50. The Truth Untold
"...Mi Ra?"
Folding her arms together, Mi Ra nodded her head as she gave a look of satisfaction. Walking towards Y/n, she now stood just a few centimetres away from her.
"You asked me of what I wanted from you, actually, I don't want anything from you Y/n." Mi Ra said to which Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
Closing in the little distance that was left between them, Mi Ra came near Y/n's ear and whispered with such a voice that caused chills to run down Y/n's spine, "Everything that I have been doing so far is related to your boyfriend only. And now, all that is left to do is to bring your boyfriend here and trap him in the claws of my well arranged plan."
Confusion kept growing within Y/n as she looked at Mi Ra with eyes filled with scepticism. "What do you mean?"
Raising an eyebrow and giving a smirk, Mi Ra stayed silent for a bit as she then replied, "My dear Y/n, how clueless can you be? How can you be so clueless to not even realise that your boyfriend is not the person you think he is?"
Y/n's eyes immediately widened as she heard the words Mi Ra said. With the help of her arm, Y/n pushed Mi Ra roughly and stumbled out of the car. She was about to get up and run when a painful punch landed on her back.
"Ouch!" She groaned in agony as she tried to escape from Mi Ra's grip. But Mi Ra was fast enough to catch hold of Y/n and make her sit back at the car's seat before she could make an escape.
"Listen here you bitch, if you don't want me to hurt you then you better sit properly and behave." Mi Ra threatened with blood shot eyes as she tried to calm herself down before her nerves could cause her to harm Y/n further.
Y/n wasn't her target, Jungkook was, and if she had to harm someone then it would only be him and no one else.
Struggling with great effort, Y/n unsuccessfully tried to once again push Mi Ra away. But after struggling for a few seconds she finally accepted defeat and sat down at the seat of the car.
With a heaving chest, Mi Ra gave a small smirk as she looked at the now energy drained Y/n. "Now listen to me Y/n, your boyfriend Jungkook is not the person you think he is. He has come from a parallel universe because of a comet and will soon be returning back to the universe he has come from."
"Parallel Universe?" Y/n asked with disbelief as she fell silent for a few seconds but then gave a scoff. "Seriously, are you trying to play games with me or do you take me as a small kid who will believe in any stupid lie you tell?"
Raising an eyebrow, Mi Ra gave a serious look to Y/n as she then asked, "Ever since Jungkook, oh wait, correction, 'Jongkook' got into that accident that took place at the racing track, haven't you ever wondered of why he had a sudden drastic change in behavior? Why did he suddenly start having unpredictable headaches and why he started preventing sunny places or places where there were a lot of cameras?"
Hearing the words Mi Ra had just spoken, memories of when Jungkook had sudden headaches flashed by Y/n's mind. And amidst all this, she also remembered the dreams she recently started having, in which she saw Jungkook crash in a tunnel.
"The person whom you have thought of as you boyfriend is actually Jongkook's other version, Jungkook. Jungkook came to this universe because of a car crash that had taken place in the other universe's tunnel, and that tunnel being the same one in which we are currently in."
Y/n's eyes widened and her heartbeat increased as she recalled a conversation that had taken place between her and Jungkook a few months back...
"Y/n, if I told you someday that I am not the person you think of me as...then would you believe me?"
"Huh? What do you mean that you are not what I think you are?"
"Well, to put it in simpler words, what would you say if I told you that I am not the 'Jungkook' you think I am? That I am someone who is a replica of him. A replica which is from another world."
At that time, when Jungkook had spoken those words to Y/n, she thought that he was probably just messing around with her. But now, after hearing what Mi Ra had to said, everything started to fall in place. The change in behavior, the headaches and those dreams started to fit in like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and the last piece which completed this puzzle was it's connection to a parallel universe.
Looking at Mi Ra, Y/n swallowed in the truth as her head slowly started feeling dizzy because of the sudden overload of information and shock which was accompanied with it. "But you still haven't answered my question Mi Ra. Why are you doing all this and what plan are you talking about?" She asked as suspicion and a pinch of curiousness laced each word that formed her question.
Looking Y/n straight in the eye, Mi Ra gave a chuckle as the words she spoke next shook Y/n to the core. "A comet is the reason of all these happenings and it so happens that today at 12 the comet will once again pass near Earth, causing this tunnel to open up as a portal which would connect the two universes. All I needed to do was to ensure that Jungkook would be near this tunnel at the right time, thus I kidnapped you as a bait to bring Jungkook here."
"Yes..." Raising an eyebrow, Mi Ra gave a victorious smile as she continued, "I am pretty sure Jungkook will come because he wouldn't want to risk the life of his lovely girlfriend." She spoke as sarcasm marked her words. "And once Jungkook arrives, using your life as a bait, I will cause the situations to take such a turn that at the strike of midnight a crash would take place, causing him to not only get injured but also go back to his universe and never return again."
Y/n's breath hitched as she realized what was going to take place after a few minutes. "Why? What problem do you have with him?" She shouted in a desperate voice as tears fell from her eyes. She was about to say more but Mi Ra slapped a piece of black tape on her mouth, causing her mouth to become shut.
"Get ready Y/n." Mi Ra whispered as she closed the door of the car in which Y/n sat and then looked at the time.
"Jeon Jungkook, where are you?" Mi Ra muttered under her breath as she walked ahead and entered another car that was parked infront of the car Y/n sat in.
Meanwhile, as Mi Ra walked towards the other car, Y/n tried her best to set herself free from the ropes that tied her hands. "Please open! Please open!" She kept murmuring with urgency in her fumbled up voice as she tried to break the ropes.
Looking at the time and then at the car in which Y/n sat, Mi Ra gave a sigh as she pressed on the car's accelerator. "It's getting late now and if Jungkook has decided not to come at the right time then I may as well go with the second option." She thought as she looked at the struggling Y/n through the front glass of the car. "Goodbye Y/n. Hope you rest in peace...or maybe not." And with that she wore her black mask and increased the car's speed, heading towards the car in which Y/n sat.
Jungkook pressed on the accelerator of his car as he increased its speed and took a left turn. He quickly looked at his watch to see the time. "Shit!" He muttered under his breath as he realized that now it was past 11:30.
"Y/n, please be safe." The thought kept echoing in his mind as he drove down the street.
As each minute passed by and as each meter was covered, the pain that he felt in his head, ever since he stepped out of his house, kept increasing. The closer he got to the tunnel, the more he felt as if his energy was being drained from him. But he continued driving, he kept going forward.
Soon, the tunnel was in sight, as Jungkook gave a sigh of relief and quickly approached it. By now Jungkook's energy had almost been drained completely as he slowly started feeling dizzy.
Entering the tunnel, he looked at the time:
Looking up at the path ahead, Jungkook's gaze fell on two cars which were parked infront of each other, face to face. On closer inspection, Jungkook realised that one of the cars had Y/n inside.
An expression of anger and pain flashed by his face as he noticed how Y/n was struggling to free herself and get out of the car.
Looking further ahead he noticed that in the other car sat a girl who wore a black mask on her face.
The car which Jungkook was driving was currently behind the car Y/n was trapped in, which meant that Jungkook's car was not in view for Y/n. As she struggled to free herself, she looked up and her eyes widened with shock as she realised that Mi Ra was about to crash a car into the car she was trapped in.
"Is this the end? Am I going to die?" Came the though in Y/n's mind as tears formed in her desperate eyes. "Goodbye Jungkook." She whispered as she closed her eyes, accepting the fate that she thought was written for her.
Mi Ra drove the car with full speed as she was about to crash her car into Y/n's when suddenly, another car came into her view from the left side and...CRASH...
A loud sound erupted in the before quiet tunnel, as shattering of glass was heard.
Opening her eyes, Y/n looked ahead with shock as she realised that a third car had crashed into the car which was being driven by Mi Ra. She tried to recognize the driver of the third car, and when she did...her eyes widened and her breath hitched.
"Kook..." She mumbled as hot tears fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
But as she was about to loose hope, the right door of the third car opened and a severely injured Jungkook stumbled out and walked towards Y/n with great difficulty. Keeping his hand on his chest, Jungkook slowly walked towards the car Y/n sat at and opened its door.
Y/n immediately came out of the car, as the ropes which she had been trying to open for the last few minutes finally broke and the tape that covered her mouth was removed by Jungkook.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at the severely injured Jungkook. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she engulfed him in a hug as she rested her head on his chest and let her tears fall.
"Kook..." She mumbled as a hiccup left her mouth because of the continuos tears that fell from her eyes.
"Shh, it's ok love, I am here now." Jungkook whispered as he hugged Y/n back. But as he wrapped his arms around her waist, his eyes fell at the watch he wore at his wrist.
Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath as he realised of what was going to take place after a few counted seconds. It was now too late.
"Jungkook?" Y/n muttered with disbelief as her gaze fell on Jungkook's arms which were now slowly fading away. "What's happening?" She asked with fear as her eyes met his.
Jungkook looked at Y/n with a painful smile on his face as the hour hand of the clock struck 12 and a white light slowly started surrounding him.
"I am sorry Y/n, I could not keep my promise." He whispered as a mixture of mixed emotions came together, resulting tears to start falling from his eyes.
"No, please tell me that all of this is just a big joke. Though I now know the truth, that does not matter to me, the main point is that you cannot go. Please don't leave me kook."
His body slowly started fading away as sleep took over him, but, even after all this, his attention was still fixed at Y/n as he tried to wipe her tears and make her smile for one last time. But could not.
Y/n, who at the moment was desperately trying to bring Jungkook back to normal looked at him with her tear filled eyes as she gave a small nod.
"I love you." He whispered, clearly knowing that these were going to be the last words he would be able to say to the person with whom the comet had joined his fate with, only for it to be cruelly snatched away.
He looked at her face, Kim Y/n's face, one last time before he closed his eyes and completely faded away.
"I love you too." She whispered, painfully accepting that these were the last words she would say to him, to the Jeon Jungkook of the Parallel Universe.
Note: This is not the last chapter!
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