Game Text
Active narration or describing an action.
Chapter 24
Picking himself off the ground, Kokabiel gives you a death stare while clenching his fists.
Kokabiel : "You mean you can get even stronger than this?"
(Y/N) : "Yes, though this form will suffice for now, if you show me something that warrants I push myself, then I'll go even further beyond!"
Kokabiel : "You think you're too good for me brat?! I'LL KILL YOU!"
In a fit of anger, the Fallen leader leaps at you without warning. With his agility being higher than yours, its obvious you wouldn't be able to react in time. However, you prepared for something like that.
One step was all it took, and Kokabiel felt numerous razor sharp strikes all over his arms, legs and upper torso. He immediately reacted to this and jumped away to gain some distance, but an explosion nails him right in the back. Being pushed forwards, he falls to the floor face first with a look of shock plastered on his face.
Kokabiel : 'What the hell was that? This armor should alert me of such attacks!'
With the devils and exorcists, they all share looks of confusion as they witness Kokabiel leap at you, only for it to backfire and knock him to the floor.
Xenovia : "Did anyone else see that?"
Rias : "No, I couldn't even sense it"
Ddraig : "Dimension Weaver"
Issei looks down at his glowing crimson gauntlet.
Issei : "You know what he just did?"
Ddraig : "Yes, a magical ability that allows someone to send an invisible force through dimensions, and since its in another dimension, no one would be able to detect it, not even me"
Issei : "You're saying (Y/N) has the power to manipulate dimensions?"
Ddraig : "No, though using this ability should be impossible for someone like (Y/N), even if he wields my brother's power he'd have to travel to another dimension to send it through without it being detected"
Rias : "What did your sacred gear say?"
Issei : "(Y/N) has some super awesome power"
Back with Kokabiel, he sits up and glares daggers at you, but using extreme speed, you appear right in front of him with a reeled back fist. He quickly raises his arm and summons up a wall of magical vines to stop your attack, but your body disappears and reappears behind him, but his armor gave away your location and he retaliates by buck kicking you straight in the chest. You get sent flying backwards but perform a backflip to land on your feet and stare back at the Fallen Angel.
From your palms, arcs of black lightning dance about as you manipulate it to form a massive sphere and raise it above your head.
(Y/N) : "This is for my mom!"
Thrusting the ball of lightning forwards sends it towards Kokabiel who smirks and puts his arms up to catch it but immediately lets out a loud pained cry as the sphere made contact. Upon touching the Fallen Angel, the ball expanded and pulled his body right towards the center. Lightning bounced along the walls of the sphere and struck Kokabiel numerous times as you jump away and watch the display of black light sizzling the Fallen Angel's skin. Casting a magic barrier around himself allowed Kokabiel to escape the trap.
He lets out a loud battle cry and tackles you. You both tumble on the ground trading blows but Kokabiel sits on top of you.
Kokabiel : "Let's see you get out of this!"
He summons two light swords in his hands and begins to strike at your chest. You cross your arms and block each strike. While others were concerned about your weakness, your magical armor was keeping you safe but was dwindling quickly. From around your legs, several lightning spears sprout from the ground and struck Kokabiel's armor. But they didn't do any damage and shattered upon impact. Kokabiel was distracted by this giving you the chance to shout.
(Y/N) : "Fus Ro Dah! Mul Qah Diiv! (Dragon Aspect) Tiid Klo Ul! (Slow Time)"
With Kokabiel being sent flying, ethereal draconic armor covering your body and time reduced drastically, you pull out Nargacuga's dagger from inventory. Kokabiel was able to register this and slowly tries to avoid it, but fails as you activate extremespeed and dance all around him while delivering a barrage of precise dagger strikes. Then time resumed...
Kokabiel : "GRAAAH!"
Numerous cracks in his armor revealed themselves and oozed a high amount of blood. With Nargacuga's dagger effect of ignoring armor, you easily slipped through Kokabiel's defenses. Said Fallen Angel angrily grits his teeth at this.
From those words came a powerful series of earthquakes, knocking everyone to the ground. It was felt everywhere in Kuoh. Civilians ran out of their homes and towards safety, but instead they're met with the land beneath their feet rising slowly from the ground. A large hand erupts from the ground and a massive being begins pulling itself up, destroying homes and killing innocent people in the like. Civilians instantly begin running and screaming in terror as a large Golem composed of earth rose out of the ground.
Rias : "What is he doing!? He's going to reveal the supernatural world!"
Sona : "We don't have time to worry about that, it's coming right at us!"
Every step the Golem took shook the earth and destroyed numerous buildings. Everyone quickly takes to the skies, while Koneko and Tsubaki grab a hold of Xenovia and Irina. You follow after and are immediately met with Kokabiel laughing.
Kokabiel : "Witness my power boy! LET'S SEE YOU DESTROY THIS!"
Summoning her own wings, Silva quickly flies over to your side and gasps upon seeing the destruction the Golem caused. Buildings on fire, citizens running for their lives and a large crater from where the creature rose.
Silva : "You despicable monster, all those lives.... just....."
She tightens her fists and draws blood while tears ran down her face.
(Y/N) : "You.... bastard..... because I held back, all those people..."
You look at him with glowing red eyes.
(Y/N) : "Unlock Ancient Rune of the Majin and accept all rewards"
You pull out the perk scroll from your inventory and rip the gold ribbon keeping it closed. The scroll opened up revealing a black text that glowed a deep crimson color before burning up into ashes.
[X] Ancient Rune of Majin - Take the original form of Majin mode and become the one Heaven fears. Increases INT, WIS and LCK by 300. STR, END and AGI by 150. Costs 100,000 every minute.
Extra Effect : Double damage/efficiency of all your magical abilities. Your shadow serpent becomes the legendary Yamata No Orochi with poison capable of killing anyone in seconds.
PP Cost : 150
[You have received 103 quest rewards!]
+ 316 SP
+ 647,700 EXP
+ 29 PP
[Level Up!]
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : Dragon/Demon Hybrid
Class : Master of Souls
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 113 (123,109/189,000)
HP/Health Points - 204,500/204,500 (+87,000)(+5000)
MP/Magic Points - 303,665/303,665 (+10,000)(+137,000)
AP/Armor Points - 151,832/151,832
STR/Strength - 221 (+168)
END/Endurance - 209 (+174)
AGI/Agility - 200 (+170)
INT/Intelligence - 200 (+431)
WIS/Wisdom - 200 (+424)
LCK/Luck - 200 (+310)
[SP - 374] [PP - 53]
Money : $254,529
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 7
Activating the ancient rune, you whole body begins to tense up as your magical power began to rise exponentially. Everyone's eyes widened when they sensed it and quickly turned their attention to the crimson star glowing up in the sky. With a might roar, you body was consumed by a red and black aura which transformed your body once again. Stronger and faster then before.
Hovering mid-air, everyone just stared at you in awe, especially Kokabiel.
Kokabiel : "So this is the power you were speaking about, at least it'll be-"
Your shadow expanded with great speed and grew almost as tall as Kokabiel's Golem. 8 long necked beings arose from the shadow and let out a loud and viscous roar. Each head finally took form as you flew above one.
You then point at the giant Golem.
(Y/N) : "Take out Goliath!"
Yamata lets out a loud screech and charges the behemoth. Goliath takes a swing at one of the heads, but the others soon jump in and bite down on its tough and rocky body. 7 heads lift Goliath up and fling it towards the isolated area of Kuoh. Large masses of earth flew into the air as each head fired off a different breath of elemental magic. With the Golem distracted, you turn your attention to Kokabiel, who's looking a little scared.
Kokabiel : 'This boy.... he's stronger than I could ever imagine!'
You suddenly disappear and Kokabiel's eyes widen as the armor couldn't sense where you were. He scans his surroundings and can't locate you anywhere. A sudden punch to the stomach area made him wheeze loudly as you appear right in front of him with a wicked glare.
(Y/N) : "You should've killed me when you had the chance"
With those words, you grab a hold of his throat and fly straight towards the school field slamming his back against the ground. A larger crater formed at the point of impact and forced Kokabiel's armor to disappear due to his weakened state.
Kokabiel HP - 10,953/320,765
(Y/N) : "Even though I don't know what other abilities your armor contains, I'm not willing to risk the chance of you escaping and using it again, I'm not going to make the same mistake you did"
From your shadow, spawned two claws which took a hold of Kokabiel and forced his head to face you.
(Y/N) : "You're done"
Grabbing his upper and lower jaw, you force it open and let a white mist emit from your mouth.
Curse Crystal Breath - Seath the Scaleless's Ability. Taking a deep breathe and fire off a white mist from your mouth that curses anyone caught in its line of fire.
As the mist entered Kokabiel's insides, he could feel his organs beginning to fail and his heart rate getting slow. He tired to scream, but with you forcing mist down his throat, all he could do was struggle and gag. Starting from his feet, everything was beginning to harden and form crystals. His eyes widen at this and looks directly into your cold and emotionless eyes.
(Y/N) : 'Suffer'
Finally, his entire body became a crystal sculpture of himself screaming in pain. Your claws release him and return to the void of your shadow where they would await your orders. Summoning Twilight to your side, you transform it into it's greathammer form and swing it down on Kokabiel's crystal body, shattering it to pieces.
You have killed a leader class Fallen Angel, here are your rewards.
+ 300,000 EXP
+ Corrupted White Soul
+ Oberon's Armor (Broken)
[Quest Complete!]
Find your Mother's Killer
Description : Your mother has just been killed, find her killer and make sure they suffer!
Rewards : Fairy Race Added
[Level Up!]
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : Dragon/Demon/Fairy Tribrid
Class : Master of Souls
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 115 (42,109/195,000)
HP/Health Points - 321,500/321,500 (+162,000)(+5000)
MP/Magic Points - 380,665/380,665 (+10,000)(+287,000)
AP/Armor Points - 190,332/190,332
STR/Strength - 221 (+318)
END/Endurance - 209 (+324)
AGI/Agility - 200 (+320)
INT/Intelligence - 200 (+581)
WIS/Wisdom - 200 (+574)
LCK/Luck - 200 (+460)
[SP - 384] [PP - 55]
Money : $289,372
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 7
(Y/N) : 'D-did I just become a Fairy?'
After staring at the screen for a good long while, you release your Majin form and sit down to take a break. You look over at Yamata and see he disappeared along with Goliath.
(Y/N) : "I guess killing Kokabiel turned him into rubble, oh man, the news is gonna be all over this"
The sound of sniffling made you cock your head to the side and see your mother weeping. You quickly stand up and give her a comforting hug, which she returns and buries her head into your shoulder.
(Y/N) : "Its over mom, he can't hurt you anymore"
You pat her back as she continues crying, while this went on, the others approach you.
Rias : "That was incredible, I never knew you had such an ability in your arsenal"
(Y/N) : "Like I said before Rias, I've got my secrets and you've got yours"
She gives you a smile.
Rias : "I suppose you do"
Suddenly, a bright white ball of light came flying down towards the school field and an armored stranger stands before you and the rest.
??? : "Looks like I missed the party"
Not wanting to take a chance, you instantly activate your balance breaker and take on your Ancient Majin form while activating observe.
Vali Lucifer, White Dragon Emperor
Gender - Male
Level - 229
Age : 19
Race : Human/Devil Hybrid
Class : Guardian
Sacred Gear : Divine Dividing
HP/Health Points - 308,615/308,615 (+50,000)
MP/Magic Points - 264,278/264,278 (+50,000)
STR/Strength - 255 (+150)
END/Endurance - 271 (+150)
AGI/Agility - 267 (+150)
INT/Intelligence - 281 (+150)
WIS/Wisdom - 262 (+150)
LCK/Luck - 201 (+150)
Weakness : Holy & Dragon Slaying Magic
Strong Against : Curse Magic
(Y/N) : 'His sacred gear, that's the White Dragon you were talking about'
Kralkatorrik : 'Yes........ fuck'im up!'
Vali : "So you were the source of the large magical reading, you're an impressive one, what is your name?"
(Y/N) : "(Y/N) (L/N), and yours?"
Vali : "Call me Vali"
(Y/N) : "No last name?"
Vali : "No"
(Y/N) : "Don't bullshit me Vali, you shouldn't spoil our first meeting by being dishonest"
Vali : "I don't have to-"
(Y/N) : "It has Lucy in the name"
Vali visibly flinches at this and lands on the ground, staring you down
Vali : "Seems you have some information about me, you're going to tell me how you know"
(Y/N) : "Am I now?"
His wings glow as you wiggle your sharp black claws and prepare to fight, making everyone tense. A battle between to the two of you would be devastating. That's when another voice rang out...
Ddraig : "Are you going to ignore me White One?"
Vali turns his attention to Issei, who is standing in front of Rias.
Albion : "It's been a while Ddraig, and do my eyes deceive me or is that our jailer"
Kralkatorrik : "......."
Albion : "I never thought we'd meet again like this, last time was when the two of us were getting sealed into these sacred gears"
As he spoke, Rias and the rest gasp.
Rias : "Wait, (Y/N) sacred gear sealed the Heavenly Dragons?"
Sona : "The Dragon King of Knowledge, Kralkatorrik, no wonder (Y/N) possesses so many magic spells, he's in possession of the most secret object in all of history, and that transformation....."
Rias/Sona : 'I better tell my brother/sister'
Vali : "We'll have to settle this another time, I have somewhere important to be, oh and Red One"
Issei : "Yeah, what do you want?"
Vali : "Get stronger, I'm disappointed in your current strength"
Issei : "Wha-hey!"
The White Emperor turns into a ball of light and slowly hovers into the sky before disappearing completely. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief as the thought of the both of you clashing and destroying the town left their minds. While Kiba made up with Rias, you deactivate your Majin form as Koneko approaches you.
Koneko : "You beat his ass good"
(Y/N) : "Yeah, thanks for those motivational words earlier"
Koneko : "Fo sho"
You both fist bump each other and start talking about training.
(Y/N) : "So how's your progress coming?"
Koneko : "I'm getting stronger and faster, but I still can't get used to my nekomata powers"
(Y/N) : "Take your time, power is earned with hard work, you wouldn't believe what I had to do to get my powers"
After talking a little bit longer, you decide to say goodbye to everyone and leave the school area with your mother in tow.
Silva : "I never expected you to wield such a power, even though I'm curious I won't ask you about it, but I bet you're exhausted after using up all that magic so let's go home right now and get you to bed"
(Y/N) : "Yeah I am, but...."
Silva : "What is it?"
(Y/N) : "There's been something on my mind I've always wanted to ask you"
Silva smiles at you and pets your head.
Silva : "Ask away, I'll tell you the truth"
(Y/N) : "Its about the name you gave me at birth, you called me....."
(Y/N) : "Harlequin? Was that my Fairy name?"
Silva : "That is what I originally wanted to call you, but seeing as I didn't want anything to remind me of my kind, I decided to change it to something else"
(Y/N) : "I see, you should get home, I have to face another battle"
Your mother gives you a confused look as you explain what you did to Robin and the rest. She understands the situation and gives you her regards before returning home. Upon reaching your apartment, you take a deep breathe and use Twilight to open up a portal to Ylisse. You find the spot you left everyone empty and enter the portal to search for them. The ring on your hand instantly closes in on Robin's location and you could feel her sprinting right in your direction.
(Y/N) : "Oh crap"
Robin : "(Y/N)!"
She shouts as a massive dust storm forms behind her. Right when she's a few feet away from you, she jumps into the air and land a punch right on the cheek. You flew backwards and tumble along the ground with a deadpan expression. You finally stop and stare up at the sky with a small bruise on your cheek. Compared to everything you've been through, it didn't hurt much.
(Y/N) : "Ow"
You try to stand up but Morgan leaps on your body and repeatedly beats on your chest with clenched fist, crying her eyes out.
Morgan : "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"
(Y/N) : "Please stop"
But she didn't. Once it was getting tiring, you summon your demon arms and remove her from your body. Standing up, you're immediately met with an angry Mark, Lucina and Asia.
Mark : "Why did you do that?!"
(Y/N) : "To protect you"
Robin : "We could've helped you!"
(Y/N) : "No, you couldn't, if Kokabiel wasn't an idiot he would've killed all of us instantly"
Morgan : "But with us you would've stood a chance!"
(Y/N) : "Even if any of you were with me, there would've been no-"
Mark : "How do you know that!? We-"
(Y/N) : "ENOUGH!"
While shouting, you activate your Majin form and took everyone around you by surprise, knocking them down to the ground. Feeling the power and anger emitting from your body, everyone thought it was targeted at them and they were terrified.
(Y/N) : "Do you know how many innocent people died because of me?"
Everyone stayed quiet.
(Y/N) : "Because I held back, people had their homes destroyed, family members ripped out of their lives and now I have to pretend I had nothing to do with it, if I lost any of you because of my mistake, I would never forgive myself, I've already lost my brother I don't want to lose anyone else!"
Even though you were feeling emotional, you couldn't shed a single tear. Sure the loss of any of your family members would hurt you, but the thought of having it be your fault would only anger you beyond comprehension. Robin just gives you a hug and buries her head into your chest.
Robin : "Can we just go home now?"
You nod and return the hug before opening up a portal to your apartment allowing them to step inside.
Kralkatorrik : "Kinda harsh isn't?"
(Y/N) : "Yes, but I need to teach them not to make the same mistake I did, I hope its not too late for them, just in case though I'm gonna bring them inside the dungeon and train them"
Kralkatorrik : "Don't scar them for life"
(Y/N) : "I'll take them to Skyrim then, haven't been there in a while so I should check up on them, plus everyone over there is really weak"
After following everyone inside, they immediately went to their rooms and stayed quiet for the rest of the night. Knowing you did something insensitive, you decide to sleep on the couch for the night. You turn on the tv and see a report about the Golem's destruction and find out there are already 213 confirmed dead. You check other stations and luckily see nobody has footage of Goliath or Yamata.
Even after hearing how many people died, you didn't feel sad or anything, just anger and disappointment in yourself. You then decide to turn off the tv and go to sleep. The next morning, you decide to cook everyone breakfast. Once everyone took a seat, you hand them a plate. That's when Morgan decides to speak up...
Morgan : "Dad, do you think we're weak?"
In the middle of cleaning dishes and without turning around to look at her, you answer...
(Y/N) : "No, you just haven't been given proper training, in a couple of days that changes"
After breakfast, you inform the others that school has been cancelled for the next few days due to the incident. You had contacted Rias about it and she said...
Rias : "We have control of the media here in Kuoh, we managed to pass it off as an earthquake and wiped the memories of people who witnessed the battle, the only problem we had was filling the hole Goliath came out of but we managed to fill it just in time"
(Y/N) : "I see, glad to know the supernatural world won't be exposed just yet"
Rias : "We were incredibly lucky indeed, Sona said the school is fine and still standing so it should be ready in about 2 days,"
After hearing about the destruction, Asia didn't feel right about going on a date today so she said to reschedule it. Instead, you decide to walk through the town to scope out the damage. There were numerous cracks on the sidewalks and road, buildings turned into rubble and important stores closed due to heavy losses in inventory. While looking at the closed supermarket, detect presence went off, a tall male was approaching you from behind.
Transforming Twilight into its dagger form, you hid it within your long sleeve and waited for your assailant to come close. He suddenly stops and speaks....
??? : "Tragic isn't it?"
You cock your head around and see a black haired male with golden bangs and a black goatee. You use observe.
Azazel, Governor General
Gender - Male
Level - 378
Age : 2951
Race : Fallen Angel
Class : Grand Magician
Status : Alive
Sacred Gear : N/A
HP/Health Points - 425,562/427,562
MP/Magic Points - 478,540/478,540
STR/Strength - 431
END/Endurance - 429
AGI/Agility - 457
INT/Intelligence - 511
WIS/Wisdom - 481
LCK/Luck - 321
Weakness : Curse Magic
Strong Against : Holy Magic
Drops :
Corrupted White Soul 100%
Sacred Gear Research Book 100%
Downfall Dragon Spear 100%
(Y/N) : 'So this is Azazel, why the hell is the leader of the Fallen Angels in devil territory?'
You turn your body around and face him directly.
(Y/N) : "Yes it is, were you affected by it?"
Azazel : "Somewhat, I was in my house when it happened, heard it got real crazy in the middle of the night"
(Y/N) : "Yes it was, though I'd think you know Azazel"
He looks at you and chuckles.
Azazel : "Oh man Vali was right, you do know a lot about others"
While speaking with him, detect presence went off again and you catch Rias watching the both of you from afar. Azazel seems to catch this and looks over at Rias.
Azazel : "Looks like we got a lookie loo, how about we go somewhere more private?"
Knowing you could easily overpower him if you transform, you decide to agree. Even if he wanted to fight you, you'll get a corrupted white soul. So...
(Y/N) : "Got candy?"
Azazel looks at you a little confused.
Azazel : "I..... guess, you want some?"
(Y/N) : "It would make it better"
A/N : Alright first off, never get into a car with a stranger. Unless they say they're a friend of your parents, I mean c'mon who would lie about that? And if they got candy, you better get your ass in the car. You aren't stupid are you. Get some friends, they'll be happy and you'll be happy, yeah you're gonna have a good time.
Don't do it though. I mean it.
While following Azazel, Rias and Sona had trailed the both of you for a while until you both approached a large apartment complex and follow him inside his unit. It was well furnished with expensive looking furniture and decorations.
(Y/N) : 'Looks like he's been here a while, I wonder if Rias and the rest noticed his presence before? Probably not'
Azazel : "Take a seat anywhere, you drink?"
(Y/N) : "What you got?"
Taking a seat on the couch, Azazel brings over a tray of glasses, ice and liquor. He passes you one and you take a drink.
Azazel : "Think you'll be okay? You are a minor after all"
(Y/N) : "After everything I've been through, I need something like this"
After finishing the drink, you put the glass down on the table nearby and slide it over to him.
(Y/N) : "Another"
[You are suffering from Buzzed!]
Description : Go home, you're drunk. Last 3 hours
Azazel : "BAHAHA! You mean to tell me all of his clothes fell off once you punched him? That's hilarious!"
Telling Azazel about your fight with Saji, he couldn't hold in his laughter and commented on how arrogant the devils are, to which you agree and clink his drink. The weird thing is, he didn't ask any personal questions or anything about your sacred gear. All he asked was to talk and share stories with each other while drinking. After about two hours, you decide to leave and Azazel waves you off, saying to do this again sometime. You agree and walk out of the complex.
In the middle of your walk, Rias and Sona decide to confront you about Azazel.
Rias : "Why were you hanging out with him?"
(Y/N) : "Dash nun of ur bishniss"
The two give a look of confusion at your slurring and a sudden light bulb appears above their heads.
Sona : "Are you drunk?"
(Y/N) : "....no"
[Lie has failed!]
Sona : "You're too young to drink, did Azazel give it to you?"
(Y/N) : "I don have to tell you, I a man! I do what want!"
Rias : "Guess we know (Y/N) is one of those arrogant drunks, we should get him home before he hurts himself"
Sona : "Agreed, I'll scold him when he's right of mind"
The two attempt to grab you by the arms, but you instantly teleport behind them both.
(Y/N) : "No touchies"
Naruto running in a random direction, Rias and Sona try to follow you, but with you using sprint, you easily left them in the dust. Unfortunately they called in the Calvary, their peerage members alongside Xenovia and Irina. While you were in the dungeon, Kokabiel revealed God's death to the exorcists leaving them to become pariah's of the church.
Issei : "You called an emergency Rias?"
Saji : "What's wrong Sona?"
Rias : "(Y/N) is running around drunk and we don't know where he is"
Akeno : "(Y/N)'s drunk? I didn't think he'd be one to drink"
Sona : "He was out with Azazel, they must've taken a drink while they were speaking with each other, but we don't know about what"
Issei : "He was with Azazel? Did he do anything to him?"
Rias : "Not from what I see, but I'd like to know what they talked about so we're out on a hunting mission, if anyone sees (Y/N) contact the others"
Everyone : "Yes!"
*Cue a montage of the group chasing down a drunk (Y/N) while, 'All my best friends are metal heads by Less than Jake,' plays in the background*
Sona's knight managed to find you first swimming in a pond in only your boxers singing Karma Chameleon.
(Y/N) : "Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams~ Red, Gold and Green~
They all surround the small body of water and prepare to jump in to grab you. You notice their presence, but chose to ignore it and when they pounced on you...
(Y/N) : "YES!"
[Now entering the World Dungeon!]
You held the key to the dungeon as they jumped you and forcefully brought them inside the dungeon. Everyone was too focused on you to notice the world around them collapsed. Issei was the first to realize this and called out to everyone.
Issei : "Where are we?"
Everyone stops and looks around to find themselves standing atop a white cloud slowing heading north in the direction of a large mass of black clouds. They all try to fly away, but their wings can't lift them off the cloud.
Rias : "Why can't we fly away!?"
Sona : "I don't know! Just brace!"
Everyone closes their eyes and get pulled into the storm cloud with brief flashes of thunder surrounding them. But just as quickly as it started, things calm down and they escape the storm cloud to see a large golden pillar in the sky.
Rias : "What is that?"
Unfortunately for them, they couldn't see the window pop up and neither could you because you were lying down on the floor on your face.
[World Dungeon Floor 1 out of 100]
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : Dragon/Demon/Fairy Tribrid
Class : Master of Souls
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 115 (42,109/195,000)
HP/Health Points - 156,500/156,500 (+37,000)
MP/Magic Points - 145,665/145,665 (+62,000)
AP/Armor Points - 72,832/72,832
STR/Strength - 221 (+68)
END/Endurance - 209 (+74)
AGI/Agility - 200 (+70)
INT/Intelligence - 200 (+131)
WIS/Wisdom - 200 (+124)
LCK/Luck - 200 (+60)
[SP - 384] [PP - 55]
Money : $289,372
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 7
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