20. Past
Sitting on a chair, she opened the can of soft drink and sipped on it. Holding it in her hand, she took a deep breath and looked at him.
"My parents died when I was only eight years old in an accident. It was my birthday that day, my eight birthday to be specific. And also the last day, I would see my parents." She paused a bit as she closed her eyes. That day was still crystal clear in her mind.
"They were coming back home from a toy store, wanting to give me a birthday gift. There was this particular doll which I loved a lot when I was young. I used to always pester my parents and beg them to buy it for me. So, for my birthday they wanted to give it to me as a gift. But who knew, that a mere wish of mine might cause my parents death?"
Jungkook listened attentively, carefully understanding each and every word.
"But how did they get into an accident?" Asked Jungkook as he looked at her.
Giving a sigh she answered, "It was a rainy day, and the road was really slippery. I was standing outside the house, eagerly waiting for my parents with my grandmother while holding an umbrella in my hand. As I was waiting, I saw a car come in sight and immediately recognized it as my parents car. I still remember asking my grandmother, who was standing near me if my parents might have bought that doll for me." Jungkook heard her give a slight scoff as she said the last line.
"And as the car was coming near, suddenly a truck had come from the other side....and it crashed into my parents car."
There was a moment of silence as Jungkook gulped in the words he heard and tried to imagine how Y/n might have felt that day. It must have been horrible seeing her parents get into an accident and die, while having the guilt because she knew that she was one of the reasons it happened.
"They did not survive the accident?" Asked Jungkook, a small bit of him hoping that the answer would be 'yes'.
"No, they did not." She replied in a soft voice. Holding back her tears became harder each moment as the scenes of that night flashed by her mind.
Suddenly she felt someone give her a hug. And as she got engulfed in that hug, her worries flew away like a butterfly.
Because right now after being engulfed in the hug, all she could think was about her and the boy with her.
The boy whom she considered as her comfort, her happiness.
"I am sorry." He whispered as he hugged her.
"Why are you sorry?" She asked in a soft voice.
"I am sorry, for what happened." He replied as he held her in his arms.
"Its ok. I am fine. What's gone is gone, and right now I should cherish what I have. Cherish what I have right now, so that I may not regret in the future." She answered as she broke away from the hug and gave a smile.
Returning the smile, he looked at her with wonder and amazement. He was surprised that though she was alone in this world yet she stayed strong and moved ahead, living a good life. Maybe, that's one of the many things he loved about her.
One of the many things he loved about the girl with whom fate had intervened him with. Though it was unnatural and something which people thought was unreal, it seemed as if the two universe shifted and moved, so that he could meet her.
Suddenly a gust of wind interrupted the chain of thought that were forming in his mind. Looking up at Y/n, and then outside he realized that it was getting very late.
"Jungkook, we should go to sleep now, its getting very late." She stated, almost as if she had read his worry and voiced it out.
Nodding his head Jungkook got up from the chair and looked at Y/n. "Good night." He wished.
As he was walking towards the room, he heard Y/n call his name.
Y/n- Jungkook.
Turning around he answered "Yes?"
Y/n- Manager had called and informed me that the news reporters have been shifted away from your house. So that means by tomorrow evening you can go back to your house.
"Oh, that's good to know." He replied. "Thank you Y/n for letting me stay at your house, and I am sorry if I caused any trouble."
Giving a bright smile Y/n shook her head, "Your welcome!" She replied as she did a courtesy. "And also, tomorrow at 10am I will be going to a company to make deals and make arrangements for promotions for your new song. So tomorrow morning I wont be here."
"No worries madam. I will take care of your house and make sure not to cause any trouble." He replied while giving his cute bunny smile.
Squinting her eyes she turned to her left side, annoyed by the bright beam of sunlight which was hitting her face.
Came a loud noise from outside which now made her get up from the sofa. Wide awake she looked at the time.
9:10 the clock showed
She sighed as she rubbed her eyes. She had to quickly get ready or else she would be late.
Wearing her shoes she darted towards the kitchen to get a packet of biscuits to munch on. There were only 20 minutes left for the clock to strike 10am.
Taking the packet of biscuits she went towards her room and knocked on its door. "Jungkook, are you awake?" She asked in a loud voice from one side of the door.
Her question was answered by a loud snore coming from inside her room. Giving a slight laugh she assumed that he was probably still asleep.
Taking out a small piece of paper she wrote on it in a hurry, causing her handwriting to look a bit messy.
Hi Jungkook, I have went to work and wont be back till 2pm. Take care.
Your dear friend and colleague Y/n.
Going towards the fridge, she stuck the note on it and quickly went towards the main door of the house. Coming outside, she held the spare keys in her hand which she had taken so that if Jungkook wanted to go somewhere outside he could use the main key. Taking it she locked the door and walked outside, towards her car to go to work.
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