New Land
Game Text
Active narration or describing an action.
Chapter 29
When school ended that day, Rias looks out the window of the second floor and sees Koneko cuddling up to you. The crimson heiress looks quite jealous at the sight and pouts, much to the amusement of her queen.
Akeno : "Aww, is someone jealous she can't get close to (Y/N)?"
Rias : "I'm more curious than jealous"
Akeno : "Curious about what?"
Rias : "What type of girl does (Y/N) like? What do his wives and Koneko have in common?"
Akeno : "Who knows, he's quite the wild card as we've seen. *looks outside* Who would've guessed that even Koneko would be drawn to him"
Outside, you decide it's almost time to dungeon dive and shake the sleeping neko awake.
(Y/N) : "School's over, it's time to go home"
The white haired female yawns and rubs her eyes awake. She scans the surroundings and finds your hand held out to her.
(Y/N) : "There are better places to take a nap then on the ground, you know"
She accepts your kind gesture and stands up with your help. Giving her a goodbye wave, you turn to leave but the girl grabs your arm.
Turning around and looking down at her, you notice her cheeks are slightly red and she's avoiding direct eye contact.
Koneko : "I heard you're going to train the pervert. Can I come with you? I wanna practice my senjutsu"
(Y/N) : "Ho? I thought you hated me?"
Koneko : "*pouts*"
Chuckling to yourself, you pat her head and nod.
(Y/N) : "Grab some supplies and head to my place later, we're leaving in a bit"
She nods and quickly leaves to grab her things. Just as you're about to do the same, you stop in place and put on a neutral expression.
(Y/N) : "Is there something you need Rias, Sona?"
Over your shoulder, the two devil heiresses appear behind you with serious expressions.
Rias : "I'd like to ask where you plan to take them. I hope it's not that dimension with the Angels"
(Y/N) : "Nah, those two wouldn't last a minute in there. Where we're going, two kingdoms are at war and we have to help settle the matter"
Sona : "A war? Are you going to be the one picking sides?"
(Y/N) : "Nope, I plan on helping out the third party. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading out to set things up"
Just before leaving, you stop and decide to tell Rias something.
(Y/N) : "You really need to step up, Gremory. Koneko and Issei have already surpassed you, it's only a matter of time before they completely outclass you"
With that, you continue on your way. Rias seems bothered by your words and looks down at the ground.
Rias : 'He's right. I haven't trained since the rating game with Riser, meanwhile Issei and Koneko have been getting stronger while I just sit back and watch'
The Sitri heiress notices her childhood friend looking troubled.
Sona : "What are you thinking?"
Rias : "I think....I'm heading out"
~Your Apartment~
You walk inside your residence and are greeted by Mark and Morgan sitting in the living room, looking excited for some reason.
Morgan : "Hi dad, are you excited?"
(Y/N) : "Excited? For what?"
Mark : "Mom just bought a pregnancy test and is checking herself right now"
(Y/N) : "Eh, I don't think she's pregnant just yet"
Morgan : "How do you know?"
During sex time, whenever you ejaculated inside Robin a certain screen pops up every time.
[Would you like to impregnate Robin?]
You've always clicked no. Although you're okay with it, the two of you are still young and have plenty of time together before even thinking about having children.
Only problem is Mark, Morgan and even your mother are raising a stink about the subject. Silva would love to have another baby in the house, while Mark and Morgan just want to see themselves as babies.
(Y/N) : "You're not pressuring your mother right?"
Morgan : "Of course not, but it'd just be nice to see a baby me"
Mark : "Yeah, we don't remember anything about our childhood"
(Y/N) : "Well the two of you have lived different lives. Your mother and I still don't know where you two came from but we love you both all the same. So for now, let's focus on making memories with the present Mark and Morgan instead of the future ones"
You pull them in for a hug and the two happily return the gesture, saying they're happy to have a wonderful father like you. It's a nice feeling...
(Y/N) : 'So this is what it feels like to be a parent. *chuckles* Now I understand why mom always wanted to spoil me'
Robin : "It's a negative"
Your wife walks into the room, displaying the test with a negative result.
Robin : "I'm honestly surprised seeing how much we've....*blushes*"
(Y/N) : "Had sex-"
A pillow is immediately thrown at your face, knocking you down on your back. With your family ring still on Robin's hand, she's almost as strong as you.
Robin : "Don't say things like that in front of our children!"
Kralkatorrik : 'I can see why you like her'
(Y/N) : 'Yeah, I like strong willed women. Even though I could level this entire area in an instant, she doesn't hesitate to smack me when I say or do something stupid'
You sit up and find your wife lecturing you about decency and morals and what not, so you summon your demon hands and have them grab her. You pull her in closer and give her a loving embrace.
Robin : "D-don't think this will get you off easy!"
(Y/N) : 'Ah, that face! It makes me what to tease her even more!'
So after having to explain the birds and the bees to Mark and Morgan, the two seemed a bit more understanding of the children situation. But then...
Morgan : "Even though there isn't a baby, are you and mom still going to have sex?"
(Y/N) : "Of course-"
A/N : You're male Robin.
Kralkatorrik : 'Sometimes I question whether or not you're a masochist'
(Y/N) : 'I'm not hating it'
You were kicked out of the apartment because of this, but not before informing Robin of your training plans, even asking her to come along as a great tactician would be highly needed for this war.
You even extended your offer to the kids to continue their training. They accepted while Robin said she'd think about it and you went to set things up in the dungeon.
[Now entering Fire Emblem Fates Dungeon]
~With Issei~
The red dragon pervert is currently in his room having a dilemma. In the middle of packing for training, he only has enough room for a few nudie magazines.
Issei : "Which ones do I pick? Ah man, I hate deciding!"
Ddraig : "You're an idiot, sometimes I wish (Y/N) was my host. He's at least got a good head on his shoulders"
Issei : "Huh? *cries* You're so mean, Ddraig"
Ddraig : "*sigh* Anyway, I'm surprised you decided to take the initiative and asked him to train you"
Issei : "Well, you saw him during his fight with Kokabiel, not to mention the White Dragon Emperor. They're both on completely different levels. I can understand the White Dragon, but (Y/N), we started on equal footing and he became so strong so fast"
Ddraig : "Maybe if you didn't focus on girls all the time, you'd be a lot stronger"
Issei : "*cries again* You don't push a man when he's down"
Ddraig : "When I see one I won't"
Even as a sacred gear, Ddraig is feared for spitting hot fire.
~With Rias~
After taking your words to heart, Rias has decided to improve herself. However, her pride prevents her from asking her brother for help. She needs someone who won't hold back on her, teach her how to overcome her inexperience and become the king her peerage deserves.
She stands outside her sensei's door and takes a deep breath before knocking. It opens and the crimson heiress bows before her instructor.
Rias : "Please take me on as your student!"
~With (Y/N)~
Azura : "Did you really have to burn so many people?"
(Y/N) : "You guys wanted me to stop the fighting, so I did. Plus, they were throwing things at me. Rude"
As you allowed events to follow through, you decided to befriend Azura a couple of days before Corrin was set to return to Hoshido. It took a while but you managed to gain her trust over a couple of drinks.
When the time came for Corrin to refuse to side with Hoshido or Nohr, Azura asked you to follow Corrin. You happily agreed and helped the group deal with the two armies, by killing their commanders.
Wasn't even that hard, just a couple of long range fire attacks and Ryoma and Xander were on you like flies on dung. Once both armies declared Corrin to be a traitor, the group fled in the opposite direction.
Once a good distance away, everyone stops to catch their breaths.
Azura : "Whew. We managed to escape, but I'm sure they're still on our trail"
(Y/N) : "I hear Saizo and Kaze are quite the trackers. Won't be long before they find us"
Azura : "Indeed. *looks at Corrin* Well? What are we to do now? If you don't pick a side, we'll be labeled traitors by both kingdoms. You must choose, Hoshido or Nohr"
Corrin : "Neither. Instead, I choose to not support either one"
Azura : ""
Corrin : "I have family in Hoshido. I also have family in Nohr. Even if I were to lose everything... Even if all of them despise me... I can't choose to side with one against the other. I simply can't do that. I don't care if I lose everything. This is what I've decided"
Azura : "I see... You have to be willing to risk a lot to accomplish something major... I suppose you're right. ...My own mother lost her life protecting Nohr. But I don't think she regretted her choice. She died to protect the ones she loved. I've made up my mind as well. I will follow you down the path you've chosen"
Corrin : "Thank you. *looks at you* I apologize for also dragging you into this"
(Y/N) : "Don't worry about it, you never know what's going to happen during an adventure, that's what makes it fun. Hell, I'll support you during this war if you want"
Corrin : "That would be excellent, we'll need all the help we can get"
(Y/N) : "If that's the case, I could call up a couple of people I know and have them help us. They're pretty strong"
This is when her butler, a well dressed man named Jakob, leans in close to Corrin's ear and whispers...
Jakob : "Milady, are you sure this one can be trusted? We don't know anything about him"
Corrin : "Azura trusts him and that's good enough for me. I apologize for my butler, he's rather overprotective"
(Y/N) : "I've seen my fair share of overprotective companions, I understand"
Memories of Fredrick clearing a dirt path of pebbles so Chrom doesn't trip and sprain his ankle pops into your mind.
(Y/N) : "Now, it might take some time to get my friends together so I'll be gone a while. It would be good if we have a meeting place"
Azura : "Meet at the Bottomless Canyon"
Corrin : "Huh? The Bottomless Canyon?!"
Azura : "I'll explain on the way"
(Y/N) : "Great, see you there"
Summoning your demonic wings, you take to the skies and exit the dungeon, leaving shocked expressions on Corrin, Azura and Jakob's faces.
Corrin : "Did....did he just fly away?"
~Kuoh Town~
You're brought back to your room at your mother's house. Looking down at the clock, it seems only 2 seconds have passed by.
(Y/N) : "Things are finally ready, now we just wait for the others"
Kralkatorrik : "So you got the pervert, kitty cat, tactician and both of your children coming with you. Not a bad line up, though, wouldn't it be better for the army if you brought more?"
(Y/N) : "Nah, then I wouldn't be able to keep track of them. I was thinking of bringing Asia along but after Kokabiel attacked Kuoh, she's been feeling down lately. I don't want to thrust a fragile heart like hers into another war. Maybe I'll invite Lucina, she's always eager to train"
It took about 20 minutes for the pervert and neko to arrive. You took their luggage and stored it into your inventory, then told them to wait for the others..
Issei : "So you got the others to come along?"
(Y/N) : "Yeah, Robin's strategic mindset would come a long way at the place we're training at, as for my kids and Lucina, they're around the same level as you two so taking on more students wouldn't be too much to handle. While we wait, I'll explain what we'll be doing over the next year"
Issei : "A whole year?!"
(Y/N) : "Relax, just like the dimension with the Angels, we'll only be gone a few seconds. Since you're devils, I don't think you'll change much appearance wise"
So after explaining the Fates situation, you hand the two devils a training regiment they'll be undergoing while inside. Issei paled upon reading his list.
Issei : "Um....isn't this a little extreme?"
(Y/N) : "If you want to unlock your balance breaker, I'm gonna have to push you beyond your limits. Kralkatorrik said this a great way of doing it"
From downstairs, Silva announces Robin's arrival. You go down to meet her, the kids and Lucina, but are surprised to find the crimson heiress standing right behind them.
(Y/N) : " you need something Rias?"
Rias : "Uh well actually, I asked Robin to teach me to be a better strategist. She said if I came along with you I'd be able to gain more experience"
(Y/N) : "I'm curious, Robin. Who asked you for the lessons, Rias or Akeno?"
Robin : "Rias"
(Y/N) : "I see. Good to know you're not making your servants do everything for you. If you did, I'd have told you to get lost"
Rias : "This is about me, I'm the one who needs to improve"
(Y/N) : "*sigh* Since you're coming along, I gotta make something clear. While in this dimension, Koneko and Issei aren't your servants. You're not allowed to order them around while they're under my tutelage. Try to undermine me and I'll drag you back home. Got it?"
Rias : "Yes, but please take care of them. They're my family"
(Y/N) : "Don't worry, I will. Before I say anything else, please pick an outfit to wear inside the dimension. School uniforms would make you three stand out. Robin, Mark, Morgan and Lucina, you four can keep your outfits if you wish"
So after getting changed into armor you obtained from your adventures in Skyrim, the group was ready to go.
(Y/N) : "Alright, two kingdoms are currently at war, a third party who seeks to stop them from fighting is investigating behind the scenes and seeking assistance. That's where we come in"
(Y/N) : "I told the others that we're adventurers from a far away land called Kuoh and we're there to provide support. I'm not gonna lie, there aren't a lot of people in this group so we'll be at a numbers disadvantage. However, I believe in quality over quantity. I've seen you all fight at one point or another and know you're strong enough to handle yourselves"
Group : "Right!"
(Y/N) : "Alright, grab a hold of me and we'll be off"
Everyone places their hands on you and you open up the enter dungeon screen, click yes and bring the others inside the dungeon. You're brought back to the exact spot you left at.
Rias : "So, this is gonna be our home for the next year...."
(Y/N) : "Better get used to it, this world isn't as developed as ours"
Robin : "Now then, where's this third party we have to group up with?"
(Y/N) : "They said to meet up at a really big canyon, it'll take a while to reach on foot but we'll be flying instead"
Issei : "But some of us don't have wings, are we gonna carry them?"
You flash a toothy grin and slowly begin to shift into your dragon form. Being the only witness of your previous transformation, Lucina takes a couple steps back.
The others watch on as you go on all fours and start growing in size. Skin turn to scales, horns protrude from your skull, hands transform into claws and a tail pops out of your bottom.
After a few seconds, your transformation is complete and you let out a loud roar that echoes throughout the land. You lower your head down to the others and open your mouth to speak.
(Y/N) : "Get on"
Robin : " are you doing this?"
(Y/N) : "It is my dragon form, I didn't reveal it earlier because I only just mastered it"
Mark : "Woah, so cool!"
Morgan : "I wanna do that too!"
(Y/N) : "No, it is a painful feeling, only when I deem you ready will you learn to transform"
[Lie Successful!]
Mark/Morgan : "*pout* Boo..."
Issei : "He can......transform into a dragon. Huh. I didn't expect that"
Rias : "He is so full of mystery, the more I learn the more questions I have"
They climb on your back and you take to the skies. It took a while to locate the large tear in the Earth and slowly descend into the abandoned outpost just above the canyon.
Once everyone hops off, you revert to your human form and have the others search, but they find the area completely empty. That is until a familiar voice speaks up.
Corrin : "Ah, there's (Y/N)!"
The Hoshidan/Nohrian princess approaches you with Azura, Jakob and Gunther behind her. The Great Knight was thought to be dead days earlier, though, you know the true reason as to why he's alive.
He didn't seem to notice you staring at him and the barely visible black aura surrounding his body.
(Y/N) : 'You feel that?'
Kralkatorrik : 'Yeah, it's especially malicious. I can also feel a tinge of dragon magic mixed in, we're probably the only ones who can sense it'
(Y/N) : 'Inform me the moment his aura changes. No doubt our arrival will gain Anankos interest, he'll probably try something with Issei, Morgan or Mark, who have strong draconic signatures'
Kralkatorrik : 'Got it'
Your mind is brought back to reality as Azura approaches you.
Azura : "I see you and the others managed to get here without trouble"
(Y/N) : "Yeah, but what's up with you four? You're all looking a little ragged"
Azura : "We ran into a little trouble on the way back. I wish I can explain it to you but please understand that I don't wish to put your life in harms way""
(Y/N) : "Are you referring to the kingdom beneath the Canyon?"
Corrin's Group : ""
(Y/N) : "I've done a lot of research on the canyon, there was a short story about a kingdom at the bottom and it said not to say its name or you will be forever cursed"
Azura : "That is.....incredibly accurate. I never knew there were stories of 'that place' outside of Hoshido and Nohr"
(Y/N) : "The library I went to was abandoned and very ancient, there wasn't much information so I don't even know the name of the kingdom"
[Lie Successful!]
Azura : "I see. Perhaps it's best you don't know it"
Corrin : "Are your companions aware of our situation?"
(Y/N) : "Yes they've been well informed. I'll introduce you"
So after everyone introduces themselves and explain their abilities and expertise, you ask Corrin what to do next.
Corrin : "If we're going to stop that place down below, we'll need Hoshido and Nohr's assistance. If we were to ask for help I believe we should head to Hoshido first as they seem more incline to listen"
With an objective in sight, the group marches towards Hoshido. You had given Issei, Koneko, Lucina, Mark and Morgan training weights to increase their endurance. If only you did the same at the beginning of your journey, it would've made exercising much easier.
The students complained about the weight, only for you to add more when they did. Mostly Issei.
During the long stroll, Rias decided to walk by your side.
Rias : "Couldn't you just destroy the army down below by yourself? I've seen your strength, you could give my brother a run for his money and he alone could wipe out armies in an instant"
(Y/N) : "Now that wouldn't be any fun. Plus, if I did everything how are you all suppose to grow? Experience is the best way to learn. You can't always take the easy way out"
Since Rias was Robin's responsibility, you didn't have any say on what she'd do, but you knew your wife wouldn't go easy on her. However, you have to make sure Robin doesn't push herself, as during your time in the Awakening dungeon, she'd usually stay up late to plan the army's next move.
In order to teach her a lesson, you carried her like a bride to her tent, making sure everyone awake witnessed you doing so. It was an embarrassing memory for the tactician, especially since you weren't together yet, and forever reminds her of the lengths you'll go to get your way.
When the sun was beginning to set, it was looking like the group wouldn't reach Hoshido until tomorrow. Everyone was ordered to stop and Corrin summoned a white illusionary gate in front of her person.
Corrin : "It's getting pretty dark so we'll continue tomorrow, I'll explain more once we're safely inside"
The Astral Plane, a separate dimension which Corrin can call forth at any moment she wishes. Inside it resembles a massive castle with various buildings inside. At the center of the castle was a giant tree.
Corrin : "That treehouse at the top is my private quarters while the bottom is the meeting hall where we go over various discussions"
Robin : "Wow, imagine if we had this in Ylisse"
(Y/N) : "I know right? People wouldn't have had to worry about getting attacked in the middle of the night"
The princess went around and showed off the mess hall, living quarters, armory, hot springs, arena for sparring and the various gathering spots. You could probably sustain a small village with this power.
Corrin : "Please make yourselves at home, oh and Robin, could you come with me to the meeting room, I wish discuss tomorrows plan"
Robin : "Of course. *looks at Rias* Get some rest, we'll start training tomorrow"
The two girls walk off towards the meeting room, while everybody else went to the living quarters. It consisted of a large field with several tents already set up. The beds were pretty soft and possessed lamps which never seem to dim.
(Y/N) : 'Not that different from what I had in Awakening'
(Y/N) : "Alright, to save space the girls and boys will be separated and sleeping in different tents"
Morgan : "Why?"
You and Koneko turn to look at Issei.
(Y/N) : "Just cause"
Issei : "!"
At the dead of night, everyone was asleep with you, Issei and Mark sharing a tent. For some reason, you couldn't fall asleep. And unfortunately, you weren't the only one...
Issei : "*whisper* Hey (Y/N), you still awake?"
(Y/N) : "*whisper* Yeah....."
Issei : "*whisper* I hope you don't mind, but, can I ask you something personal?"
(Y/N) : "*whisper* That depends"
Issei : "*whisper* Did you and your brother fight a lot?"
(Y/N) : "......."
Issei : "*whisper* My parents had two stillbirths before I came along so I don't know what it's like to have a sibling, but I've always been curious"
(Y/N) : "*whisper* Yeah, we did"
Issei : "*whisper* Did you always make up, like, even after one of you said something really bad?"
(Y/N) : "*whisper* I'm sure it's different in a lot of families, but to me, my brother was like family and my best friend. We fight occasionally but we're kids so that's to be expected. I won't lie though, I miss spending time with him, he's the one person in the world who truly understood me"
(Y/N) : "*whisper* I'd do almost anything just to talk to him again"
You turn over to look away from Issei, who closes his eyes and begins to fall asleep. But....
(Y/N) : "*whisper* Hey, Issei"
Issei : "*whisper* Yeah?"
(Y/N) : "*whisper* Thanks for visiting me in the hospital"
Although you couldn't see it, you could feel the pervert smiling at you.
Issei : "*whisper* No problem man...."
Which world should (Y/N) go to next?
This won't be for a while.
My Hero Academia
Fate Grand Order
Fire Emblem Three Houses
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