Unexpected Change
Game Text
Active narration or describing an action.
A/N : Alright, this is important, since I've been working on this story pretty much non stop, I've been neglecting my other stories so I've decided to put this story on hold for a month so I can focus on my other stories. Thank you for understanding.
Chapter 14
As Velstadt and Raime dealt with Walhart's followers, you were currently facing both of his advisers.
Excellus : "Well look at this, a measly worm dares to face us alone?"
Cervantes : "The young are very foolish, young man you should think about growing a beard"
(Y/N) : 'Ugh, these assholes...'
Excellus : "Tell me how you'd like to die, painful and slowly or painful and slowly"
You just sigh and walk towards the two with your hands by your side. Excellus just scoffs and looks at Cervantes.
Excellus : "Kill him"
Cervantes steps forwards towards you, but he suddenly stops once he reaches you. Excellus raises an eyebrow at this.
Excellus : "What're you doing fool? Kill him!"
Suddenly, Cervantes falls backward on the ground to show a hole through his chest. Excellus's eyes widen as he looks at his fallen comrade then at your hand to see it covered in blood. Then you disappear and reappear in front of Excellus.
(Y/N) : "You know, even though you're Walhart's tactician, you aren't very smart"
Your hand begins to glow and your thrust it straight through Excellus's chest making his eyes bulge and cough up blood.
You managed to grab a hold of his heart and crush it, causing him to die instantly and fall to the ground as you pulled your arm out.
(Y/N) : 'I've always hated that guy's face, or woman, I don't really care, now to deal with the rest'
A group of troops rush towards you as you summoned two daedric swords in your hands. You parry a sword strike and kill the attacker with a single swipe across the neck. Another tries to catch you from behind, but you ducked and fired off an ice spear into their stomach. You were about to take out another, but several arrows strike the enemy in the back. You turn around to see the rest of Chrom's army had dealt with Walhart's army and were ready to help take over the capital.
You explain to Frederick that Chrom, Robin and Lucina were currently heading towards Walhart as you dealt with his personal guards. Frederick said he and everybody else would deal with the guards and that you should head over their to support them. You agree and head towards Walhart's throne to see Chrom and Lucina on the ground while Robin is being picked up by the throat by Walhart.
Walhart : "Weak prince, you're comrades will soon fall before me"
He raises his axe high about to finish Robin, but you sprint towards him and kick him with all your strength sending the conqueror flying into the wall. You caught Robin before she hit the ground and she looks up at you.
Robin : "We're sorry, he was too strong"
(Y/N) : "Don't worry, I'm here now, let me finish this"
You place her down next to Chrom and Lucina and cast guardian circle healing their injuries. The sound of rubble moving made you turn around to see Walhart had recovered from your attack.
Walhart : "A sneak attack is for cowards"
(Y/N) : "As if I care about what you think of me, I see you hurting my friends and I'll do anything to protect them"
Walhart : "What is your name?"
(Y/N) : "My name is (Y/N)"
Walhart : "(Y/N), so you're the one who dealt with my east battalion"
(Y/N) : "What makes you think that?"
Walhart : "These three failed to meet my expectations, but I can feel you're very different from them, show me your true strength"
Staring into his eyes you knew he was going to be disappointed if you didn't go all out, so you sigh and decide to honor his last wish.
(Y/N) : "I'm surprised you could tell, but I should warn you that nobody who's faced me at 100% has survived"
Walhart : "Then show me"
(Y/N) : "Very well"
The air suddenly became heavy as your sacred gear appeared on your arm and started to emit a bright violet light before covering your body in a purple twister with only two blue dots being visible. Meanwhile....
Tiki : "This power"
Say'ri : "Is something wrong lady Tiki?"
Tiki : "I've just felt a power that matches Grima"
Say'ri : "WHAT?! WHO?! We must act at once!"
She quickly leaves to inform the rest of the army as Tiki continues to stare at the violet pillar of magic erupting from the capital.
Tiki : "No, it may even surpass Grima"
~Back with you~
As the twister dies down, it finally reveals you wearing your balance breaker and the power it radiated could be felt by the four around you. Both Falchion's began to glow brightly for some reason as Chrom and the other two stared at you in awe.
(Y/N) : "This is my full power Walhart, don't disappoint me"
Walhart didn't say a word and just prepared to fight. Using his horse to rush towards you, you didn't move a single inch and once his axe made contact with your armor, it bounced back and hit the wall behind Walhart. He looks at his hand to see it trembling from the impact of his blade and smiles.
Walhart : 'Its seems I've lost, he's too powerful'
You raise your arm, point your palm at the conqueror and summon a large magic circle in front of you.
(Y/N) : "Any last words?"
Walhart : "You'll defeat Grima"
And with that, the magic circle glowed and you fired off a massive beam of purple magic that completely erased Walhart out of existence, while also leaving a massive hole in the building.
Thoron (Balance Breaker Version), Rank S Spell
Summon a large horizontal bolt of lightning that can pierce through multiple opponents.
DAM : 60 x INT
Cost : 1500 MP
After putting your arm down, you noticed Walhart's guards were staring at you full of fear. You face them all and point your right hand at them.
(Y/N) : "I'll only give you one chance to surrender, put your weapons down and I'll spare you life"
Almost all of the soldiers dropped their weapons and put their arms up in surrender, but two soldiers decided not to give up and came at you with swords drawn. Your right hand glowed violet as the two guards suddenly stopped where they were as a purple aura coated their bodies.
(Y/N) : "Fools"
You form a fist, causing the two to be crushed with massive amounts of force breaking their spines, killing them instantly and without pain. You dropped their bodies on the ground and look at the rest of the guards as you made your armored blue eyes glow.
(Y/N) : "Anyone else?"
Nobody spoke up so you deactivate your balance breaker and approach the three behind you.
(Y/N) : "Looks like Valm is surrendering, he's your reward"
You hand Chrom the green jewel known as Vert to him. Just after Walhart made contact with your armor, you snatched Vert from him and put it away in your inventory for now. Now Chrom had four of the jewels in the Fire Emblem, he only had one left and it was going to be located in Plegia, except you didn't tell Chrom that. You left a short bit afterwards to find Asia, Emmeryn and Kirin resting, so you decided to do the same and said you'll be in your tent for the time being.
A couple of hours after Walhart was defeated, the army decided they were going to rest for a couple of days before returning to Ylisse. Right now, you were alone in your tent meditating until someone just outside called your name.
Lucina : "(Y/N)?"
(Y/N) : "Lucina, do you need something?"
She walks in fully equipped with her combat outfit on.
Lucina : "I'm here for training"
(Y/N) : "Did you eat and get some proper rest?"
Lucina : "Yes, I just woke up and ate a couple of minutes ago"
(Y/N) : "Alright then we'll begin training at once-"
Robin : "(Y/N)?"
You and Lucina look to see Robin poking her head through the tent flaps.
(Y/N) : "Is something wrong Robin?"
Robin : "No, I just wanted to thank you for saving me from Walhart"
(Y/N) : "Oh, it was no problem, you would've done the same for me"
Robin : "So anyway, I overheard you two talking about training, do you mind if I come?"
(Y/N) : "I suppose it'll be alright, but its going to be dangerous and I can't promise you'll live through it"
Robin : "Is it really that dangerous?"
(Y/N) : "Seeing how strong I am, are you really going to question it?"
Robin : "I suppose that's true, I'll grab my things"
She quickly leaves to grab her equipment, leaving you and Lucina alone.
Lucina : "Is it alright for her to come with us?"
(Y/N) : "I don't see anything wrong with it, I just hope she doesn't tell anyone else"
Robin came back a few minutes with several tomes and her levin sword. Telling the two to close their eyes and not to open them no matter what, you exit the dungeon and enter the Dark Souls dungeon, only to be met with...
[You are attempting to enter a dungeon with multiple people, would you like to start a party?]
You mentally clicked yes and in the top left corner of your eyes you spotted two health bars with both girls names above them. When you entered the dungeon, you noticed the area wasn't familiar to you. At this time, you equip your daedric armor and look at the two still closing their eyes.
(Y/N) : "You can open your eyes now"
The two opened their eyes and gasped once they found themselves in an unknown location. You scanned the area around you and speculated it was a castle judging from all the statues on the wall. A few seconds later the three of you heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. You all turn around to see several black knights wielding a variety of weapons marching towards you.
Black Knight
Level - 60
Class : Knight
Status : Alive
Race : Unknown
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 8,000/8,000
MP - 0/0
STR - 81
END - 78
AGI - 72
INT - 0
WIS - 0
LCK - 0
Weakness : Backstabs
Strong Against : Unknown
(Y/N) : 'Alright, they seem like excellent sparing partners'
You face Lucina and Robin.
(Y/N) : "These knights will be the beginning of your training, I'd like to see what I'm working with so I want the two of you to fight them until I get a full understanding of your abilities"
Lucina takes a look at the knights before nodding, while Robin looks a bit hesitant.
Robin : "They look pretty powerful, you're going to be watching us right?"
(Y/N) : "Yeah, if anything goes wrong then I'll step in"
This seemed to calm Robin down and she prepared to fight the black knights. You watched the both of them from a couple of feet away and made sure to examine each one closely. Lucina was pretty quick with her attacks, a black knight wielding a sword and shield managed to catch her off guard and strike in the back, but she recovered quickly and pierced the black knight's chest through the heart. Meanwhile, Robin was supporting Lucina from the back with lightning strikes from her levin sword.
When a black knight wielding a great axe decided to face her, she fired off thoron and pushed the knight away where Lucina went in to finish him. You watched as the two took out groups of 10 knights without much difficulty, but they were getting tired quickly. When you saw Lucina's movements becoming sluggish, you stepped in and blocked the next strike from a black knight.
(Y/N) : "Both of you rest, I'll handle these guys"
The two step away and watch as you manhandle the black knights around like ragdolls. A sword and shield wielder attempts to blocks your unarmed strike, but you made it glow yellow and break through the shield with ease. Your hand managed to pierce the black knights armor and destroyed his heart. You pushed the knight off your hand and turned your attention towards another one.
You summon a daedric dagger and backstab most of the knights to death. It only took minutes for you to clear the room of enemies. You then head towards the two girls and sat down next to them.
Lucina : "Is this really the training you do?"
(Y/N) : "Somewhat, although most of the time I do everything alone, is it too much for you?"
Lucina : "A little, but if you can do it then I'll do my best to follow your example"
Robin : "I'm curious, what is this place"
(Y/N) : "Judging from the enemies, we're somewhere called Anor Londo, but it looks a bit different from what I remember"
Robin : "How did we get here anyway?"
(Y/N) : "I have a way of teleporting here through a magic gate, I usually come here to train and become stronger, sometimes even to be alone"
Before anyone could say anything else, more heavy footsteps started to approach and you all turned to see more black knights coming. Lucina and Robin stand up and prepare to fight, but you also stand up because there are a few new enemies among them.
Level - 70
Class : Knight
Status : Alive
Race : Unknown
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 9,700/9,700
MP - 0/0
STR - 89
END - 82
AGI - 76
INT - 0
WIS - 0
LCK - 0
Weakness : Unknown
Strong Against : Unknown
There were at least ten of them among the horde of black knights.
(Y/N) : "The two of you handle the black knights, I'll deal with the big guys"
The two nod in understanding and you jump forwards to kick a sentinel in the face sending it crashing to the ground. You summon your daedric warhammer and drive it down on the Sentinel's helmet. You quickly jump up to avoid a sideways swipe and turn your attention to the other one right behind you. You strike at the other Sentinel's helmet making it stumble backwards into another causing them both to collapse.
At this point, you summon Velstadt and Raime to your side and have them help you handle the numerous giants around you. After killing the first one you fought, you jumped onto Raime's shoulders and saw Lucina and Robin still dealing with several black knights. You take a peek at the party's health bars and see their just above 65%.
Suddenly, you were knocked off Raime who had been attacked by two Sentinels causing him and you to fall down. Quickly summoning your daedric greatsword, you take a swing at one Sentinel but he blocks it with his shield, but you smirk at this.
(Y/N) : "FUS RO DAH!"
The armored giant was sent flying into the wall behind it. Velstast who managed to kill one Sentinel decided to finish that one off and slammed his hammer against its chest.
[Level Up!]
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : ???
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 70 (329/60,000)
HP/Health Points - 17,700/17,700
MP/Magic Points - 10,450/10,450
STR/Strength - 140
END/Endurance - 100
AGI/Agility - 127
INT/Intelligence - 119
WIS/Wisdom - 101
LCK/Luck - 100
[SP - 34] [PP - 16]
Money : $37,454
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 10
[You have reached the appropriated level to obtain a race!]
[Once the gamer's actions and abilities are analyze, a race will be chosen accordingly!]
(Y/N) : 'What the hell is this? A race will be chosen for me? Will I still look human or will I look like something else?'
[Analysis has been completed! Due to your actions since the beginning of your journey, you're race has been assigned as Dragon or Demon!]
(Y/N) : 'Demon or Dragon?'
[System has also allowed a hybrid of these two to be your race!]
[Make your choice!]
(Y/N) : 'How the hell did I get-'
Kralkatorrik : 'Partner, you might want to check on everyone's health'
You look at the health bar and see their now at 35%, your eyes widened as you see Lucina and Robin exhausted from fighting so many enemies at once. Not even looking, you mentally clicked hybrid and went over to help them. Then you suddenly stop.
(Y/N) : 'My body, what's going on?!'
A black mass of magic suddenly sprouts from your back and takes the form of two large black wings. You stare at them for a bit before continuing towards Lucina and Robin. When Lucina was about to take a hit across the chest, your wings took the form of giant claws and extended towards her to block the attack. Going along with this, you used the other wing to change into another claw and used it to pull yourself towards the two.
You land right before them and they were surprised to see you sprouting something out of your back.
(Y/N) : "I'll explain afterwards, just stay close to me!"
The two stood next to you as you cast a magical barrier around the three of you. The black knights attempt to get through the barrier, but their attacks just bounce back. The two girls sigh in relief and you cast guardian circle on them both.
(Y/N) : "Sorry you almost got overrun, I was a little preoccupied with something"
Robin : "I'll say, what was that back there? You just spawned some black thing from your back"
(Y/N) : "To be honest, I think I know what I truly am now"
Lucina : "What do you mean?"
(Y/N) : "I take it you wouldn't believe me if I said I was human right?"
Lucina/Robin : "Nope"
(Y/N) : "Jeez, well from what you saw, I'm also a demon"
Lucina : "You're a demon?"
(Y/N) : "Seeing as I can do this..."
You sprout your wings again and changed them into claws. They begin to act like a second pair of hands you could mentally control. They could also cast spells, go into your inventory and increase their size as well as decrease.
(Y/N) : "I suppose that's enough proof?"
The two nod slightly and become quiet as you pulled your secondary arms back.
(Y/N) : "Are you scared of me?"
Lucina : "What? Why would we?"
(Y/N) : "Would you really trust a demon with this much power to run free? I have nothing that binds me and I am free to do what I wish, aren't you scared I would go out of control and hurt someone you care about?"
Robin : "I don't think you're like that, sure you maybe a demon, but I've never seen you do anything that would change my view on you, you have plenty of friends and always lend a hand to others, plus..... you're really nice"
Lucina : "She's right, you also kept my identity a secret from the others, plus you're training us so you can't be an evil demon"
[Because you told them the truth of your race, you have reached B support with Lucina and A support with Robin]
(Y/N) : "Heh, thank you both, I really needed that"
The two smile and continue to wait while their wounds heal. You took this time to look at your stats.
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : Dragon/Demon Hybrid
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 70 (2,241/60,000)
HP/Health Points - 20,700/20,700
MP/Magic Points - 10,450/10,450
STR/Strength - 155
END/Endurance - 115
AGI/Agility - 142
INT/Intelligence - 134
WIS/Wisdom - 116
LCK/Luck - 115
[SP - 34] [PP - 16]
Money : $38,783
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 10
[Strength has reached 150, perk has been rewarded!]
Intimidation - Targets with lower strength than you suffer - 25 STR, - 25 INT and -25 WIS.
(Y/N) : 'Looks like my stats all jumped up by 15 points, but what about my dragon abilities?'
Dragon Form - Take your primal form and increase your stats by 20 while transformed.
Cost : 20 PP
Resist Dragonslayer - Reduce damage of dragon slaying weapons and magic by 50%.
Cost : 30 PP
Outrage Mode - Double all of your stats for 1 hour.
Cost : 100 PP
(Y/N) : 'Jesus Christ! Wait, if I'm a dragon can I....'
The sound of cracking caught your attention and you turned to see the barrier about to be broken down, so you stand up and deactivate the barrier before shouting...
(Y/N) : "ZUN HAAL VIIK! (Disarm)"
The knights in front of you dropped their weapons and you turn to face the others behind you.
(Y/N) : "LIZ SLEN NUS! (Ice Form)"
The rest of the horde turned into ice statues and fell to the ground. You used this time to smash their heads in with a daedric warhammer. Robin and Lucina had finally recovered and helped take care of the unarmed and vulnerable knights. Raime and Velstadt had managed to finish off the Sentinels and assisted in crushing the black knights flat.
Once the horde was done, Lucina and Robin let out a big sigh and collapsed on the ground staring up at the ceiling.
Robin : "Are we done yet?"
(Y/N) : "You're kidding right? We've only been in here for half an hour, I once trained in here for 27 hours straight fighting 1 guy, of course it was a real phoenix so its to be expected"
Lucina : "I can't believe this is what you've been doing most of the time, I have a whole new respect for you"
(Y/N) : "Thank you, but I think rest time is over"
You see another horde of black knights, sentinels and another new enemy.
Level - 72
Class : Knight
Status : Alive
Race : Gargoyle
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 9,900/9,900
MP - 4200/4200
STR - 90
END - 79
AGI - 76
INT - 71
WIS - 82
LCK - 58
Weakness : Lightning
Strong Against : Fire
(Y/N) : "This reminds me of horde mode in most games"
Lucina : "What do you mean horde mode?"
(Y/N) : "Whenever we deal with a wave of enemies, the next wave will have stronger enemies per wave adding more difficulty and a change of strategy"
Robin : "What do you know about the new ones?"
(Y/N) : "They can fly and breath out fire, so be careful"
You call back Raime and Velstadt so they can heal, meanwhile you approach the horde with daedric swords in your hands as Lucina and Robin stand up.
(Y/N) : "It'll only get tougher from here on out, you need to improve to survive because I might not be able to save you every time"
Lucina and Robin begin to follow you and the three of you clashed with the horde.
It's been several hours later and Lucina and Robin were currently on their stomach breathing heavily, while you were only sweating slightly.
Lucina : "I......need some.....rest"
(Y/N) : "Alright, the two of you rest I'll keep watch"
Robin : "So....tired"
While the two decided to take a nap, you took a look at your stats.
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : Dragon/Demon Hybrid
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 73 (7,575/69,000)
HP/Health Points - 21,700/21,700
MP/Magic Points - 11,050/11,050
STR/Strength - 158
END/Endurance - 117
AGI/Agility - 145
INT/Intelligence - 134
WIS/Wisdom - 116
LCK/Luck - 115
[SP - 49] [PP - 19]
Money : $68,943
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 10
(Y/N) : "Hmm, what about the other two?"
You used observe on both girls and saw their improvements.
Robin, Tactician of the Shepherds
Level - 64
Class - Grandmaster
Status : Alive
Race : Human
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 10,100/10,100
MP - 6720/6720
STR - 65
END - 68
AGI - 70
INT - 124
WIS - 114
LCK - 60
Weakness : Unknown
Strong Against : Unknown
Lucina, Princess of Ylisse
Level - 62
Class - Great Lord
Status : Alive
Race : Human
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 10,230/10,230
MP - 2355/2355
STR - 96
END - 84
AGI - 92
INT - 74
WIS - 65
LCK - 47
Weakness : Unknown
Strong Against : Unknown
(Y/N) : "Seems the two of them have improved greatly, though I believe after the boss, we'll return to Ylisse, I'm sure they'd get worried if we were gone for more than a day, speaking of the boss..."
[Boss has appeared and will be waiting for you!]
(Y/N) : 'This reminds me of the natural dungeon, I just hope they wait long enough for the girls to get their rest'
The girls took a two hour power nap and were fully prepared to face the boss after waking up. Using the minimap as a guide, the three of you found the fog gate stopping you from facing the boss. You turn around and look at Lucina and Robin with a serious expression.
(Y/N) : "Listen closely, whatever is behind this fog gate will be much more powerful than the enemies you just faced, I felt as though I should warn you, this is going to be your final test"
Lucina and Robin nod with a serious expression and you nod back while also activating rally spectrum to increase all their stats by 4. You all step inside the fog gate and.....
(Y/N)/Kralkatorrik : 'Aww fuck'
Dragon Slayer Ornstein [Boss]
Level - 80
Class : Knight
Status : Alive
Race : Unknown
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 12,200/12,200
MP - 5000/5000
STR - 91
END - 80
AGI - 95
INT - 75
WIS - 87
LCK - 58
Weakness : Fire
Strong Against : Lightning
Executioner Smough [Boss]
Level - 80
Class : Berserker
Status : Alive
Race : Unknown
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 14,300/14,300
MP - 2300/2300
STR - 93
END - 85
AGI - 71
INT - 68
WIS - 71
LCK - 58
Weakness : Fire and Lightning
Strong Against : Nothing
(Y/N) : "Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough"
Lucina : "You know them?"
(Y/N) : "Yes, Ornstein is one of Gwyn's Knights and is a master at slaying dragons, while Smough is Gwyn's executioner, I hear he eats the bones of the people he executes so be careful"
Ornstein suddenly points his spear at you, making you narrow your eyes at him.
(Y/N) : 'Does he know I'm part dragon? If he does he must have an amazing detection skill'
(Y/N) : "I'll deal with Ornstein, you two handle Smough"
The two girls nod as you walk to the side and Ornstein follows you. The both of you stop just a couple hundred feet from each other and suddenly you both disappear. Ornstein was quickly sent flying through numerous pillars and a wall outside the boss arena. You quickly follow him and leave the girls to handle Smough.
Robin quickly fires off a thoron spell and hit the executioner straight into his chest making him stumble backwards. Lucina quickly comes up behind him and slashes at his leg hoping to force him to his knees, but they were armored and she barely left a dent. She barely managed to jump away as Smough brought down his hammer on her and destroyed the ground beneath them. He tries to follow up with an upswing but Lucina tilted her body slightly to avoid the hammer's swing.
Robin fires off another thoron and manages to knock the large hammer out of Smough's hands. Suddenly, Ornstein returned by being tossed through another wall and crashes right into Smough. His motionless body laid before Smough who looked at his fallen partner in surprise. Without a second thought, Smough smashes Ornstein's corpse gaining his power over lightning.
Lucina and Robin are shocked by the sight as you land right next to them.
Robin : "He didn't even hesitate, he just did it"
(Y/N) : "He knows he won't win with his power alone so he took Ornstein's power of lightning and infused it into his body, you'll need to be cautious on how you approach him, he's much stronger now"
Super Smough [Boss]
Level - 95
Class : Berserker
Status : Alive
Race : Unknown
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 20,800/20,800
MP - 7200/7200
STR - 105
END - 96
AGI - 72
INT - 78
WIS - 76
LCK - 58
Weakness : Fire and Lightning
Strong Against : Nothing
(Y/N) : 'So he has more health, strength and endurance, thankfully his agility didn't increase much or else the girls would've been in trouble'
(Y/N) : "Think you two can take him?"
Lucina : "Consider it done!"
The two approach Smough who jumps up and and slams his hammer into the ground hoping to hit the two, but both girls roll to the side to avoid it. Robin fires off an arc thunder spell and distracts Smough while Lucina comes up from behind and stabs him in the back of the knee. Smough let out a loud cry and turns his attention to Lucina who readies her weapon. But Smough's body is suddenly coated in lightning as he jumps into the air and lands on his butt to create a wave of lightning.
Lucina gets hit, but she manages to prevent herself from seizing up and backs away to recover. Robin was still firing arc thunders from a distance, so she was safe. Since Lucina was still closer, Smough attempted to rush her, but she rolls out of the way and uses the wall behind her to climb onto Smough's shoulder. She quickly drives down her Falchion onto Smough's helmet and makes him scream in agony. Once Lucina pulled her sword out, Robin took this time to fire thoron straight towards Smough's chest.
Lucina then points her glowing sword towards Smough.
[Lucina has activated Aether!]
[Lucina has activated Sol!]
She thrusts her sword forwards and strikes Smough through the chest, dealing damage while she gains health from it.
[Lucina has activated Luna!]
As she struck Smough again, cutting his defense in half and dealt major damage. Then...
[Robin has activated Ignis!]
Half of Robin's strength is added to her intelligence and she fires off another powered up thoron, which deals massive damage to the boss. Soon, it wasn't even a battle, Smough was weakened enough to not even put up much of a fight and was quickly struck down by the two.
[Dungeon Completed!]
[Boss Rewards!]
25,000 EXP
(Y/N) : "I'm impressed girls, I believe its time we head back to Ylisse, Chrom might be worried of our disappearance"
Lucina : "Oh no, I forgot to tell father where I was going!"
Robin : "I didn't expect it would take this long so I didn't tell anyone I would be gone, oh I hope everything is alright!"
(Y/N) : "Relax, when we come back it'll be like we never left, this place follows a different set of rules, to put it simply, back in your world we'll have only been gone for a minute or so"
Robin : "Wow that sounds really amazing"
Lucina : "I never knew such a place existed, if only we had you in the future, Grima wouldn't have stood a chance"
(Y/N) : "Guess we'll never know, but I must ask that you keep this place a secret, if people were to constantly ask me to bring them here I might not be able to train myself"
Lucina : "I won't say a word"
Robin : "Me neither"
(Y/N) : "Thank you, oh and also keep me being a demon a secret, if the army found out I was a demon they might not trust me anymore"
Lucina : "I suppose that's true, people who don't know you might make that assumption"
Robin : "That being the case, my lips are sealed"
You smile at the two and begin to leave just as a notification pops up.
[You have reached A support with Lucina!]
You tell the girls to close their eyes again and exit the dark souls dungeon before bringing them back to the fire emblem dungeon. The three of you found yourselves back in your tent only a minute later.
Lucina : "Thank you for training me (Y/N), I hope we can do it again another day"
(Y/N) : "Just ask and I'll happily take you anytime"
Lucina smiles and leaves your tent, leaving you and Robin alone. You unequipped your daedric armor and put on your master robes of destruction just for show. But you noticed Robin didn't leave and you decided to speak up.
(Y/N) : "Is something wrong Robin?"
She was looking down at the ground while playing with her fingers and had a hint of red on her cheeks.
Robin : "There was actually something I wanted to talk to you about, I think....... I have-"
Chrom : "Robin!? Where are you?!"
Robin : "C-Chrom? What does he need at this hour? I'm inside (Y/N) tent Chrom!"
Chrom then enters your tent and looks at Robin with a nervous expression.
Chrom : "Th-there is someone here who wanted to see you"
Robin : "Who is it?"
A little girl and boy with your hair color and wearing Robin's outfit walk inside your tent and once they spot Robin, they both beamed.
A/N : They have your hair color.
???/??? : "Mother!"
They both leap at her and wrap their arms around Robin who's visibly shocked at the information. Meanwhile, you chuckle a bit wondering who the father is and look at their stats.
Morgan (L/N)
Gender - Female
Level - 68
Class - Tactician
Status : Alive
Race : Dragon/Demon/Human Hybrid
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 13,230/13,230
MP - 9670/9670
STR - 96
END - 94
AGI - 99
INT - 112
WIS - 107
LCK - 88
Weakness : Dragon Slaying Magic, Holy Items
Strong Against : Dark and Black magic
Mark (L/N)
Gender - Male
Level - 68
Class - Tactician
Status : Alive
Race : Dragon/Demon/Human Hybrid
Sacred Gear : None
HP - 14,830/14,830
MP - 9070/9070
STR - 99
END - 97
AGI - 99
INT - 109
WIS - 104
LCK - 88
Weakness : Dragon Slaying Magic, Holy Items
Strong Against : Dark and Black magic
(Y/N) : 'Eh?'
Kralkatorrik : 'Someone's getting laid tonight~'
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Dragonborn
Race : Dragon/Demon Hybrid
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : Book of Ipos
Level - 73 (32,575/69,000)
HP/Health Points - 21,700/21,700
MP/Magic Points - 11,050/11,050
STR/Strength - 158
END/Endurance - 117
AGI/Agility - 145
INT/Intelligence - 134
WIS/Wisdom - 116
LCK/Luck - 115
[SP - 49] [PP - 19]
Money : $81,193
Gold : 44,796
Dragon Souls : 10
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