Diane saw Porsha was crying and seemed scared and she felt bad for Porsha and scared for Wolf who knew what Jimmy would do if he found out about Porsha and Wolf.
''I-I don't know what to say.... are you sure it's his?'' Asked Diane who sat next to her on the bed and rubbed her back.
''Positive he is the last one I had sex with.'' She cried.
''What are you going to do now?'' Asked Diane.
''I'll talk to Wolf tomorrow and tell him, I don't want to raise this pup myself.'' She cried.
''I'm sure Wolf will help with them.'' Diane replied.
''I know he will, and I guess we will be a couple again.'' she replied with a smile.
She had hoped for a more emotion from Diane but nothing.
''I mean that would be the smart thing but do you think he will take you back? Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean he'll want to be with you or will have to.'' Diane explained.
''Surely he will, I mean how will that look if I'm pregnant and we aren't dating?'' Porsha asked.
Diane shrugged. ''I don't know but all I know is you need to rest and handle it tomorrow.'' Diane replied as she-wolf laid down.
''Say Diane did you find out if Wolf is seeing anyone?" Asked Porsha.
''Yeah, I saw him with some tall brunette girl but didn't see her face.'' Diane lied.
''Really?" Asked Porsha who was shocked that Diane would lie.
''Yeah, have you told your dad?'' Asked the vixen.
''No, I want to tell Wolf first please don't say anything.'' The she-wolf begged.
''You got it.'' Diane replied as she left and she messaged Wolf and then one of her friends, she was going to make the lie to be true.
The next morning Diane was up and making breakfast, Jimmy had left early and it was just Diane and Porsha as she came down the stairs happy and singing as she ate.
''You're in a good mood.'' Diane smiles.
''Yeah, I am I get to see Wolf.'' She smiles as she ate the food and then heard a knock at the door as she ran and answered the door and hugged Wolf seeing him there.
''Wolf! You're here.''She smiles.
''Yeah I am so what is so important?'' Asked Wolf.
''I though we could go out somewhere and talk.'' Porsha replied.
''I'd rather not, just tell me.'' Wolf replied.
''You know what fine I will. Diane get in here.'' Porsha called.
Diane came in and nodded at Wolf. ''Wolf.''
"Diane.'' He greeted.
''Living room now.'' Porsha replied.
They sat in the living room and Porsha glares at them.
''Wolf I'm pregnant and you are the father.'' Porsha answered glaring at him.
Wolf's eyes widened but he wasn't surprised.
''Porsha that's great news but how do you know I'm the dad?'' He asked.
''I've only had sex with you and you were the last one I had it with.'' She snapped.
''Hm I find it hard to believe that it's mine especially since we just broke up and you would do anything to get me back.'' He replied.
She glares. ''Enough Wolf! You two can drop the act... I know you two are seeing each other!'' she shouted.
Diane looks at Wolf and he looks at her.
''What are you talking about?'' Asked Wolf.
''You and Diane are dating! I got pictures to prove it!'' She pulled out the pictures of them together.
Wolf and Diane looked at the pictures and at each other.
''You were right Wolf the plan did work.'' Diane answered.
Porsha was confused and raised an eyebrow. ''What are you talking about?''
''Look I knew you were having me tailed, Diane came to the bar I was at and I saw her messages were open to you and you were talking about following me.'' He replied glaring at her.
''He got me to confess.'' Diane answered looking down.
I wanted to teach you a lesson so since we knew one of your friends was there we put on an act, acting like we were a couple. I knew it was a matter of time before you confronted us.'' Wolf snapped.
Porsha was shocked and a bit nervous. ''Still it doesn't change the fact I'm pregnant and you are the father.'' Porsha shot back.
''There is no proof of that.'' Wolf shouted.
''Wait till my dad finds out and I think he will have a different opinion.'' Porsha snapped.
''I'm sure, tell you what, let's go to the doctors and see how far along you are.'' Suggested Wolf.
''I have an appointment tomorrow.'' She gulps scared. ''Besides I know you two are dating the picture is here.'' She snapped.
''I hate to break it to you... but I'm not dating Wolf.'' Diane shrugged.
''It's true I'm seeing someone else not dating yet but I met her a couple weeks ago after we broke up.'' Wolf answered.
''Who is it?'' Demanded Porsha.
''Nobody you need to worry about.'' Wolf replied.
''Still you need to take care of the pup.'' she Demanded.
''Once it it confirmed you are pregnant, we will wait until the pup is born and get a paternity test and if it is indeed mine we can co-parent but I'm not dating you.'' Wolf replied.
''Wait till I tell my dad!'' Shouted Porsha.
''Go ahead, like I said I will take responsiblity if it is indeed my pup but until then there is nothing to talk about. Now I have to go take my friends to work.'' Wolf stood up and stomped out the door.
Porsha was shocked and upset, her plan was failing and she looked at Diane. ''I trusted you.''
''I did what you asked but he swiped my phone and if I didn't go along he would turn me in for stalking.'' Diane replied.
''You two really aren't dating?'' Asked Porsha.
''No, we aren't. There was someone I saw him with but that was it.'' Diane answered.
''Fine anyway can you take me to Kelly's please I need to see her.'' Porsha replied.
''Sure.'' They left.
Diane smiles happy they came up with a plan.
Here we go.
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