33. Finger Hearts
Looking at his reflection in the mirror Jungkook took a deep breath as the makeup artist fixed his hair. The cheers of the fans was heard loud and clear, it had an empowering effect on him which made him confident
"Stay calm and do your best!" Encouraged one of the staff members as he proceeded to check if the earpiece and mic pack were properly connected and set.
Jungkook smiled as he heard these words, all the staff members were very kind and helpful, but he could not help but wonder about where Y/n was. He had not seen her since the morning and it kind of worried him.
"Noona..." He called out to a female staff member, "Do you know where is Y/n?"
The staff member thought for sometime and then responded, "She informed that she might be late as there was a huge traffic in the route that she was coming from."
Just then a call came on his phone. Immediately answering the call which was from Y/n Jungkook greeted a good morning.
Y/n: Jungkook I am really sorry to inform but I may arrive late to the stadium today because of heavy traffic. But don't wait for me, go ahead and do your best while performing. Though I might be late, but I can assure you that I will be there for you while you are performing. I will be viewing your performance from a VIP audience seat.
Jungkook: No problem. I got a bit worried thinking that something might have happened to you, but I am relieved to hear that you are ok. Thanks for the encouragement Y/n!
Just then a man entered the dressing room that Jungkook was in and called out saying that the performance was about to start within 4 minutes.
Jungkook: I need to go, the audience are waiting!
Y/n: Best of luck Jungkook.
Cutting the call Jungkook placed his phone on the dressing table and hurried towards the back stage from where he would enter the main stage.
"Have you gained access into the security system Sang Mi?"
Sang Mi: All is done, just as planned. As soon as the performance finishes you do what you want to do while I will hack into the security system and do the rest. But take care Mi Ra.
Mi Ra: Don't worry sis, I am just going to have a small 'personal' visit to Jongkook. Anyways, I need to go now. The performance is about to start.
Cutting the call the girl gave a smirk as she closed her phone and headed towards the arena.
I loud cheer erupted from the audience as Jungkook entered the stage and gave a smile as he looked around. He looked at his side and gave a bow towards the world famous piano artist, Soojin.
Walking towards the mic he looked around with glistering eyes.
The crowd became silent as Jungkook cleared his throat and proceeded to speak, "Never once did I think that I would be bestowed with the honour of performing at this stage. I give my heart warming gratitude to Miss Soojin for participating with me as I perform. I would also like to thank all the staff members who have always been there for me and supported me in this musical journey of mine. It is their hard work and dedication that has brought me to this level of success that I have reached."
The fans smiled as they heard these words.
Amongst this crowd Jungkook's eyes suddenly noticed a person whom he was searching for the past few minutes. He smiled as he saw her waving at him and showing him a finger heart.
"Before the performance starts, I would like to give a small message to a special person whom I hold close to my heart. A person whom I consider more than just a friend, Kim Y/n." The audience murmured amongst themselves as they looked at the place where Jungkook's gaze was fixed.
"Thank you Y/n for always being there for me and guiding me in every step I take. Please forgive me if in the past I have ever done something that might have hurt you. Thank you for supporting me and putting your time and effort whenever I need help."
Y/n gave a smile as she heard Jungkook's words. Keeping her hand on her heart she looked at Jungkook who gave a wink to her and returned that smile. He then formed a heart by joining his two hands together and placed it in such a way that the heart framed Y/n.
If it was possible, he would have loved to not stop this beautiful silent conversation that he and Y/n were having. But there was a song to be sung for his fans, whom he adored and appreciated to a large extent.
So looking back at the audience Jungkook gestured Miss Soojin to start playing the piano keys that would form the beautiful melody to which he would sing.
And with that the performance began.
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