48. Peek A Boo...
Tip Tap...Tip Tap
The noise of computer keys filled the office room while the evening sunlight and gentle breeze which entered the room through an open window, gave a comfortable feeling to the atmosphere.
It was currently 5 in the evening as Y/n typed down the lyrics of a song 'Together Forever' she had finished composing just a few minutes back.
Tip Tap...Tip Tap
And finally, after typing for ten minutes, her work was done. Resting her back on the chair she was sitting at, Y/n stretched her arms as she then saved the lyrics as a document in her computer.
The perfect description of this new day was, busy. It had been a really busy day not only fY/n but also Jungkook as the two had been working since 7 of morning.
While she was busy writing lyrics and composing a new song, Jungkook was probably working out and learning the dance steps of his new song.
Diverting her attention to the coffee mug kept on the table, she picked it up and took a sip as she then got up and headed towards the window.
Looking outside while sipping on the mug of coffee, the thought, which had been troubling her since yesterday once again came to her mind. "What did that person mean by saying that there was a secret about Jungkook she knew while I didn't?"
A sigh escaped Y/n's lips as she closed her eyes and felt the gentle wind blow on her face.
Earlier today, she and Jungkook had a small talk on the phone during which Y/n had asked Jungkook if they could meet each other after work because she wanted to discuss with him about an important matter.
Jungkook, being the curious bunny he was, became curious when he heard the words 'important matter' and even asked her of what the 'matter' could be about but she just replied with a simple, 'I will tell you afterwards' after which their conversation had ended.
They had also decided that they would meet each other at Jungkook's house at 9:30 or 10pm because that was when she would be able to get some free time to come and meet him.
Opening her eyes to once again be met by the view of city Seoul, Y/n diverted her gaze from the outside view towards her computer.
Pursing her lips together, she gave a small tired sigh.
Today, since the moment she got up, a weird feeling kept lingering in her mind, telling her that something was not right. She felt as if it was warning her about some unknown danger that was coming her way.
Or, maybe, she was just overthinking and was a bit tired, causing her mind to start becoming apprehensive.
But whatever might be the actual the reason of her feeling apprehensive, one thing was for sure, that this day was going to be a day that would change Y/n's life. And by change I don't mean a good or happy one but rather a shocking and heartbreaking change.
Moving his body to the beats of the song, Jungkook danced to the ending melody and soon the song stopped.
The dance practice room was filled with heavy breathing as Jungkook wiped his forehead with a towel to remove the beads of sweat which had formed.
While wiping away the sweat, Jungkook headed towards his bag which was kept at the bench situated at the left side of the room. Opening the zip of his bag, he rummaged through the various contents kept inside and finally took out a small cute looking book which had a cover consisting of designs made with the colors of blue and pink.
Keeping the towel aside, Jungkook opened the book as he skimmed through its pages. With a smile on his face, he reached the last page of the book which had a picture of him and Y/n forming a heart with their hands.
Closing the book, he kept it back in his bag. It had to be kept safe till the moment he would hand it to Y/n as a present. And though this book wasn't a sort of expensive present bought from a luxurious mall, still, Jungkook had put a lot of effort and love in making this book which was an album consisting of all the beautiful moments and memories he and Y/n had made in their one months relationship.
Today marked the 30th day of Jungkook and Y/n's relationship, and this was something which Jungkook found to be very special.
So, to celebrate this day, Jungkook had made this album and with Namjoon's help had decided to hold a small party today at his house for himself and Y/n. And all this was meant to be a surprise which means that Y/n did not know about this. Just thinking about Y/n's happiness when she would see the present he had made for her, caused a big smile to form on Jungkook's face.
Picking up his bag, he slung it across his shoulder as he then looked at the time.
Walking out of the room, Jungkook took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Namjoon's number. Pressing on the call option, Jungkook waited for the call to be answered.
Jungkook: Good evening hyung.
Namjoon: Good evening Jungkook. So, off from work?
Jungkook: Yup! I'll be arriving home within half an hour. So this means that we will have time from 6:30-9:30 to make the preparations for the party.
Namjoon: Great! Y/n will be coming at 9:30 right?
Jungkook: Yes hyung.
Namjoon: Ok! I am heading towards your home within 45 minutes. See ya.
Jungkook: Bye.
And with that the call was cut as Jungkook got inside his car and started it's engine. Driving towards the main road, he took a left turn. While driving, Jungkook opened the car's window to let in some fresh air.
With a smile on his face, he noticed how clear the blue sky was. There were hardly any clouds and the sun too was strangely, a bit dimmer than usual. "Strange." Jungkook muttered under his breath as he focused on the road ahead.
Time: 7:45pm
"And done!"
Making a heart with the frosting, Jungkook kept the frosting aside and smiled to himself with satisfaction as he saw the cake he and Namjoon had baked. It looked beautiful and let's not forget, delicious too!
Both, Jungkook and Namjoon, had been cleaning the house and setting up decorations for the surprise party for the past 60 minutes, which means they had spent an hour in decorating the house and making the food. And thankfully, everything was ready. Now all that was left to do was to wait for Y/n.
Rubbing the back of his neck a Jungkook looked at the time, and then at Namjoon. "Hyung, we have a lot of time left till Y/n arrives. What do we do for the time being?"
Looking at Jungkook, Namjoon though for a second and proceeded to reply, "Well, we can't just waste all the time. I'll do some work of mine while you can do whatever you want."
Giving a pout, Jungkook looked at the time, then at Namjoon and then at the ground; thinking of what he could do. There was no work left and neither was there any cleaning up to do.
Biting his lower lip, Jungkook's eyes wandered around and finally caught sight of a paper kept at the dining table. An idea immediately struck him as he quickly headed towards the table and picked up the piece of paper. "Hyung, I guess I know what to do."
"And what can that be?"
"I am going to make a card for Y/n, in which I am going to write about how special she is to me." Jungkook replied with a smile.
"Aww, that's sweet. Best of luck in making the card." And with that Namjoon gave a thumbs up to Jungkook and then took out his phone in which he would view the work he had to do.
A smile formed on Jungkook's face as he heard Namjoon's words, "Thank you." He answered after which he turned around and walked towards his room. Entering the room, he closed the door and then sat down at a chair kept near his computer table.
Taking a blue pen from his pen stand, he opened it's cap and looked at the blank piece of paper. "Hmm...what should I write?" He though to himself as he turned his head to look outside of the window. Looking outside, a smile slowly made its way on his face as he turned back to the paper and began to write down words, each having an equal amount of thought and love being put into it.
Time: 8:00pm
Closing her computer while keeping the notes of her song inside a folder, Y/n got up from the chair and picked up her purse. Coming out of the office room, she switched off it's lights and then closed the door.
Walking out of the huge company building she worked in, she greeted good bye to some of her colleagues and then headed towards her car.
It was a long day, but finally, she had finished all her work and could now go and meet Jungkook. Just the thought about meeting him caused her heart to leap up with joy and caused a smile to form on her face.
She opened the door of her car and sat down at the driver's seat. Keeping her purse aside she started the cars and engine and drove out of the parking lot. "Its 8pm right now. Hopefully, I'll reach Jungkook's house by 9:30." Y/n thought to herself as she drove her car.
Looking at the street ahead, she hummed the tune of a song as she continued driving. But suddenly, something caught her eye.
From her side-view mirror she could see that a car was behind her. The driver of the car was a girl who had a black mask covering her face. With furrowed eyebrows, Y/n gave a sigh as she looked away and focused on driving.
Minutes passed by during which, Y/n had taken multiple turns, but still, that mysterious car kept following her. Her heart started beating faster, as she fastened the speed of her car. But yet again, the car behind kept following her. "Why is that person tailing me? Jeez, this is creepy." Y/n muttered to herself as she tried to calm herself down.
Taking a left run and then a right turn, minutes continued passing by and by now it was 9:15. Looking at her side-view mirror while praying that the car would have stopped following her, her hopes crashed to the ground as she realized the car was still behind her. By now fear was starting to take over Y/n as she mentally cursed herself for not charging her phone earlier today, because if her phone was charged then she would have been able to call Jungkook or even the police and could have informed them about the current situation, but right now, her phone was dead on battery.
"Just one more turn and I will reach Jungkook's house."
And sure enough, after taking one last turn Y/n was right in front of Jungkook's house. Heaving a sigh of ease, she stopped the car and once again looked back. But this time, to her surprise and relief, the car and it's driver were no where to be seen. "Thank goodness!" Y/n muttered as she kept her hand on her chest to calm down her racing heart.
Getting out of her car, Y/n locked it and then kept it's keys in her pocket.
Now, she just had to cover a few metres of distance and knock at the main door of Jungkook's house, soon after which she would be with Jungkook. Safe and sound.
The wind blew, while the night sky gave an eerie feeling. Usually, whenever it was night, there used to be stars shining in the sky and a moon which used to be brightly smiling down on earth. But today was different. The night sky was empty and dark.
Y/n continued walking but suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind her. Immediately stopping at her tracks, a chill ran down Y/n's spine as she yet again started to get creeped out.
"It's just the sound of footsteps Y/n. There is nothing to be afraid of." Y/n gently reminded herself as she started to calm down. She was about to continue walking when suddenly, she felt the presence of someone behind her.
"Peek a boo..."
From behind, came a creepy voice which belonged to a girl. And before Y/n could react or do anything, a sudden pain hit her head as she fell down on the ground and blanked out.
"Huh, this was much easier than I expected it to be. The plan is so far going perfectly." The girl whispered to herself with a smirk as she stared at the blanked out Y/n who had fallen to the ground.
"She will be here any moment hyung!"
"Jungkook, stop jumping up and down with excitement."
Looking at Namjoon with glistering eyes, Jungkook shook his head. "I can't help it hyung! Just thinking about her smile and happiness makes my heart leap up with joy!"
With a smile on his face, Namjoon gave a small laugh as he looked at Jungkook's excited state. "Jungkook really must be a very caring and cute boyfriend!" He thought to himself as he looked up to see the time.
"Hey Jungkook, you said that Y/n would be coming by 9:30. But she hasn't come yet. Why don't you give her a call to make sure if she is ok?"
"Sure." Jungkook replied as he finally stopped jumping up and down and headed towards his bedroom, the place where his phone was kept.
Dialing Y/n's number, he pressed on the call option. Minutes passed by but his call was not answered.
The number you are calling is not available at this time. Please try later.
Came a voice from his phone.
Worry slowly started taking over him, as he tried to call her once again. Yet once more, the call was not answered.
"Y/n...where are you?" Jungkook muttered to himself with worry.
Giving a sigh, he was about to keep his phone back on the table when suddenly the phone just fell through his hand and down on the floor.
Looking at the fallen phone, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows with confusion and was about to pick up the phone when his eyes landed on his hands.
And a scream of shock was what followed next.
Sitting on the couch, Namjoon, who had been waiting for Jungkook, immediately got up when he heard a scream come from Jungkook's room. "Jungkook!" He shouted with worry as he dashed towards the younger lads room.
Pushing the door open, Namjoon saw a shocked Jungkook, who seemed to be staring at his hands in disbelief.
Namjoon's eyes looked down at Jungkook's hand, and he too could not help but give a gasp of shock.
Jungkook's hands...were becoming transparent. It was as if his hands were fading away.
Looking up at Namjoon, his chest heaved with shock and disbelief as he again looked back at his fading his hands. "Hyung, what's happening? Why...are my hands fading away?" He spoke with a tight voice as he tried to make his hands come back to normal.
Heading towards him, Namjoon looked at his hands with wide eyes. Just then a TING came from Jungkook's phone which was lying on the floor.
It was a news article whose heading was written with bold letters:
NASA announces the arrival of a peculiar looking comet which would be passing near earth on sharp 12 o'clock today. It is reported that this comet has never been seen before and strangely, it is having an effect on the Earth by causing the sky to look dim and by preventing the stars from being visible from Earth.
Picking up the phone, Namjoon pressed on the article and quickly read through it. Looking up at Jungkook with a worry stricken face, he shook his head from side to side.
By now, Jungkooks hands had returned back to normal and he could once again feel them and grip things with them. Seeing Namjoon's expression, Jungkook peered to look at the article which Namjoon was reading. "What happened?" He asked.
"Today is the day of the comets arrival. And according to astronomers it will arrive at 00:00 o'clock."
Hi guys! How are you all? So tell me, did you like this chapter?
By the way, just a small note: Just a few more chapters are left after which this book will end. And lemme tell you, the next few chapters are going to be intense!
Oh and remember when I asked you all to keep in mind the time 00:00 o'clock because it was important? Well, I guess you guys might have guessed it's importance after reading this chapter 。◕‿◕。
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