Second Chance
A/N : If this is your first Gamer story I don't recommend you read this because I'm going to add several things that aren't in most gamer stories.
[Game Window/Screen]
When 'it' talks
Game Text
Active narration or describing an action.
Appearance : You'll be 300 pounds at first, but after returning to Kuoh Academy you'll be 195 pounds, except height which'll be either 6'0 or 5'9 tall. Basically taller than Rias but shorter then Azazel.
Chapter 1
You sat in the corner of the room with your two best friends Sero and Mada after class to talk about something. They both said they won't be attending Kuoh during their third year and you were left speechless at the information. You just hung your head and looked at the ground sadly.
(Y/N) : "You guys ever coming back?"
Mada : "Don't know, but because our families go way back they want us both to go to Kyoto and study in the medical field"
Both of their families are strict, but they cared for their children and only wanted what was best for them, even if it was against their wishes.
Sero : "But don't worry we'll see each other again someday, you can count on that tubby"
You playfully punch his shoulder and share a soft laugh before going quiet and packing up your things. The two gave you one final wave goodbye and walked out of the classroom while you remained sitting at your desk staring at the sunset. Today was your final day of being a second year, after two months you'll come back as a third year, except next year you'll be all alone.
Five years ago, you had an older brother who died because someone made the stupid choice of drinking and driving. Needless to say, your brother didn't make it, but the other driver survived and was arrested, charged with manslaughter and sentenced to 30 years in prison. But of course, the asshole was from an important family and only given 5 years. He's been out for about a week now, and you were furious, but couldn't do anything about it, because you couldn't.
It put you in a year long depression where you resorted to eating a lot of food and closing yourself off from the world playing games to try and take some of the pain away, but those were only temporary solutions. Your mom had to stay strong for you and did anything she could to make you happy. This included giving you anything you wanted to eat and not bugging you when you were playing games. These two things combined lead to you becoming obese.
With a sigh you pull out your phone to check the time. Its 6:02pm. You put away the phone and left the classroom while looking at the ground sadly.
(Y/N) : "I should get home before mom starts to worry"
You pull out the phone again to see its mom texting, 'Where are you?'. You pass the school gates and stopped at a crosswalk, that's when you overheard two people talking nearby.
Issei : "Did you get it?"
Motohama : "You know I did!"
You turn to see two of Kuoh Academy's biggest perverts talking about a special erotic dvd. The brown haired boy named Issei was waving it around in the air happily while the bald one called Matsuda was counting his money. The light then changed and you stepped off the sidewalk as the other two followed shortly after, but they were too focused on the dvd to notice a speeding car coming down the road.
Your eyes widened as the car approached the three of you without any sign of slowly down. That's when you noticed the flashing blue and red lights following it. This is a high speed chase!
(Y/N) : "LOOK OUT!"
The two look up at you before turning to the right to notice the speeding car coming towards them. Without thinking, your body moved on its own and rushed towards the two perverts while extending your arms out. You managed to push Issei and Matsuda out of the way, but you fell down from the force and laid on the street. Then the car crashed right into your body sending you skidding across the ground with a trail of blood following.
A woman screaming was the only thing you heard as you lied down on your back staring up at the sky as your eyes began to feel heavy. Soon, everything became pitch black and cold. Every breathe you took was painful, any attempt at moving made your body scream even your vision started becoming blurry.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps caught your attention as a masked being wearing a gray cloak and a large ring around his figure stood above your broken body. It lowered its head down at you as your eyes landed on its strange and unique form.
It just stared at you as a voice spoke within your mind.
Can you understand me?
You just stare at the being awaiting your answer, but when you tried to speak all that came out was a nasty cough and some blood. You tried to think of a way to communicate, but nothing comes to mind, then it hits you.
(Y/N) : 'Yes'
Good, I would like you to answer a question, why did you trade your life for those two?
(Y/N) : 'What? You were watching?'
(Y/N) : 'I-I..... don't really know'
Then why? Your race confuses me
(Y/N) : 'My race? Are you not the judge of the dead?'
No, I am merely an observer, this world is different than the rest I've observed and I wish to conduct further research
(Y/N) : 'Sorry I can't help, but I'm going to die soon, you're just wasting your time talking to me'
Maybe we can assist each other then
(Y/N) : 'What do you mean?'
You don't want to die and I wish to further explore this world. I will grant you life once again in exchange for collecting information
(Y/N) : 'Back to life? Is that even possible?'
It is within my power, however.....
(Y/N) : 'Yes?'
Your body has already suffered fatal damage beyond current medical assistance and repairing you instantly will no doubt attract unwanted attention very early in your resurrection, so instead I will be sending your soul to a parallel universe where you managed to survive and wake up after sometime. So I'm afraid I can't send you back to your original universe without exposing you
(Y/N) : 'I see..... I can work with that, I accept your offer'
Your agreement has been confirmed. Power will be based on something you desire, it seems the results lead to something called a 'video game,' an interesting choice and I can't wait to see how it'll help you in your new life, resurrection will begin in 3...2-
(Y/N) : 'Wait! Before that, can you do something for me?'
.....If it is within my power
(Y/N) : 'Can you erase everyone's memories about me back in my universe?'
Curious, why?
(Y/N) : "I don't wanna leave Issei or his friend traumatized about my death and I don't want my mom to go through losing another son. She's already been through too much"
.......Very well, it will be done, I shall be watching your every move from this moment on...
The world around you then begins to fall apart as the being suddenly disappeared without a trace. You then smile as a blinding light fills your eyes.
(Y/N) : "Thank you"
(Y/N) : "Ugh"
You groaned as the once bright light disappeared but you no longer found yourself in a dark abyss, but in a hospital room connected to the heart rate monitor. The window to your right was fully opened showing it was dark outside.
You sit up and as you did a text box appeared before you.
[Welcome Gamer]
You blinked as you stared at the text box.
(Y/N) : 'Is this the power I was told about?'
[Configuring stats, please wait a moment.......]
[Configuration Complete]
The box then showed a 'stat' window.
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : None
Race : ???
Class : ???
Sub-Class : ???
Sacred Gear : None
Level - 1 (0/100)
HP/Health Points - 100/100
MP/Magic Points - 50/50
STR/Strength - 3
END/Endurance - 1
AGI/Agility - 2
INT/Intelligence - 20
WIS/Wisdom - 17
LCK/Luck - 12
[Stat Points/SP] [Perk Points/PP]
Money : $23
(Y/N) : 'Holy crap I do have the powers of a gamer! Wait, why the hell is my race a question mark? Am I not human?'
Just before you could question anything further, the door to your room opened slowly as a nurse with short black hair entered and gasped upon seeing you awake. She then left the room and shouted down the hall.
Nurse : "Doctor Granur, he's awake!"
You mentally close the window before a woman with long dark brown hair entered. She wore your average doctor's white coat with a stethoscope around her neck, when she saw you looking at her she smiled and approached the bed with the nurse just behind her.
Granur : "Good morning (Y/N), can you tell me how you feel?"
(Y/N) : "I-I....I'm feeling great doctor"
Granur : "Are you sure? No headaches or pain of any sort?"
You shook your head as she nodded.
Granur : "That's good, now then I would like to ask how much do you remember?"
She pulls up a seat nearby and sat down facing you.
(Y/N) : "All I remember is getting hit by a car"
Granur : "I see, well you got real lucky seeing as you managed to survive being struck at 60 mph"
Your eyes widened as you looked at the doctor, mentally you felt yourself about to freak out, but for some reason your brain prevented itself from doing so, leading you to just stare at the doctor.
Granur : "You seem pretty calm about the situation, you're a tough one aren't you?"
(Y/N) : "H-how did I survive?"
The doctor just scratched her head as she went over to the edge of your bed and read your file.
Granur : "Well lucky for you there was an ambulance around the corner and it got you here in a couple of minutes, had it been any longer then I fear it would've been much worse, but there is something I find strange"
(Y/N) : "Like what?"
The doctor stands up and flips through several pages in the file until she found the set of x-rays the day after surgery and displays them for you to see.
Granur : "As you can see here, we managed to install rib plating's on your fracture ribs which allow you to properly breathe and do everyday activities, but in places like your right shoulder and arm, they were left broken and it was quite difficult to repair seeing as your shoulder started to heal in the wrong position, now these are your x-rays taken last night...."
She displays another set of x-rays of your body except everything was repaired and put back into place. Even the plating's and screws on your body disappeared.
Granur : "Within a four week resting period all of your damaged bones healed on their own, the ribs, shoulder and even your arm, hell the scar on your chest we gave you also disappeared within"
You look down at your chest to find everything looking normal. You couldn't see a single scratch or scar on your body, not even from before the incident. As she continued, you faced the doctor and paid close attention to her.
Granur : "In all my years of being a doctor, I've never seen anything so....supernatural happen before, its simply fascinating how your body works, may I run some tests on you?"
She looks at you with crazy eyes as the nurse behind her delivered a hard chop to the doctor's head.
Nurse : "Doctor Granur, don't scare the boy he's just woken up"
Granur : "I'm only joking, besides aren't you curious about what his body can do?"
While the two started to bicker, you noticed something floating above their heads.
Anuis Granur, Doctor at Kuoh hospital
Level - 12
Nabe Ochi, Nurse at Kuoh hospital
Level - 10
You inspected the text closely, but you must've done it for too long as the nurse waved her hand in front of your face.
Nabe : "You okay (Y/N)? You're just staring into a space"
You then shake your head and look at the two.
(Y/N) : "I'm okay, just seeing things is all"
Granur : "Its quite normal for this type of thing to happen after waking up from a coma"
(Y/N) : "I was in a coma? For how long?"
She nods and puts away your files.
Granur : "Its been about a month"
(Y/N) : "A MONTH!?"
You quickly cover your mouth as the nurse glares at you.
(Y/N) : "Sorry, but a month, really?"
She nods her head and explains you've been brought to the Kuoh hospital just a couple of blocks of where the accident happened. Just before she left, she told you one more thing.
Granur : "That reminds me, we've already contacted your mother and she'll be right over, have any questions call the nurse and she'll answer them"
And with that, she and the nurse exited the room and closed the door as you laid down on your back and stared up at the ceiling. You wondered how to pull out your 'stats' again, but the window appeared again. Looking at your physical stats made you groan.
(Y/N) : "Guess me being overweight lowers my physical stats, but it looks like my intelligence remained above average, what else can you tell me...."
In the top right corner of the 'stats' window, there was a question mark so you mentally clicked it and it described what each 'stat' meant.
Class - A profession which determines the abilities, skills and perks someone is allowed to unlock. Examples would be Necromancer, Ranger, Assassin, Guardian or Warrior. Classes cannot be changed once one is chosen.
Subclass - A secondary profession which specialize in lesser classes that provide support or item production. Examples are Alchemist, Enchanter, Blacksmith, Jeweler and Chef. Subclasses can be changed when out of combat.
Health Points/HP - An attribute that determines health. When it hits zero, you're dead. Increases by 100 every level.
Magic Points/MP - An attribute that determines your magical energy. Required to use spells or other magical incantations. Increases by 100 every level.
Strength/STR - Determines your physical strength. Also increases the amount of damage you deal with physical attacks.
Endurance/END - Increases health, stamina, physical damage reduction and regeneration of health and stamina.
Agility/AGI - Raises various attributes to ensure one's survival. Boosts coordination, reflexes, movement speed and various resistances.
Intelligence/INT - Increases chances of storing valuable information and solving complex problems. Increases magic damage.
Wisdom/WIS - The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Increases magic regeneration.
Luck/LCK - Increase odds of winning a game of chance, random encounters, rarity of drops and rarer rewards from ???.
Stat Points and Perk Points - Earned through quests or leveling up. Can be used to increase stats or unlock perks. 5 stat points are earned every level, while 1 perk point is rewarded every level.
(Y/N) : "This is amazing! What else is there?"
You then thought 'skills' and another window popped up.
Gamer's Mind (Passive) Level - Max
Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effect. This skill can be turned off unconsciously and allow rage to blind the user.
Gamer's Body (Passive) Level - Max
Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.
[Skills can be gained from doing certain actions repeatedly or reading skills books which can be found throughout the world]
[Also your 'inventory' space is infinite, so just think it or say it out loud to make it appear]
(Y/N) : "Wow, that sounds pretty sick!"
You then thought 'inventory' and out popped another window with several empty boxes. You let out a sigh and close all the windows before laying down on the bed again. You closed your eyes hoping for a moment of relaxation before the door to your room shot open. It was your mom.
A/N : Imagine her wearing something appropriate, or don't your choice.
Mom : "(Y/N)!"
A stream of tears was seen sliding down her cheeks as she rushes to your side and embraces you in a tight hug all while balling her eyes out. About twenty minutes later, your Mom stopped crying and held you close to her chest while brushing your hair.
Mom : "I didn't know how to take it, when I got the call from the police I thought the worse had happened, it felt like your big brother all over again"
(Y/N) : "I'm sorry for making you worry"
Mom : "Don't apologize, it wasn't your fault"
Suddenly, the door to your room opens up and to your surprise its Issei with a bunch of balloons that say 'Get Well'.
Issei : "Holy crap dude, you're awake!"
He makes his way to your side, but as he did you sensed something scary and powerful coming from mom. You saw her gritting her teeth while glaring at Issei, but he didn't seem to notice.
(Y/N) : "Mom, could I talk to Issei alone?"
She stands up and nods as she heads out the door. But just as she walks past Issei, she whispers something into his ear that you heard clearly.
Mom : "It should've been you"
With that said she left and slammed the door shut. You sigh as Issei takes a seat next to you.
Issei : "Wow, your mom is....interesting"
(Y/N) : "She's always like that, you'll get used to it"
Issei : "So how are you feeling?"
(Y/N) : "Like I was hit by a car, but I can't complain now seeing as I've healed already, what about you and Motohama?"
Issei went on to explain Motohama hasn't touched a single dirty magazine ever since the incident. Guess seeing someone get hurt because of you can really damage someone's mind. As Issei explained even further, you noticed a text hovering above his head.
Issei Hyoudou, Pervert of Kuoh Academy
Level - 9
[New Skill Obtained]
Observe (Level - 1)
Allows user to gather information from items and living beings. The higher the level, the more information is given.
(Y/N) : 'Cool, that seems like a pretty good skill to have'
You also realized that Issei couldn't see the game screen as he kept talking without even glancing at the window before you. Then the door to your room opened and in came the nurse.
Nabe : "Excuse me sir, visiting hours are over"
Issei : "I'll be out in a minute"
(Y/N) : "Wait nurse, when am I able to check out of the hospital?"
Nabe : "Doctor Granur would like to examine your condition for a few more days, until then I recommend you focus on getting better and just relax"
She left as Issei waved you goodbye and followed her out, but said he'd be back tomorrow. Mom then came back in to give you a goodbye hug and a temporary phone in case of emergencies, but before she left you asked if she could bring over your laptop tomorrow so you don't have to sit around doing nothing. After she left, you placed the phone in your 'inventory' and decided to learn more about your powers, since it was like a game you thought 'menu' and out came several options.
(Y/N) : 'Quests'
Another window popped up with three categories on screen. 'Main quests' which was highlighted red, 'daily quests' highlighted green and 'weekly quests' highlighted purple. You clicked 'main quests', but nothing appeared, meaning you didn't have to do anything until you get out of this hospital. You then clicked 'daily quests' and saw there was already five.
[Daily Quests]
Resets in 05:21:34
- Kill 50 enemies with magic (0/50)
Rewards : 200 EXP and 1 SP
- Complete 1 Dungeon (0/1)
Rewards : 500 EXP
- Craft 15 items (0/15)
Rewards : 3 SP
- Defeat 3 Bosses (0/3)
Rewards : 1000 EXP
- Kill 50 enemies with non-magical weapons (0/50)
Rewards : 200 EXP and 1 SP
*Note : Quests will get more difficult with every level but will increase amount of rewards.
(Y/N) : "Looks like I can earn extra exp and points instead of waiting to level up, neat"
You then went to the 'weekly quests' and saw three listed.
[Weekly Quests]
Resets in 77:21:34
- Complete 20 daily quests (0/20)
Rewards : 4000 EXP
- Kill 500 enemies (0/500)
Rewards : 2000 EXP and 10 SP
- Level up 10 different skills (0/10)
Rewards : 3000 EXP and Skill Book +5
*Note : Quests will randomly be selected at the end of every reset period.
(Y/N) : "Looks like I can barely complete the 20 daily quests seeing as I only have about three days before the quests change, but how am I going to kill something when I don't know what to kill? There would usually be enemies around, but I don't see any, unless...."
You then thought 'map' making another window with a map of Kuoh appear. From what you could tell, places marked blue were important places like your house, a store about a block away from my house and Kuoh Academy. You also saw green markers around Kuoh, but the one in the hospital courtyard caught your attention.
You buzz the nurse in and she comes in a minute later.
Nabe : "Yes?"
(Y/N) : "Is it alright if I walk around a bit, my legs feel like jelly"
Nabe : "If you're able to walk on your own then you may, otherwise stay in bed"
You then get out of bed and show the nurse you can walk just fine. She allows you to walk around and asks you also carry around your patient identification wristband so the nurses and doctors know you're a patient. A few minutes later, you arrived at the courtyard and saw a small statue in the middle of it. You approach the statue and another window popped up.
[Dungeon discovered, would you like to enter?]
(Y/N) : 'A dungeon? If this is a dungeon like in most games I'll need to fight a bunch of enemies then the boss, but I don't have a weapon to fight, maybe I'll do it tomorrow'
You clicked no and the window instantly changed into a quest.
[Main Quest Alert!]
Find a weapon!
Description : Find a weapon to combat whatever you find in the dungeon!
Rewards : 100 EXP
Failure : Fight with your bare hands
*Note : Main Quests cannot be declined.
You closed the window and head towards your room, all of course while spamming 'observe' on anything and anyone increasing its level by 2. When you reached your room on the 1st floor, you noticed the window was left open. You take a peek outside and realize you can sneak out just by climbing out the window.
(Y/N) : 'Maybe if I sneak out, I can find a weapon, but what about my clothes? People will look at me weirdly if I walk out in the middle of the night with only a patient's gown'
You scanned the room and saw a cabinet right next to you. You look inside only to find a sweater, a pair of pants and shoes that look like it'll fit you.
[Luck improved by 1]
You just stare at the box with a blank face before putting on the tight clothes while also putting your patient gown away in your inventory and climbed out the window. Since it was 8:30 at night, you headed over to your local superstore a couple of blocks away and entered the outdoors section.
(Y/N) : 'I know doing this makes me a scumbag, but I need to learn more about this system, even if I have to resort to breaking a couple of laws to do so'
You swiped a metal and wooden bat, a hunting knife, machete and a lighter and put them in your inventory. If they couldn't find the stolen objects on you then you couldn't be charged for petty theft.
[Quest Completed!]
Find a weapon!
Rewards : 100 EXP
[Level Up!]
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : None
Race : ???
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : None
Level - 2 (0/200)
HP/Health Points - 200/200
MP/Magic Points - 150/150
STR/Strength - 3
END/Endurance - 1
AGI/Agility - 2
INT/Intelligence - 20
WIS/Wisdom - 17
LCK/Luck - 13
[SP - 5] [PP - 1]
Money : $17
(Y/N) : 'Looks like I finally leveled up, since I'm going into a dungeon with only weapons I should put all 5 points into strength'
STR - 8
With that done, you swiped the window away and walked out of the store with a bottle of water and some chips in hand. You climbed through the window with great difficulty and returned to the statue.
[Would you like to enter the dungeon?]
With the wooden bat in your hand, you mentally clicked yes as the world around you became distorted and pitch black. The sound of water droplets made you believe you were in a cave, then you heard wicked laughter coming from right behind you. You grabbed the phone from your inventory and activated the flashlight, what you saw made you shake and drop the phone with the flashlight lighting up the cave.
Level - 2
HP - 30/30
Staring at the group of laughing goblins wielding bladed weapons made you shake and tremble, not from fear, but anger.
(Y/N) : "I've read the manga and watched the anime of Goblin Slayer, every time I see goblins in anything GETS ME TRIGGERED!"
As you shouted loudly, the goblins flinched and back away slightly making you head over to them and down swing your bat against one of their skulls, killing one instantly. The goblins quickly recover from the shout as one manages to pierce you with its spear. You flinch from the attack and glare at the snickering goblin.
(Y/N) : "BASTARD!"
Once again the goblins flinched as you grabbed the spear to hold the it down. You swung the bat against the side of its head making blood and teeth scatter along the caves walls. One goblin tried to stab you in the back, but you blocked the dagger with your palm making you flinch. Then a window popped up.
[Condition Alert]
Bleeding has been inflicted!
- 1 HP/1 Sec
Poison has been inflicted!
- 2 HP/1 Sec
(Y/N) : 'Shit! I'm losing 3 HP every second, meaning I'll only survive for 50 more seconds!'
(Y/N) HP - 149/200 (-3 HP/1 sec)
Gritting your teeth, you dropped the bat and grabbed the dagger goblin by the throat and pushed him against the wall. You summoned your stolen hunting knife and plunged it right between its eyes. Another goblin tried to attack you from behind, but you used the dead goblin in your grip as a shield and blocked the attack. The goblin went wide eyed as you dropped the corpse in your hand onto the ground. Fighting through the pain, you pull the dagger from your palm and approached the now shaking goblin.
(Y/N) : "What's wrong? SCARED OF DYING!?!"
The goblin immediately dropped its weapon and ran in the opposite direction. You grabbed the spear from one of the dead goblins and chucked it as hard as you could towards the fleeing goblin, but you missed and it ran further down the cave.
(Y/N) : "Fuck!"
You fell to your knees coughing up a bloody fit. The poison was starting to take effect on your body and you could feel everything it was doing to you.
(Y/N) HP - 86/200 (-3 HP/1 sec)
(Y/N) : "Even though I see everything as a game, the damage is still real, I need to be more careful"
[Wisdom increased by 1]
The sound of laughter made you turn around to see the once fleeing goblin had returned with a group of five goblins wearing leather armor and wielding swords, spears and one in the back had a bow. You didn't have time to react as an arrow found itself lodged into your right thigh. You let out a loud cry as the goblin who ran away away tackled you and stabbed you in the stomach with a dagger.
(Y/N) HP - 54/200
He did all this with a wicked smile as the other goblins holding you down were laughing while you were stabbed numerous times.
(Y/N) HP - 21/200
As the Goblin was about to bring down the dagger one final time, an image of a bully about to strike you for being obese made your eyes widen. You watched as the bully and a crowd around him laughed at you while your were being kicked on the ground. It then changed with the bully not even getting in trouble because he had so many witnesses to protect him.
(Y/N) : 'This world is unfair, only those with power get to do whatever they want, people like me always suffer because of them'
Memories of the drunk driver court case flashed through your mind as he was given a light sentence due to his family's wealth and power, you wanted to do something, but you were weak and couldn't do anything. Then you felt it, within your body awoke something terrifying. With your final breathe you let out a loud and powerful roar making your right eye pop a blood vessel changing the white color of your sclera into a deep crimson color.
The goblins flinched once again and released their hold on you. Taking advantage of this you quickly grabbed a goblin by the arm and brought him closer to you. You then tore a massive amount of flesh from his neck only using your bare teeth.
[New Skill Obtained]
Battle Cry (Level - 1)
Make your enemy(s) shake with fear as you let out a loud and powerful roar. Inflicts those affected with fear for 2 sec.
Conditions : Strength is higher than the target(s).
As the other goblins recovered from their fear, they all brought their weapons up about to strike you down. You just close your eyes awaiting your death, then.....
[Level Up!]
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : None
Race : ???
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : None
Level - 3 (42/500)
HP/Health Points - 300/300
MP/Magic Points - 250/250
STR/Strength - 13
END/Endurance - 1
AGI/Agility - 2
INT/Intelligence - 20
WIS/Wisdom - 18
LCK/Luck - 13
[SP - 0] [PP - 2]
Money : $86
[Luck increased by 1]
Without thinking, you put all your points into strength and summoned the metal bat from your 'inventory' and swung it sideways striking three of the goblins. The first one was killed instantly, while the other two were left stunned on the ground. The goblins behind you managed to stab you through the back as you retaliated with a quick backhand to their faces. You then stand up and clench your fists.
(Y/N) : "I don't care what it takes, I'll get stronger no matter what, I won't let anyone walk all over me anymore, I HAVE TO BECOME STRONGER!!!"
You then face one of the fallen goblins wearing leather armor frozen in fear due to battle cry.
(Y/N) : "And you're all going to help me...."
You raise the bat high and slam it down onto its skull, shattering it to bits and pieces. The other goblins dropped their weapons and shook with fear as you glared at them with a cold and emotionless stare.
(Y/N) : "Whether you like it or not"
~Time Skip~
Horde after horde, you killed every goblin you encountered and took their weapons and armor in case you needed them later in the future. You wore a leather chest piece and a pair of leather gloves which gave you decent protection. You also earned something else after killing that many goblins.
[Title Obtained : Goblin Slayer]
+40% damage to all 'Goblins.'
You smirked as you equipped the title and continued wandering around the dungeon. You've been exploring for what felt like hours now and the battery on your phone died out so you had to resort to using a makeshift torch to light the way. Thanks to the 'map' you were able to layout the dungeon on which ways you've been and where you haven't. Finally, you found a large black door, which read 'boss room.'
(Y/N) : "Wonder what the boss is?"
You push the doors open and spotted several figures shuffling around the pitch black room. Your torch was the only light source in the room so with no other choice, you toss the torch in the middle of the room and there was the boss with five goblins before him.
Old Goblin Champion (Boss)
Level - 18
HP - 3000/3000
STR - 32 (+5)
END - 21
AGI - 14
INT - 12
WIS - 10
LCK - 5
[Main Quest Alert!]
Defeat the Boss [0/1]
Description : A boss blocks your only way of escaping the dungeon, defeat him and you'll be able to leave.
Rewards : Random Spell book, Skill : ID Create and ID Escape
Failure : Never being able to leave and death.
(Y/N) : "Tch, looks like battle cry won't work on this guy, but having to deal with enemies in a boss room is so annoying, I need to clear them out first"
You reach into your inventory and pull out an axe and two daggers. You tossed the axe towards one of the goblins hitting your mark. The goblin reeled its head back and fell backwards to the ground with the axe stuck in between its eyes. You toss both dagger towards two goblins, but only managed to kill one as the other blocked it with its weapon.
The boss let out a huff and proceeded to stomp towards you as you held a shortsword in your hand. The boss swung its large club making you duck to avoid it and thrust your sword straight into its right hand. He let out a small growl as he dropped the club before backhanding you across the face and sending you sliding along the cave floor.
He then grabs his wound and notices a purple ooze coming from it. You smirked as a notification popped up.
[Old Goblin Champion has been inflicted with bleeding and poisoned]
-3 HP/1 sec
Most of the weapons you've collected were covered in poison so you didn't even need to make any. All you had to do now was weaken it as much as you can and wait it out. The remaining three goblins rushed you, but with a single swipe of the sword you cut off all their heads and grabbed their weapons. The boss returned and held its club in the other hand.
It swung the club down at you making you jump back to avoid it. You ran to the boss's side and pull out an axe from your inventory and plunge it right into his right leg. The cut wasn't deep, but the surprise attack made the boss bend down low enough for you to climb on. Jumping on his back, the boss immediately tried to shake you off, but you dug a dagger deep into its back and held on tightly.
Since his arms were too large to grab you he flailed and thrashed around, even slamming his back against the wall to knock you off which did make you lose health, but this was the perfect spot to attack. Using daggers as a way to pull yourself up, you reached his neck and repeatedly stabbed him in the jugular.
With each repeated stab and the 'Goblin Slayer' title, you whittled his health closer and closer to zero. After a minute or two he stopped struggling and fell to the ground face first.
[Quest Completed!]
Defeat the Boss [1/1]
Rewards : Random Spell book, Skill : ID Create and ID Escape
*Note : Rewards will automatically transfer to inventory.
[Boss Reward Alert!]
+500 EXP
Muscle Band
You inspect the black band in your 'inventory' and pull it out to use 'observe.'
Muscle Band, Rank E Accessory
A black band made of steel which shows off your strength.
+5 STR
You equipped the band onto your wrist and spotted a book in your inventory with a question mark above it. You clicked the book and the cover instantly transformed into a pink color before your eyes.
[Spell book has transformed into Arcane Blast, do you wish to learn this?]
You choose yes and the book disappeared into thin air as the process to cast the spell instantly entered your mind.
Arcane Blast, Rank E Spell
Blast your enemy with a ball of arcane magic.
DAM : 30 + INT
Cost : 75 MP
You pointed your palm towards the wall and activated Arcane Blast. From your palm came out a pink ball that instantly flew towards the wall and created a hole from the impact. You then stare at your palm in disbelief.
(Y/N) : "Holy crap, this is magic, I possess real life magic...... FUCK YEAH!!!"
After firing a few more shots, you exited the dungeon and returned to the hospital's courtyard, but the strange thing is, it was still dark outside. Before you entered the hospital, you put away all your current clothes and put on your patient's gown. You walked inside the main hall to see only a minute has passed by.
(Y/N) : "Shit! Was I gone for a whole day?"
Granur : "Ahh, (Y/N) I see you're up and about, should I assume you're walking around to stretch your legs?"
You turn around to see doctor Granur approaching you with a smile. You looked at her confused as to why she didn't mention anything about you being gone for a day. Then an idea popped into your head.
(Y/N) : "Doctor, when was the last time we spoke?"
The doctor raised an eyebrow at this and pulled out her phone.
Granur : "Almost two hours ago"
Your eyes widened at this. The dungeon was just one giant broken system in your new gamer life. And boy, are you gonna exploit it.
Name - (Y/N) (L/N)
Title : Goblin Slayer
Race : ???
Class : ???
Subclass : ???
Sacred Gear : None
Level - 10 (1090/1900)
HP/Health Points - 725/1175
MP/Magic Points - 950/950
STR/Strength - 24 (+5)
END/Endurance - 8
AGI/Agility - 20
INT/Intelligence - 20
WIS/Wisdom - 18
LCK/Luck - 14
[SP - 0] [PP - 9]
Money : $316
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