Too Late?
Wolf and Porsha talk....
Wolf was annoyed now of all times Porsha wanted his attention. He had a feeling something was up and for a moment wondered if Jimmy had given his daughter a heads up.
He drove to the building where the concert was and saw Porsha at a corner and waved to him.
Wolf drove to the spot as Porsha got in and smiles as she leans over and kisses Wolf deeply on the lips.
He didn't kiss back, and he looked at her. ''Ok so where do you want to go?''
''I was thinking we could go find some place to eat and hangout.'' She smiles.
''Alright any place in mind?'' Asked Wolf.
''That one Italian place you like.'' She replied.
''Ok.'' He replied as he drove.
It was quiet between them.
''Sorry to hear the concert is canceled.'' Wolf replied.
''Me too but you know we get a refund back and I thought we could do something together. I do miss my Wolfie.'' She smiles and leans on his arm.
Wolf use to love when she did that, but he didn't find it funny if anything he was annoyed, and they arrived at the Italian Shoppe.
They go in and order 2 small spaghetti's and they sit at the table and while waiting Wolf looked at Porsha.
''We need to talk.'' He said.
''Yeah, I think we do. Let me go first. These past couple of days being away from you have been hard I think we should consider moving in together.'' She replied.
Wolf was surprised by this, but he felt like she was trying too hard. She never once talked about moving in together and the time they did she shut him down. The timing and everything felt too on point.
''Move in together huh?'' He asked as the food came and they were eating.
''Yes, I mean we can spend more time together and see each other at night.'' She replied.
Wolf sighed and took her hand. ''Porsha it's my turn. This isn't working between us.''
She looked at him with a puppy look.
''What do you mean?'' She asked not liking where this was going.
''Porsha you are an amazing girl but this what we have isn't working.'' Wolf started.
''Wolf, come on why?'' She asked feeling sad and angry.
''Where to start... I've been there for you since the beginning, I picked you up, from your friends, taken you out to dinner and I've taken you shopping and stay the night with you and basically doing everything I can to please you.'' He said.
''Yes, and I love you for that.'' She said.
''But you always dip out on dates, you forget on multiple occasions, and I take time off for these things, and spend a lot of money, or if we are doing something together and your friends call you drop everything to go hangout with them, and if I want to join you, you say no, or make up some excuse for me not to join.'' Wolf replied.
''Look my friends aren't comfortable with you hanging around.'' She said.
''Only if I buy you guys drinks.'' He replied.
''Not true.'' She whined.
''Really? I made plans for us, and you forgot about it, and I ended up taking Diane with me because she was there, and I wasn't going to let the whole night go to waste. Then you go to this concert leaving me all by myself.... I can't do it anymore Porsha.'' He said.
''Wolf look I am trying, which is why if we move in together, we can see each other all the time. I really want this to work with.'' She took his paw.
''I wanted us to work too Porsha, but I have feelings as well. I mean I spend time at my friend's music club or at the bars and I get girls that try to get my number or buy me drinks, wanting to go home with me and I turn them all down because I'm with you.'' He replied.
Porsha looked down and then at Wolf and grabbed his paw. ''Please Wolf, don't do this.'' She looked sad. ''I'll change I'll be better.'' She pleaded.
''It's been tempting to say yes to them, Porsha I love you just the way you are and I don't want you to change. I want you to be you and maybe we should stick to others that are our age.'' He said.
''Who is it? You wouldn't be leaving me if you didn't have someone else in mind.'' She accused.
''There is nobody else, but I would like to try to keep my options open.'' He said.
''I don't believe you. There has to be someone else!'' She shouted.
''There isn't and this attitude that proves to me that your not ready.'' He replied.
The waiter came with the bill and Wolf paid it.
They got up and left.
''I'll drive you home unless you want to go to your friends.'' Wolf replied.
''Take me to Michelle's.'' She sighed.
Wolf got in and they drove to her friend's house and once there he stopped the car and she looked at him.
''I love you Porsha and I wish you the best of luck.'' He replied.
She leans over and kisses him as he kisses her deeply and she got out and frowns as she watched him leave.
She called her dad.
Diane had went out to do some shopping for herself since Wolf was going to be gone and she got some new clothes and looked around at the stores.
Later she got a slushie and went back home where she kicked off her shoes when her phone went off and she saw it was Wolf.
'Hey I'm coming over.' Was all it said.
She knew he didn't want to say over the phone just in case they went through their phones to try to accuse him of cheating.
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