Episode 2: Stone Strong Justice
The episode begins a day after the previous one ended off on, with multiple people all across Paris being turned into replicas of Stoneheart. Currently, the parisian news is continuing to discuss this topic, with Nadja Chamack providing the information that most want to hear.
Nadja: The stone beings are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being, they are showing no signs of movement. (pictures of the stone creatures are shown) Police have cordoned off the area.
Andre: We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway.
Officer: (nods beside the mayor) Mm-hmm.
Nadja: Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Null, to save us all. Our lives depend on them.
As the news continues to talk about the scattered stone beings, over at (Y/N)'s house, the young boy is changing the channel to something else while the three parasites are doing their own thing. To be more precise, Blue is recording their progress on their earlier DND campaign, Red is enjoying a sandwich he made, and Green is adjusting her hair into a ponytail.
(Y/N): (looks at his phone for a moment) Well, school is still opening despite the current problem all around Paris.
Red: (confused) Really? You'd think after all the damage those creatures have caused, especially to the front of the school, they'd give us the day off.
Blue: (looks up from his notes) Red, the only parts of the school that were damaged were the principal's office, and a security camera. Those can be easily repaired.
(Y/N): Not without a lot of money.
Green: (finishing her ponytail) Alright, I've got myself sorted out. How about the rest of you?
Red: (gulping down a bite) Just finishing the rest of my breakfast, and then we'll be ready to go. (looks to (Y/N)) Thanks for helping me out, (Y/N).
(Y/N): (chuckles) It's alright, Red.
Blue: I still don't know why you requested help making a Peanut-Butter and Gummy Worm sandwich with Barbeque Sauce.
Red: (offended) It tastes good!
(Y/N) and Green quickly intervene in order to prevent Red and Blue from attacking each other, before getting their school supplies ready and head off towards said school. Meanwhile with Marinette, she's watching the news with an expression of both shock and hidden guilt. Her father, who's been busy washing the dishes, takes notice of his daughters emotions, and puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Tom: Listen, I know how upsetting and scary this is, but don't worry, sweetie; we've got three superheroes looking out for Paris, and the best way of helping them is to show that we're not scared, because we trust them. (scrunches his fist with confidence and faith)
Marinette: (looks down in shame) But what if Ladybug fails?
Tom: Then I'd come and save you. (wields a baguette like a sword) Super Baker to the rescue!
Marinette begins to giggle at her father's actions, before feeling a lot more better and rewarding her dad with a polite kiss on the cheek.
Marinette: Thanks, Super Dad!
Marinette runs upstairs to her room, grabbing her purse before making her way to the stairs in order to head off to school. As she passes her drawer, however, her mind drifts off to the Miraculous box, in which she takes out and holds in her palm. After staring at it for a few seconds, contemplating on whether she should take it or not, before putting it in her purse and heading off, just in case.
Meanwhile, over at Adrien's house, Natalie is waiting for the young teen model to enter the dining area and continue his private lessons, but he doesn't show up after a while.
Natalie: (confused) Hmm, what's he doing? (goes up to his room) Adrien?
After searching his room and finding no trace of the young boy, both Natalie and Adrien's bodyguard report the bad news to Gabriel himself, who isn't happy to hear that his son has left the house again.
Gabriel: (strictly) You didn't see him leave? If anything has happened to my son, you'll be held responsible!
Over with Adrien himself, he's busy sprinting across Paris, currently running through the park so that he can reach the local school in time, all while his kwami is confused on this particular decision.
Plagg: (confused) You're such a strange kid. Who would wanna be at school when he can stay at home all day?
Adrien: You don't get it, Plagg. I've had enough of being shut up at home by my dad. I want to meet people and make friends, go to a normal school like everyone else!
Plagg: (moans and lags behind) I think I'm feeling weak...
Adrien soon stops running before turning back to his kwami, reaching into his bag, and pulling out a piece of Camembert Cheese, which the cat-like creature happily takes.
Adrien: You know what's strange? The fact that all you eat is this disgusting, rotten-smelling Camembert Cheese, and then I have to smell like it 24/7. That's strange.
Plagg: (gulps the cheese down in one bite) If you wanna be able to transform into a superhero, then stinky cheese is the deal, my friend!
Adrien gives his kwami a disgusted and annoyed look, before motioning him to hide back in his jacket. The kwami obliges, before the young blonde continues running towards the school, hoping that he can make it before Natalie and his bodyguard find him.
Meanwhile at College Francoise Dupont, (Y/N) and the three parasites have arrived in Miss Bustier's class, surprising earlier than most others. However, they soon notice another figure sitting by his desk, and that being the upset Ivan. Upon noticing his expression of sadness, (Y/N) walks over to him in order to try and cheer him up.
(Y/N): Hey, Ivan.
Ivan: (looks up) Oh, aren't you that quiet kid in class?
(Y/N): (chuckles and scratches his head) Yeah, that's me. The class ghost. (Ivan also chuckles) I noticed you looked upset, so I want to see if I can help in some way.
Ivan: (looks away) Don't bother. You saw what happened on the news. I'm a monster.
(Y/N): Don't say stuff like that! Besides, just because you became some kind of golem doesn't mean that's who you are. What really matters is you you are on the inside, not on the outside.
Ivan: (looks back at him) Really?
Red: (walks over) Yeah, you probably didn't want to turn into that monster in the first place, right?
Ivan: (nods) You're right. I was just so mad at Kim for what he did, I heard a voice in my head, and then I can't remember the rest.
Blue: Sounds to me like something made you become that thing. Don't worry, I highly doubt you'd be targeted twice in a row.
Green: Not to mention, from how (Y/N) described you to us, you're too much of a gentle giant to cause any damage!
Ivan: (begins to smile) Thanks, you guys.
(Y/N): (smiles back) It never hurts to help another. Hey, maybe some fresh air would help.
(Y/N) starts leading Ivan out of the classroom and down to one of the benches on the gound floor, as Marinette is seen walking into the school with Alya, with the latter chatting about something she's just done the other day.
Alya: Ladyblog. (hands Marinette her phone to see) Bringing you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug! How awesome is that?! (takes her phone back) Check out the number of views since I posted the video!
Marinette: (looks nervous) But why do you trust Ladybug so much? All these stone beings...
Alya: (confidently) She's gonna handle them.
Marinette: (still unsure) But what if she's not really cut out to be a superhero even though everyone thinks she is?
Alya: (confused) What are you talking about, girl? Oh, wait. (gasps and gets close) I know what this is about.
As Alya gets up in Marinette's face. the blue-haired girl becomes flustered, before gasping in fear. Has her recent friend just found out about her secret identity? Luckily, her worries are proven false as Alya says something completely different.
Alya: You're scared, but don't be! I've seen her with my own two eyes, girl! Ladybug is a true superheroine! She's going to protect us all! I believe in her.
Alya soon begins to walk to class, while Marinette takes a moment to process what her friend said. She soon looks down to her purse before smiling with confidence and running over to catch up to Alya. Along the way, they soon hear some nearby commotion and see a crowd of students talking to Ivan about what happened, with (Y/N) trying to stop them.
Pink-haired Girl: So you really don't remember anything?
Purple-haired Girl: You were totally going ballistic. (gets slightly happy) It was so cool!
Kim: You were seriously out to crush me, dude!
Through the gathering crowd, Ivan's eyes come into contact with a girl standing further away. Upon noticing him staring at her, the girl slightly gasps before looking away, probably from disgust.
Ivan: (sighs) Oh, I'm sorry... I wasn't myself...
(Y/N): (getting nervous) Come on, guys, give him some space. You're making him feel more worse than he is right now.
Try as he might, (Y/N) is unable to get the crowd to give Ivan some time to himself. What makes matters more worse is that Chloe soon speaks up from a nearby post with Sabrina, as the former scoffs at Ivan.
Chloe: Once a monster, always a monster.
At this insult, Ivan becomes furious and rises to his feet, which causes mostly everyone to back in, fearing that he'll turn into Stoneheart again. Instead, Ivan storms away, as Chloe continues to insult him.
Chloe: (calls out) Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Green: (watching nearby) I really hate that banana-dressed drag of a female.
Red: (nods) You and me both, Green. Really wish I could just shoot her now.
Meanwhile in a hidden lair somewhere in Paris, a window opens up and lets light enter the room, to reveal Hawk Moth and his collection of white butterflies picking up the anger that Ivan's generating.
Hawk Moth: Yes... feel the burn of those words. Lose your temper, Ivan! Your akuma awaits you.
Hawk Moth raises his cane and taps the glass dome, revealing the akuma inside it. Elsewhere, Adrien has just exited the underground subway and makes a dash for the school doors, but as he makes it up the stairs, he hears the voice of Natalie calling out to him, from a recently parked car.
Natalie: Adrien, don't do this! Your father will be furious!
Adrien: Tell him you got here too late, please.
Adrien then runs through the open front doors, while Natalie sighs to herself. Back in the school playground, Alya marches up to Chloe, clearly mad about what she said to a guilty Ivan.
Alya: How could you say that to Ivan? (Sabrina fakes a gasp) You're the real Stoneheart.
Chloe: (smug) Ugh, so I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I? (gets up in Alya's face) Just because your footage of those lame superheroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty. (blows some bubble-gum at her)
Alya: (growing more angry) You little...
Chloe: (fakes a gasp) Look out, she's angry! She's going to split her underwear and turn into a huge muscly monster!
Fed up with her antics, Alya huffs and begins to storm off. Before she can get out of hearing range, however, a voice speaks up with a stern tone and catches the attention of the whole crowd. And the person speaking up is (Y/N), with most being surprised.
(Y/N): You don't have the right to be speaking either, Chloe. (everyone looks at him) All you've done ever since you decided to join school, all you've done is constantly be nothing but a problem for everyone in your class. (smiles) I guess your taste in fashion sense has also effected your intelligence, or your lack of intelligence.
Chloe: (gasps before glaring at him) Oh, shut it, you ghost! Last I checked, ghosts aren't supposed to talk with humans, so why don't you go back to your ghost family? (smugly grins) Oh wait, your parents aren't in Paris, maybe because they realised how much they didn't need you!
Chloe laughs in triumph while tears begin to run down (Y/N)'s face. Meanwhile, everyone else stares at Chloe in shock and disgust, even Sabrina does as well. Never has Chloe sunk this low before. Right as Chloe's about to walk off in victory, the three parasites approach her and give the spoiled rich girl a piece of their verbal mind.
Red: (angry) Okay, you have crossed the line, you witch! You should never tell anyone that their parents never care for them!
Blue: (sternly) Agreed. The aroma you're giving off is one that shows who you really are, and that being a despicable and hated figure. If you took some time to look in a mirror, perhaps you would see it radiating off you.
Green: (scowling) Don't suggest that, Specs. If she did look in the mirror, it might shatter upon seeing something hideous.
Chloe: (offended) Why are you four even defending that monster! You've seen what he's done! (gets an idea) Oh, I get it now. You all like freaks, because that's what you all are.
(Y/N): (speaks up again) If that's the case, then we'd have been best friends, since all you are is a walking mustard bottle.
At that moment, everyone begins laughing at (Y/N)'s surprise roast, with Red's laugh being the loudest. Even Blue and Sabrina give out a chuckle, when the latter is supposed to be defending her best friend. Chloe's face starts turning red with embarrassment as she tries to think of something to fire back, but is unable to. Instead, she lets out a few frustrated noises before storming off, only to hear someone call out to her.
Adrien: Hey, Chloe!
Chloe: (becomes happy) Adrikins! You came!
Chloe runs up and gives Adrien a big hug, but her calling out to him has also attracted other students, who recognise the young teen model and run up as well, eager to talk to him. Back with Natalie, she enters the car and puts her seatbelt on without making eye contact with the bodyguard.
Natalie: I'll handle it.
The bodyguard gives her a nod and begins to drive away from the school and back to Agreste Mansion. Back inside the school, Marinette walks around a corner in the locker room and finds (Y/N) talking to Ivan, with the latter listening to some music through his headphones.
(Y/N): Sorry about what happened back there. You know what Chloe said isn't true, she's just trying to get a reaction from you.
Ivan: (sighs) I know, but that doesn't mean it still hurts.
(Y/N): (puts a hand on his shoulder) Remember Ivan: Sticks and stones may break all bones, but words can never harm a person. Besides, I doubt that Mylene would like to see you still sulking here.
Ivan: (surprised) How do you know I like her?!
(Y/N): (smiles) One, you just told me. And two, I've seen how you take some glances at her. It's a classic sign that someone has a crush. Just try talking to her, and see if she likes you back.
Marinette smiles at this before walking over and kneeling beside Ivan, right as he and (Y/N) take notice of her presense with them.
Marinette: He's right. You should tell Mylene how you feel.
Ivan: (slightly embarrassed) I... have no idea what you're talking about.
Marinette: Come on, you heard what (Y/N) said. Not to mention, I've seen those stares too. (Ivan forms a scowl, which gets Marinette worried) No! No negative emotions, Ivan. What I mean is, be positive. I'm sure Mylene has feelings for you too. (whispers to him) Go talk to her.
Ivan: (still upset) I'm no good with words anyway.
(Y/N): Come on, Ivan. There are over ways to confess your feelings without using words.
Marinette: (joining in) Yeah, who needs words? You could draw her a picture, send her flowers...
Ivan: (gets an idea) I could... write her a song?
Marinette: (encouraging Ivan) That's a great idea! What girl wouldn't want a love song written especially for her? Go for it, Ivan, and, uh- stay positive.
(Y/N): If you want, I can offer some help if you need any, Ivan.
Ivan: (smiles again) Thanks, man. I'll let you know when I'm struggling.
Ivan then excitedly runs off chuckling to himself, ready to write a romantic song and show Mylene how he really reels for her. Marinette and (Y/N) instead stay behind, with the latter looking towards the former with a smile.
(Y/N): Thanks for helping out with Ivan, Marinette.
Marinette: It's okay. (stays quiet for a moment) Hey, what are your opinions on those new superheroes?
(Y/N): They're alright. I mean, sure they aren't perfect, but that's because they just arrived. Not everyone is perfect, all it takes is time, and a little bit of self-confidence to show the world your best.
(Y/N) soon leaves the locker room to look for his three friends, who are probably still laughing at Chloe, leaving Marinette alone once again. She looks back at her purse, with her face becoming more confident, like she can be a proper hero. Elsewhere with Hawk Moth, he begins to sense Ivan's frustrations disappearing, which greatly frustrates him.
Hawk Moth: Negative emotions... They're fading!!!
As Hawk Moth grows more angry, back at the main school, Adrien and Chloe are walking to Miss Bustier's classroom, passing by other students as the young teen model signs any of their bought products with his signature autograph.
Male Student: Could I have your autograph, please?
Female Student: Adrien, can I have your autograph, Adrien, I'm a huge fan!
Chloe: Wow. (runs into the classroom first) This is your seat, Adrikins. I saved it for you. Right in front of me!
Adrien: Thanks, Chloe. (sits next to Blue and Nino) Uh... Hey! Adrien.
Adrien extends his hand out, offering a handshake, but Blue and Nino don't return the favour. Instead, they both look at him with suspicious glances.
Nino: You're friends with Chloe, then, huh?
Blue: (sees Adrien's confused expression) If you don't understand what the student beside me means, then I'd suggest turning your head 180 degrees, and you'll see why we're very hesitant on shaking your celebrity-stained hand.
Nino: (looks to Blue) My name's Nino, dude.
Blue: My apologises. (goes back to his book)
Adrien decides to do what Blue suggested to him, and sees Chloe take some bubble-gum out of mouth and hands it to Sabrina, who sticks the product right onto Marinette's seat. She then goes over to (Y/N)'s seat and does the exact same thing, with Adrien watching the whole time.
Adrien: (confused) Hey! What's that all about?!
Chloe: (nonchalantly) The brats that sit there yesterday need a little attitude adjustment. I'm just commanding a bit of respect, that's all.
Adrien: (stands up) You think that's really necessary?
Chloe: Ah, you've got to learn about school culture, Adrikins. (sits at her seat) Watch the master.
Adrien begins to attempt to remove the bubble-gum off of Marinette's seat before she can arrive to class. Speaking of Marinette, she's walking to class with Alya beside her, while (Y/N) and Green walk ahead of them.
Marinette: Alya, wouldn't you like to be a superhero and go out and fight monsters and supervillains?
Alya: (excited) Totally! I'm not scared of anyone!
Marinette: That's nice. (looks to the other two) What about you two?
(Y/N): (turns around) Hm? Oh, no thanks. I prefer a more quiet life. Then again, a quiet life is all I've known, so maybe.
Green: (turns around) Depends. While it would be nice to fight some freak who needs an introduction to defeat, that would also mean I wouldn't be able to hang out with my friends often, especially this little cutie here. (ruffles (Y/N)'s hair while he blushes) Why do you ask?
Marinette: (nervously) Oh! No reason...
Alya, (Y/N), and Green brush it off and continue walking to Miss Bustier's class, which allows Marinette to slip the Miraculous box out of her purse and into Alya's bag. When the enter the class, however, all four of them see Adrien messing around with the gum on Marinette's seat, and quickly assume the worst.
Marinette: (angry) Hey! What are you doing?!
Adrien: (nervous) Oh, uh... I...
Soon Chloe and Sabrina burst out laughing, which gets Marinette to glare at Adrien, and Green to glare at the two girls.
Marinette: (annoyed) Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny.
Adrien: (tries to explain) No, no, I was just trying to take this off!
Marinette: (glares at him) Oh, really?
As Chloe and Sabrina laugh harder, Marinette attempts to remove the gum herself, but instead places a tissue over it. While that happens, Green and (Y/N) make their way to their seats, only for the former to notice Red point out the same bubble-gum on the latter's seat. This gets Green mad, but then she smirks as she forms an idea. She quietly picks the gum off the seat and keeps it in her hand for now, while motioning for (Y/N) to not say anything yet.
Marinette: You're friends with Chloe, right?!
Adrien: (confused) Why do people keep saying that?
Rather than answer the confused boy's question, Marinette just huffs and takes her seat, while Adrien does the same as both Blue and Nino share a confused glance at him.
Chloe: Now do you see what I mean about respect?
Suddenly, Chloe feels something collide with her hair, and feeling around reveals the item to be the same gum she used on (Y/N)'s seat. Furious, she turns around and stares at him and Green, with the female staring back with a smug grin.
Chloe: (mad) What did you just do. you pickle!?
Green: (smugly) It's a little something called Karma, you walking mustard bottle. I figured you should learn about it. (Red chuckles)
As Chloe begins to scream at Green, who clearly isn't paying attention to what she's saying, Marinette is busy staring at Adrien while Alya does some research on her phone.
Marinette: I know I've seen him somewhere before. (Alya shows some fashion pics) Of course! He's the son of my fave fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste!
Alya: Daddy's boy, teen supermodel, AND Chloe's buddy? Ha! Forget it.
Nino: (confused) Why didn't you tell them it was Chloe's idea?
Blue: It would've saved you the aggressive stare and the blame.
Adrien: I've known Chloe since I was a little kid. I know she's not perfect, but I can't throw her under the bus. She's like my only friend.
Nino: (smiles and wraps an arm around Adrien) I'm Nino, and it's time for you to make some new friends, dude.
Nino then offers a proper handshake, which the teen model happily accepts as both turn towards Specs.
Nino: Do you wanna help out, dude?
Specs: (looks up) First off, my name is Specs, not dude. Second, I unfortunately am not a social person. Instead, I'd recommend help from one of my friends, the ones sitting at the back.
Nino: (looks towards (Y/N), Red, and Green) Okay then. They look like fun.
While Nino prepares to help Adrien out the proper way, over with Mylene, she runs out of one of the bathroom stalls upon realising the time.
Mylene: (worried) Oh no, I'm gonna be late.
As she opens the door, she lets out a shriek of fear and jumps back, the reason behind this is because Ivan was standing right there, waiting for her.
Mylene: Ivan, you scared me.
Ivan: I made this for you.
He hits the play button on his phone, letting heavy metal music blare out of the speakers as he attempts to sing the lyrics he wrote. The only problems being that the music is too loud, and his voice not only is too loud, but also constantly cracking up.
Ivan: (screaming the lyrics) Mylene, be serene, don't be mean!
Mylene quickly covers up her ears and flees from Ivan, clearly upset about the loud noises. Ivan however sees this as her not sharing the same feelings, and scrunches up his lyric paper before throwing his phone down and stepping on it a few times, breaking it. As he sits down to calm down, Hawk Moth begins to pick up his returning frustration.
Hawk Moth: (smiling evilly) Yes. This is what I've been waiting for. You know the way, evil akuma. Track down your prey! Fly away and evilize him!
The akuma exits Hawk Moth's cane and obliges, leaving through the open window and soaring across Paris, before arriving at College Francoise Dupont, entering the locker room, and landing right into Ivan's lyric paper.
Hawk Moth: This is your second chance, Stoneheart, and this time you have extra help. No one will stop you from capturing the love of your life. Just remember, I'll need something in return.
Ivan smirks before allowing the akuma to transform him into Stoneheart once again. As he begins to leave the locker room, his eyes let out a green glow, which causes all of the replicas of himself to become active, and start to cause chaos all across Paris, either in large numbers, small groups, or on their own...
Meanwhile back in the classroom, Miss Bustier is beginning to take the class register and make sure that all of her students are present.
Miss Bustier: Agreste, Adrien? (Adrien goes silent)
Nino: (whispers to him) You say "present".
Adrien: (leaps up with his hand raised) Uh, present!
Everyone begins to laugh at Adrien's sudden action, including Miss Bustier, as the young teen model sits back down, slightly embarrassed.
Miss Bustier: Bourgeois, Chloe?
Chloe: Present!
Miss Bustier: Bruel, Ivan?
Instead of Ivan appearing and answering, Stoneheart crashes right through the classroom door, making his grand return.
Stoneheart: Present! Mylene?
The entire class begins to go into panic and quickly attempt to hide upon seeing Stoneheart, with Adrien quietly sneaking out of the classroom. Soon, Stoneheart spots Mylene trying to get away and grabs her with his right hand.
Mylene: (afraid) Let go of me, Ivan!
Stoneheart: I'm not Ivan anymore, I'm Stoneheart.
Mylene: (still afraid) Why are you doing this?
Stoneheart: So you and I can be together forever!
Chloe: (calling her dad) Daddy, the monster is back!
Stoneheart: (pissed) YOU!!!
Stoneheart flips the table that Chloe is hiding and grabs her with his other hand, with said spoiled girl more concerned about her hair. Stoneheart then smashes through the wall and leaps down into the streets, wandering off with both Mylene and Chloe in his grasp.
Mylene: Put us down, Ivan!
Alya: (looks from Ivan to Marinette) Come on! Let's follow him!
Marinette: (looks afraid) Uh... Oh, no. You go. I'm finding myself a safe place to hide.
Alya: Girl, you're gonna miss Ladybug in action!
At Alya's words, Marinette nervously glances over at her friend's bag, before grabbing it and holding it out out to her.
Marinette: You and Ladybug will both be better off without me.
Alya: (shrugs it off) If you say so. (runs out of the classroom)
Marinette: (calls out) Wait! Your bag!
As Marinette runs after Alya to give her the bag, (Y/N) and the three parasites begin to sneak their way out of the classroom as well, before making a run for the nearest restroom and shutting the door behind them. Once making sure that nobody else is in there with them, they each huddle around to discuss what's happening.
Blue: Alright, it seems that Stoneheart is back.
Red: Thanks for stating the obvious, Blue. Now let's go out there and beat him again!
Green: Hold on a minute, Red! Just because he's back doesn't mean that he'll be as easy as before.
Blue: Green is correct, Red. We need strategy.
(Y/N): (looks at his phone) Uh, guys? We may have a bigger problem than just Stoneheart.
The three parasites look at (Y/N) with confusion as the young boy shows them his phone. On it, they see footage of the Stoneheart replicas coming to life and causing all kinds of chaos, with the police being unable to do anything.
Red: (nervous) Crud, those other statues have gained sentience.
Green: And their acting by themselves.
(Y/N): Yup. My guess is that when Ivan became Stoneheart again, those other stone creatures woke up as well. So if we defeat Ivan and turn him back to normal, then the other creatures will stop moving.
Blue: Seems like a good plan, however, I'm more cautious about the number of replicas in our way. Not to mention, if Stoneheart woke them up, then that means he can control them.
Green: Not to mention they all look the same.
Red: (shaking his fists) So then all we have to do is find the real one, beat him up, and then the others will fall as well! (looks to (Y/N)) Alright, (Y/N)! It's time for me and Null to give this boulder an encore!
Blue: Hold it! (Red looks at him) Due to the larger numbers, you won't be going alone, Red. We'll all be going as a group.
Red: (getting more pumped) Hell yeah! Team Impostorm ready to obliterate that pebble!
Green: (excited as well) That's the spirit, Red! Now let's get our disguises ready!
The three parasites quickly begin to form a disguise (which consists of their clothes being slightly altered and their faces being hidden) while (Y/N) activates the Cosmicubes inside of him and becomes Null. One quick transformation later, and the four members of Impostorm smash through a window and begin to give chase to Stoneheart, with Null levitating.
Back in the school, Adrien opens up his locker in the locker room, ready to deal with the returning villain.
Adrien: My first day of school and I don't even make it past roll call.
Plagg: (resting on a shoe) A day off? Now that's what I'm talking about!
Adrien: (wags his finger) Oh, no no no no. We've got homework to do. Plagg, claws out!
Another quick transformation later, and Adrien has became Cat Noir, as he quickly heads off to find Stoneheart, who is now making his way around the front entrance of the school, and having to deal with Chloe being annoying.
Chloe: You have no idea who you're dealing with. My daddy, the mayor, will bring in the police, the army, the entire cavalry!
Cat Noir: And don't forget the superheroes!
Cat Noir leaps from behind Stoneheart and whacks him on the head with his staff, only to realise that was a bad move as the earth titan grows in size.
Cat Noir: Oh no. My bad.
Chloe: (scoffs) Ugh. Super incompetent, you mean.
Stoneheart: Ugh! You wanted the cavalry? Well, here it is!
Suddenly, every single one of Stoneheart's replicas charge from all over Paris and arrive at the front of the school, each of them matching the real one's size and surrounding Cat Noir from all angles.
Stoneheart: Seize him!
After hearing their commander's orders, the Stoneheart replicas begin to either attack or capture Cat Noir, with the hero evading every attempt they throw at him. However, soon the attempts become more faster, which starts to tire out Cat Noir. Seeing how exhausted he now is, one replica decides to knock him out by slamming the cat with its palm, however...
A white barrier surrounds Cat Noir and protects him from the replica's attack, with the arm of said replica having cracks form before exploding into a mass of tiny shards. As everyone present stares at the sudden event in confusion, Null floats down into the circle of Stoneheart copies, with the same neutral expression that he wore yesterday.
Cat Noir: (smirks) Nice of you to join me, ghost boy.
(Y/N): (ignores him) So, you have returned for a rematch, rocky behemoth.
Stoneheart: Correct, you flying speck of snow. And this time, you'll be squashed under my foot.
(Y/N): Unfortunately for you, Stoneheart, is that you forgot that I have backup of my own.
At that moment, another Stoneheart replica falls to the ground after multiple bullets collide against it. Seeing this, the real Stoneheart attempts to intervene, only for a small figure to dash in front of him and slash at his chest. After the earth monster staggers back, Red, Green, and Blue (in their disguises) appear, ready to join in the battle.
Cat Noir: (looks around) So, this is your version of the cavalry?
(Y/N): You could say that, now let's exterminate all these obstacles in our path.
Red: (raises his gun) Alright! Throw-down time!
Null, Cat Noir, and the three parasites begin to unleash their offensive strength against the Stoneheart replicas, with Cat Noir whacking most with his staff, Green slashing them with her knife, both Red and Blue shooting at the numbers with their guns, and Null playing the support role by casting guardian angel when needed. As they continue on, Stoneheart takes this as a chance to get away, still having Chloe and Mylene in his hands.
Mylene: Ivan! Where are we going?
Stoneheart: To deliver a message. Then we'll be brought together forever by a pretty black butterfly.
Chloe: (scoffs) All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick.
Stoneheart: (in a ominous tone) Don't worry, little monster. I'm gonna take care of you, too.
Chloe begins to cringe and cower from Stoneheart's words, clearly afraid of what he's gonna do to her. Meanwhile, Alya is chasing close behind them, however is halted by Cat Noir, Null, and the three parasites fighting off more Stoneheart copies, with one throwing a car at them.
Cat Noir: (worried) We're making no progress! No matter how many we defeat, they just keep coming back up!
Blue: Then I propose an idea. We'll go after the real Stoneheart, while you buy time for your partner to arrive and catch up. Okay?
Cat Noir: Sure, but how will you get past them? (points to the replicas)
(Y/N): Allow me. RED BURST!!!
Null changes into his Red form, and unleashes a huge wave of fire right at the replicas, doing massive damage and scattering them a huge distance away from each other.
(Y/N): Now let's crush that walking pile of stone!
Null flies off towards the real Stoneheart with the three parasites following after him. Right as the four leave, the replicas quickly re-group and focus their attention onto Cat Noir, who hasn't left yet.
Cat Noir: (calls out) Good luck, you four! (looks to the replicas) If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!
Alya: (confused) What's she waiting for?
Marinette soon makes her way around the corner, just to see a Stoneheart replica throw another car at Cat Noir, but it misses and instead heads towards Alya. Luckily, Cat Noir sacrifices his staff to protect Alya, and it leans against the wall, covering her. Unluckily, he's now without a weapon, which allows one of the replica's to grab him and carry him away, all while Marinette watches with fear.
Cat Noir: (trying to get out) Let go, you rockhead!
Alya: (climbs out from under the car) HELP!!
Upon hearing Alya's desperate plea, something snaps inside Marinette, one which changes her fear into courage. With a strong expression, she removes the Miraculous box from Alya's bag, puts on the earrings, and allows Tikki to be freed.
Marinette: (quickly) I think I need Ladybug!
Tikki: (excitedly) I knew you'd come around!
Marinette: (corrects) Well, I'm still not sure I'm up for this, but Alya's in danger. (becomes more confident) I can't sit back and do nothing! Tikki, spots on!
One quick transformation later, and Ladybug has returned, wasting no time in freeing Alya by using her yo-yo to slightly move the car, which creates a gap for the blogger to escape through.
Ladybug: (to Alya) You can't stay here. It's too dangerous.
Ladybug quickly grabs Cat Noir's staff before using her yo-yo to swing away from Alya, and pursue the Stoneheart replicas. Once she gets close to the one that holds her partner hostage, she quickly tosses him his staff back, calling out an order to him.
Ladybug: Cat Noir! Extend it!
Cat Noir obliges, and is able to free himself from the grasp of the rockhead he insulted. Right as he lands on the ground, Ladybug uses her yo-yo to pull him away from an incoming slam by a Stoneheart replica, and dangles him from a lamppost upside down.
Ladybug: Sorry I was late.
Cat Noir: Milady, have I ever told you you turn my world upside down? (winks)
Ladybug: Oh, you're quite the jokester, aren't you? (sees the replicas approaching them) But your comedic timing needs work. We gotta get outta here!
Ladybug uses her yo-yo to swing onto the rooftops and escape the Stoneheart replicas, with Cat Noir following close behind her, albeit slightly confused on what his partner is planning.
Cat Noir: (confused) Hey, aren't we gonna take care of them?
Ladybug: (sees an image on her yo-yo) No. If we wanna save them all, then we go to the source... That one!
Ladybug swings her and Cat Noir over to the opposite end of the Eiffel Tower, where Cat Noir sees what Ladybug saw on her yo-yo. Stoneheart (yes, the real one) is standing in the middle of the structure, trying to deal with Null and his three unknown partners. Currently, Blue and Red are firing at him from a safe distance while Green and Null are focusing on doing melee damage.
Green: (parrying a punch) You know, I thought Red was overexaggerating when he said you were hideous, but now I can see he wasn't. (smirks) Have you ever considered using a little product called face-wash?
Stoneheart: (growls) SHUT UP!!!
Stoneheart tries to unleash more punches onto Green, however Null still in his Red form continues to pelt him with blasts of fire, which begin to make the golem more angry than he was before.
(Y/N): (smirks) Sorry, cliff-boy! But you know what happens when rocks get burned... They become coal!!
Stoneheart growls before letting out a roar that expands all over Paris, which attracts the attention of all his replicas as they march over to the national landmark. Seeing this, Blue and Red change their focus to the replicas, in case they try to advance further, while Green takes a moment to look down and see what's happening.
Stoneheart: (spots Green looking away) Take this, you rodent!
Null goes back to his regular white form and summons a barrier around Green, who flinches and turns around upon hearing Stoneheart's foot collide with what just saved her from a large plummet. Soon, all five fighters hear the voice of the mayor calling out to the main opponent.
Andre: (through a megaphone) I demand my daughter's safe return!
Chloe: (calls out to him) Daddy!!
Stoneheart: You know what? You're welcome to her!!
Stoneheart obliges and gives them Chloe back, though not in the way anyone was expecting. Instead of climbing down and letting her free, Stoneheart throws the spoiled girl straight towards the concrete of the road with a grunt, eager to watch the bully become a stain on the ground.
Andre: (worried as crazy) NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Chloe: (saying her last words) Help! I promise I'll be nice to everyone, say please and thank you all-
Right before she can splatter against the stone floor, however, Chloe is quickly grabbed mere centimetres from the ground, saving her life. As she opens her eyes, she sees her saviour to be none other than Null, who flew after her and caught her in the nick of time.
(Y/N): I'm afraid that this angel won't be falling from heaven anytime soon.
Chloe: (blushing) I didn't promise.
(Y/N): (shakes his head) That's not important now. What is important is that you haven't died. (puts her down) Now, I think there's someone who is really glad to see you safe and sound.
After making sure her legs are no longer shaking, Chloe quickly understands what Null means and runs straight over to her dad, who pulls her into a hug as she returns it back.
Andre: (happy) My little princess...
Ladybug: (her and Cat Noir arrive) Nice to see you help someone. Are you sure you're not a hero?
(Y/N): Like I said in our first meeting, I am neither friend nor foe, but that doesn't mean I won't do the right thing.
Officer: We're clear to attack! (all officers raise their weapons)
Ladybug: Wait! No, don't attack them! You know it'll only make it worse!
Officer: I have a new plan, unlike you! Move aside and let the pros do their thing. You've already failed once!
The officer's words cut deep into Ladybug's skin and reaches her heart, causing the recent superheroine to have an expression of doubt once more.
Ladybug: (upset) He's right, you both know. If I'd captured Stoneheart's akuma the first time around, none of this would have happened! I knew I wasn't the right one for the job...
(Y/N): (puts a hand on her shoulder) No, both you and that officer are wrong. Without you, your partner wouldn't have been freed by those copies. And if you weren't here the first time around, all those police officers would've gotten more than a few broken bones. All you need to do is prove to everyone that you can do this, okay?
Ladybug: (smiles) Okay.
Right before anybody else can take action, Null picks up the sound of two screams getting closer at the same time. He quickly turns around to see both Red and Green being launched their way, so he takes flight and catches Green. Unfortunately, he's unable to catch Red, so he collides right into a police van as Blue runs over.
Cat Noir: Oh, my god! (runs over to Red) Are you okay? Your back might be broken!!
Red: (groans as he tries to stand up) I'm fine... May not be able to walk for a few days, but I'll manage... (faceplants into the ground)
(Y/N): (looks to Blue) What happened?
Blue: Green struggled to deal with Stoneheart by herself, and struggled to keep up with his durability. As for me and Red, those copies of him swarmed us, and he foolishly tried to take them head-on.
Red: It was worth it, though!
Suddenly, everyone begun to hear a noise coming from Stoneheart, and turn around to see him coughing and sputtering. After a few more seconds of this, a swarm of black butterflies launch out of his lungs, as the rock golem falls over and faints. The butterfly swarm soon assemble together and form the head of Hawk Moth, who begins to speak to everyone currently present.
Hawk Moth: People of Paris, listen carefully... I am Hawk Moth...
Ladybug + Cat Noir: (confused) Hawk Moth?
Blue: (whispers to Green) Judging by the butterfly swarm he's commanding, I assume he's the cause for this Stoneheart outbreak, and the previous one.
Green: (whispers back) Well, those butterflies don't look normal. Also, do you get the feeling like he'll become more of an annoyance for our missions?
Red: (joins in) Yup. I get that feeling too.
Hawk Moth: Ladybug, Cat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings and the cat ring now. You've done enough damage to these innocent people! And as for you four other attackers, I suggest you leave Paris and never return, such aggressive and disastrous abilities as yours shouldn't be welcomed here!
After this announcement, everyone was left speechless and afraid, except for Team Impostorm, who are more furious than anything. However, before anyone can say anything else, Ladybug begins to slow clap, before approaching the butterfly swarm.
Marinette: Nice try, Hawk Moth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawk Moth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you, and YOU will hand over YOUR Miraculous!!! (launches herself in the air with her yo-yo) Time to de-evilize!
Ladybug then begins to use her yo-yo to capture every single one of Hawk Moth's akumas, all while everyone down below watches in astonishment. Soon, every butterfly has been captured, and the heroine turns around to face the crowd with a declaration to speak out.
Ladybug: Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Null, and his group will do everything in our power to keep you safe!
As proof of her declaration, Ladybug opens up her yo-yo and releases every akuma she caught across Paris, with them all now being purified. All across the city of love, everyone begins to cheer in celebration, with includes Marinette's parents, everyone at College Francoise Dupont, the police force, Mayor Andre, and even Chloe. As for Cat Noir, Null, and the three parasites, they all look at Ladybug with proud smiles, except for Cat Noir, who is lovestruck.
Cat Noir: Wow. Whoever she is beneath the mask, I love that girl.
(Y/N): She's all yours then.
Cat Noir: (looks to him) Really? Don't you want to give her a chance?
(Y/N): (shakes his head) Sorry, but I'm afraid she's not my type.
Red: Same here.
Blue: The only thing I'd date is knowledge. (Green and Red chuckle)
While everyone in Paris celebrates the rise of their saviours, over with Hawk Moth, he groans in frustration, realising that his mission has just become more difficult than it was before.
Hawk Moth: (disgusted) Agh! That's the problem with superheroes. They're too... heroic! (contacts Stoneheart) Stoneheart, they're trying to take your loved one away from you. You must snatch their Miraculouses so they will be powerless against you! As for the others, overpower them!
Stoneheart: Okay, Hawk Moth.
Stoneheart starts firing down a swarm of sharp stones straight towards everyone down below. However, Null already knows how to counter this attack.
Null's colour scheme changes into his violet form as he opens a black hole from his fingertips and sucks in all of the projectiles heading their way.
(Y/N): (laughing crazily) How, poor Stoneheart! Have you forgotten that this tactic is completely useless against a foe like me!?
Stoneheart lets out a roar of fury as Null returns back to his basic form, becoming slightly tired from using his more powerful transformation, but soon quickly recovers and follows Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Green up the Eiffel Tower, and confronting Stoneheart for the major battle.
Mylene: (afraid) Help me!
Stoneheart: You'll never take Mylene from me! Come to me, my stone beings!
As Stoneheart begins to climb higher up the Eiffel Tower, the replicas at the bottom begin to climb up as well, which Cat Noir takes notice of.
Cat Noir: We're surrounded! What do we do now? We can't attack him!
(Y/N): And the more time we waste, the higher the chance that others will get hurt, either by Stoneheart himself, or from the tower falling over from those other replicas.
Ladybug: Yes, but we know where the akuma is.
Cat Noir: In his clenched fist. The one that's holding Mylene. So...
Ladybug: So we know he's in love with her. (gasps) That's it! We don't separate Stoneheart and Mylene: We bring them closer together! They're made for one another! It's just that they don't know it yet. (climbs after Stoneheart)
Green: (looks to Null) Does she really think that this whole situation can be fixed like Beauty and the Beast?
(Y/N): (looks back) I have no clue, but it won't hurt to give this idea a chance. (him and Green climb up)
Cat Noir: (confused) Ugh. I'm not really following either of you three, but I guess I better trust you. Something tells me this is how it's gonna be from here on out.
Cat Noir soon follows after Ladybug, Null, and Green in their chase against Stoneheart up the Eiffel Tower, until Ladybug and Null reach the top and look down to see Stoneheart and Mylene, with the latter becoming more afraid.
Mylene: Help! I'm scared of heights!
Ladybug: Everything's gonna be alright!
(Y/N): Just hold on a while longer!
Stoneheart lets out a roar of anger, which scares away most of the helicopters that were flying close by. As for Cat Noir and Green, they find themselves surrounded by the copies of Stoneheart.
Cat Noir: (confused) How are you planning to get them closer than they already are?
Green: (sarcastically) I wouldn't call that being closer, and more like aggressive kidnapping.
Ladybug: Simple, Cat Noir: By using our powers! Lucky Charm!
After calling out for her signature ability, Ladybug holds her yo-yo up into the air, and it produces for her... a parachute.
Ladybug: (confused) A parachute? What am I supposed to do with this?
(Y/N): Don't bother asking me, for I have no clue how your power works.
Soon, both hear the sound of Cat Noir screaming, and witness the kitten superhero getting thrown across the platform by the Stoneheart replicas, landing on a pole extending out of the wall. As for Green, the copies begin to close in as she starts to become irritated. However, Null notices something happening to his partner, and sees her back almost look like it's pulsating. Is something trying to burst out?
Cat Noir: You sure you know what you're doing?!
Ladybug: We'll find out soon enough! (throws her yo-yo around Stoneheart's hand) His hand! Get ready, you two!
Ladybug pulls tightly on her yo-yo string, which causes both Stoneheart and Mylene to kiss each other. In complete shock, Stoneheart ends up letting go of Mylene, who quickly catches onto one of his fingers. However, his akumatized object ends up falling down, which Cat Noir leaps after and whacks up with his staff. Green also launches it higher as Null grabs it in his hand and crushes it in his palm.
Ladybug: Home run! (sees the akuma) No more evil for you, little akuma. De-evilize-huh?
Right before Ladybug can purify the main akuma, both she and Null see Stoneheart disappear and release Ivan, who both him and Mylene begin to fall down the Eiffel Tower, possibly to their demise. Ladybug looks between both victims and the akuma, before making her decision.
Ladybug: (looks to Null) Null, I need you to use your black hole power to keep the akuma from fleeing. I know you just used it up, but could you try.
(Y/N): (unsure) Possibly, but I don't know if I'd lose myself in its power.
Ladybug: Don't worry. Your partner will keep you from going crazy. (looks to Green) You heard that, right? (Green gives her a thumbs-up) Alright. (looks to Cat Noir) Cat Noir, you take care of Ivan!
(Y/N): Very well then. VIOLET VOID!!!
Ladybug leaps down the Eiffel Tower in order to catch Mylene as Null uses his violet form one final time, summoning a small black hole to keep the akuma in place while Green makes sure the cosmicubes don't take control. As for Cat Noir...
Cat Noir: Cataclysm!
Cat Noir uses his ability on the tower itself, which somehow causes a small part of it extend out, allowing him to quickly catch the falling Ivan. As for Ladybug, she grabs onto the scared Mylene and throws her yo-yo to the akuma, catching it and pulling her yo-yo back as she activates the parachute, allowing her and Mylene to float down to the ground.
Ladybug: (lets the akuma free) Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!
Ladybug throws her lucky charm into the air, which blasts into multiple swarms of ladybugs that travel all across Paris. Every person that was turned into a replica of Stoneheart is changed back to normal, all the damage was caused is now fixed, and everyone stares in amazement. Soon, Null and Green drop down, with the former now in their basic form, and looking more tired than before.
Cat Noir: (amazed) Whoa. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Null: Yes, we are. This makes me feel at peace.
Green: Yeah, the red and black swirls almost feel hypnotic, in a way.
Ladybug: Yeah. It's beautiful and amazing. It's... uh... miraculous!
Hawk Moth: (furious) This is just the beginning, Ladybug. You, Cat Noir, and those other four may have one this battle, but I will win the war. I will get your Miraculouses. I will get the absolute power! And then my secret dream will come true!
After the Stoneheart situation has been properly dealt with, the police are now helping the other victims on the Eiffel Tower and putting away their equipment, as Ladybug and Null stand beside Ivan and Mylene.
Ladybug: I think you two have things to talk about. Hm? (looks to Ivan)
Ivan: (flustered) Oh, uh... I... Uh...
(Y/N): Don't worry. Just say what your heart wants to say, and it'll be fine.
Ladybug: Maybe it would help if you read the lyrics to Ivan's song. (hands Mylene the lyric sheet to read)
Mylene: (gasps) Wow, it's really beautiful. It's a shame you can't hear them. when you scream. (corrects herself) I mean, when you sing.
Ivan: It was scary, wasn't it. Is that why you left? I'm sorry. I'll be gentle.
Mylene decides to show Ivan she accepts his feelings by giving him a hug, which shocks the gentle giant as Ladybug, Cat Noir, Null, and the three parasites watch from nearby.
Green: Well, vote me off and toss me into a lava pit, guess you can Beauty and the Beast most problems.
Ladybug: (looks at Green) Never doubt any situation. (looks back to the couple) Oh, they're so made for each other.
Cat Noir: Like us two. (tries to kiss Ladybug, but Red pulls him away)
Green: Or us two. (hugs Null, who doesn't know how to react)
Blue: (to Green) Try not to break his back, he's already wasted so much energy.
Green: (offended) Hey!
Red: (pulling Cat Noir away) Bad kitty! Ever heard of consent?! (Cat Noir's Miraculous starts beeping)
Ladybug: Uh oh. You see that? Time to spilt. See you soon, Cat Noir. And you and your group, Null. (swings away)
Cat Noir: (smiles) Can't wait, milady. (bows before leaving)
Blue: (slightly chuckles) Now there's a demonstration of love at first sight. (looks to the others) Now, I believe we should be taking our leave, as well.
Null, Red, and Green nod before they head off in their own direction, as well. From now on, Paris not only has a supervillain, but also two new superheroes, plus a neutral party to make every day interesting...
The next day, Marinette and Alya are now arriving at College Francoise Dupont, with the latter talking about the events that have occurred on the previous day.
Alya: So, by the time I biked to the Eiffel Tower, it was all over. I'm way bummed.
Marinette: Don't worry. You'll get your scoop eventually.
Alya: You're right. Next target: Ladybug, an exclusive interview!
Marinette: Ooh, sounds exciting.
Alya: (gasps) Oh, wait! Even better: Finding out who's really under that mask.
Marinette: (slightly chuckles) Uh-huh. Good luck with that one.
As Marinette and Alya head inside the school while continuing their conversation, a car drives up and parks nearby, with Adrien, his bodyguard, and Natalie inside, while Gabriel talks to his son through a built-in monitor.
Gabriel: You disobeyed me, Adrien. Take a look at that school.
Adrien: (looks at the school, upset) Yes, father.
Gabriel: You will never, I say, never go back there again...
Adrien: Father, no- (gets cut off)
Gabriel: (reveals good news) Without your bodyguard. He will drop you off and pick you up every day. Natalie has offered to reorganize you a new schedule. (Natalie briefly looks away) You'll be continuing your music, Chinese, and fencing classes and your photoshoots.
Adrien: (happy) Thank you, Natalie. Thank you, father!
Adrein runs out of the car and shuts the door behind him, eagerly ready to properly begin his new school days. Meanwhile in Miss Bustier's classroom, Marinette and Alya have arrived and are about to sit at their seats, but then the former gets a genius idea.
Marinette: No, wait.
Marinette then motions to the seats behind Nino and Blue, to which both girls form a smirk and sit down there, just as Chloe and Sabrina walk in and spot them.
Chloe: Uhh... You're in the wrong seat. Go on, get lost! (points to their original seat)
Marinette: (smugly recites a quote) "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing!"
Chloe: (confused) What is that supposed to mean?
Marinette: It means that I'm not putting up with your crud anymore, Chloe, and neither is anyone else around here, so take your attitude and go on, get lost!
Marinette then points over to the seats Chloe was pointing at, as the other classmates start laughing at Chloe's failed attempt to get what she wants. Furious, Chloe decides to sit there anyway, only to sit on a pin, causing everyone to laugh harder. As she turns around to ask who did it, she spots (Y/N) trying his best to hide his laughter, while Red and Green share a smug look of their own while waving at her.
At this time, Adrien has walked into class and has taken his seat next to Blue and Nino. He tries to wave to Marinette, but she looks away, still upset about what happened yesterday, which leaves the teen model upset.
Nino: Dude, you wanna make friends, right? Well, go talk to Marinette. You know, about the chewing gum.
Adrien: But what should I say to her?
Nino: (does finger guns) Just be yourself.
Blue: (while reading his book) Or just try to be polite and calm.
A few hours pass by, and not only has the sky darkened, but it is also raining in Paris. As Marinette takes her leave, Adrien soon joins her, with him pulling out a umbrella to protect him from the downpour.
Adrien: (looks to Marinette) Hey. (Marinette looks away) I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat. I swear. I've never been to school before. I've never had friends. It's all sort of new to me.
(Y/N): (walks over) He's right about the gum, you know. If it wasn't for my friends spotting it, I would've had a bit of an embarrassing situation.
Adrien: See, he gets it. (looks to (Y/N)) Oh, by the way, could I get your name?
(Y/N): (smiles) Sure, my name is (Y/N), though I'm more of a classroom ghost, since nobody really speaks to me much.
Adrien: (concerned) Well, what about those two people sitting next to you, and Specs?
(Y/N): They only arrived a week ago, so I haven't known them for a while. Still, I feel like they've been my life for longer than that.
Marinette: Well, what about your parents?
At the mention of his parents, (Y/N)'s expression becomes upset, which Marinette and Adrien take notice of. Before either of them could say anything, (Y/N) puts up his hood and starts heading down the school stairs.
(Y/N): Sorry, but I have to go now, or else I'll catch a cold. (takes his leave)
As (Y/N) quickly leaves, Marinette and Adrien are left in an uncomfortable silence, until Adrien decides to be nice and offers Marinette his umbrella. After a while, where both their fingers brush against each other, Marinette accepts the umbrella, only to accidentally close it on herself, which gets both her and Adrien to share a laugh.
Adrien: See you tomorrow. (goes to his car)
Marinette: (drops her bag) Uh-huh!... See you to... mo... tomo... Haha! Why am I stammering?
Tikki: Hey! I think I might have an idea! (hugs Marinette's cheek)
Plagg: (flies out of Adrien's jacket) First day of school and we already have two lovebirds.
Adrien: Pfft. Whatever. She's just a friend. Oh... a friend...
Adrien soon smiles and blushes, before entering the car and heading off home, courtesy of his bodyguard driving him home, while Marinette soon picks up her bag and starts to walk home as well. Nearby the school, standing underneath an umbrella, Master Fu and his kwami Wayzz watch on with smiles on their faces.
Wayzz: Excellent choice, master.
Master Fu: (strokes his thin beard) Those two are made for each other.
Bonus Clip!
It's the next day, and not only is there a training day at school, but also Adrien is finished with his photoshoots, so he decides to use his time by exploring more of Paris. After walking around for a few hours, he begins to get hungry and starts looking around for somewhere to eat. He soon spots a café and enters it, only to see a familiar face also there.
Sitting at a large table near the back of the café is (Y/N) with the three parasites, with a few cardboard stands, pieces of paper, boards, and pencils all on the table. Naturally feeling curious, Adrien decides to go over and try to know the quiet kid more, and possibly his friend group, as well.
Adrien: (walks over) Hey, you're that quiet kid from yesterday. (Y/N), right?
(Y/N): (slightly jumps) Oh, yeah, that's me. I overheard who you are. You're that famous teen model Adrien.
Adrien: (chuckles) So, what are you and your friends up to?
Blue: Well, if you must know, we are currently playing some Trials and Titans, and we're trying to fight off a giant flytrap, which has eaten Robert's character. (Y/N) introduced it to us a few days ago, and helped us choose our classes yesterday.
Adrien: (confused) Trials and Titans? What's that?
(Y/N): (briefly explains) It's like a regular board game, but you use your imagination for mostly anything.
Blue: For our classes, I have chosen to be a thief, since it would be useful to steal items and money from other players.
Green: I'm playing as a mage, choosing healing magic, fire magic, and poison magic as my specialities. (Y/N) helped me out a lot since he plays this most of the time.
Red: And as for me, I've chosen the fighter class for this adventure. (deadpans) Don't ask why I got eaten, I just wanted to punch the plant in the face.
Adrien: (invested) This game sounds cool. Do you think I could join you guys?! (prepares to pull a chair over)
(Y/N): (winces) Sorry, but we've already begun, so not only would we have to pause the game to help you make a character, but you'd be at the lowest level while these three are currently at level 14.
Red: Not to mention, we barely know you. Sure, you sit next to Specs, but that doesn't mean you get to instantly hang out with us.
Adrien: Oh, okay. (is about to walk off) Hey, before I go, could you recommend something to eat here?
(Y/N): (perks up) I'd suggest you try their double patty burger, it tastes amazing with their signature sauce! Also, you can choose from a wide variety of milkshakes, so take your pick!
Adrien quickly thanks (Y/N) before going off to find a table to sit down at. Back at the game, Green is suggesting to burn the flytrap to ashes, and succeeds in her role... and also killing Red at the same time. As Red cries out in frustration, (Y/N) silently chuckles to himself. The more time he spends with the parasites, the more he sees them as actual people, instead of vengeful aliens.
Fun Fact about (Y/N): (Y/N) has a wide imagination when it comes to fantasy stories. This is because when his parents were still around, his father used to tell him tales of wonders from different countries. Sometimes, (Y/N) thinks about them before falling asleep.
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