw by the sudden fist. Upon getting sent flying to the ground, Cat Noir attempts to stand up, only to accidentally waste his superpower on a car due to his vision being blurry.
Cat Noir: (looks to the destroyed car) Oh, darn! Now I wasted my powers! (hears his ring beep)
Red: (sarcastically) Shouldn't you be more worried about getting sued by whoever owns that car?
Cat Noir: (shrugs) I'll worry about it if capturing the akuma doesn't fix that issue.
Turning back to the battle, both Ladybug and Null are trying to corner Pyro once again, with the former constantly jumping around the fire-themed villain and striking them on the arms, while the latter keeps launching waves of fire from a distance. All of this begins to greatly anger Pyro, who decides its time to literally crank the heat up... to insane reaches. They dig their flamethrowers into the ground once again, and this time start to pour more energy into their weapons, leading to the ground below all five figures feeling hotter than usual, and even orange cracks begin shining through the cracks in the road.
(Y/N): (looking at the ground) Hey, why are the cracks glowing?
Ladybug: (eyes widen) Uh oh... Quick, we need to-
But it's too late for the heroes, as the entire block erupts into a massive fire, thankfully without any civilians caught in the attack, but the heroes are now trapped, surrounded by walls of fire and scorching temperatures, leading to them all heavily sweating. That's when Null notices that Red seems to be... struggling to stand up, and is he also beginning to melt away?! In a panic to help his friend, the emotion anomaly runs forward to try and get his partner out of the way, only to notice from the corner of his view... Pyro is running straight for him, their fist now lit ablaze.
(Y/N): (quietly) Forgive me for this, Red... (takes a deep breath) GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!
At the last second before impact, Null summons his shield to protect not himself, but rather his partner from the intense heat, willingly choosing to try and withstand the attack as he gets struck in the chest and sent flying over the rooftops, making it difficult to try and locate where he might've landed. The other three figures cry out in worry, before all nodding to each other and quickly evacuate before they can receive the same punishment. As for Pyro, they just look at the damage they've caused and smirk, before marching away from the area, letting the street eventually burn and wither away...
Meanwhile over with both Blue and Green, they're occupied with helping out multiple other citizens across Paris, evacuating them out of burning buildings or areas and helping in guiding them to safer areas while the fire department try their hardest to put out the raging fires. After guiding the recent group of innocents to another safe zone, the two parasites climb onto the rooftop of a small diner to take a quick breather.
Green: (sighs) Man, the more we help out in getting away from these fires, the more areas I think are getting set ablaze every time we turn our backs.
Blue: (nods) I agree with you there, Green. At first, I thought these raging fires were just randomly appearing, but I'm starting to think that these are actually planned. (looks at his hand) Speaking of which, it's best that we start thinking of taking routes that lead away from those bonfires. Repeated exposure to these rising temperatures are slowly putting our nucleus at risk of Cell Death.
Green: (groans) Don't remind me of that. Brings back uncomfortable memories of watching other agents getting incinerated in custom-made furnaces and massive pools of lava. (hears a sound from her phone) Hold on a minute, just got a message from Red, and judging by the exclamation marks, it seems very serious.
Red: (typing) Me and (Y/N) just fought the villain!! They're pretty tough and can create very strong fire!! Be careful should they encounter you both!
Green: (typing) Thanks for the warning. Are you and (Y/N) safe?
Red: (typing) I just got lucky and barely escaped before melting. As for (Y/N), not so much. He took a hit for me, and we dunno where he is. I hope he's okay.
Green: (typing) He will be, Red. He probably needs a place to recover first. Hope we can meet up and deal with the villain together. (puts her phone away) Seems the villain is a dangerous arsonist, as they gave Red and (Y/N) big trouble.
Blue: (spots the burning street in the distance) Then our approach will have to be careful and cautious, so we don't potentially get sinched and lose the ability to recover any fatal wounds. (sees another building go up in flames) Guess we really don't have the best options, either we go after them now or wait for the villain to find us. (looks to Green) Don't tell Red this, but I guess we have to rely on his mindset.
Green: (zips her lips) Don't worry, I won't be telling him anything about this talk. (brandishes her knife) Now let's go take this pyromaniac down!
Preparing his own weapon, Blue nods as he and Green start travelling across the rooftops in the direction of the recent burning building, believing that's where the villain is at the moment. Speaking of the antagonist of the story, Pyro is currently marching through another Paris street after incinerating another random house, only to encounter another barricade of police officers and vehicles blocking his path. His response to this is letting out an angered roar before launching more swarms of blazing projectiles straight at the police, which scatter away.
However, before Pyro can plot to burn down another street, he feels something fast and heavy damage his shoulder, and turning around results in their armour getting damaged by a sharp blade, courtesy of Blue and Green springing a surprise attack. In anger the infernal threat aims both flamethrowers at them and release a torrent of flames in their direction, to which the two Impostorm agents quickly get out of the way, being separated from each other. In order to keep it that way, Pyro then aims his gauntlets to the sky and fires out multiple projectiles that rain down into the area, acting as miniature meteorites for those to avoid.
Both Blue and Green keep looking up to the sky to help make evading the flaming attacks easier, but that leaves them majorly vulnerable as the villain then charges at the brainiac of the two and knocks him to the side, slowly marching forward as he prepare to roast him into pieces. However, both Ladybug and Cat Noir quickly arrive onto the scene and help the intelligent Impostorm member out of danger by the former using her yo-yo to pull him to safety, while the latter quickly strikes the villain away.
Cat Noir: (playfully) Are you still trying to go and harm others? You really need a hobby. How about yoga?
Pyro: (angrily growls) Don't try and stop me from doing what I wish to bring! (points at Green and Blue) Those two and the rest of their team have brought nothing but heartache and death to those in their way! Are you really going to let them walk around freely?
Ladybug: (steps forward) Well, how about you look at what you're doing first, Pyro. Is letting your anger control your actions and harming innocents really what you want? (offers a hand) Come on, we can talk about this. You don't have to let your anger and frustration control you anymore-
Pyro: (slaps Ladybug's hand away) You think you can just think saying a few emotional words and expect me to side with you?! No! All of this destruction, it's to draw those monsters out!! Monsters likes them!! (points at Green and Blue) They just love to harm and kill others without any reason, and arresting them or keeping those things contained won't be enough! They must be terminated!!
Ladybug: (defiantly) You're wrong!!
Pyro: (angrily) Then you can be terminated with them!!
Right before Pyro can roast Ladybug with an up-close flamethrower, Red arrives and knocks the infernal villain backwards with a bullet to the chest, allowing the spotty superheroine to rejoin her allies and prepare for the second round, which begins with the villain launching the first attack, being a massive blast from both flamethrowers to separate the group once again. Then, Pyro turns his attention over to the three parasites and begins relentlessly shooting fireballs at them, with Green evading each projectile as both Red and Green knock the hothead away with a combined shot from their weapons.
As Pyro gets sent flying down the streets, Ladybug and Cat Noir team in, only to find a massive jet of fire being launched their way, with no time to get out of its path...
Thankfully, Null appears in the nick of time in his Void form, and quickly lands in front of the two heroes, opening up a miniature black hole from his fingertips and easily pulls in the approaching stream of fire, rendering the attack useless as Pyro grows more angered from the astral anomaly returning.
(Y/N): (cackles) You think an ignited fist would be enough to hurt Moi? Well, I'll be happy to return the favour and snuff your light out!
Pyro: (lets some fire streams loose) Then come and withstand the heat if you dare!!
The two then charge at each other, engaging in close quarters combat for most of their struggle, with Null opening up more black holes to pull in any of Pyro's surprise fireballs. During this, both Ladybug and Cat Noir attempt to join the brawl and assist their ally, only for the blazing threat to quickly knock them aside with a flaming whip conjured from his gauntlets.
Ladybug: (grunts in pain) This is getting too intense. We need to wrap this up now! Lucky Charm! (summons a... water pistol) A water pistol?
Red: (leaps over) Maybe you could give that villain a good soak.
Hearing that, Ladybug looks towards the battle against Null and Pyro, resulting in her vision temporarily going monochrome, with only a few items flashing red with black spots. Those items being the gas canisters on Pyro's back, the flamethrowers attached to the gauntlets, the metal torch that acts as a helmet, and the water pistol in her hands. After noticing all four major items, an idea instantly begins forming in Ladybug's head.
Ladybug: (smirks) I've got an idea, put it might be risky to pull off. All it involves is up needing to damage some of his gear, and give it a good wash. Can you guys help me out?
Green: (nods and smirks) Don't worry, we'll put this villain's fire out, and we'll inform Null on the plan, as well.
Ladybug: (nods) Alright then. Let's do this!
The rest of the group then charge into the battle, seeing Null now levitating above Pyro and evading each of his attacks with major ease, making the villain grow even angrier as the fires he unleashes pick up in intensity. Seeing how the infernal foe is currently distracted, Green takes the opportunity to slash at the gas canisters on his back, leaving a hole big enough for the gas to escape and wide enough for Ladybug to jam the water pistol inside and pull the trigger, filling the inside with water.
Almost instantly, Pyro notices his gauntlets aren't letting out anymore gas to be set ablaze, instead shooting out multiple water droplets that heavily damage his main weapons. In a fit of anger, the villain turns around to see Ladybug and instantly swings his gauntlets down, planning to smash her over the head with them...
However, Null quickly transforms into his Neutral Form and summons a protective barrier around Ladybug, resulting in the gauntlets harmlessly bounce off the shield's surface, to which Red and Blue take advantage of by shooting the weapons, to which they broke apart and fell to the floor.
Cat Noir: (runs forward) Cataclysm!
Finally, Cat Noir activates his superpower once again and makes direct contact with Pyro's torch-like helmet, resulting in both it and the shades covering his eyes cracking and soon shattering into tiny pieces, followed by an akuma flying out of them.
Ladybug: (confidently) And where do you think you're going? No more evil doing for you, little akuma. (opens her yo-yo) Time to de-evilize! (catches the akuma) Gotcha! (releases the purified creature) Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!!
Shouting one of her recognisable catchphrases and throwing the water pistol into the air, the group watch it explode into the swarm of mystical ladybugs, which fly around Paris and instantly repair any damage caused by the akumatized villains, with every building having been burnt down or still on fire having the raging flames extinguished and any soot has now been removed.
Ladybug + Cat Noir: (fist bump) Pound it!
Red: (wipes his forehead) Man, I wish that water pistol stayed for longer. I could've really used it to cool off from that fight.
Green: (chuckles) How about a shower to help us end of this sizzling day, given how all of us had to fight near flamethrowers. Speaking of which, what do we do about-
Right as Green turns around to motion towards the unfortunate victim of akumatization, the group of six are shocked to find nobody sitting where Pyro was once standing, meaning whoever it was most likely fled the scene while the group didn't notice them.
Green: (shrugs) Forget what I was gonna say.
Cat Noir: No sweat. We didn't see who it was either, so best we can hope is that they've learnt to control their anger. (the group begin to head off) O-Oh, hold on a minute, you four! (the Impostorm agents turn back around) Listen, I know it might be annoying that we're bringing up the same topic again-
Blue: (sternly) Then make it quick or drop the subject right now.
Ladybug: (steps forward) Hold on. We know that you don't wanna say why you were attacking MIRA, but we just wanna say that in case any of you wanna open up, both me and Cat Noir are here if you need someone to talk to. (Cat Noir nods in agreement) Can we still count on you guys to help out here in Paris?
Hearing this, the four Impostorm agents look at each other in silence, before Null briefly holds one finger up as they huddle together, signalling they need a minute or two. After hearing some whispers from the little circle, with neither Miraculous heroes being able to understand any of it, the other four turn back to them.
(Y/N): We still don't trust you in knowing what our motive is, but we might share it in the future, given how none of us can predict what might happen then.
Blue: (adjusts his glasses) We'll still help out in dealing with these akumas when we have the chance, mainly because they... might prove to be a massive hinderance to our plans if they're not dealt with.
Ladybug: (gives a smile) That's fine with me. Take care, you four.
And with that, the two different groups of superheroes depart for the day, ready to relax with some nice warm showers, and sleep the rest of the evening away, before having to go through another dreaded school day again...
Later during the evening at the (L/N) household, the young autistic boy has just finished having his warm shower and is now wearing his star-themed pyjamas, walking down the staircase and towards the kitchen, planning on having one final snack before heading to bed. After grabbing himself a bowl of strawberries and cooking himself a bagel, he heads to the living room to enjoy his meal, only to see the trio of parasites sitting down on the couch, also in their pyjamas and also enjoying a meal of their choice. Green was having a salad, Blue was having a ham and cheese sandwich, and Red was currently munching on a burger he ordered from a nearby fast-food joint.
(Y/N): Hey, is there any room for me to join you guys?
Green: (nods) Oh, we don't mind. (makes some room) We were gonna put on a movie for the night and then call it an evening. You fine with that?
(Y/N): (smiles) Sure. (sits down) Today was pretty surprising and hectic, huh?
Red: (swallows his meal) Yeah, but looking back on it, there's something I just realised. Whoever the villain was, they seemed to be after us rather than the other two.
Green: (shrugs) How is that surprising? We're in the way, so-
Blue: (speaks up) No, Red might have a point. You mind elaborating further?
Red: (smirks) Think about it. Not only has the pyromaniac never spoke about needing to get their Miraculous, but whenever we were in group battles with the other heroes, the villain seemed to always go after us, only attacking either Ladybug or Cat Noir whenever they got in the way.
Green: (eyes widen) Hey, you're right!
(Y/N): (nervously) Y-You think it m-might've been someone f-from MIRA?
Blue: (stands up) Regardless of if one of MIRA'S agents got turned into a villain, I think this should be brought up to the others in Impostorm, just in case anybody else comes to assist in Paris. (walks off) Pick out what movie we're watching. I'll just be a moment.
The other three give Blue their own signs of acknowledgement before looking to the shelf of different movies and DVD compilations, consisting of mostly animated movies and shows of varying genres, mostly fantasy and adventure, with the occasional hidden horror movie hidden within the selection...
Bonus Clip!!
While the majority of Paris fall asleep underneath the endless stars in the sky, ranging from innocent civilians to the famous superheroes, one specific building remains full of activity despite the late hours. Inside the MIRA HQ facility, Francisca is seen walking through most of the hallways of the underground labs, having a container full of coffee rather than her usual alcohol glass.
After arriving to her destination, she takes a seat in an empty lab filled with equipment and chugs down a large gulp of her coffee as someone else soon arrives into the same room. That person being Philly Colin, who has an upset expression on his face, and is oddly missing the shades that he usually wears.
Francisca: (looks to Philly) Nice to see you made it here. Now, I'm guessing you know what exactly I called you here to talk about, right?
Philly: (sighs) Yes, I already know why. And I'd like to say... (kneels down) I'm sorry for failing the mission. What's more annoying is that when taking the opportunity to escape the scene without getting spotted, I... couldn't remember anything while I was "Pyro". It felt like I had blacked out from this morning and awoke in the afternoon.
Francisca: (raises an eyebrow) So when transformed by those weird butterflies, the person suffers some form of memory loss after losing said transformation. (gives a small smile) Thanks for the information, Philly. You have my permission to talk the next three days off to recover any lost stamina, and whenever we go through with our new plan, we'll send some hidden spy-cams to capture any important footage.
Philly gives a salute and soon leaves the quiet room, leaving Francisca to think about the information she was just told about. A few minutes later, she also leaves the room and heads off towards a different one, this one being filled with both equipment and the top scientists in her squad, where multiple monitors show multiple types of analysis on the creature they have in containment...
A captured akuma that somehow broke into Francisca's office earlier in the day...
Scientist: (nervously) U-Uh, are you sure potentially experimenting and exploiting what these... (motions to the akuma) Things are will help us in dealing with those extra-terrestrials? Wouldn't it be smarter to create some new weapons or chemicals that could harm their Nucleus directly?
Francisca: (shakes her head) No, we cannot. Not only would that cost us both money and recourses, but also because those disgusting specimens somehow keep finding out about our newest projects. (grins maliciously) But with these butterflies, once we find a way to clone and control them, we can produce a never-ending army of super soldiers with unstoppable powers! And then, no galactic nuisance will ever pose a threat to humanity! Not those creatures on Polus or their little partner!!
Covering her face with her hands, the leader of the French Sector lets a few quiet chuckles slip out from her fingers before bursting out into an insane laughter, her eyes being full of the same bloodthirsty emotion as every scientist in the room backs away in fear. They all know what happens when Francisca gets destructive: She won't be satisfied until whatever put her in this mood... has their blood staining her body, hands, and face...
Fun Fact about Red!!
Back when Red had first joined Impostorm, he wasn't that intelligent in many departments, to the point that it took Green and many others a few months just to teach their crimson partner Basic Subtraction. According to those involved, they all believe that it's impossible to reclaim the months they used up trying to teach Red.
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