MCU Shorts #2
Y/n is seen looking at his cloak as he runs with it. "Run that way?"
"Yep, just sprint this way, we'll edit this later." Stardust told him.
Y/n started to sprint and slid his feet across the rug, tumbling before the rug wrapped around him and trapped him in a ball. "Uh...delete that."
Benedict smiled as the crew laughed, "no way, SAVE IT FOR THR GAG REAL!"
"NO-! WAIT-!"
Y/n is seen walking towards Strange,"Dormammu I've come, to..OW....bargain."
Benedict looked at him, "What? What happened?"
Y/n held his mouth, "Gah-! I bit the inside of my cheek! OW!!"
Benedict hopped over the railing, "stop-! Ugh-!"
But he fell face first on the stairway. Y/n peeped over, "You good?"
The ancient one looks at Mordo, " and what about Y/n?"
"Last I heard he's-!" Mordo says as he walks off the side of the platform. "WHOA!"
"Careful!" She giggled.
"Alright, time to get to work!" Y/n said as he stood up on Kamala's roof; but stood up too fast and got a cramp. "..!.."
"You good?" Kamala asked.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm good." Y/n said but he wasn't moving.
Kamala smirked, "you got a cramp, didn't you?"
"A painful one, yes!"
"I know this really good Chinese place, can I just go there?" Y/n asked
"If that's what your heart desires, then go! Chase your dreams!" The Ancient one said as she waved Y/n away. Y/n made a portal and left the studios.
Stardust looked around, "uh...where'd he go?"
An interviewer is seen sitting in a chair, "I'm so glad you two could make it!"
"We are glad as well." Benedict said as Y/n had his mouth taped. "I'm gonna pull this off now, watch what you say, okay?"
Y/n nodded as Benedict ripped the tape off, "OW!! SLOWLY YOU JERK!!"
"You two sure have been having fun, haven't you?" The woman asked as Y/n nodded.
Benedict looked at her as well, "yes well, it's been...interesting to say the least working with Y/n. Sometimes he's happy and lighting the mood, other times he's serious."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, he was more confident then the last time he was interviewed. "Hey, I like to think I'm always serious."
"Really?" Benedict turned to look at him.
"Yeah, I do." Y/n said as Benedict looked at the interviewer.
"Well let me tell you something. That scene where Y/n tried running away from Kamala? Y/n caught his cloak on a hook and then couldn't get it off." The truth was out.
"Hey!" Y/n said.
"Wow, so that was an accident?" The woman asked as Y/n sighed with a nod.
"Well, yeah, I guess so. Since the Doctor needed help." Y/n said as the woman smiled.
"Speaking about that...How come Y/n isn't the Sorcerer Supreme?" She asked as Y/n smiled as Benedict wasn't.
"I asked the same thing!!" Y/n shouted.
"Y/n is definitely not ready." Benedict then blocked Y/n's vision with his arm. "Leave this to the professionals!"
"Hey! I was fighting way more than you were!" Y/n shouted as they both gave each other a smile. "In a fight, I would definitely win..."
"Really?" The woman asked as Benedict shook his head.
"No, I also have the time stone, which would stop his. We learned the same magic, so this comes down to thinking." Benedict says as Y/n crossed his arms.
"Yeah, that's true. Y/n's mother was a spy and taught him how to fight, but he still a kid." Y/n says as he thinking about it some more. "Y/n as of now would probably turn down the offer because he wants to live his life."
The woman nodded as she looked at her next question. "Is the Cloak of Mercury in the Comics?"
Y/n nodded, "It is actually! It didn't make that much of an appearance but it showed up in Marvel Mystery Comics #11. Of course, my director, Stardust, gave it more of a purpose and things to it."
"I actually didn't know it was part of the comics." The woman said as she looked at them. "Are there anything's that we're added that weren't in the original movie?"
"Y/n." Y/n said as he laughed. "No I'm just kidding, hahaha! But the books Y/n was reading, some of the spells Y/n uses, and the orange glow."
"What is that by the way?" She asked as Benedict put the tape back on Y/n's lips as he tried to move out the way.
"Nice try, but you aren't getting me that easy." Y/n says as the woman nodded.
"Alright, last question. Do you think Y/n will get his own movie?" The woman asked as Benedict shook his head with dread.
"No, no. I won't allow it." Benedict says as Y/n crossed his arms.
"Oh really? I think I can pull it off." Y/n says as Benedict sighed. "Maybe even better than you."
"Keep dreaming, Buddy." Benedict tells his crime fighter.
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